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May Wrasslin' |OT| Super Strong Style 16 - Thread Edition 2015


Man that documentary was awesome. Wish they had time to profile more than 3 of them. Feel like they had profiles on Bo and Tyler Breeze too but they got cut for time.


ESPN did not win the lottery in terms of choosing careers to follow on that one.

Honestly, I think they choose the right people to focus over. Dudes that might need the sympathy/push for them to go a little more over. Prince Pretty already has a great following on NXT, and Bray can be easily put in a main event spot soon if creative would just stop fucking with him.


New Day have basically the exact same arc that Bo Dallas had in NXT, but they didn't have the advantage of being shoved into the main event to get heat/get over. They started as jobbers and pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. That's positivity, friends.


No WrassleGAF commentary stemming from tonight's reformation of the
Mega Powers?

What'cha gonna do when Macho Mandow and Axelmania run wild on the tag teams of the WWE, brother? Oh yeah!


No WrassleGAF commentary stemming from tonight's reformation of the
Mega Powers?

What'cha gonna do when Macho Mandow and Axelmania run wild on the tag teams of the WWE, brother? Oh yeah!

Wait, did this really fucking happen?



Man that documentary was awesome. Wish they had time to profile more than 3 of them. Feel like they had profiles on Bo and Tyler Breeze too but they got cut for time.

I imagine they filmed footage of loads of the NXT people, and ended up focusing on Woods, Graves and Rose when editing it all together because they had the most "complete" stories to tell.

Like Breeze is great but he hasn't gone to the main roster or retired like those three. His story as such is incomplete.


Um exCUSE me Sakurai but CLEARLY the best choice for Smash Bros would be my fav niche character HOWEVER you are clearly INCOMPETENT and
What Bryan needs to do is reinvent himself, and since it seems like fans are so fed up with his bullshit I think it's time for a heel

A handful of loud posters on WrestleGAF do not represent the entire WWE Universe.

That's not to say that he couldn't get some of his heat back, but WWE needs to give him better material, find something to freshen up and reinvigorate his character, and let him wrestle a mat- and strike-based style that will be easier on his body while allowing him to stand out from everyone else on the card. (And Bryan, that ass, needs to allow himself to tone it down.)

It seems so obvious, and yet, WWE seems more content nosediving into failure.

I don't get the Cena hate either. The man is a national treasure. Look how he worked that hostile crowd last night and he does it that way every single time. He's not the best technical wrassler in the world but he does try hard in his matches (except for that damn STF, which actually didn't look as bad as usual last night.) Yes, he's had the same character for a decade now but he's been putting people over in his new upper mid card role.

Yes, Cena panders all the time. He has to. It is the only thing that he can do that will occasionally stop the boos. And when it does work, it says more about the dumb ass crowd than it does about Cena.
So I looked up Vince going blind like I should've in the first place, and it originated from a reddit rumor. Can't believe you guys believe Wesker and Stro with no proof, smh

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I feel like shitty grounded leg scissors/leg based submissions to the head are the new 'no see i'm a good wrestler, really!' move that shitty wrestlers do now.

It's the new headscissors takedown.


Smackdown Spoilers:

Jerry Lawler opened the show doing an interview with King Barrett, who has new pyro, crown, scepter, and cape. Barrett heeled on Lawler for not being a "real king", and puts over his accolades in winning the King of the Ring. Barrett demanded that Lawler say the words "All Hail King Barrett." Lawler refused and Barrett lined up Lawler for a Bull Hammer. Dolph Ziggler came out for the save, and that set up our first match of the evening...

1. Dolph Ziggler defeated Wade Barrett by disqualification following interference by Sheamus. Ziggler had the match won with the Fameasser. Barrett and Sheamus attempted to tie Ziggler in the ropes following the match, but Neville saved Ziggler. The match was ordered to be restarted as a tag team match...

2. Dolph Ziggler and Neville defeated Wade Barrett and Sheamus. There was a prolonged beat down on Neville leading to an excellent hot tag to Ziggler. The finish saw Neville hit a twisting dive to the outside and Ziggler hit the Zig Zag inside. Hell of a match...

3. Luke Harper beat Fandango. A personal highlight was Luke Harper Fandangoing pre-match. After the match, Erick Rowan interrupted, and laid into Fandango. Luke Harper looked on...

Lana made her entrance to a tremendous ovation. She began speaking but was immediately cut off by Rusev. He ordered her out of the ringside area. Rusev then spoke in both English and Russian about John Cena. He was given the "what?" treatment (I am ashamed of my people). He promised to meet John Cena on Raw this Monday and make him say the words "I quit"...

4. The New Day defeated Tyson Kidd, Cesaro and Ryback. Ryback was a mystery partner of Kidd and Cesaro. Good match. The ending came when the Bray Wyatt sounder went off and the lights went out, distracting Ryback. One of the New Day members scored the roll up pin on Tyson Kidd...

5. Naomi (w/Tamina Snuka) defeated Emma. They attacked Emma after the match...

6. The Lucha Dragons over Los Matadores.

Smackdown closed with the contract signing between Dean Ambrose, Randy Orton, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. Kane made his entrance first, summarizing what lead to the contract signing, and introducing each participant. Seth waited on the stage, while the babyfaces took turns making fun of him. Seth refused to come to the ring, saying that Kane had the authority to sign for him. Kane said that he wouldn't do that, since Seth was in perfectly good health and could sign it himself. Seth tried to turn the babyfaces against each other bringing up all their history with one another before eventually signing. As soon as the contract was signed, Ambrose propped the table in the corner and said, "We all know how this is going to end anyways, I call dibs on the table" before the obligatory brawl broke out. The brawl ended with Rollins standing over everyone with the belt...

Sounds pretty good.


Watching Cena vs. Zayn for the first time. Zayn has such great facials and selling skills. It was the same when he was El Generico, and he had a mask then. I hope the WWE does right by him.
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