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May Wrasslin' |OT| Super Strong Style 16 - Thread Edition 2015


With Zayn probably moving up and Hideo out, I think we might be nearing the end of this amazing stretch (golden age?) of NXT. I don't think there's anyone they can bring in to match the roster of Zayn/Owens/Balor/Hideo/Neville that they had for a while. It'll still be great, and I'm looking forward to seeing what Joe does, but it's going to be hard to match what's going on now after everyone gets called up in a few months.
I saw the video on WWE.com where Joe talks to the audience, and I can't stress how much I hate the crowd chanting "NXT NXT NXT"

I liked the backstage interview with Renee though.
The crowd was awfully annoying last night. This is why we can't have nice things.

Shut the fuck up and process the wrestling in front of you, stop trying to get your shit chants over.


I like the crowd, I just like people who are into it, just like that crowd on Raw on Monday. I skipped through it and didn't enjoy most of it, but the parts I watched the crowd were great.


It's absolutely unbelievable to me how many people in here complain about NXT and Raw after Mania crowds and such. Even if half of their chants are crappy, it's still better than listening to a crowd that only knows how to chant "Let's go Cena/Cena sucks" and is silent for the other 90% of the show.


We went from hating DBry to hating Balor now?


The Finn Balor criticism reminds me of that person in high school that liked that one band that no one really knew about around these parts but they had a following elsewhere(NJPW). Next thing you know, that band(Balor) is getting some airplay and they are touring and enjoying a growing popularity and that person all of a sudden doesn't like that band. All of a sudden the qualities they enjoyed pre-fame aren't that great anymore.
The concept of painting your face to go to battle is as old as time. Real simple

Didn't seem like people were going to get it anytime soon so good on you for spelling it out.
Those "shit chants" are how the modern audience processes the wrestling they're watching.
They need a damn cheer coordinator down at Full Sail, the dueling chants have to stop :(

Stumbling over each other, interrupting the timing and flow of technical sequences, trying to hog the limelight...just bad form all around.

I fear that you're right, but a naive part of me wants to tell myself that they're just too awkwardly self-conscious.


All these chants you are getting worked up over are the same ones that existed since 2005 with the indies and ROH and they were shit then as they are now but a chanting crowd is way better than a bored one.

To be a wrestling fan means always finding something to complain about. And I'm as guilty as charged.

You lot aren't ready for such pain.


Most chants done nowadays are awful. Guess it's just because I enjoyed the late 80's/early 90's so much and those rarely happened. Fans today are so gullible to chanting anything. Case in point, yelling out a heel's catch phrase as he is saying it. Like Miz. But that's just a stream of problems I find in today's televised wrestling.


But it saves indy wrestlers from having to go through the perma breaking period that they used to have to go through where Vince would go out of his way to make sure that they were utterly jobbed out and destroyed until he put a big stain on them with the WWE crowd.

Now they cycle through with the rest of the up and comers , which helps the green talent as well as helps them get used to the WWE style.
It is win win.
The greatest talents coming out of ROH is for a reason, they are all top tier guys who deserve the shot.

Yep, it's pretty smart. Also NXT existing as a good product keeps fans in the WWE family and subbing to the network.


Good morning guys. How was last night...?

Samoa Joe debuted on NXT? Nice.

TNA reportedly cancelled according to Dave Meltzer? Whoa.

Lucha Underground is awesome? Fact.

I want TNA Mecca reactions to the alleged TNA cancellation.
I can't wait to re-watch the Lynch/Banks match again, they gave the performance of their careers. Hopefully Lynch gets a run with the title eventually after banks gets called up.


Did Steen vs Joe ever happen in the indies? I'm almost certain they never crossed paths in ROH but maybe in PWG? Either way it's a match I haven't seen and I'm looking forward to that eventual confrontation.


NXT was great. Amazing two hours of wrestling and pretty much the kind of product I want. No complains at all.

People complaining about the crowd here is just sad honestly. They are having fun and engaging with the product. Better than sitting on their hands.

And what's this about TNA being canceled? If true HHH needs to bring Austin Aires and Roode asap.
Did Steen vs Joe ever happen in the indies? I'm almost certain they never crossed paths in ROH but maybe in PWG? Either way it's a match I haven't seen and I'm looking forward to that eventual confrontation.

Yep, it happened at PWG's All Star Weekend 2 in 2005, Steen beat Joe to retain the title. Good match, from what I recall, but that was young Steen and he's quite different now.


Nxt was alright, there was really two good matches on it , at least seeing Joe coming cool.Also I found out why I dont wacth alot of nxt , the crowd ,they fucking terrible , all they did was come up with shitty chants.


Yeah man, I hate these NXT chants. Let's go back to the days when you could chant "You're a faggot" or "You're a crack whore" and no one would bat an eyelash. These NXT crowds are just weak in comparison.

(not implying it has to be one or the other...sarcastic post, friends)
Just watched the special, and I love Sasha Banks even more. She's one of the best wrestlers on the WWE payroll right now. The only wrestlers I like more than Sasha are Cesaro and Seth Rollins at this point.

I also love that they made the women's title match feel like the main event. They really put over Becky even though she lost.

I hate Finn Balor's entrance. It always takes forever for him to start wrestling. Tyler Breeze is so invested in his character now, he is great.

Really good show.


Just head down to the Dry Dock for beers before the wrasslin' if it's at Leeds Uni and hopefully you can then drink in the sun on a boat, which is of course what man always dreams of.


TNA Mecca Comments.

Chris Regal Moderator • 7 hours ago
I really have to apologize for my outburst earlier. It's been a hectic day overall and the drama tonight pushed me over the edge.

In any case, we don't want you guys to feel that you can't discuss certain things here and as much as we want to protect you from certain things, we realize that it's best if we gave you the freedom to discuss what you'd like as long as you are civil and respectful of others here.

So carry on...if you'd like to talk about the Meltzer "report", feel free to do so and I recommend that you have fun with it. Please don't take anything he reports seriously and feel free to laugh at him and make fun of him.

Brett • an hour ago
I don't believe anything unless it comes from Dixie Carter, John Gaburick, Billy, or a DA executives etc... Mouth

Steven Wells • 2 hours ago
Until anything official is stated I'm still believing my bullshit detector and booking my Maximum Impact Tour tickets regardless. I would be very sad if TNA were thrown into limbo again they've been great recently.

Side note: Joe's NXT debut was so underwhelming right? I got bored of watching NXT ages ago but watched the clip and his entrance theme for a start was the most uninspired piece of crap I've ever heard followed by generic WWE staredown. No thank you NXT, no thank you.

Henry Jones • 3 hours ago
Call me crazy , but I love TNA more than ever and am really liking the build towards Slammiversary, if the matches that seem to be building , are the ones that take place
on the show, we are in for one of the best PPVs in a long time. In 2015 no other wrestling show has been as consistent as Impact and thats a fact. I could not care less what the trolls think of TNA, the majority do not even watch the product and are the type of people to drive past an accident and slow down for a good look. If people want to call us crazy to be TNA fans because we support our company and stand by it, then I wear the title of "crazy", as a badge of honor

Bruce 'Lee' Fernandes • 3 hours ago
I honestly think I won't be able to sleep until we hear an official word.

Simon • 3 hours ago
Especially other "wrestling" fans is pissing me off.

Such an idiotic, piece of crap crowd.

They and Meltzer deserve eachother, they are the cancer of wrestling.

#And that was not an insult, it was just a fact of life

Meltzer is just a piece of trash who should go away. Every single time Meltzer comes up with something out of his ass, and then people go on, on the internet to believe it's the fucking truth.

He don't know shit. I don't know shit, but atleast i'm not starting a news-site about it, trying to make money.

Someone should go full Bischoff on his ass.


Simon PRAXX72 • 4 hours ago
Sorry, it's the viking-blood that makes me wanna put his head on a pole that speaks for me.

It's just, how can people let him lie like this. Because none of it makes sense.

I do hope TNA takes the high-road and just ignores him and his believers.

Simon is the truth.
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