- he almost cried when he learned that Ryback left WWE.![]()
Were they tears of joy?
- He even knows the lyrics to Tyson Kidd's song!
- he almost cried when he learned that Ryback left WWE.
- ....Joe taking Fin Balor's NXT title! He's outraged! Hehe
Anyone here have comcast? I was wondering what modem do you have? I would make a thread but people here would just say, "get something else" even though that's the only option here.
Just get CM Punk's UFC debut over with a loss so we can make fun of him and move on already.
But I want him to win.Just get CM Punk's UFC debut over with a loss so we can make fun of him and move on already.
wow you could tell even in their infancy that roman would be the most popular member. he's the Zayn Malik of the Shield.
If HHH isn't in the audience for Punk's match his entire career will have meant nothingJust get CM Punk's UFC debut over with a loss so we can make fun of him and move on already.
no that was when sandow left
When the official twitter of a large bank in the UK replies to Marty Scrull referencing his old gimmick and a dude who has been on NXT for about a month...
Wrestling got weird.
Amazing high dropkick. Jumbo vs Baba?
Off-topic as usual, but I was thinking about my 10 favorite games of last generation and it's a weird list. Though it's one I'm always scared to post, not because of my choices, but I feel like I'll immediately remember some game I really loved that I hadn't thought about in years.
There are zero From Software and Naughty Dog games on my list
I am incredulous that none of them could stope that tope. And what's this about the title being Mayan?The angles on NXT's house shows are more interesting than the TV show now. They progress further now too.
Full story: Got 4 2nd Floor Tickets at 80 dollars each. When I showed my ticket to staff expecting to get seated, I was told to find a spot on the rail - which was just not possible for 4 people. We let the two kids with us sit by the rail, although they couldn't sit together, and me and the other adult stood behind them with this view.
Scummy move by ROH putting seat numbers and rows on the tickets, indicating reserved seating. For 80 dollars a ticket this was such a rip off.
I've had two terrible experiences at T5 recently: At Final Battle I bought a "VIP Table" the moment they went on sale and arrived to T5 to find that there were no tables because the wrestlers families were all told to hang out by the tables. The staff said I could ask the families to move but they were nice people trying to see their loved ones wrestle and, I'm sorry, I'm not telling Mark Briscoe and his wife that they can't watch Jays match.
I spoke to an ROH staff member who told me to email them before the next show and they'd reserve me great seats. So I did. And then when i asked them if the tickets would be at will call the week of show, they denied that I had emailed them until I showed them the email, at which point they told me there were no reserved seats but I should come and theyd take care of me. I went and they gave me GA tickets and when I complained that yet again I couldn't see they told me to be grateful that they compd me in - meanwhile the previous ROH event at the baseball field I wast the only person to buy an entire luxury box for over $1000.
This time a family member asked me to come with him and his kids and I thought itd be fun to hang with family. I told him to get reserved seats so this wouldn't happen. It still happened. I finally learned my lesson. No more ROH.
I decided to buy the new Doom over Uncharted 4 for now. Holy fuck Doom is great
The anonymous GM was running Raw in the spring of 2011 when I was talking with WWE about a job on the creative team. As part of the process, I was asked to submit a story line in which the identity of the anonymous Raw GM would be revealed.
My choice for the anonymous one was Kevin Nash. My idea was that Mr. McMahon put Nash in charge of Raw because he wanted someone that would stir things up with both babyfaces and heels.
The story was that Nash, who was in TNA when the anonymous Raw GM began appearing on Raw, had to keep his identity a secret because he was under contract with another wrestling company. I figured Nash was a logical choice for the role and a big enough name that it wouldn't be a disappointment.
For the reveal, my idea was that one of the wrestlers had learned that the anonymous Raw GM was sending emails from a production truck outside the arena. Inside the truck, the anonymous GM was hidden behind a curtain. As the wrestler approached the curtain, the GM sent an email that said, "Ignore that man behind the curtain." When the curtain was pulled back, Nash was there in a wizard's hat, a clever nod to his infamous run as Oz in WCW.
Fast-forward to 2012. In the lead up to the 1,000th episode of Raw, former Raw GM's were being brought back each week to run the show for a night. On the July 9 episode, it was the anonymous Raw GM's turn.
Recalling how bad it was when the payoff to the story line of Mr. McMahon's illegitimate son was Hornswoggle, one of the head writers jokingly said during a brain-storming session with the creative team that Hornswoggle should be the anonymous Raw GM.
We all started laughing and throwing out suggestions for how it would play out and what the back story would be. It was all so ridiculous that the head writer actually thought it could be a so-bad-it's-good scenario that Vince just might go for.
The idea was that after Hornswoggle was outed as the GM, he'd reveal who he truly was. Saying that his name was Lou Manfredini (the last name of one of the writers), he would speak with a W.C. Fields-like accent, chomp on cigars and refer to women as "dames."
He would say that he hated being the lovable Hornswoggle character, but playing the role was what he had to do to get a job with WWE. Being the anonymous Raw GM gave him the opportunity to mess with all the Superstars that (in his mind) laughed at him because of his size and treated him more like a mascot than a person. We had planned on making Hornswoggle a heel manager going forward.
The idea was pitched to Vince, and sure enough, he OK'd it. There was only one problem: Hornswoggle couldn't pull it off.
I was the writer assigned to work with Hornswoggle the night on the reveal on Raw. He did take after take as the Lou Manfredini character backstage, but he still sounded like Hornswoggle. It just wasn't working, and one of the producers went to Vince and told him so. In Hornswoggle's defense, it's not like we gave him weeks to prepare for the role.
Vince decided that we would still do the segment, but after Hornswoggle was revealed as the anonymous Raw GM, that would be the end of it. Sadly, Lou Manfredini would never see the light of day. Understandably, Hornswoggle was pretty bummed about it.
So instead of a train wreck segment that could've been entertaining, it ended up just being a train wreck. In fact, it was so bad that Vince apologized to Jerry Lawler for involving him in it.
Former WWE writer Kevin Eck talks about the behind-the-scenes story of the Anonymous Raw GM storyline and how Vince McMahon apologized to Jerry Lawler for involving him in the storyline:
That sounds delightful. >_>Former WWE writer Kevin Eck talks about the behind-the-scenes story of the Anonymous Raw GM storyline and how Vince McMahon apologized to Jerry Lawler for involving him in the storyline:
So he's trying to play Azaelia Banks, but in wrestling. Hmmm.....
http://www.inquisitr.com/3085432/ww...ative-meeting-to-decide-john-cenas-successor/Former WWE writer Kevin Eck was a recent guest of Wade Keller on the PW Torch Livecast, where he shed some very interesting light on a WWE creative meeting with Vince McMahon from several years back.
John Cena is on 24-7, whether its the Make-A-Wish stuff or just the way he represents the business when he goes on a talk show or makes a personal appearance. I remember distinctly, we had a meeting at one point. As much as Vince loves Cena and sees his value, hes always looking ahead at whos going to be the next guy, and who should we start grooming, and who can fill that position. And we had a meeting about that one time. Whos cool whos our next guy.. we need the cool factor. And I spoke up and I said the coolest guy we have on our roster is CM Punk, and maybe he could be that. And I remember, Hunter was in that meeting, and he weighed-in immediately and said Punk cant be that guy that goes out and, its just not in him.
It should be noted that Eck was on the WWE writing staff between 2011 and 2014, and Punk walked out of WWE in January 2014. Eck never specified when this John Cena Successor meeting took place, but its safe to narrow down sometime in 2012 or 2013. Punk was a main-eventer during that time, with WrestleMania matches against Chris Jericho (for the WWE Championship) and the Undertaker, but he never seen as the guy.
Eck went on to say in the Livecast that he persisted on Punk, asking Triple H and Vince what if they got behind Punk more and pushed him to be the next John Cena, but Hunter said you cant change who you are. Even though Punk wanted to be the man inside the ring, he wasnt willing to go the extra mile out of it. Interestingly enough, they did come to a conclusion as to who would take John Cenas place as the face of the company: Sheamus.
Sheamus had many of the qualities that John Cena had that required a certain superstar to be at the forefront all the time. But Eck argued that Sheamus lacked the cool factor that CM Punk possessed, and it was partly to blame for the Celtic Warrior never quite capturing what WWE was hoping for. So in the three to four years since that meeting, WWE has continued to look for the next John Cena while Cena is still an active member of the roster. The fans forced Daniel Bryan on the WWE, and the WWE forced Roman Reigns on the fans.
What the hell is it with this company's Sheamus obsession?
Now this is what I call drawing heat.