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May Wrasslin' |OT| Super Strong Style 16 - Thread Edition 2015

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Sin Cara playing too much with those blood capsules.

This match is pretty fun. Esp Wagner and Perro. I enjoy the 100% hot 100% of the time crowd.
No, it depends a lot on the person playing the gimmick. Rollins is supposed to be like this, notice how Seth's cabinet looks awfully like his too. As a heel, he's starting to feel more like ADR than Edge, because he doesn't have the same venom in his mouth.

I wasn't watching wrestling during edge's heel run but God damn he can spit some fire


Neo Member
Pretty good Special Event.

Tag Chamber was great, KO vs JC was awesome, Main Event was pretty good! IC match was terrible, Mark Henry looked like his player left the controller mid match to go to the WC. There were so many other good possible options, Mark Henry is just perplexing. The rest was forgettable.

I wish Dean was in the MITB match, though. This way it seems obvious Roman is winning. He called dibs, just like he did with the Rumble.


love on your sleeve
Roman winning MITB to set up a triple threat with Lesnar and Rollins at Summerslam has been the most obvious shit ever for some time now. Lesnar isn't getting the belt back and as much as I would like it, Rollins isn't getting a 1 year reign on top.


Owens vs Cena wasn't bad but wasn't great. Too much big moves on Owens part that could have been a decent finish on any match getting kicked out at two, both men kicking out their opponents' finisher... less is more. Thing is I'm worried about their next match since I've noticed in Cena's series of matches against Wyatt and Rusev, I felt that the best match has always been the first and the matches get worse from there on out.

Hope Owens and Cena dial it down a bit more. You don't need to do constant finisher spamming to pop a crowd... I think. Or is the casual WWE fan bored through these 'big' main event matches and only pop for the big finisher kick out and that's it? Maybe that's why we've been seeing all these finishers not being so protected anymore... because if not, most of the crowd will be sitting on their hands?
Paige and naomi are great wrestlers when really pushed but man they both sucked tonight. Shit had no coordination. Triple threat made it even worse. A shame really. Aj really was a great worker for both of them.
Owens vs Cena wasn't bad but wasn't great. Too much big moves on Owens part that could have been a decent finish on any match getting kicked out at two, both men kicking out their opponents' finisher... less is more. Thing is I'm worried about their next match since I've noticed in Cena's series of matches against Wyatt and Rusev, I felt that the best match has always been the first and the matches get worse from there on out.

Hope Owens and Cena dial it down a bit more. You don't need to do constant finisher spamming to pop a crowd... I think. Or is the casual WWE fan bored through these 'big' main event matches and only pop for the big finisher kick out and that's it? Maybe that's why we've been seeing all these finishers not being so protected anymore... because if not, most of the crowd will be sitting on their hands?

WWE has kinda conditioned their crowd that matches are only good if there's numerous false finishes over the last...10 years, or so?

It was still a great match though.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Perro Aguayo jr. vs Cibernetico vs Doctor Wagner jr. vs Myzteziz. AAA Triplemania 2014
Not a review or anything. I can't tell who's a face here. When the match started it seemed like Perro was a face because they were hugging him and kissing him on the cheek but then he was the biggest heel for the whole match. Wagner seemed like the most 100% face but then he got booed trying to rip off Myzteziz's mask and booed when his buddy came in and attacked Cibernetico who I thought was a heel. I thought Myteziz was a face but him, Perro and Cibernetico double team the fuck out of poor Dr Wagner at the start. Maybe I'm thinking too black and white here, but I watched Atlantis vs Ultimo and THAT was very obvious who was face and who was heel. Match was pretty enjoyable, but it was like 45% Perro, 45% Wagner, 9% Myzteziz, 1% Cibernetico. Fuck Cibernetico. He was awful as shit in this match.


Vintage Sin Cara


God Damn

I marked for Wagner doing the Tenryu chop/punch. Perro is a fantastic piece of shit heel, not always a coward but not always a 'cool heel' either. He's got great reactions and I feel terrible for never knowing who he was until he passed due to ignorance. He's old school heel as fuck.

What the fuck? When is that from? And what ripped his mask open?

Triple Mania 2014. A combination of Dr. Wagner Jr and Perro Aguayo Jr.


Neo Member
WWE has kinda conditioned their crowd that matches are only good if there's numerous false finishes over the last...10 years, or so?

It was still a great match though.

I remember thinking at some point in my life that "multiple false finishes"/kicking out of several finishers was a very TNA thing. It just wasn't done that much in WWE at the time.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Evolution vs Xceed Full-scale Confrontation Captain Fall Match: [Captain] Suwama, Atsushi Aoki & Hikaru Sato vs. [Captain] Kento Miyahara, Go Shiozaki & Kotaro Suzuki

This will probably be incredible

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Nikki's boring as shit. Like they all are in that division due to booking, but the idea that she's this amazingly improved spotlight is hilarious. People say she's improved but then never say how. Like if they say it enough you'll like their fave because she puts more pointless movez(that all look incredibly weak and require little athleticism of the average wrestler) with no storytelling into all her matches and does fake shoot promos which the internet nerds love.

At least Naomi has some sort of presence outside of the ring.


No lies detected. Still salty that the CDQ doesn't meet that hype.

I got drinks with a friend the night of the British awards show performance and I had spammed his phone with texts before leaving work, saying "watch and listen to this shit right now we need to discuss later".

He bet me $5 we would wind up deleting the CDQ from the album download and replacing with the live version because the real version would be shit. I took the bet and said nah we'll just go the "All Day" and "All Day (Live)", we'll want to keep the CDQ.

When the CDQ leaked, he came callin.
Honestly, Ambrose hasn't been hot enough in kayfabe to really justify a title reign. He was at his peak during that initial Rollins feud, but he's lost steam with the constant PPV loss streak and the fact that his character hasn't quite evolved beyond Looney Tunes antics. I'd predict a late 2016 or early-mid 2017 title reign, which isn't that bad, tbh. 3-4 years from debut to title victory seems pretty reasonable.

Edit: Also, I think one could argue Rollins-Ambrose was better than Owens-Cena overall, as it was quite a bit better-paced and wasn't as reliant upon the "big move-kickout" cadence that makes so many "big" WWE matches feel so samey. Neither was exceptional, save how Owens-Cena ended, but Rollins/Ambrose have more experience together and know how to pace themselves against and subvert each other's signature spots.


Nikki went out and improved last year in the ring. She didn't botch that much and I didn't want to forward the network stream whenever I saw her. When she got the belt the improvement continued and creative should have had her stay as a heel because she doesn't do much for me as a baby face. But even as a heel the ladies in the audience would cheer for her anyway...

Really, the improvement would be ten fold if she was allowed to go to NXT to defend her belt against the ladies there. Wouldn't have to tour all over the states and have enough time to adequately prepare for her matches. And she'd get tons of heat in Full Sail and she'd probably have fun with it. Unfortunately, her character in the main roster is generic right now... again...
Nikki's boring as shit. Like they all are in that division due to booking, but the idea that she's this amazingly improved spotlight is hilarious. People say she's improved but then never say how. Like if they say it enough you'll like their fave because she puts more pointless movez(that all look incredibly weak and require little athleticism of the average wrestler) with no storytelling into all her matches and does fake shoot promos which the internet nerds love.

At least Naomi has some sort of presence outside of the ring.
What kind of response are you looking for? She's improved greatly in the ring since her return from injury. She went from being shitty to being legit.


Nikki's boring as shit. Like they all are in that division due to booking, but the idea that she's this amazingly improved spotlight is hilarious. People say she's improved but then never say how. Like if they say it enough you'll like their fave because she puts more pointless movez(that all look incredibly weak and require little athleticism of the average wrestler) with no storytelling into all her matches and does fake shoot promos which the internet nerds love.

At least Naomi has some sort of presence outside of the ring.
Stiff forearms = good wrestling


Nikki's boring as shit. Like they all are in that division due to booking, but the idea that she's this amazingly improved spotlight is hilarious. People say she's improved but then never say how. Like if they say it enough you'll like their fave because she puts more pointless movez(that all look incredibly weak and require little athleticism of the average wrestler) with no storytelling into all her matches and does fake shoot promos which the internet nerds love.

At least Naomi has some sort of presence outside of the ring.

Well, the bar for the Bellas was pretty damn low to begin with. Nicki is much improved. They were some of the worst female wrestlers I'd ever seen.
Saying that Nikki is nothing special and that she only looks good based on the lowered standards of the divas division is one thing.

But she HAS improved, no doubt. She can put together a decent WWE-style match with a few stiff shots, which is about as much as one could expect from her, given how she started.


One of these apologists are probably going to blame Naomi for Paige almost breaking her own damn neck tonight. Learn to take a bump, boo boo.


Very good PPV, despite the House Show ending and the drizzling shits that was the IC Elimination Chamber. Enjoyable throughout. Owens-Cena is in my Top 3 Matches Of The Year, along with the Rumble 3-Way and Mils Muertes-Fenix Casket match.
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