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May Wrasslin |OT| Vince McMahon doesn't give 5 million f**ks what you think.


John Cena & Randy Orton & Sheamus

K-Mart moms are ready.



Why would Heyman be back this week? Lesnar QUIT.

Heyman shouldn't return to represent Brock or deliver a statement on Brock's behalf until Triple H calls him out.

Having him respond within minutes/hours is just lame. They're not even booked for the PPV this weekend so overshadowing an event you want people to pay money for is nonsensical.

But then that probably wasn't the plan last week. The plan probably changed since then. Because VINCE SUCKS.
WWE will probably play it off as Triple H/WWE Committee summoned Lesnar to come to the arena as part of the contract, but Heyman will come out instead saying as part of the contract either Lesnar or his representative/lawyer can show up in his place. It will be kind of lame, but WWE desperately needs someone interesting and capable on on the mic and playing the villain role well, not named Jericho since he is leaving during the summer. Heyman is great at getting reactions out of the crowd good or bad. After last weeks dead crowd, I should say he normally is great at it. Ace has gotten better as the evil gm, but he is still a poor mans Vince and Eve is just pathetic in the role. She is nice to look at, dont get me wrong, but I would rather see two divas than Eve on the mic. I know it has been beaten to death on boards lately, but WWE has a lack of believable heels and the roles they have the heel play in a feud.


We need a picture of Vince McMahon with the caption: "I have altered the script for Monday Night Raw. Pray I do not alter it any further."


My first live PPV experience was WCW Superbrawl IV with Flair vs Vader in a Thundercage, Sting, Pillman and Dustin Rhodes vs Steve Austin, Rick Rude and Paul Orndorff in a Thundercage and a 30 minute Lord Steven Regal vs Arn Anderson TV Title match.


Survivor Series 1993 for me, with the original illegal stream: those black boxes that stole PPV and HBO-type channels from your cable provider. I watched every PPV for both companies until 1999 with that thing, until it broke and we couldn't get a replacement.


Survivor Series 1993 for me, with the original illegal stream: those black boxes that stole PPV and HBO-type channels from your cable provider. I watched every PPV for both companies until 1999 with that thing, until it broke and we couldn't get a replacement.

Ha, my uncle had that too. Unfortunately, we almost never over during a PPV, the only exception being Bash at the Beach 96. The Nasty Boys-Public Enemy chain match was on, everyone was disgusted and demanded we immediately change the channel.

Anyway, I usually just watched superstars as a kid, but first live PPV I can recall is WM 9. That Hogan/Yoko/Hart shit seemed dumb even back then.


The first PPV I bought was WWF In Your House 3. Up till then I had been watching the PPVs with scrambled pictures but clear sound. When WWF booked a titles vs titles match with Diesel and HBK vs Yokozuna and The British Bulldog, I had to see it. IC, WWF and Tag titles were on the line.
Raw is definitely doing under a 3.0 tonight I'd guess. They ran off the Brock fans that made them get a 3.3 a couple of weeks ago. They were already back down to a 3.0 last week and lost a million viewers during the show.


Raw is definitely doing under a 3.0 tonight I'd guess. They ran off the Brock fans that made them get a 3.3 a couple of weeks ago. They were already back down to a 3.0 last week and lost a million viewers during the show.

You've also got Thunder/Lakers at 9:30 PM EST tonight, which I could see drawing viewers away as well.
I really hope that Santino drops the US title to Cesaro, and he brings back the European title. Having a US and an Intercontinental title seems redundant.
The first PPV I begged my parents to get was Halloween Havoc 1998. The main event was like a dream match for me. You can't imagine the amount of disappoint I was in with that show.
Aren't titles meaningless to Cena because he main events anyway?

Well to WWE they are meaningless unless on Cena. I think the wrestlers who hold the belts still get higher ppv bonuses based on being champion unless they changed something recently. So it isn't worthless if you are the one holding it.
Cena is a title unto himself, it should be the new main aspiration of any WWE superstar not to become WWE or World Champion but simply to best Cena on ppv, possibly wearing his unconscious self afterwards like a belt slung over the shoulder.


First PPV I saw was Royal Rumble 1999.

Mick Foley vs The Rock blew my mind. Didn't know who the good/bad guy was, so I just rooted for the Rock because Mankind looked ugly. :(
I just watched Beyond The Mat for the first time in years. It still holds up really well. The ending with Mick's kids crying is still really touching.

How was Wrestling Road Diaries?


Bee stings.



Some Bees forfeit their lives in order to Sting, so clearly the message here is that he'll debut and then perish in the ring for committing the sacrifice of finally coming over to WWE.
This must be why he's always avoided the company, it makes PERFECT sense.

...yeah i'm tired right now.
If you think about them marketing to little kids, the shirt isn't that bad because that's the type of shit little kids like. Since kids are their primary audience now.


My grandmother got me into wrestling sometime in 1988-89. I used to visit her regularly in the nursing home and she tuned into the WWF and enjoyed it as she thought the wrestlers were legit trying to kill each other.

The first pay-per-view I intimately remember watching live was Survivor Series 1990 (where both the Undertaker & the Gobbledy Gooker debuted). I believe my parents rented some earlier PPVs for me from the local video store for roughly a year or so prior to that.


I've only attended one pay-per-view event in person. Unforgiven 2006 from Toronto.
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