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May Wrasslin |OT| Vince McMahon doesn't give 5 million f**ks what you think.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Have you not noticed how the character whent from being awesomely empowered in S1 to having two lines on repeat in S2?
Blame the script writers. It's also a combination of the low amount of chapters she had in the book and the popularity of her character on the show.
It was a Daniel Bryan joke, dumb dumb.

Catch up.

You're welcome, Aiii
His nerd indie past doesn't exist. Never once has he been called the american dragon Bryan Danielson Daniel Bryanson ring ding honor in WWE.
His nerd indie past doesn't exist. Never once has he been called the american dragon Bryan Danielson Daniel Bryanson ring ding honor in WWE.

Don't get all reverse hipster and change the subject. Let's just focus on how remarkable my twist of words was and how I totes took that line to another level of brilliance.

Plus he still has dragons on his kickpads. Checkmate.


NeoGAF's smiling token!


LOL at Brazilians getting uptight about a little crumpling and tossing of their flag. Remember when Edge and Christian were going to BURN the American flag in the middle of the ring?

But then Kane came. And he saved America. And he sent the perpetrators straight to hell.


Wow why did TNA got this focused and, can't believe I'm going to say this, good?

I really liked sacrifice, first TNA I watched in months.

And now everyone has a logical storyline, they have good and short recaps, great characters and good matches.

Compare that to LOL Sheamus booking and forgetting the entire midcard.


So not worth it
Blame Vince. Dude's so old now he probably can't remember what he had for dinner last night. Let alone what the storylines of last weeks Raw were.
LOL at Brazilians getting uptight about a little crumpling and tossing of their flag. Remember when Edge and Christian were going to BURN the American flag in the middle of the ring?

But then Kane came. And he saved America. And he sent the perpetrators straight to hell.

He stopped the Unamericans where Booker T and Goldust utterly failed, good thing you guys across the pond have Kane to rely on.

And poor old Jericho, his return just keeps on stumbling.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I watched TNA 3 times since it aired which is a record for me. It was all because the red head chick is back in the front row.
Haha, holy shit, one of Ryback's jobbers this week is Ricky Reyes, a former ROH Tag Team champion;


Meanwhile, his old partner Rocky Romero is wrestling for New Japan and is a two-time IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Tag Team champion.


So not worth it
During this first week of his face run, Christian has already managed to hit more killswitches then during the entirity of his heel run last year.
The point about Christian's face turn increasing his finisher hitting odds makes me wonder if face Jericho could make people actually tap out to the walls, oh well we wont be finding out any time soon seeing as he's suspended and all.


So not worth it
WWE sure does love to give their heels shitty finishes instead of actually hitting their finisher succesful, don't they?
Well having a successful finisher might make them actually look strong, we can't have that, cowardly heels, dusty finishes and trickery are the only way.

Jamie OD

LOL at Brazilians getting uptight about a little crumpling and tossing of their flag. Remember when Edge and Christian were going to BURN the American flag in the middle of the ring?

But then Kane came. And he saved America. And he sent the perpetrators straight to hell.

Edge wasn't involved with that one. He was never an Un-American.


Cops gave Jericho an option -- apologize to the arena ... or go to jail. Chris chose the former .

Breaking kay fabe over a little stint in jail - would probably not even have been 24 hours , seems he cant even live the gimmick .
Jericho of 10 years ago would of risked it.

No he wouldn't.
Wrestling is not all of that.
Besides, he has a band and Brazil is usually a big stop for any metal or rock type acts and he would be screwing himself for nothing.


Looks like HBK his getting hit hard on twitter for this incident with folks saying it's his fault.

Hell this is worse! Unbelievable!


Damn you Evil Sgt. Slaughter!


So not worth it
Looks like HBK his getting hit hard on twitter for this incident saying it's his fault.

"Seems to me I'd blame the horrific PC world we've allowed ourselves to be caught up in where you can't "act" & have it called "acting." BS!!"

Spot-on though.


Technically, since Maxine is Chinese that makes her Asian right?

Had to look this up for posterity.
Perez is of Spanish, Cuban, Italian, Chinese, and Hawaiian descent.


Wow why did TNA got this focused and, can't believe I'm going to say this, good?

I really liked sacrifice, first TNA I watched in months.

And now everyone has a logical storyline, they have good and short recaps, great characters and good matches.

Compare that to LOL Sheamus booking and forgetting the entire midcard.

When they're not actively fucking up shit, they're surprisingly enjoyable.


No One Remembers
I am bothered by the Jericho incident. I get that Brazil loves their country, everyone should. But at the same time you have to view wrestling as a play or a production. Wrestlers are actors as well as athletes. Jericho disfiguring or disrespecting the flag shouldn't be viewed as an actual person doing it on the street, it was a part of the show, a part of the act. It's meant to be done to get heat from the audience and I'm sure it did. The police should not have gotten involved.

Imagine that you're watching a standard television show, if the villain did the same thing that would make you hate them even more. The difference is is that the show wasn't live, and the police couldn't interrupt it to attempt to arrest the villain who did that.

It just seems silly to me. :\


It's probably for the best.
The only thing Jericho has done in this latest comeback effort is tarnish his legacy.

People are going to start ranking him below Bret Hart and Edge in the category of "greatest Canadian wrestlers" and it's probably good that he gets to exit before they start bumping him below the likes of Bobby Rooooooooode.

I'll miss the jacket.

Watch Randy get added to the WWE title schmoz with Punk, Bryan and Kane now and WIN the belt.


Looks like the ever revered Wrestlezone has links to the footage of the incident.


edit:loading :\ (dumb site)

edit edit: Much better source tmz!


Wow, the live crowd didn't seem to give two shits that he "desecrated their flag". Did the authorities see a reason in the crowd to interfere that isn't on those videos or were they just overreacting?


Wow, the live crowd didn't seem to give two shits that he "desecrated their flag". Did the authorities see a reason in the crowd to interfere that isn't on those videos or were they just overreacting?

Seen as there are no police authorities apart from Johnny Ace near the ring, this is a worked shoot my friends.


more money than God
LOL at Brazilians getting uptight about a little crumpling and tossing of their flag. Remember when Edge and Christian were going to BURN the American flag in the middle of the ring?

But then Kane came. And he saved America. And he sent the perpetrators straight to hell.
*Sheds a tear* You're a hero Kane. A damn hero!


Kane should be in more movies.
Wow. Yes, he should.
TNA beats WWE to the fan interactivity

"On Thursday's IMPACT WRESTLING broadcast LIVE on SpikeTV at the new start time of 8/7c - Devon will defend the Television Championship against the choice of the fans! Who will be the choices? Starting this Monday, visit IMPACTWRESTLING.com and we'll reveal one challenger each day. Then, voting will open at noon eastern time on Thursday, May 31st! YOU pick who Devon defends the title against that night! The power will be in YOUR hands during the LIVE television broadcast on Thursday!"
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