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May Wrasslin |OT| Vince McMahon doesn't give 5 million f**ks what you think.


Plywood those ladies are better off in TNA because at least there they aren't jobbing to Kelly and at the same time can show off the goodies to the fans. :)

Vince Russo is gone so that doesn't happen anymore. Also, Kelly does the jobbing now and both shows only feautre a couple of divas and they get one segment.

Also, the raw wasn't that bad at all. It was thumbs in the middle/okay show. Though its hard to discuss it because there too much pictures being posted.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Plywood those ladies are better off in TNA because at least there they aren't jobbing to Kelly and at the same time can show off the goodies to the fans. :)
But no one watches TNA except Bobo.

Still I do know what you mean,

TNA Velvet:


WWE Velvet:


Also, the raw wasn't that bad at all. It was thumbs in the middle/okay show.

Besides the beginning which bored me to death, I enjoyed the rest of the show, the matches were good, and Show redeemed himself at the end killing the abomination that is Clay.

And Cena not being there made things even better.


Vince Russo is gone so that doesn't happen anymore. Also, Kelly does the jobbing now and both shows only feautre a couple of divas and they get one segment.

Also, the raw wasn't that bad at all. It was thumbs in the middle/okay show. Though its hard to discuss it because there too much pictures being posted.

I will post what I liked about Raw.

Decent Big Show promo-I know we are in re-run mode but best stuff he's done since fueding with Mark.
Mr Excitement!- From his alternative game cover to telling Otunga he was a bitch for tapping, (you gotta pay attention or you'll miss the gems) he delivers.
Punk Cover WWE 13- What can I say, the cover looks awesome and the unveiling was great. "A real wrestler on the cover!"
Punk/Bryan- Good match with unexpected ending.
Big Show destruction-I loved how he destroyed the Funkasaurus and killed Kofi. Nice spots.
Sheamus kid-hilarious.
Orton/Zig tease- Things can only go up. He is better than this.
No Cena- I don't necessarily hate him, but a break is nice.


So not worth it
Hey, Big Show's opening promo actually did a great job at explaining his reasoning for turning heel. I can't even remember the last time WWE had a turn that was actually logical.

Well, maybe Bryans, but that was like a half year ago.

I mean, look at Layla and Christian. They just turned face because they were gone, came back and faced a heel champion in their return matches.

Lawler says (about AJ), "She's Chinese, she's frail, she's fragile."

The Diva BJ bit was about how the people in the thread seem impossible to please.

Ah, I see. My bad!


Hey, Big Show's opening promo actually did a great job at explaining his reasoning for turning heel. I can't even remember the last time WWE had a turn that was actually logical.

That was ok, but it went too long, should have been cut at the 10 min mark, it went for over 15 min. And Show, unlike many other people, sucks on the mic.


That was ok, but it went too long, should have been cut at the 10 min mark, it went for over 15 min. And Show, unlike many other people, sucks on the mic.

And that being the case I thought it was pretty good work. Heck, the whole crying and falling to his knees bit was well done too. He was much better than many Divas who try to go out there a sell a sob here and there. I see him putting a lot more effort. I say give props when it's due.


I mean, look at Layla and Christian. They just turned face because they were gone, came back and faced a heel champion in their return matches.

Yeah, that's just piss-poor booking and Christian isn't getting much of a response as a result of it. His feud with Cody would've been so much better if Cody went on a path of destruction and demanded a worthy challenger (which would lead to Christian's music hitting and him answering the challenge). Even if it was one night on Smackdown where Cody was just running wild for an hour. They could've had him win the opening match, cut a promo, and then interfere in the matches that follow, which would each be followed by a 15-30 second promo about being the greatest or most dominant Intercontinental champion in history. You'd space this stuff out with other segments, of course, so it's not too over the top, but I think it would've done wonders for both Cody and Christian and started their feud off with a bang instead of being a filler on the PPV.


After Punk became a corporate sellout does anyone have any faith in him hyping something? Also, if they do a cool angle it always falls apart within a few weeks.

Well, Punk is part right now of the best angle they've had all year, and it actually goes from november last year.

And that being the case I thought it was pretty good work. Heck, the whole crying and falling to his knees bit was well done too. He was much better than many Divas who try to go out there a sell a sob here and there. I see him putting a lot more effort. I say give props when it's due.

Ok, I agree with that, but still seeing a guy like him due that is just so cringeworthy, that I didn't really like it.


So not worth it
Don't really get why people claim Punk is a sellout. He literally said he wanted to be on the merchandise, programs and what not. Now he's selling the shirts, is on the programs and even on the cover of the video game, it is exactly what he claimed he wanted.
Well, Punk is part right now of the best angle they've had all year, and it actually goes from november last year.

Punk/Bryan/AJ is the only good thing going on the show and it's treated like an afterthought. Instead they have Punk coming out hyping a game that doesn't come out for 5 months instead of his world title match in 3 weeks. Why is WWE purposely trying to keep these guys from cutting promos on each other?


Ugh, I always have to turn images off when I browse GAF at work, and it's basically exclusively due to this thread.

Bro but it's wrestling related!

I understand

Don't really get why people claim Punk is a sellout. He literally said he wanted to be on the merchandise, programs and what not. Now he's selling the shirts, is on the programs and even on the cover of the video game, it is exactly what he claimed he wanted.

Truth Bombs. Very on point on all that.
Punk/Bryan/AJ/Kane is the only good thing going on the show and it's treated like an afterthought. Instead they have Punk coming out hyping a game that doesn't come out for 5 months instead of his world title match in 3 weeks. Why is WWE purposely trying to keep these guys from cutting promos on each other?

Whew, just needed to fix that for you.




I'd love a Brock/Punk feud that has Heyman involved. Obviously Brock has HHH next and probably at Summerslam. Brock goes over and they build to Punk/Brock at Survivor Series as Punk tries to reach the 1-year mark as champion. Could go a lot of different ways there then, including Brock winning and carrying the gold into Wrestlemania to face Rock.


Don't really get why people clim Punk is a sellout. He literally said he wanted to be on the merchandise, programs and what not. Now he's selling the shirts, is on the programs and even on the cover of the video game, it is exactly what he claimed he wanted.

People always hate when something goes big/mainstream/popular.

Before when it was only the 10%s liking him then Punk was cool, but now that littlie jimmies are allowed to like him too then he is a sell out!

However, I've hated how he's being more into Laurinaitis than he's own feud with Bryan, that's just bad booking, but of course, since everything revolves around Cena, even the WWE champion has to pamper him.


I actually wanted to watch SD this week because of Sin Cara


Anyone taking bets on botching the return? Well it is Smackdown....they could pull one over on us. I'm sure the sports entertainment reporters here will keep me informed though.


So not worth it
Remember when they kept saying Brodus would be on Raw next week and he didn't show for months?

They aired two Sin Cara return vignettes last week... Just saying.
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