So I'm about halfway through 1998 in WWF and here is my mid year thoughts.
HBK is gone and is referred to about as much as Bret is, which is to say infrequently.
The night after Mania is a big big deal. Last year might have had that wonderful Bret Hart Promo, and the card in 1996 was good too, but this one is historic. McMahon/Austin. X-Pac being the first big name to move over in the Attitude era from WCW. DX and the Outlaws finally becoming one. Rock kicking out Farooq, the start of Val Venis promos.
DX just flips from number one heel group to mid card face stable one week with no real reason. The fans are seemingly behind them so who cares.
Owen...joins the Nation. I guess since DX are faces he's got no other choice but he is being lost in the shuffle.
Speaking of being lost in the shuffle Sable is now coming out without Mero some weeks, though their recent match at Over the Edge was pretty a damn great swerve. Her first intergender tag match was actually not awful either.
Speaking of blink and you'll miss it Goldust is no longer...Goldust and him and Luna split. My policy when watching these shows is that if I fall asleep during RAW I don't go back so I literally missed this segment and it wasn't really brought up again.
The first really amazing RAW match of the Attitude era was Mick Foley (Not Dude Love/Cactus Jack/Mankind) versus his friend Terry Funk. This is one of the truly great non comedy hardcore matches on RAW. Vince dancing with the Dudettes by the end is great.
The night after Over the Edge begins with an amazing Vince narrated recap of the PPV telling his side of the story. Him and Patterson/Brisco are great at this corporate stable. Brisco advertising his auto body shop 3000 miles away at the PPV was gold, the network even leaves the telephone number in!
Dude Love and Austin have some great main event brawls at these ppvs. McMahon counting the fall by his hand alone is foreshadowed a ton, was obvious but awesome even back then.
Dude Love...though he just got FIRED!
Kane (though when not fighting Undertaker/Austin he gets an abnormal amount of face pops)
The Rock/The Nation of Domination