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May Wrasslin' |OT| Super Strong Style 16 - Thread Edition 2015


The Lesnar, Vader, w/e comparisons are silly. Those were men whose absurd size and strength made others give them a wide berth.

Kevin Owens is a shorter, rounder APA era Bradshaw.

There's nothing wrong with that. It's actually very enjoyable.
Remember how I said I got a job interview? Let's call it Raw.

Well, I went to another one before that for a position that would help get my foot in the door (in the same "industry"), but it's a job that I have no experience in. Not an issue, as it's not difficult to learn, and is an "assistant" position, but I would have never been offered the job if not for a good mentor who helped me get it. Let's call this NXT.

Turns out I got the acceptance letter for NXT, but I'm still waiting on Raw, and job Raw is going to get me immediately into the position I need to be in, and want to be in... it's also in my city. NXT is in the next city that I live in... It'd be nice to move into the city and live on my own in the city.

I want to accept NXT, which I need to accept by June 9th or so... But I want to wait for job Raw. Do I accept NXT and then drop it when Raw offers me a job? I feel this would be a dick thing to do, especially since I was so generously given this opportunity by a mentor and good man (he is pretty much the Daniel Bryan of this scenario).

This is so frustrating. For 12 months I had nothing, and now I have two potential offers, one of which is pretty much the job Ive been dreaming of.

Especially because Raw would be me working with old mentors of mine, some of whom have promised to put a word in for my hiring.

But I felt like I blew the interview for Raw, and if I don't get hired, I don't want to be left with no jobs.
I want to accept NXT, which I need to accept by June 9th or so... But I want to wait for job Raw. Do I accept NXT and then drop it when Raw offers me a job? I feel this would be a dick thing to do, especially since I was so generously given this opportunity by a mentor and good man (he is pretty much the Daniel Bryan of this scenario).

Normally I'd say take the job thats open and the move if "Raw" offers you but you don't want to screw over your mentor. In this case I'd tell Raw that I have a competing offer and need to accept by next Friday or something. Don't tell them the 9th or they'll screw around and not tell you until the 11th.
  • Why do Samoans so often come in pairs?
  • Are they Sith?
  • Where is Roman's partner?
  • Did he destroy him in an attempt to become more powerful, like The Rock?
  • Does this make the Rock the Emperor or is he just force inclined?
  • Would expanding on this theory make me seem racist?
  • I mean... it would but still not as bad as WWE's "Violent Samoan blood" shit, right?
  • May the force be with you


Ambrose will be the last shield member to get the title. Roman finally ascends to his throne next year against Bork at Wrestlemania. Then Roman has a year plus reign after that which includes beating Bork at the WM after that.

I honestly don't see Dean getting the strap for a very long time, unfortunately. Great talent but creative squanders him really hard.
Ambrose will be the last shield member to get the title. Roman finally ascends to his throne next year against Bork at Wrestlemania. Then Roman has a year plus reign after that which includes beating Bork at the WM after that.

I honestly don't see Dean getting the strap for a very long time, unfortunately. Great talent but creative squanders him really hard.

I think he'll probably have a Dolph-like career arc - upper mid-card jobber to the stars for several years, then a token world title reign a little bit too late for anyone to care. Though if he can avoid getting injured a la Dolph, he might have a superior shot at capitalizing on whatever momentum he gets from the win.

Guy is good on the mic, but he's shown himself to have a pretty small war-crate and little willingness to resist the Looney Tunes antics creative wants to box his character in with. Looking back on McMahon's thing about millennials having less drive than those in the past, Dean seems to fit the bill, unfortunately.
Fantasy booking:
Owens is the next Heyman Guy!!

Who says no?

Booking decrees a person in the modern era can't book heels and faces simultaneously because that confuses the poor fans

Brock ain't turning heel anytime soon after Suplex City and killing Cole got him positively over, and turning Owens face would be suicide


Remember how I said I got a job interview? Let's call it Raw.

Well, I went to another one before that for a position that would help get my foot in the door (in the same "industry"), but it's a job that I have no experience in. Not an issue, as it's not difficult to learn, and is an "assistant" position, but I would have never been offered the job if not for a good mentor who helped me get it. Let's call this NXT.

Turns out I got the acceptance letter for NXT, but I'm still waiting on Raw, and job Raw is going to get me immediately into the position I need to be in, and want to be in... it's also in my city. NXT is in the next city that I live in... It'd be nice to move into the city and live on my own in the city.

I want to accept NXT, which I need to accept by June 9th or so... But I want to wait for job Raw. Do I accept NXT and then drop it when Raw offers me a job? I feel this would be a dick thing to do, especially since I was so generously given this opportunity by a mentor and good man (he is pretty much the Daniel Bryan of this scenario).

This is so frustrating. For 12 months I had nothing, and now I have two potential offers, one of which is pretty much the job Ive been dreaming of.

Especially because Raw would be me working with old mentors of mine, some of whom have promised to put a word in for my hiring.

But I felt like I blew the interview for Raw, and if I don't get hired, I don't want to be left with no jobs.

Easy. Take NXT. If Raw calls during the first month then leave. NXT will understand that sometimes you have to be a jerk to help your own career.

Normally I'd say take the job thats open and the move if "Raw" offers you but you don't want to screw over your mentor. In this case I'd tell Raw that I have a competing offer and need to accept by next Friday or something. Don't tell them the 9th or they'll screw around and not tell you until the 11th.

Roland is right. Just tell Raw you have an offer. See what happens.


No Heyman guy. The only reason Punk worked was because he was already big. Heyman guy could still work if he didn't have to come out and talk about Lesnar.

Jamie OD

What're Samoa Joe's best matches?

The match against Kenta Kobashi and the trilogy with CM Punk in ROH, the violent brawl with Necro Butcher in IWA Mid South, the cage match with Kurt Angle in TNA. There are a bunch more from ROH I can't think of at the moment. His title run there was amazing at the time.
Does anyone have the feeling that a surprise title change will take place Sunday night? Either Owens over Cena, or Ambrose over Rollins.

I've felt this way since they announced MitB was two weeks afterwards. Have a surprise title change, then hit the reset button at MitB.


Does anyone have the feeling that a surprise title change will take place Sunday night? Either Owens over Cena, or Ambrose over Rollins.

I've felt this way since they announced MitB was two weeks afterwards. Have a surprise title change, then hit the reset button at MitB.
Not realy,Cena match isn't a title match and it seem like dean may win mitb so I can't see him winning.


Does anyone have the feeling that a surprise title change will take place Sunday night? Either Owens over Cena, or Ambrose over Rollins.

I've felt this way since they announced MitB was two weeks afterwards. Have a surprise title change, then hit the reset button at MitB.

I agree. It'sa good way to grab fans' attention in the period between WrestleMania and Summerslam.

Although because the company is not far enough behind Ambrose to give him the belt, I do feel Owens can beat Cena (ESPECIALLY since it's non-title.)

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I think Cena will win by DQ, but Owens will get the belt from him at the end of the feud after he drops the NXT title.
Love how Owens looks to get a push he's the guy that made me go to an indie for the first time and one of only two guys I've paid for a picture with - the other is Uhaa.

Also one time at PCW I got a vicious hug from Steen during his intro, he missed me for a high five I turned away disappointed and when I turn back he had noticed my flippant reaction and ran toward me and grabbed me. Then Kris Travis shoved steens head into his groin so he wiped his mouth on me.

Good times!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
1996 is an incredible year in the WWF. New shit happens all the time, people leave, people show up, the match quality is very high. Sunny is the tag team division. Mankind has the Undertaker running scared, Ahmed Johnson bruises his kidney, Jake the Snake becomes the new Helen Hart.

But then some truly weird shit happens.

Ultimate Warrior shows up, has no real matches but is over as fuck, smokes cigars and nearly beats women, swears all the time, and leaves.
Marc Mero has good matches?
Psycho Sid, who was terrible in 1995, comes back and is easily the most over person in the world, has suddenly forgotten how to flub promos, and wrestles nothing but perfect matches week after week.
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