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May Wrasslin' |OT| Super Strong Style 16 - Thread Edition 2015


Smackdown talk:

They're totally having Reigns win MitB. GODAMMIT HE JUST WON THE RUMBLE.
You didn't think they had just thrown in the towel on Roman now, did you? THIS time he will look strong and get over as the new John Cena. He was just nervous during WrestleMania season because of all of that pressure. He's much better now. All of those great matches with Big Show proved that.

All hail the Roman empire!

NoRéN;164525715 said:
That's not true in the slightest...
I'm not seeing it at all.
I just read the spoilers, I am not seeing any major indicator.
These other guys are in denial. Shark and me know better.


I want him to win every PPV match for the rest of the year. I want him to just go on a fucking tear. I also want him to win the RR next year too and still have MitB as a fall back. I want them to give Reigns the ten year John Cena push is less than one years time.


Having Reigns win the IC title and being a fighting champion like Cena is and Bryan was going to be, would do wonders for Reigns. Instead of him giving "young" faces a shot at the title, have Reigns instead be tested against vets and guys that have been around longer than him. Kinda like what they're doing in NXT with guys like Rhyno.

Six to eight months of that would do so much for him and his popularity. Then have him pull an Ultimate Warrior and challenge the champion for a WrestleMania match. That is how you build someone to last. Reigns is largely surviving on his sex appeal alone right now.


So not worth it
There has never been a better way to show what WCW was all about than the timeline on Slamboree '96:

It was a Lethal Lottery show.
I don't know what everyone's problem with Reigns is anymore. He didn't win at Mania, he's become passable on the mic, and most importantly he's been fucking delivering when it comes to PPV matches.

What's the deal, give the guy a break, it's fine with me if he wins MITB.


MiTB? You think Vince wouldn't have Reigns go over with the clean 1 2 3 in a singles match?

Reigns isn't a paper champ like that cheater Seth.
Catching up on NXT.
Damn that Blue Pants vs Dana Brooke match was bad. Looks way too green for TV matches.
Big Cass is so damn good. I'm shocked Vince isn't high on him yet, dude is huge and is great in the ring.
Sami vs Rhyno was entertaining. Rhyno made all the spots look great, really good positioning.


So, I'm reading The Running Man by Stephen King. (writing as Richard Bachman) The main character is supposed to be 6'2, 165 pounds. A lot different than the guy Arnold portrays in the movie.


I rewatched Clash of the Champions XXIII last night mostly because I wanted to see that Flair/Anderson vs. Hollywood Blonds match again. Shame about the finish, but what a great time that match was. Loved it. I better just Polygon it and adjust my grade from a C+ to a B-...

I think they need to drop the Seth Rollins support group soon.

It's not doing him any favours and he doesn't need them to be a heel champ. Keep Trips around to maintain the master/apprentice relationship and Steph for her mic skills.


Starcade '88... the wrasslin' is good but the energy of the NWA/WCW shows that I've seen on the network so far from the crowd is not present here. It is hurting the show for me, breh.

I am at Papa Wyatt vs Rick Steiner right now.

...in re: to Roman 'Baby gurl, Balee dat, Bitch' Reigns... he ain't winning MITB. He's definitely winning the Rumble next year though! Ambrose is winning MITB. =p


Smackdown talk:

They're totally having Reigns win MitB. GODAMMIT HE JUST WON THE RUMBLE.
Looking at the roster, Ambrose or Reigns come to mind. I don't see them giving it to a title holder, so that doesn't include Sheamus (eventual IC champion), Rollins (will be in the contention for the WHC), and obviously makes zero sense for Cener or Orton to win it. Have to look at it as guys you would expect to be in the main event scene contending for the title within a year.

It's a pretty timid roster at the moment due to lack of main event talent due to poor build.


Hideo Itami's injury keeps getting sadder, he just got his first shirt:


and it's kind of awesome if you like Japanese stuff.

Also....Roman Reigns has 3 shirts since Mania season:


What the hell man. Cena even sticks with a design for a bit.


Hideo Itami's injury keeps getting sadder, he just got his first shirt:


and it's kind of awesome if you like Japanese stuff.

Also....Roman Reigns has 3 shirts since Mania season:


What the hell man. Cena even sticks with a design for a bit.

Roman's already got the cena spot and is getting the Cena merch shit.

Can't wait till his pink and green .BELEE DAT shirt with Taylor Swhift comes out


Guys Roman Reigns got better in the past couple of months

there I said it

i'm still mad that he's going to win the MiTB and the Rumble


You're not excited to see Fatboy fight Slim on the NXT iPPV?

I'll watch. Sure!

edit: So this new commute isn't that bad now that I live far as fuck away from work. Transportation system is actually pretty efficient. Nice not having to drive and the extra walk is good since this desk job is taking years off off my life.

The new hours to accommodate it though has been kind of rough.
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