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May Wrasslin |OT| Vince McMahon doesn't give 5 million f**ks what you think.


more money than God

Daniel Bryan got humbled though.
Bryan knows his place now. Underneath Big Red Sexy's boot.

You missed it Ithil. I had you beat last night! You cheated with your use of a weapon. One-on-one, I've got you beat. I'm the real Kane clone, not you, damn it!


So not worth it
I totally call WrassleGAF dibs on AJ. Can't deny!

They'd announce it, wouldn't they? I doubt Cody Rhodes is so high up on the totem pole that WWE would hide his Wellness Policy Violations...

Often times the wrestlers find out ahead of time when it's actually announced. They were going to hide Rey Mysterio's for him if he worked Wrestlemania, but they got pissed when he didn't so they announced it. R-Truth they knew over a month in advance, but held off on the suspension due to the tag program at Survivor Series.


Bryan knows his place now. Underneath Big Red Sexy's boot.

You missed it Ithil. I had you beat last night! You cheated with your use of a weapon. One-on-one, I've got you beat. I'm the real Kane clone, not you, damn it!

No one can beat me. It's one of those universal facts.


Bryan knows his place now. Underneath Big Red Sexy's boot.

You missed it Ithil. I had you beat last night! You cheated with your use of a weapon. One-on-one, I've got you beat. I'm the real Kane clone, not you, damn it!

Sounds like a rematch, Soulplaya vs. Ithil.

I totally call WrassleGAF dibs on AJ. Can't deny!



You done goofed now. You'll never have AJ.

In order to get AJ, I must become her.


They bury everyone before they give them a push so that way when they fail they can justify their pushes of Cena and Orton. See Bryan, Del Rio, Christian, Mark Henry, Del Rio, Sheamus, and pretty much anyone else that they attempted to give a main event push.

What? Bryan push never failed, it became even better than what they thought it would be, and then when they tried to kill it at WM, it backfired and sent Bryan into stardom.

Bryan knows his place now.

What? Bryan push never failed, it became even better than what they thought it would be, and then when they tried to kill it at WM, it backfired and sent Bryan into stardom.


I'm not saying it failed, because he's done really well for himself. WWE sent him out to fail though. He jobbed for MONTHS before winning the title with his briefcase, he's been booked as a chickenshit that never wins and when he does it's by some weird luck like Big Show hitting AJ or by dq, and when WWE tried to bury him at Mania in 8 seconds they failed due to all the smarks in attendance shitting on it. His success was not because of WWE. He succeeded in spite of everything they did to him.


I'm not saying it failed, because he's done really well for himself. WWE sent him out to fail though. He jobbed for MONTHS before winning the title with his briefcase, he's been booked as a chickenshit that never wins and when he does it's by some weird luck like Big Show hitting AJ or by dq, and when WWE tried to bury him at Mania in 8 seconds they failed due to all the smarks in attendance shitting on it. His success was not because of WWE. He succeeded in spite of everything they did to him.

So you are saying that Bryan overcame the odds and should be called now Bryan Cena?



I'm not saying it failed, because he's done really well for himself. WWE sent him out to fail though. He jobbed for MONTHS before winning the title with his briefcase, he's been booked as a chickenshit that never wins and when he does it's by some weird luck like Big Show hitting AJ or by dq, and when WWE tried to bury him at Mania in 8 seconds they failed due to all the smarks in attendance shitting on it. His success was not because of WWE. He succeeded in spite of everything they did to him.

Your wrong with the whole thing with Big Show that storyline was well written and was getting alot of rave reviews on Bryan and Vinny and the podcasts I listen too. When that was happening he was giving great promos and the whole storyline combine with the Yes! was getting him over as a heel. The wins were a way to get heat and he won clean at the two pay per views at well.

I give credit to him and the WWE to make him a star before the Wrestlemania loss. The Wrestlemania loss make him a super star and thats thanks to the fans in attendance that day.


I'm not saying it failed, because he's done really well for himself. WWE sent him out to fail though. He jobbed for MONTHS before winning the title with his briefcase, he's been booked as a chickenshit that never wins and when he does it's by some weird luck like Big Show hitting AJ or by dq, and when WWE tried to bury him at Mania in 8 seconds they failed due to all the smarks in attendance shitting on it. His success was not because of WWE. He succeeded in spite of everything they did to him.

Sorry but I hated Bryan before he came the heel, he ain't playing the chickenshit heel, hes playing the 'I know all the rules so I can win matches easily' heel. And they didn't bury Bryan if that was the case you wouldn't here the 'No'/'Yes' chants.

In fact WWE has possibly booked him the best since December and created a star.

The words 'burial' and 'chickenshit' are over used
He got over due to the YES! stuff and promo work. Both of which were because of him. He created it and did it on his own. WWE did not come up with the YES! stuff. Only thing I can give WWE credit for is giving him the title at the end of 2011 and letting him hold it 4 months until Mania, which is basically the time period they don't give a shit about the title(see Miz title run). They definitely did bury him before his world title win. He lost every week for 4 or 5 months. The only person he beat was Heath Slater. They had no intention of giving the guy a continued push either. They were set to drop him back down to midcard after Mania until the fans shit all over them for what they did to him.


He got over due to the YES! stuff and promo work. Both of which were because of him. He created it and did it on his own. WWE did not come up with the YES! stuff. Only thing I can give WWE credit for is giving him the title at the end of 2011 and letting him hold it 4 months until Mania, which is basically the time period they don't give a shit about the title(see Miz title run). They definitely did bury him before his world title win. He lost every week for 4 or 5 months. The only person he beat was Heath Slater. They had no intention of giving the guy a continued push either. They were set to drop him back down to midcard after Mania until the fans shit all over them for what they did to him.

It seems to me SOMEONE in the company likes him. I would say that Creative seems to like him, as far as we can guess the original plan for the WHC was for Henry to keep it until WM and face Bryan, but Vince scrapped the whole thing suddenly after Henry got an injury.

It seems to me it's certain of the higher ups that don't think of Bryan as important or notable. We'll see if these next few months can change their minds for good. Until now they've more given concessions to either the writers or the fans until now, rather than looking to push him (eg, making the YES shirt after the crowd response, letting Creative do what they wanted with him for most of his WHC run, etc).


Sorry but I hated Bryan before he came the heel, he ain't playing the chickenshit heel, hes playing the 'I know all the rules so I can win matches easily' heel. And they didn't bury Bryan if that was the case you wouldn't here the 'No'/'Yes' chants.
This has really been my favorite thing about the whole Bryan push. He'll take every opportunity he can get to win a match. The only thing that would really make it better for me is if they made him out to be more of a threat in the ring. Punk is always going to make him look like a threat, because he's that good. I mean in his other matches. I'd like to see him reach ***** ****** (I think this is the appropriate use of this WrassleGAF meme) levels of intensity in the ring when he gets backed into a corner and can't get an easy out. Granted, I just got my cable fixed so I haven't seen a D. Brine match since Wrestlemania, so maybe they're doing that and I just don't know. I kind of doubt it though.


Sheamoose is so over with the crowd that he'll be WHC for a while won't he :(

It's the only way they can justify their long build up and push of him. There's probably plenty in the company that realise they totally botched his push and title reign at WM, but they already made their bed here, it's too late.


So not worth it
D-Bry took the ball and ran with it. That's how the WWE has always worked though. They give someone the title and they either impress them or they don't (Swagger, Del Rio for example). When they do they're pretty much set for life unless they start doing drugs or get DUI's.

Bryan has arrived, I have no doubt about that now.


I think Vince definitely likes Bryan. I don't know that he sees him as a star, but I'd imagine he at least trusts Bryan to go out there, have a good to great match, and cut a good promo. If he were like 6 inches taller he'd probably be the WWE champion.


It's worth noting that while Bryan is a "cowardly" type heel, he always plays it in a way that makes him seem crafty or sneaky, rather than just chickenshit. People like Miz were booked like losers their whole run.

Bryan's WHC reign was very well booked from the start, until the day before WM. He had a very gradual heel turn, and even after he was heel, the character formed slowly, and his booking with Big Show and AJ was good. Most of all it was consistent, and I can only put this down to it being on Smackdown (which Vince no longer gives a shit about so the writers have more free reign), and also during the time of year the world titles are least important at, so they have even fewer eyes on them when booking it.

His run had little to no interference from the likes of Vince until WM, which helped in a big way, in regards to making him one of the most consistently entertaining parts of WWE, in and out of matches.


D-Bry took the ball and ran with it. That's how the WWE has always worked though. They give someone the title and they either impress them or they don't (Swagger, Del Rio for example). When they do they're pretty much set for life unless they start doing drugs or get DUI's.

Bryan has arrived, I have no doubt about that now.

I still can't totally blame Del Rio, though, he was booked horribly. Losing the title pointlessly to Cena then winning it back two weeks later? Why?

He had two incredibly short title reigns that made him look like a chump instead of one 3 month reign. It didn't help that he was booked like crap for months beforehand and his character had been stagnant for even longer.


I think Vince definitely likes Bryan. I don't know that he sees him as a star, but I'd imagine he at least trusts Bryan to go out there, have a good to great match, and cut a good promo. If he were like 6 inches taller he'd probably be the WWE champion.

Well they were real close to giving him the title Sunday but didn't do it which is fine because they are building the feud better with the AJ stuff. So I do expect him to get the title at No Way Out.


I still can't totally blame Del Rio, though, he was booked horribly. Losing the title pointlessly to Cena then winning it back two weeks later? Why?

He had two incredibly short title reigns that made him look like a chump instead of one 3 month reign. It didn't help that he was booked like crap for months beforehand and his character had been stagnant for even longer.

Del Rio should have won at WM (although, in hindsight, knowing that was Edge's last match, it's nice that Edge got a win). His whole shtick was the destiny thing, and they built it up by having him win the Rumble and it should have culminated in a the win and a "coronation" of sorts the next night on Raw. But they fucked it up and he floundered after that.


I think Vince definitely likes Bryan. I don't know that he sees him as a star, but I'd imagine he at least trusts Bryan to go out there, have a good to great match, and cut a good promo. If he were like 6 inches taller he'd probably be the WWE champion.

The best comparision is that Bryan is now the new Eddie Guerrero, a ring veteran who you can pretty much put in any situation and have it work.


I still can't totally blame Del Rio, though, he was booked horribly. Losing the title pointlessly to Cena then winning it back two weeks later? Why?

He had two incredibly short title reigns that made him look like a chump instead of one 3 month reign. It didn't help that he was booked like crap for months beforehand and his character had been stagnant for even longer.

Well he was a fraud of a champion who only cashed in a briefcase and never beat anybody*

*But all the participants in the MITB match clean, Punk Clean, Mysterio clean..

Yep, never beat anybody.


WWE made a huge error on Monday’s RAW and set of a firestorm of criticism from fans on Twitter. During RAW’s opening segment, John Laurinaitis announced that he had re-hired Big Show on Saturday, a day before he interfered at Over the Limit and helped Laurinaitis defeat John Cena. Of course, this directly conflicts with the stipulation of the Laurinaitis vs. Cena match – where anybody who interfered in the match would be fired.

According to f4wonline.com, the script for RAW included the error that Big Show had signed a new contract on Saturday.

WWE didn’t realize the error until fans went crazy on Twitter and pointed out the glaring storyline logic gap.

Later in the show, Michael Cole clarified that Big Show had “agreed in principle” to help Laurinaitis at Over The Limit, but didn’t actually sign his contract until Monday morning.

WWE posted the following “damage control” tweet, clarifying that Big Show was NOT under contract (and thus, could not be fired) by interfering at Over The Limit:

“It’s official! @WWETheBigShow had a verbal agreement with @WWERawGM, but didn’t sign a contract until AFTER #OverTheLimit! #OtungaLaw #WWE”

WWE only cares about plot holes when the little jimmies notice them.


I think Vince definitely likes Bryan. I don't know that he sees him as a star, but I'd imagine he at least trusts Bryan to go out there, have a good to great match, and cut a good promo. If he were like 6 inches taller he'd probably be the WWE champion.

Well he certainly doesn't dislike him. If he did Bryan would never have won MITB, become WHC or gotten the WWE title shots he does now.

I don't reckon that Vince thinks of him as a big star, like you say, at least not yet, (hence the misuse of him at WM, and lack of TV time in his feud with Punk). We'll see how this WWE title feud affects his image in Vince's eyes. He's definitely not Vince's usual kind of guy, but then again neither was Punk, yet Vince likes him a lot and obviously considers him a star now.

I'm sure the t-shirt sales won't hurt his opinion of Bryan.


I think Vince definitely likes Bryan. I don't know that he sees him as a star, but I'd imagine he at least trusts Bryan to go out there, have a good to great match, and cut a good promo. If he were like 6 inches taller he'd probably be the WWE champion.

Bryan seems to be the same height as Kurt Angle, he is taller than what Eddie was, Jericho is 5 cm taller than him, Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels are 7cm taller. He doesn't need to be 6-inch taller to be the WWE champion, he just needs a few more weeks to do so.

WWE only cares about plot holes when the little jimmies notice them.

You know it's funny of them saying it's a verbal contract and thus not legitimate when they ran a fucking angle the week before ON THE VERY BASIS THAT A VERBAL CONTRACT IS LEGITIMATE BETWEEN LESNAR AND WWE.


Del Rio should have won at WM (although, in hindsight, knowing that was Edge's last match, it's nice that Edge got a win). His whole shtick was the destiny thing, and they built it up by having him win the Rumble and it should have culminated in a the win and a "coronation" of sorts the next night on Raw. But they fucked it up and he floundered after that.

Although Edge is clearly responsible for screwing Del Rio push, I don't actually blame him. He got the victory which was very significant since it was the only time he retained the WWE/WHC title at WM, and that he managed to retire as a Champion. Different situations, but Bret should have retired in the same way, as champion and then vacating the title.

However they should have made Del Rio champion the next SD in a match against Christian and then have them feud for the next few months, instead of giving the title to Christian straight away. That's where I think Edge's hand went in too far, he most likely asked Vince to put the title on Christian just as a farewell favor to him after all hardworking those years.


Q1: 1.10 rating - TNA Sacrifice video, Bobby Roode promo, Hulk Hogan out for a verbal exchange with Roode, several wrestlers walk onto the stage to show interest in challenging Roode for the TNA Title at Open Fight Night, Hogan books matches

Q2: 0.95 rating - Abyss footage, Bully Ray vs. Rob Van Dam, King Mo tease, two commercial breaks

Q3: 1.01 rating - Bully Ray and Joseph Park backstage, King Mo and Dixie Carter on MMA Uncensored Live footage, Gail Kim and Madison Rayne talk backstage, Austin Aries entrance, 10-man battle royal with Madison Rayne watching on the stage

Q4: 1.03 rating - Battle royal continuation, A.J. Styles drama video, Styles promo in the ring

Q5: 1.23 rating - Styles promo continues, Christopher Daniels and Kazarian out to reveal video footage of Styles and Dixie Carter together at a hotel, Mr. Anderson talks backstage, Anderson and Hardy entrances

Q6: 1.14 rating - Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy, announces hype Open Fight Night, Knockouts entrances

Q7: 1.10 rating - Gail Kim vs. Brooke Tessmacher vs. Velvet Sky, TNA Slammiversary video, Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle entrances

Q8: 1.07 rating - Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle with Bobby Roode on commentary


No matter what time of day it is, when I return to WrassleGaf, there is always a new post. Why?

a) WWE Universe is always trending
b) WrassleGaf always has something to complain about
c) Kane


Del Rio should have won at WM (although, in hindsight, knowing that was Edge's last match, it's nice that Edge got a win). His whole shtick was the destiny thing, and they built it up by having him win the Rumble and it should have culminated in a the win and a "coronation" of sorts the next night on Raw. But they fucked it up and he floundered after that.

1)Edge didn't know it would be his last match
2)Outside of a wink and now trying to piggybank on the word Si, there is no depth to the character - unlike Bryan we know he is a master of 100 submissions, a vegan, drives an electric car, trained by Shawn and Regal.
3)Miz, Dolph, Swagger, Cody, Del Rio need more depth. And outf those Cody has the most depth to his character.
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