ADR getting let go was his fault? >_>
ADR getting let go was his fault? >_>
AJ is getting that SmackDown belt.
Only a few more days with a bad thread title
AJ is getting that SmackDown belt.
Although I think we should have a G1 themed thread tbh
What, like Transformers G1?
I swear every modern hoss has a weird baby face thing going on
I mean like an actual baby's face
Hino's the only exception I can think of
That last part...
"Vince is really strong on not hiring Kurt Angle. He's got his reasons why. He feels that if something bad happens to Kurt Angle, it could really hurt the company bad, since of his status as a gold medalist, a real sports figure. And people would start asking questions, and you know, the sponsor issue.
But if they never have Kurt, and he's not on their watch and something happens, then they're ok. So Vince has been very adamant for 10 years, to the point of not doing anything with Kurt. I don't wanna say never because it's Vince, but this one sounds like a real tough one. And even-so, you gotta understand where Kurt is at.
Could Kurt come back and have a great match at Wrestlemania? I think so. But Kurt is on his last legs when it comes to being an active wrestler. It may be in his best interest to not wrestle anymore, because he was getting hurt a lot at the end, -- his knees and everything like that. [...] He couldn't do the schedule. There's not even a chance he could do the schedule. So, as far as coming in as an Undertaker-like character, who does the one big match a year, yeah I'm sure he could do that and be great at that.
But I don't think they want that risk. At least Vince perceives it as a bad risk of whatever it is. They don't want guys arrested - Kurt hasn't been arrested in a while, thank god. But he has been. He's had a couple of these several issues while he was in TNA."
Well that jives with exactly what most people assumed.Meltzer on WOR regarding if Vince would ever consider re-hiring Kurt Angle for the brand split:
He looks hilarious.young mastiff is the baby face'st wrestler to ever baby face
Matt Hardy.They should bring in Kurt and Jarrett as their version of the outsiders
who is the third man
But whose side is he on? etc. etc.
I thought it was a Wrasslegaf tradition that Boots always made an Ultraviolent Cage Of Death thread for June, just because...
Team D-Minus
We'd all dress up like Monday Night Wars has-beens such as Al Snow and Val Venis.
See if you can gif Zandig eliminating Cena from the Av Rumble...Yes, June is the month of UltraViolence. I'll put up a suitably JEEEEZUS thread on Tuesday, if there's no objections.
I don't know how I hadn't heard this until today, but Paul Heyman on a dance track.
Such a great moment in history of wrestling.
I did not know that about the Mario RPG.
Rob Van Dam's wife is tapping out of their marriage -- filing divorce docs to end their 17-year union and asking the judge to restore her old name, TMZ Sports has learned.
Sonya Szatkowski filed court docs in L.A. citing irreconcilable differences. The two married in 1998 but Sonya claims they separated back in December. They have no minor children.
Sonya is asking for spousal support and says Rob should have to pay her attorney's fees. She's also asking the judge to restore her name from Szatkowski to Delbeck.
We spoke with Sonya who tells us the two are still on relatively good terms -- they're still talking -- but she just decided the marriage wasn't working anymore.
She added, "Its a private time. Its a hard thing for me to even talk about."
It's especially sad considering Rob and Sonya's love story was pretty well known -- Sonya often traveled with RVD during his wrestling career so she could be ringside for his matches.
In fact, Rob famously put his WWE career on hold to be with Sonya after she was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2007. She has since recovered.
have any of you guys ever seen this movie?
Cena PBR shirt is GONE from wwe shop
can't believe they didn't think that one through, they had 5 months!
In no universe should Jeff Jarrett ever be on tv.They should bring in Kurt and Jarrett as their version of the outsiders
who is the third man
Huge Zandig marks in that crowd.
Matt V1 was great.Matt Hardy looks delightful now. He's always in my mind been the better Hardy. While Jeff has incredibly infectious charisma, Matt thinks more long term and has crazy pro wrasslin IDEAS. Plus, V1 Matt Hardy was an interesting, great thing when everyone expected him to go nowhere.
Wrestling has been so shitty to me this year, time to find something else from my childhood I can cling to.
My life is pretty much all about Viper now.