lmao that kid was meant to be demon finn but with his hair being normal and blonde came off like blackface
Rare footage of OwenIsNow at a live WWE event.
lmao that kid was meant to be demon finn but with his hair being normal and blonde came off like blackface
He's got lil b adlibs.Sampson looked pissed. He kept saying "goddamn it" after the pin fall.
He better not blame his opponent. That man was doing the most to put him over.
U guys gotta admit that Jinder's story is better than all of this nothingness
Theyve done a good job at making Joe look like just another guy.
U guys gotta admit that Jinder's story is better than all of this nothingness
So am I the only one kind of happy that Baywatch bombed?
Aside from the fact that it is shitty, the Rock has gotten away with playing one character all these years from Walking Tall to GI Joe to Fast and Furious and the WWE.
He's got lil b adlibs.
So am I the only one kind of happy that Baywatch bombed?
Aside from the fact that it is shitty, the Rock has gotten away with playing one character all these years from Walking Tall to GI Joe to Fast and Furious and the WWE.
I won't be surprised if someone calls him Average Joe in some promo.
Rare footage of OwenIsNow at a live WWE event.
All three of these guys are better in the ring and on promos than Jinder. So I'd still rather watch them.
Why ya'll keep mentioning OwensIsNow? He banned let him rest.
Baywatch bombed? How much did it make?
Not even $30 mil lol
Dwayne's first bomb in a long time AND he's doing the Trump backpedal defenses ("IT WASN'T FOR MEDIA" "everyone saw it" "not everyone saw it but everyone who did see it loved it" "YOU JUST DIDN'T GET IT" "Fake News" "it's got legs")
It's workingWhat story? The evil foreigner that's been used a billion times
I'm just tired of all these movies blatantly trying to grab that 21 Jump Street money. Who the fuck asked for CHiPS or Baywatch movies?
Not even $30 mil lol
Dwayne's first bomb in a long time AND he's doing the Trump backpedal defenses ("IT WASN'T FOR MEDIA" "everyone saw it" "not everyone saw it but everyone who did see it loved it" "YOU JUST DIDN'T GET IT" "Fake News" "it's got legs")
Who is murda?He needs to have Murda adlibs because it would be funnier.
"Lamar Odom smokes crack"
For a decade? Damn. I suspected that Baywatch had to be a project Dwayne really wanted to do. But I had no idea it was something he was that fixed on.Dwayne legit wanted to do a Baywatch remake for at least a decade, bad enough that when he finally got his own production studio it was the first thing he funded creation of.
And there's nothing wrong with chasing 21 Jump Street money as long as, you know, you actually fucking comprehend what made 21 Jump Street work. Which nobody who actually does movies and writing for a living has been able to do yet, surprisingly!
Rock should've known it would bomb. No one wants to see his shitty jokes for a while movie.For a decade? Damn. I suspected that Baywatch had to be a project Dwayne really wanted to do. But I had no idea it was something he was that fixed on.
Crowd behind Finn, so that's good.
I feel like the crowd is always behind Finn.
For a decade? Damn. I suspected that Baywatch had to be a project Dwayne really wanted to do. But I had no idea it was something he was that fixed on.
They are. And they continue to be even though he hasn't really had a solid program.
That's a great sign for him.
Something to do with Kurt Angle.Any explanation for why Graves walked off?
Nice to give Joe a win. Since he's the least likely to win the Fatal 5 Way.