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May Wrestling |OT2| We watch it so you don't have to

Come over to the Shoot kick side.

Only one (failing) company has the shoot life locked down: NOAH THE REBORN.

Thanks for the answers guys, good to hear my boy is doing it big style still.

Best vanilla midget.
It took Heyman verbally fellating him and being matched up against two heels to get people to finally become mildly interested in Finn's matches. I would post his awful attempt to a promo from last week, but WWE failed to include his botch in that video. Anyways, I like his BC logo. Don't like when they spell out the Balor Club with that font, but the BC is dope. *pops collar for some reason*


It took Heyman verbally fellating him and being matched up against two heels to get people to finally become mildly interested in Finn's matches. I would post his awful attempt to a promo from last week, but WWE failed to include his botch in that video. Anyways, I like his BC logo. Don't like when they spell out the Balor Club with that font, but the BC is dope. *pops collar for some reason*

Ew, Heyman. So he's basically Roman just small, Irish and with better branding? Seems good.
Do you buy into the "Nakajima is a bad ace" narrative or is the stink of NOAH from the last few years just too great to overcome by any one man.

I compare Miyahara to Nakajima, and the parts that make Miyahara an ace outside the ring (high fiving fans, taking pictures with kids, demanding their applause during entrances, giving fiery promos that I can't understand and still transcend the language barrier) aren't there with Nakajima. Nakajima wants to be peak KENTA: a kind of dickish ass kicker who gets cheered because he's badass, but he's not as good as KENTA was at straddling that line and that character might not be a good option for an ace for a company that's rebuilding. At this point, I don't know if there's someone on the roster people want to root for: Shiozaki is too tired. Kitamiya is too young. Takayama is too old, but he might get a sympathy rub. I can't see Yone at the top of a card.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but now that AJPW has helped resurrect KAI, he might actually be in a position to be the ace. Even with the shitty jumping jacks gimmick, he had some weird connection to fans. And he is able to have decent matches.

The NOAH juniors are still great, but I don't know if you can build a company that's not Dragon Gate on juniors.


They just about make the next weekend when they start editing on Monday with 1 show to do

What's a good more current chapter to go back and start with? I'm re-subbing this month after not having it a while.

I may start with Progress Orlando and work from there.


I hate seeing this shit in general. Gamers are so deeply egocentric and fragile. Why can't devs just have a vision and stick to it? Or maybe they're just smarter and cashing in on the armchair game dev marks. This is why I have zero respect for FFXV

/shoot rant

But if we can get PRIDE fighting back in, it's all good.

Look, if it plays like Fire Pro and they just take feedback about the little things (like an option to change the filter on the sprites), I'm all good.
Last night's Table for 3 was the first one that I saw and it was pretty good. I didn't realize they had so many episodes available. I kinda wish Cornette and Bischoff were the GMs of the Raw/Smackdown and they all seemed to have good Mania match ideas too.

Ah, I didn't remember this.


It took Heyman verbally fellating him and being matched up against two heels to get people to finally become mildly interested in Finn's matches. I would post his awful attempt to a promo from last week, but WWE failed to include his botch in that video. Anyways, I like his BC logo. Don't like when they spell out the Balor Club with that font, but the BC is dope. *pops collar for some reason*

Not sure where you have been but he was getting the pops from day one.
Had nothing to do with Paul or anything else.
The moment he showed on Raw he had the crowd, and he never lost it.


I compare Miyahara to Nakajima, and the parts that make Miyahara an ace outside the ring (high fiving fans, taking pictures with kids, demanding their applause during entrances, giving fiery promos that I can't understand and still transcend the language barrier) aren't there with Nakajima. Nakajima wants to be peak KENTA: a kind of dickish ass kicker who gets cheered because he's badass, but he's not as good as KENTA was at straddling that line and that character might not be a good option for an ace for a company that's rebuilding. At this point, I don't know if there's someone on the roster people want to root for: Shiozaki is too tired. Kitamiya is too young. Takayama is too old, but he might get a sympathy rub. I can't see Yone at the top of a card.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but now that AJPW has helped resurrect KAI, he might actually be in a position to be the ace. Even with the shitty jumping jacks gimmick, he had some weird connection to fans. And he is able to have decent matches.

The NOAH juniors are still great, but I don't know if you can build a company that's not Dragon Gate on juniors.

That's pretty much where I'm at. Even though I personally love Nakajima's shtick, I guess because I wasn't around from prime KENTA, it probably isn't a good ace act in a seriously struggling promotion. And apparently he's a massive arsehole IRL as well.

Whatever about KAI, Marufuji is literally the only person capable of holding the belt if they need to build someone else up in the meantime but then it's Marufuji with the belt again. Which I would love personally but might not be the best idea in the world. Then again, what is for NOAH?

Lol, basically. He's gonna beat Brock and main event for the rest of the year.

He's been pinned once since he's been back, right?

Hell yeah that sounds dope
at best finn gets booked like roman did against brock

gets his ass kicked most of the match but gets some hits in himself and overall just comes off like a dude that takes a lot to get put down
at best finn gets booked like roman did against brock

gets his ass kicked most of the match but gets some hits in himself and overall just comes off like a dude that takes a lot to get put down
He couldn't take a forearm from Jinder. I don't see that happening. Brock having to sell those weak ass kicks will be funny though.


YESS! Crimewave is on TV tomorrow! Saw this movie as a kid ages ago and never saw it again since due to not remembering the title for the longest time. I'm so ready for this nostalgia bomb. I need to pat my younger self on the back for discovering this gem without ever heard the names Raimi and Coen before.

Also currently watching LU Aztec Warfare S1, DVR'd from yesterday. Good week for my personal entertainment.
(Also, haven't watched RAW yet, hehe.)


I returned to watching wrestling only a few years ago and thus never saw much of Balor back in the Prince Devitt / early NXT days. Was he something special?


Finn's been over from the moment he debuted on the main roster. Not sure how anyone can perceive his reactions differently.

Yep, and he got the most cheers out of those who they want to face Brock from casual and the day after Wrestlemania crowd.

I just hope when some idiot exposed who he is supposedly dating didn't lead to death threats renee gets for dating/marrying dean.


I returned to watching wrestling only a few years ago and thus never saw much of Balor back in the Prince Devitt / early NXT days. Was he something special?
He was pretty great in Japan.

I haven't​ really seen anything from him since he debuted on NXT that would get me to like him if I hadn't already been a huge fan.


He was pretty great in Japan.

I haven't​ really seen anything from him since he debuted on NXT that would get me to like him if I hadn't already been a huge fan.

Right. I'm also not a fan of the Coup de Grace/Warrior's Way/any double footstomp as a finisher.
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