Audrey Marie, seems she is not really a redhead. Awful decision on their part.Who dat?

Audrey Marie, seems she is not really a redhead. Awful decision on their part.Who dat?
It's currently showing Can't Touch Steiner. :lol :lol
why no click for big.
Audrey Marie, seems she is not really a redhead. Awful decision on their part.
Is that Audrey?Seems they do have their own homegrown redhead:
Welcome to the Kane & AJ Kliq Alliance!Okay, fuck it, I am on board the CrayJ train. Girl is hot as fuck.
I think I agree with Bobo on tuning out Raw for a while. I havent watched the last three weeks but I watched tonight and to be honest it was just boring. Punk and Bryan is nice, and I like this version of the Big Show but I know it wont last. Big Show is like Cena, kids and Make a Wish love him and Vince is really afraid to mess with that for too long. I really wish they would give Cena a break, guy deserves it and they really need to build some guys and that wont happen as long as Vince feels the need to feed everyone to Cena. The Roster feels more stale than I can ever remember. I just dont give a shit about most of these guys. Hopefully Impact continues its recent run as I have really enjoyed the TNA product as of late.
I don't care what it is, but I was promised a Kane mention for June, lol.last couple of pages....winner winner!!!!!!
We starting early?
June Wrasslin |OT| Oh My God It's Kane!!!! Kane!!!!!
June Wrasslin |OT| Kane- The Real Ladies Man
I wouldn't mind if they shared it.AJ deserves a thread title
Impact on Thursday is the most excited I've been for a wrestling show that I've been in a while, which really isn't that impressive considering I've dreaded WWE for a good couple months now.
But I hope TNA doesn't fuck this up. Yes they always do, but Impact has been good for a good while, which gives me hope.
Do they even have a main announced for Slammiversary? The only match I've seen is Daniels and Kazarian vs Angle and Styles.Yeah, I'm pretty hyped too. Live Impact is a good thing plus they are hyping that big surprise. Also excited to see what they have planned for Slammiversary. Hope Spike let's them get a 5-10 min overrun like WWE does. They are doing Sting vs Roode first so they must have something big planned for the end of the show.
June Wrasslin |OT| AJ and them Big Red Masks
That sounds like she's been beaten, lol. I want Kane mentioned by name, darn it!June Wrasslin |OT| AJ and them Big Red Marks
That sounds like she's been beaten, lol. I want Kane mentioned by name, darn it!
It's currently showing Can't Touch Steiner. :lol :lol
Do they even have a main announced for Slammiversary? The only match I've seen is Daniels and Kazarian vs Angle and Styles.
If AJ gets a name mention, then so must Kane. The Alliance demands it!Big Red is good enough..Stop trying to be
Oh I wish I kept the OG Kane avatar
I'm kinda hoping King of the Mountain comes back. It's kinda a silly match type, but they were always pretty good.Nothing yet. I'm going to guess Sting wins the lumberjack match and gets the title shot at Slammiversary since the lumberjack match is non title. Either that or they have something big planned that they couldn't announce before this show. Also thinking Batista debuts here. He was hyping a big announcement for May and he hasn't announced it yet. He also just cut off his hair to go back to his old look.
YOU STILL GOT ITTrish had a photoshoot recently.
I'm kinda hoping King of the Mountain comes back.
It's kinda a silly match type, but they were always pretty good.
bobo what are your opinions on brooke "tha bawdy" tessmacher
As much hate as Jarrett gets, and rightfully so, I wouldn't mind his return. He's a good worker, and hasn't held the title since what, 2006?It's possible. Jarrett is coming back on this taping I'm sure. TNA just registered the trademark slapnuts. Hoping John Morrison and Melina show up, but maybe Morrison will just go back to WWE. Also Chris Masters is showing up on this taping or the next.
I saw someone mentioned that they were going to Slamiversarry in Arlington this year. Think I am going to get tickets so if anyone else from GAF is going we should meet up and have a beer or something.
*clap clap clapclapcalp*
Could be a king of the mountain match for the title - that's what im hoping for - with the lumberjack match this week setting it up.
Sting , Rooooode , Storm , RVD and someone else.
devon has a vote thing for his opponent this thursday .]
I think the challengers are going to be Bob Van Dam, Robbie E, Robbie T, and Garrett Bischoff. If it's a legit poll RVD wins in a landslide. If it's rigged Garrett wins. Could see them trying to redo RVD's ECW tv title reign in TNA.