Great main event, this evolve ppv was much better than the last one.
And they still tried to stifle that reaction! This stupid company...
Yeah but it doesn't help that Daniel Bryan's current WWE status is a complete accident that probably wasnt there plan in the first place.
If it wasn't for crowds being pissed because of his Wrestlemania match Bryan would be wrestling on Superstars and having dark matches with Kane right now.
I don't understand the smackdown thing though I think they toned it down a bit. Though they actually now capitalized on it by making the shirt and actually handing out Yes signs at a show.
They have faith in him because it was supposed to be Del Rio at extreme rules, but they changed it Bryan again. Also, they have kept in the main title hunt since he won the title in December.
Yeah but it doesn't help that Daniel Bryan's current WWE status is a complete accident that probably wasnt there plan in the first place.
If it wasn't for crowds being pissed because of his Wrestlemania match Bryan would be wrestling on Superstars and having dark matches with Kane right now.
They have faith in him because it was supposed to be Del Rio at extreme rules, but they changed it Bryan again. Also, they have kept in the main title hunt since he won the title in December.
I didn't even know this site existed until a few weeks ago. What is the point of it? Like, who posts there and why? It's a fucking treasure trove of some of the creepiest stuff. Like a bunch of teens with too much time on their hands posting their deepest anime and etc. fantasies, lol.Now you're actually going to DA for pictures? There is no turning back. You have officially leapt into the abyss.
I didn't even know this site existed until a few weeks ago. What is the point of it? Like, who posts there and why? It's a fucking treasure trove of some of the creepiest stuff. Like a bunch of teens with too much time on their hands posting their deepest anime and etc. fantasies, lol.
How could I have heard of it before? I'm not big on anime, I haven't played a game in six months, I'm in my twenties. How would I know? could you possibly not have heard of DA until mere weeks ago?
I love Deadpool, lol.Actually, Deadpool doesn't have that horrible burned skin anymore! He got cured of that just this week, but at the expense of his healing factor!
But Kane doesn't have any scars either, so they can still be buds!
How could I have heard of it before? I'm not big on anime, I haven't played a game in six months, I'm in my twenties. How would I know? lol
How could I have heard of it before? I'm not big on anime, I haven't played a game in six months, I'm in my twenties. How would I know? lol
10 fucking years?!?! WOW!!! I thought this thing had started up in the last year, lol!!!I'll give you the first two, but I'm 28 and I've known about it for at least ten years now. :lol
Maybe I am sheltered? No way in hell am I lucky, lol.You are either very sheltered when it comes to the internet, or very lucky.
DA on the surface is just a place for artists to share their works, and a lot of it is pretty good. But underneath it all...*shudder*
Bret revealing that t-shirt was a nice moment.Suck a shame WWE and his wife cant come to terms about using his likeness for anything.
Maybe after Vince dies they could make a deal for a Owen DVD with money going to that charity set up in his name.
on a related note I remember this really bumming me out at the time.
Just what this thread needs...more pictures.
Don't be a wet blanket. Play the game.
I post often enough, btw. It's not my fault if you don't get it.
Suck a shame WWE and his wife cant come to terms about using his likeness for anything.
Maybe after Vince dies they could make a deal for a Owen DVD with money going to that charity set up in his name.
on a related note I remember this really bumming me out at the time.
The guy pointing at himself.Which one is you?
No, he's the guy who looks high.The guy pointing at himself.
Can I choose "none of the above" and give most of the credit to D.Brine himself?I completely agree with you, the WWE deserves almost no credit for Bryan being as over as he is now. Their intended purpose was to make Sheamus look strong and Bryan like an idiot. The hardcore fans who went to Raw and Smackdown after Mania made Bryan the star he is today.
Never change, Teddy Hart.
So what does Teddy do with the cat during the match?Fuck, I heard he actually brought a cat to the ring - glad someone got a picture. I wonder if he'll ever manage to train a dog to interfere in his matches, like he wanted. And those turn-buckles that are height adjusted by the fans votes, lol. Teddy is fucking awesome.
Crazy heel AJ is finally arrived you guys!
She was sexy as hell in FCW. This ought to be good. Yay!
I shall dub her CrayJ and DMeisterJ will hate me for it.Crazy heel AJ is finally arrived you guys!
She was sexy as hell in FCW. This ought to be good. Yay!
Crazy heel AJ is finally arrived you guys!
She was sexy as hell in FCW. This ought to be good. Yay!