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May Wrasslin |OT| Vince McMahon doesn't give 5 million f**ks what you think.

FYI A buddy of mine told me about this. Kinda like BarberShopWindow but looks like it's run by someone on Reddit.



Totally can't rock pink but damn I like the Ziggler shirt


Jericho almost arrested in Brazil, lol.

by Mike Johnson @ 12:09 AM on 5/25/2012

Chris Jericho was "nearly" arrested today following WWE's live event in Sao Paolo, Brazil. Jericho, trying to get heat during his match with CM Punk disrespected the Brazil flag, kicking it.

Authorities present at the event were upset and at one point, it appeared Jericho was going to be taken into custody, but cooler heads prevailed and he was not charged.


more money than God
Remember when Shawn Michaels used to pick his nose with the Canadian flag? And hump it in the ring wearing nothing but his underwear?
Times have changed. Sponsors, TV network relations, etc. After the JBL-Germany incident, you have to know that you should never do this type of stuff.


A WWE event in Brazil came to a screeching halt Thursday evening ... when local law enforcement stopped a live match and threatened to arrest Chris Jericho for desecrating the Brazilian flag.

It all went down during a match between Jericho and C.M. Punk -- who was proudly waving the flag in the ring. Jericho took the flag away, crumpled it up and kicked the flag out of the ring ... and that's when police stepped in and put a stop to the event.

We're told Jericho was informed that desecrating the national flag is a crime in Brazil ... punishable by incarceration.

Cops gave Jericho an option -- apologize to the arena ... or go to jail. Chris chose the former ... grabbing the mic and telling the crowd he immediately regretted his actions. Cops allowed the event to continue.

Sources connected to the WWE tell TMZ ... the flag stunt was NOT planned or approved by WWE officials.

The WWE has just released an official statement saying, "Chris Jericho has been suspended indefinitely due to an irresponsible act of denigrating the Brazilian flag at a WWE event in Sao Paulo on May 24. The WWE has apologized to the citizens and the government of Brazil for this incident."


Jeff Hardy isn't allowed to leave the country.

Kane is a model citizen, and a family man. He must be made an example for others to follow.

Jeff Hardy can't leave the country?

Probably cause he'd be the charismatic enigma and the foreigners would have their minds blown.
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