No one replaces Maryse.
I may like other divas at times, but it is in a lustful primal level. Maryse was perfect in every way.
With or Without her Gobbledy Gooker outfit?
No one replaces Maryse.
I may like other divas at times, but it is in a lustful primal level. Maryse was perfect in every way.
No one replaces Maryse.
I may like other divas at times, but it is in a lustful primal level. Maryse was perfect in every way.
With or Without her Gobbledy Gooker outfit?
even with the fake boobs?No one replaces Maryse.
I may like other divas at times, but it is in a lustful primal level. Maryse was perfect in every way.
Gobbledy Gooker roleplay is fine some nights
Chico, you wanna go one on one with the Bad Guy, HU-Razor Hu-Ramon?Hey yo.
I have to correct myself from this morning as I made a misstatement above.It's probably for the best.
The only thing Jericho has done in this latest comeback effort is tarnish his legacy.
People are going to start ranking him below Bret Hart and Edge in the category of "greatest Canadian wrestlers" and it's probably good that he gets to exit before they start bumping him below the likes of Bobby Rooooooooode.
Randomly came across this today:
Vince McMahon awakens from a coma
I need to go to the bathroom. I'm gonna blow.Randomly came across this today:
Vince McMahon awakens from a coma
Randomly came across this today:
Vince McMahon awakens from a coma WWE Superstar MVP appeared on MLW Radio this week and revealed that he had planned to create a hip-hop supergroup with John Cena and R-Truth in the WWE.
When I got to Raw, I had asked Cena about making music and we discussed it. When we were on the bus together or the hotel lobby and Cena would break out some instrumentals, wed start freestyling together and it was really a trip watching all these people say, I didnt know you could do that! My cousin ended up producing this really cool beat and Cena came by my house when Raw was in town. He recorded a verse on it. I recorded a verse and my idea was for the three guys on the roster who actually rap their own theme music [MVP, Cena and R-Truth], let the three of us all get together on this one track. Kevin Dunn said it was really good and that he really liked it.
I approached Vince with the idea and Vince wasnt interested. What I saw was, if you take me, Cena and R-Truth and put us all together, even for a little while and let us run like a little bit of a clique, I thought it would be a lot of fun and that the crowd would really get off on it. Especially if we werent all on the same show. If Im on Smackdown and those guys are on Raw, but something goes down and the music plays and here I come running out or Im in trouble on Smackdown and those guys come running out, almost like a really cool urban hip hop stable, John [Cena] being the leader . . . the song would have been a platinum single.
You can hear the full interview at or on iTunes.
It's too late for that idea now. Did you hear that dead silence when Thuganomics hit the arena on Raw? Cena's fanbase doesn't even know what he did before he became The Marine.
1. Tough question. In kayfabe, the championships are the golden rings that everyone is fighting for, so they're the primary motivation for most feuds. However, I think "I want your belt" can only be so entertaining. "Personal issues" stories are more unique and varied so in this day and age I think they're just as important. Whether it's Awesome Truth claiming a conspiracy in the WWE, or Laurinaitis declaring war on wrestling as a whole and bringing in Brock Lesnar, or Kane wanting Cena to embrace the dark side, or Jericho and Punk fighting over the claim of who's truly best in the world -- things just get deeper and more interesting when it's about more than just the title.
by Mike Johnson @ 5:26 PM on 5/25/2012
TNA's lawsuit against WWE was picked up by The Associated Press today, which means it will pop up nationally in a lot of different markets in the days to come.
The article mentioned that former TNA and WWE staffer Brian Wittenstein had signed a non-disclosure agreement when he left TNA, agreeing he would not pass on any confidential information.
The remainder of the article pretty much recounted aspects of the case we've written abit here.
Update on the TNA/WWE Lawsuit:
In that's the case, that dude is SCREWED. He reportedly handed over documents to WWE with TNA info. WWE then presented those documents to TNA trying to be nice & professional and it backfired into a lawsuit.
I doubt anything will happen to WWE here. There's no evidence of them using the information and they actually reported it to TNA themselves when they didn't need to. I'm sure their lawyers will take care of it.
i'm sure TNA know that. i'm also sure this is them continuing to be desperate to get mentioned in the same breath as WWE when they should be finding a unique identity and not worrying about the E.
Very disappointed these guys are locked up in a tag match. It's the only match announced so far with only 2 shows left until the ppv too:/
Thursday's TNA Impact Wrestling television show drew a 1.02 rating, down from the 1.07 rating the show drew last week. Impact averaged 1.43 million viewers compared to the 1.5 million who tuned in the week before.
as long as roode retains, its all good
When does King Mo join the roster? I will watch.
The rating for Impact this week doesn't matter, it's when they go live next week and the week after that.
They're so FUNKY!
What the hell happened to Ryback's eye?
this is Ryback? the Nexus goon? yawn
this is amazing
Don't mess with dolphins.
Don't mess with dolphins.
When people say 2012 is the worst they've ever been they just need to look bad at 2010. Truly one of the worst years in WWE history.
The fuck?Vicki is looking great.
and Swagger is in the ring. At least we ll see some real mat work.
My name is Kog guys...I'm starting my solo career in wrasslegaf
Vicki is hot. Swagger the closest in ring ability to Kurt Angle that they are ever going to have.The fuck?