The opening segment went on for-fucking-ever, and then Dean won a fun little handicap match with the goons. Barrett-Dolph part 393958585 was a thing that further helped Dolph a ton. He got to lose, get laid out with Barrett's finisher, and then get laid out with Sheamus's. Rowan squashed Fandango, and we got a really fun Cena-Neville match. Other than Cena selling an outside-in shoulder before it hit and running to counter Neville AA flip-out before he flipped, it was quite great. Finish was perfect for what it needed to be, as Neville shouldn't be jobbing. Roman-Kane brawl was okay, although Kane kicked his ass and Roman got lucky with two moves. Brie-Tamina was awful besides Booker's note that Tamina has put on "five to eight pounds of muscle". Mandow-Axelmania sucked.
Bryan's speech was something else. He's the last real-feeling guy in U.S. wrestling. He comes off as so genuine with everything he does. He vacated the title and said that he's had an MRI and has no idea how long he'll be out. It could be weeks, months, or his career could be over - just like last year. Cesaro-Big E ruled, although E damn near broke his neck taking a risky bump off a belly to belly. PTPs skit sucked, and Ryback-Bray's stuff sucked worse. Main event was a good-ish match and I liked Dean standing tall at the end. Shame it's STILL ALL ABOUT KANE VS. SETH ROLLINS here because they have a chance to once again get a new top-level guy over.
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Sabrina the Tweetage Witch