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May Wrasslin |OT| Vince McMahon doesn't give 5 million f**ks what you think.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Orange+blonde Kelleroni hasn't even showed up lately so they can afford another diva.



Cena came out in a dark match and defeated Big Johnny, Lord Tensai, and Big Show in a 3 on 1 handicap match.

Defying the odds yet again.
I think I'm done with WWE until Brock comes back for his match with HHH if he comes back. That jab at UFC fighters by Big Show shows that McMahon is pissed off. This shit is just pointless to watch. Almost entire show was background noise tonight. Worst point of the show was Bryan and Punk not even getting mic time to build up their match. Instead you have Punk out there hyping a game that isn't even fucking out for 6 months. Combine this with a horrible main event feud of Big Show vs Cena and I can't take it anymore. Hope Impact is a good show on Thursday.
I think I'm done with WWE until Brock comes back for his match with HHH if he comes back. That jab at UFC fighters by Big Show shows that McMahon is pissed off. This shit is just pointless to watch. Almost entire show was background noise tonight. Worst point of the show was Bryan and Punk not even getting mic time to build up their match. Instead you have Punk out there hyping a game that isn't even fucking out for 6 months. Combine this with a horrible main event feud of Big Show vs Cena and I can't take it anymore. Hope Impact is a good show on Thursday.

This seems like a good idea, until you realize we are heading into June.

June is the best WWE month, and for the past two years it has pleased WrassleGAf greatly
This seems like a good idea, until you realize we are heading into June.

June is the best WWE month, and for the past two years it has pleased WrassleGAf greatly

Yeah, but then you realize Brock was their big summer thing and they just rushed it after Mania. There's nothing coming this year.


WWE had Brodus Clay stretchered out of the arena after tonight’s Raw Supershow to sell Big Show’s knockout punch.

John Cena came out to face Tensai, Big Show and John Laurinaitis in the dark match main event. Cena went over and gave Laurinaitis the Attitude Adjustment.

wwe.com said:
NEW ORLEANS - Following a remorseless beating at the massive fists of Big Show, Brodus Clay suffered a concussion and several bruised ribs according to WWE Physician Chris Amann. Defying Dr. Amann’s advice to be taken to a medical facility for further evaluation, Clay refused and was able to leave New Orleans Arena with Naomi & Cameron shortly after midnight Central time.

WWE Tag Team Champions Kofi Kingston and R-Truth were also victims of Big Show’s wrath, both suffering multiple contusions to various areas of their bodies as a result of being thrown into the ringside barrier and steel ring steps, respectively.

WWE.com will provide further information as it is made available to us.


Dead Man

Ugh, Cole is so bad at his job. Doesn't commentate on the current match to recap shit that happened 5 minutes ago, and sucks at being a suck heel for Johnny. Just no fucking good.
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