KOG... Wut?
Lord KOG.
KOG... Wut?
Its g-fex. Remember G-fex?
He's back..... in KOG form.
LOL just read the Jericho flag thing. Flag laws are so fucking dumb, especially playing a role.
http://www.f4wonline.com/more/more-...hile-they-last-big-weekend-schedule-tons-more-- As noted on the front page, Chris Jericho was escorted out of Brazil after an incident where he stomped on and then kicked a Brazilian flag out of the ring at the show in Sao Paulo. Desecrating the flag is grounds for incarceration, so it was either hit the bricks or hit the clink. He was in Ecuador last we heard. He apologized immediately before being escorted out of the ring. WWE also apologized to the Brazilian government last night. WWE.com reported that he'd been suspended indefinitely by the company. He has been pulled from a number of future dates, though he is still listed for No Way Out. The latest we heard internally last night is that he's most likely off the PPV.
-- It should be noted that unlike in the Fit Finlay incident last year, this was something Jericho did on his own and not something he was advised to do by an agent. Finlay was fired after he arranged a segment on a house show where Miz, to get heat, interrupted the National Anthem, and there were members of the National Guard in attendance who were extremely unhappy.
-- FCW announced last night that their final TV taping will take place on June 7th. Someone alert HHH so he can do damage control on WWE.com.
-- Roy Nelson spent much of the week talking about how he'd love to follow in King Mo's footsteps and go into professional wrestling.
-- It's now out that the Revolution viral videos on WWE.com are a teaser for the upcoming WWE '13 video game.
-- The next live Smackdown takes place Tuesday, July 3rd.
WWE has announced his suspension is 30 days. Now get Kane the fuck out of the Bryan/Punk feud and put him with Orton.
Yeah, just don't want to go into details about it.
Worst Comeback Ever is an understatement for Jericho right now.
Definitely, shit has just gone from bad to worse for Chris. I can't really blame him though, he's just doing his job and I doubt he knew how stringent the Brazilians were about that behavior.
But perhaps this'll work out for the best as his character wasn't going anywhere right now anyway.
To be fair no one's character is really going anywhere. Punk's character has been the same since mid-August 2011.
-- Roy Nelson spent much of the week talking about how he'd love to follow in King Mo's footsteps and go into professional wrestling.
One guy out of the entire roster. Great, I guess? Way to buckle down on the sour and boring product.Have you not seen AJ or D-Bry over the past half year?
After seeing reports of Chris Jericho in Brazil-it was what I suspected--Chris trying to entertain and be a heel. Apparently a Brazilian Flag comes into ring and Chris grabs it and kicks it (or something to that effect). Compare that to Sgt Slaughter burning the flag or all the crazy stuff that has gone on. This is nothing. EXCEPT we are in a new era and now that isn't acceptable.
Chris did what most old heels would have done, he reacted and a decade ago it would have been loved for the heat. However, times change and we have to as well-Chris acknowledged this and apologized. Chris is a wonderful person and one of all time great entertainers-there was no malice here from what I see and know about Chris. A mistake was made and is being dealt with.
As far as being illegal, please, if done in an entertaining arena it is considered as such. Like saying you can prosecute Anthony Hopkins for cannibalism because of his role in 'Silence of the Lambs'. I understand the arguements, I went through same thing in Germany and it was never considered a problem in Germany-only over the Internet and the Internet reporters. Chris' intent was to entertain not insult anyone in Brazil or the great Brazilian fans.
Times change and for the better. Chris did what a ton of older heels would have done and he reacted. He is being punished and he apologized. He is one of all time greats and a great friend, old habits are hard to change but we must.
Times change and we have to change with it, and we all will.
Former assistant for the WWE writing team talks about his experiences behind-the-scenes in the WWE from September - December 2011:
1. How does the writing team deal with championships? Is it just a prop to write a story around or is there concern for title prestige, etc?
2. You mentioned Cody Rhodes going back to a standard heel persona after losing his mask. Is the fact that most of the roster these days is largely uniform (similar ring gear, similar personalities, etc.) by design or is it seen as a problem?
3. When a wrestler has an idea for his character or a storyline, does he pitch it to the writing team or Vince/someone else? Any notable examples of this from your time there?
1. Tough question. In kayfabe, the championships are the golden rings that everyone is fighting for, so they're the primary motivation for most feuds. However, I think "I want your belt" can only be so entertaining. "Personal issues" stories are more unique and varied so in this day and age I think they're just as important. Whether it's Awesome Truth claiming a conspiracy in the WWE, or Laurinaitis declaring war on wrestling as a whole and bringing in Brock Lesnar, or Kane wanting Cena to embrace the dark side, or Jericho and Punk fighting over the claim of who's truly best in the world -- things just get deeper and more interesting when it's about more than just the title.
2. It's not really by design, but we're in what's been called "the reality era" and there's some truth to that. The WWE wants its characters to be believable competitors these days, and not part-time plumbers or hog farmers or dentists or clowns or porn stars like days of old. So the gimmicks become more nuanced. Instead of "This guy is a pimp. This guy is dead and worships an urn. These guys saw Mad Max one too many times" you have a world where they're all just wrestlers, but with variations in personality. "This guy is an anti-hero that doesn't play well with others. This guy thinks he's God's gift to women. This guy is borderline schizophrenic. This guy is a goof from Italy. This guy is a goof from Long Island. But they're all wrestlers."
3. There's an email address I believe where the Superstars can send in their ideas and every week they're reviewed by the writing staff. There's usually very few of them and almost always from midcard or undercard guys. One that sticks out is it was David Otunga's idea to start doing the Law Offices of David Otunga commercial spots. That was a good idea that made it to TV.
Roy Nelson looks a lot different that the last time I saw him. Looks a little slimmer too.Look at this man's appearance, right down to the shirt on his back, and tell me he isn't custom made for the WWE Universe.
Switch his hat for a Dale Earnhardt #3 in camo and he's ready to go.
Its g-fex. Remember G-fex?
He's back..... in KOG form.
This stuff is gold. I could read it all day.More stuff:
Now get Kane the fuck out of the Bryan/Punk feud and put him with Orton.
I was gonna say "That's the obvious choice. How about Ziggler vs... ", and then I ran out of words.I just want a 60 minute iron man match between Bryan and Punk.
It's not really by design, but we're in what's been called "the reality era" and there's some truth to that. The WWE wants its characters to be believable competitors these days, and not part-time plumbers or hog farmers or dentists or clowns or porn stars like days of old. So the gimmicks become more nuanced. Instead of "This guy is a pimp. This guy is dead and worships an urn. These guys saw Mad Max one too many times" you have a world where they're all just wrestlers, but with variations in personality. "This guy is an anti-hero that doesn't play well with others. This guy thinks he's God's gift to women. This guy is borderline schizophrenic. This guy is a goof from Italy. This guy is a goof from Long Island. But they're all wrestlers."
I just want a 60 minute iron man match between Bryan and Punk.
Roy is tired of getting his ass beat(more like stomach kicked) a dozen times over in decisions in the Ultimate.-- Roy Nelson spent much of the week talking about how he'd love to follow in King Mo's footsteps and go into professional wrestling.
I just want a 60 minute iron man match between Bryan and Punk.
Raquel Diaz aka Shaul Guerrero, I believe.Who is this?
Who is this?
Is Randy KOGton
I just want a 60 minute iron man match between Bryan and Punk.
will saraya be your new maryse
yes or not