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McG is no longer directing Superman?!

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From Dark Horizons :


McG Ditched By "Superman"

A good man is definitely a hard thing for McG to find, so much so it appears he's given up the search.

Superman V reports that earlier this week they heard that the "Charlie's Angels" director was to be "no longer involved" with the "Superman" production (which explains his reluctance to speak about the project the other week), and after a bunch of calls, e-mails and pressure they finally got it confirmed that it's true - McG is off the project.

Seems that the recent auditions were "McG's last chance at getting the SUPERMAN movie off the ground, and landing himself the job of directing, see NO ONE has offically signed on as director of SUPERMAN since Brett Ratner left the project last year, Warner Bros. are being VERY cautious before accepting a director, and I guess McG didn't have what they were looking for, see we were told if he didn't manage to please the studio execs with his ideas he would be gone, which he now HAS, as of TUESDAY McG is no longer involved with the SUPERMAN production what so ever".

They "also heard that the latest report about ANOTHER suit being introduced - a BLACK kryptonian suit - was accurate, this was an addition to the latest Abrams draft, we are told that after this the studio asked for re-writes of the script, and McG brought on board Josh Schwartz to touch it up, we are lead to believe, that McG may not have even handed in the latest revised draft (he was giving the boot before he had the chance)...We are lead to believe that Abrams is no longer connected to the project, that his work is complete with it, so expect a NEW writer to come on board and start from scratch".

As for casting, "It's back to square one, no one has signed as Superman, and no one will be Superman with no director". However the studio 'Did like a few of the screen tests and thought they went really well' so a favourites list is expected to be handed over to a new director who could be selected as early as the end of this year. The production is still aiming to begin filming sometime next year for a release in 2006.


Edit- Please lock this, Willco's thread will get more replies


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Average director>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Michael Bay>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>McG

I guess that's a win for us... sorta...
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