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May Wrasslin' |OT| Super Strong Style 16 - Thread Edition 2015


I don't follow. The idea behind the fake names is so they can trademark them--aren't they trademarking names the second they're decided upon, well before the character shows up on a show?

WWE usually takes their time trademarking a character name. Seth Rollins wasn't trademarked till the middle of The Shield run. Big E wasn't trademarked till August 2013.

If they're already trademarking Sami Zayn, they're serious about him.


WWE officials have been discussing a non-wrestling role for Bryan should it be decided that Bryan is unable to return to the ring.
Just got back from NXT in Albany....holy fucking shit. Best wrestling show I've ever been to. My voice is horse, I'm sweaty as all hell, AND IT WAS SO FUCKING WORTH IT.

First match was Enzo and Cass vs. Blake and Murphy for the tag titles. Enzo and Cass were super over and the fans loved their schtick and got some chants in. Blake and Murphy won. Not a great match but hyped the crowd up.

Drake Wuertz came out and reffed the next match. He used to be a regular in 2CW around here so he got some "Drake!" chants, which he just smiled at. He really doesn't want to be the center of attention, which, considering he's a ref, I understand.

Next up was Solomon Crowe vs. BULL. Crowe was also a 2CW regular so he got some "Sami" and "Death Machine" chants, which he acknowledged. Bull was suprisingly over since he's an NY native. Crowe got the win with the Crowebar.

Tye Dillinger vs. Jason Jordan was next. Nobody really knew who they were but Dillinger quickly got over with his Perfect 10 shit since Jordan...well, has no gimmick. Funny bit at the beginning where Dillinger wouldn't put his sign down, so when the ref pulled it from him he pulled out a smaller sign. He got the win which his finisher which is basically Zack Ryder's Zack Attack on the ground.

Next up: Charlotte vs. THE FUCKING BOSS. Charlotte was over, but HOLY FUCK the pop for Banks. She's also local (from Boston) and got plenty of love. it was about 20% "Sasha's Ratchet" vs. 80% "No she's not!", it was that awesome. Great fucking match too, from what I'm reading not as good as the one they had in Philly a couple days ago but still awesome. Sasha wins with the Bank Statement which Charlotte kept trying to reverse, but eventually the ref stopped the match.

After Intermission, the next match was Baron Corbin vs. TOMMY FUCKING DREAMER. HOLY FUCKING SHIT the pop for him. Since he was at the Philly show yesterday and at the 2CW show tomorrow he wasn't a huge surprise but easily the pop of the night. Plenty of eeceedub chants. Funny moment came when Dreamer tried a schoolboy but Corbin tried to reverse it, Dreamer pulled the tights to get him over - exposing Corbin's ass for all to see, which started a "Corbin's Buttcheeks" chant. Love it. Corbin won with the End of Days, Dreamer got a "Thank you Tommy" chant leaving, and gave his shirt to a kid two seats down from me, which led to some "He's Hardcore" chants for the kid. As for the match, Tommy is getting old, fat, and slow so...yeah, not good, but still awesome to see him.

Next up was Becky Lynch and Dana Brooke vs. Alexa Bliss and BAYLEY! She didn't have her WWIAFTM with her, so the fans at the front of the stage were them for her, which she got a kick out of. She was mega over, Lynch got a good pop too. Fun start with Dana calling Alexa short, so she got on Bayley's shoulders. Fun match, Bayley won with the hugplex on Dana, then hugged some of the girls at ringside and gave one of them a slap bracelet. Made their fucking night.

Last was the main event, Breeze vs. Balor vs. Owens in a triple threat. Moment of the night to start....Breeze comes out, and the lighting starts for Finn...but no music. It goes like this for five fucking minutes. Breeze keeps raising his arms thinking he's won, which was hilarious. Eventually Finn just comes out sans music, and starts doing his arm raising thing which the fans go along with. When he's on the top rope his music FINALLY starts up, so he just stayed their until the arm raise part to complete his entrance. Fucking awesome. Owens was over too, and got some 2CW and "Mr. Wrestling" chants as well. Funny moment to start as Owens goes outside and sits down letting Breeze and Balor go at it, leading to "Sit Owens Sit!" chants, which basically started a trend of "blank Owens blank" chants, including "run Owens run", "rest Owens rest", etc. Oh, and some "Teamwork!' chants when he did double team moves with Tyler which was funny as hell. Then he started doing headlocks on both guys, which lead to a "Headlock City" chants. Then, he busts out the fucking FIVE KNUCKLE SHUFFLE on Balor, which led to "Better than Cena" chants. Sick suicide dive by Balor to the outside, he and Owens fight to the fucking stage, and then Balor hits a fucking dive off that too. Insane. Tons of "This is awesome" and "holy shit" chants. Owens wins with the Popup Powerbomb on Breeze, then goes to Powerbomb Balor on the apron, but Finn gets out and hits the footstomp on Owens to send the crowd home happy.

I was front row near the aisle and got hand slaps from Enzo, Charlotte, Dreamer (who was sweaty as fuck but the Armory has no AC so understandable), and Finn. No hug from Bayley but I can understand if she didn't want to hug some sweaty-ass dudes.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Is Fury Road even more 'WWahhhh over the top' than Thunderdome? Because Thunderdome was already at the point where I was like, 'boy this is REALLY fucking stupid and not in a way i can get behind anymore.'

Like will I feel the same levels of disgust I felt watching Spirit of Vengenace or Crank where directors can't stop jacking off to Stttyleeeee or does it actually have a solid blend. Does it seem like it's trying to tell a story, no matter how goofy, or is it just like wahhh style!'
Back from the ROH/NJPW show. Strong vs Nakamura was insane.

Chant of the Night (happened between matches):

There was some of that at the NXT show too. Hilarity.

Oh, forgot to mention, Charlotte did an epic Flair Flop.

Oh, and Finn did Tyler's lie on the turnbuckle spot, throwing up the Bullet Club sign. Awesome.
Meh. I'll just be over here playing Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge on my Game Boy.

Edit: Would you believe I didn't realize Payback was tomorrow...
Bullsh*t, Pescado. You know your a** is playing that on a Super Game Boy or SP. "...on my Game Boy", get out of here. With that screen?! It's doubtful you even have a physical copy. You're giving off some strong pirate vibes.

I still maintain that the Game Boy has no good original titles. Tetris and Pokemon, two bookends. The system launched with Tetris mania and closed out with Pokemania and nothing, NOTHING, in between. I'll give Nintendo credit for at least changing up their ports just enough so they're almost different games but the rest are just inferior crap that you can find better versions of on NES and SNES.

how's the progress on the sword whip
The what now?
Bullsh*t, Pescado. You know your a** is playing that on a Super Game Boy or SP. "...on my Game Boy", get out of here. With that screen?! It's doubtful you even have a physical copy. You're giving off some strong pirate vibes.

I still maintain that the Game Boy has no good original titles. Tetris and Pokemon, two bookends. The system launched with Tetris mania and closed out with Pokemania and nothing, NOTHING, in between. I'll give Nintendo credit for at least changing up their ports just enough so they're almost different games but the rest are just inferior crap that you can find better versions of on NES and SNES.

How come you didn't quote the post with a bunch of Game Boy titles? Selective arguments, I see your con.


So uh, what did Public Enemy do to piss off Vince so much?

We were scheduled to put PE through a table on TV to start the feud. Rooster argued that they should go over on us, that was shot down (not by us, we never said a word-not sure who did it).

That day at TV in Pittsburgh PE arrived around 530p, talent was supposed to arrive at 1p. They walked in like they owned the place. We all thought at the time it was a lack of respect. In hindsight, I think they didn’t know any better and probably meant nothing by it.

The pre match meeting didn’t go well; they didn’t want to put us over. We never objected to anything. We didn’t care, we weren’t getting pushed and it’s not like we were saints it just didn’t matter to us.

They finally agreed to go through the table at the end and for us to get DQ’d-setting up the feud and first ever table match in WWE.

As we were standing in Gorilla (curtain right before ring entrance) the music was playing and one of them said to me “We don’t like the table spot, we will do something different”. I just said OK-what was I to say?

The table was the finish-I have no idea what they wanted to do. Ron turned to me and asked what happened. When I told him, he calmly replied, “If they don’t want to go through the table then we’ll take the table to them.”

Gerry Brisco was the only person in Gorilla, this match was for “Sunday Night Heat” and came straight to me alarmed and asked if we were putting them through the table. My response, “Yes, I just don’t know if it will take 15 seconds or 15 minutes”. Gerry said to me that we were to get the proper finish done.

We didn’t know what to expect. We didn’t know if we were walking into a ‘shoot’ or what we were walking into. We decided to get our heat from the start. We took over on them and you can see for yourself in the video. Or ask Jimmy Corderas the ref-who knew nothing of the finish change. Hearing Jimmy’s side is pretty funny, because he was expecting a completely different match.

We destroyed them.”


There's a link to JBLs blog in that story that apparently says more, but link no longer works.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
PE signed with WCW instead of WWF as the first major freelance acquisition during the Monday Night War.

Up there with Taz as a showcase of Paul E's incredible ability to build up hype for characters. PE were basically a shitty cross of the Dudley's and the Nasty Boys with a hip hop gimmick


Is the forum database fucked up for anyone else where threads aren't being bumped once replied to and the most recent poster isn't showing up?

Edit: working now


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
I have a vague memory of RVD feuding with Eddie Guerrero over whose Frog Splash was better. Am I misremembering something, was it just a vague start of their IC title feud, was it any good and worth revisiting to watch today?

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I have a vague memory of RVD feuding with Eddie Guerrero over whose Frog Splash was better. Am I misremembering something, was it just a vague start of their IC title feud, was it any good and worth revisiting to watch today?

No, that happened. It was the angle where Eddie came back roided the fuck out
The continuing adventures of Chinsuke Nakamura;






Oh, also, The Kingdom are apparently joining CHAOS on a permanent basis, which kinda makes their feud with Doc & Gallows a Bullet Club vs CHAOS feud now. Also, adding more members for the inevitable Okada vs Nakamura CHAOS civil war.
Wait, so The Kingdom are going to be faces in New Japan? I don't get it. Or it'll just be because of Maria.

Yeah, Maria's super popular and the crowds have responded well to Taven & Bennett (especially Taven, there were quite a few ladies screaming his name at the last show), plus they've definitely been the faces in this feud with Doc, Karl & Amber. CHAOS are technically still heels, however. When it suits them.

Undoubtedly, this will only add to the confusion of the Bullet Club beings heels in Japan, but faces in ROH.


Yeah, Maria's super popular and the crowds have responded well to Taven & Bennett (especially Taven, there were quite a few ladies screaming his name at the last show), plus they've definitely been the faces in this feud with Doc, Karl & Amber. CHAOS are technically still heels, however. When it suits them.

Undoubtedly, this will only add to the confusion of the Bullet Club beings heels in Japan, but faces in ROH.

I like Taven, so yay. Good for them grabbing hold of an opportunity.
Is Fury Road even more 'WWahhhh over the top' than Thunderdome? Because Thunderdome was already at the point where I was like, 'boy this is REALLY fucking stupid and not in a way i can get behind anymore.'

Like will I feel the same levels of disgust I felt watching Spirit of Vengenace or Crank where directors can't stop jacking off to Stttyleeeee or does it actually have a solid blend. Does it seem like it's trying to tell a story, no matter how goofy, or is it just like wahhh style!'

There's a story. A simple, easy to follow story wrapped in a bunch of craft and insanity and yes, style. It's a crazy movie and things look weird because that's what Mad Max is. The action takes precedence, but there's a story.


Just got back from NXT in Albany....holy fucking shit. Best wrestling show I've ever been to. My voice is horse, I'm sweaty as all hell, AND IT WAS SO FUCKING WORTH IT.

Next up was Solomon Crowe vs. BULL. Crowe was also a 2CW regular so he got some "Sami" and "Death Machine" chants, which he acknowledged. Bull was suprisingly over since he's an NY native. Crowe got the win with the Crowebar.

I was there too, was an awesome show.

There was a King Kong Bundy chant for Bull, which he smirked at.


I have somewhat better video of Finn's entrance, but you really can't see anything when he's going down the ramp.
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