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MechWarrior Online - News and Information Thread


So, today at my university we had a guest lecture by this guy Ken Hullett. I've only come across reading him in terms of level design, so I didn't know what he had done before academia. Imagine my surprise when I looked him up during the lecture and saw this on his curriculum vitae:


After the lecture I came up to him and giggled like a little fanboy/groupie by telling him how much I appreciated the games he worked on, since they pretty much were the reason for my large interest in digital games. I should've brought my Mechwarrior 2 PC boxes and got them signed like a little fanboy :)
So, today at my university we had a guest lecture by this guy Ken Hullett. I've only come across reading him in terms of level design, so I didn't know what he had done before academia. Imagine my surprise when I looked him up during the lecture and saw this on his curriculum vitae:


After the lecture I came up to him and giggled like a little fanboy/groupie by telling him how much I appreciated the games he worked on, since they pretty much were the reason for my large interest in digital games. I should've brought my Mechwarrior 2 PC boxes and got them signed like a little fanboy :)

What did he say?;)


What did he say?;)

He was very humbled and appreciated my compliments. He also told me that people usually didn't know he had worked on the MW2 trilogy. I didn't want to intrude too much, so I just told him how much the MW2 games meant to me and that I was thankful for playing them - not much else.

Funny thing, his work in the gaming industry is directly correlated to the success of simulation games:


The 90's were the golden age, indeed.


An interesting build, for certain. I've never run across anyone playing a Centurion like that. Sounds like a fun tangent for a chassis normally doing the exact opposite.

Sounds like a high heat build though.

Heat isnt really an issue once you got dbl heatsinks in and chain fire the streaks.
I did swap out to an LBX AC 10 tho and have been chewing shit up like a boss.


Nice! Mech camo and decal customizations now available!


With the release of our November 27th patch, players will now be able to customize the look of their BattleMechs. This visual customization is broken down into two parts: Camo Spec and Cockpit Items.

Camo Spec

Camo Spec is a cool way to change the way your BattleMechs look externally; by applying a customized pattern and up to three unique colors.

Patterns are categorized by type such as:
Camo (Dazzle, Woodland, Urban Block, etc.)
Custom (Phranken)
Special (PC Gamer)

Colors are categorized by:
Basic (CB only)
Premium (MC only)
Color (Red, Blue, Green, etc.)
Theme (Woodland, PC Gamer, Phranken, etc.)

Not all patterns are available for every BattleMech.
Example: The PC Gamer pattern is only available for the Commando, Jenner, Hunchback, Centurion, Catapult, Dragon, Awesome, and Atlas.
Patterns have 1, 2, or 3 color channels.
Example: Default pattern has 3 color channels, Dazzle pattern has 2 channels.
Each pattern and color applied, has a cost.

You are charged for changes only.
Example: If you only change one color, you only pay for the one color change.
With each application you can make up to 4 changes. 1 Pattern, and 3 Colors.

When you apply a new Camo Spec to your BattleMech, any changes made will erase part or all of previous application.
Example: If you had previous applied the Dazzle pattern, then apply the Urban Block pattern, you will erase the Dazzle pattern. Your previously applied colors will not be affected.






Welp, memory leak is still in - I wanted to find out so I played for a while without restarting every 10 matches like I usually do. Also, the sound is really stuttery and bad since they added Betty.

Making money without premium isn't as bad as I thought...although I don't really have any reason to grind anymore other than that I just like playing with friends. But yeah, no way am I activating my premium time until this game has a LOT more content.

As for painting, holy crap 750MC just to paint a Catapult white? Fortunately, those of us who redeemed the PC Gamer promotion get free red/black/grey colors to work with.

The new trial mechs are all deathtraps. The Jenner is incredibly slow with no leg armor, and the Hunchback is the godawful LRM one - ANY other hunchback is a perfectly fine newbie mech, but they picked this one. The Cataphract, despite being the only usable trial, is sporting the two weapons that a new player will have no hope of hitting anything with through this netcode (AC10 + PPC), and the Awesome...oh god. If you think trial Atlas-Ks went down easy, this thing has an XL too. Plus utterly pathetic frontal armor and 3 ERPPCs just to make sure that they overheat constantly. It's like whoever is in charge of picking these things wants to make the game as painful as possible for new players.
For the most part I am probably going to go with Ryuken colors since that is what my current outfit is basing itself around.

If I remember right they are charcoal grey with an accenting color for each regiment. Can't remember what Ryuken-Ni was supposed to be or if it was every specified even.

However, I am planning to do something fun with my brother. We have both fallen in love with Dragon builds (my brother runs 3x AC2 and I run a Gauss + 3ML build) and I am planning to paint my a gaudy bright blue and my brother is going to be bright red.

A few more days till my exam is done and I can get to doing MWO every day :D. Now I just gotta convince my friends into playing it with me :(. Have they implemented a way to play with a party of friends yet?


I can't believe I still can't paste my goddamned password into the launcher. I wish I could return my Founder's package.


I *JUST* realized this went open beta this morning before leaving for work - I think my squeal of delight could be heard down the block.

I've played every iteration of Mechwarrior since 2 back in the days of MPlayer in the constructed clan environments... Can't WAIT to get back into this.

Is there a GAF clan? If so, should I start one? : )


I *JUST* realized this went open beta this morning before leaving for work - I think my squeal of delight could be heard down the block.

I've played every iteration of Mechwarrior since 2 back in the days of MPlayer in the constructed clan environments... Can't WAIT to get back into this.

Is there a GAF clan? If so, should I start one? : )

Llyranor and Kittiepoo are the people I meet the most when playing, but the time differences between Europe and America are too big to set up something properly. Maybe someone should make a Google Doc with Gaf nicks->MW:O nicks
The new trial mechs are all deathtraps. The Jenner is incredibly slow with no leg armor, and the Hunchback is the godawful LRM one - ANY other hunchback is a perfectly fine newbie mech, but they picked this one. The Cataphract, despite being the only usable trial, is sporting the two weapons that a new player will have no hope of hitting anything with through this netcode (AC10 + PPC), and the Awesome...oh god. If you think trial Atlas-Ks went down easy, this thing has an XL too. Plus utterly pathetic frontal armor and 3 ERPPCs just to make sure that they overheat constantly. It's like whoever is in charge of picking these things wants to make the game as painful as possible for new players.
The 3 ERPPCs made me lol so hard. These trial mech configurations really are death traps for newbies. Terrible shame, that.

One of these days I'll make a mech with nothing but ER PPCs and heat sinks all over... just for laughs.


Wouldn't the rational solution simply be to make a custom and easy to type password for MWOnline?

I already did. Now I have money attached to a shitty password. I chalked it up to a beta bug at first. Now I just think they're obstinate.

This is honestly the only game I've ever played that doesn't allow me to paste or store a password. And I love how their forum doesn't store passwords either.



So, who use's ecm and has it changed the way you play the game?

Used some of my founderbucks to purchase a Raven and give it a go before it's neutered to shit; it's fucking amazing right now. Like damn.

Shuts down streaks. Shuts down LRMs entirely, basically. Shuts down NARC, shuts down about half of TAG users depending on range. Shuts down BAP advantages. Makes it very hard to focus fire or co-ordinate because it shuts down target sharing. Nullifies the bonus granted by a couple of modules. Targeting reduced to 25% distance.

In a Raven last night, played for two hours. Less weaponry, less armour, less speed than my Jenner. Still got several kills (even if one was because of a lucky crit proc) and didn't die once.

Running around in a massive firefight fucks with EVERYONE. Half your team will be shielded, half their team won't be able to co-ordinate. It's mayhem.

Thankfully it's only equipable on 4 specific variants, one each from 4 different chassis, and three of which are 40 tonnes or less; it's easy to note the 2D Commandos and 3L Ravens thanks to their insanely distinctive profiles, but I still can't ID a 3M Cicada at a glance compared to other Cicadas without detailed data.

Prioritizing those targets allowed my team to win a few brawls last night but it's a hell of a game changer right now.

Needs a nerf BAD, based on early impressions.

- Target distance maybe 50% instead of 25%?
- Don't nullify BAPs, but reduce their effectiveness so that when someone had a BAP equipped they (and only they) can still share target data/their target range might be 66% or something. That way BAPs don't become useless.
- Don't nullify NARCs at all. NARCs are already weaker than TAG due to the line of sight thing, so let them broadcast over the ECM. It'll bring them in line with the TAG if TAG can still be ECM'd out, and NARC can't. Would balance the two systems, especially since NARC has pricey ammo and only six shots/tonne.


Used some of my founderbucks to purchase a Raven and give it a go before it's neutered to shit; it's fucking amazing right now. Like damn.

Shuts down streaks. Shuts down LRMs entirely, basically. Shuts down NARC, shuts down about half of TAG users depending on range. Shuts down BAP advantages. Makes it very hard to focus fire or co-ordinate because it shuts down target sharing. Nullifies the bonus granted by a couple of modules. Targeting reduced to 25% distance.

In a Raven last night, played for two hours. Less weaponry, less armour, less speed than my Jenner. Still got several kills (even if one was because of a lucky crit proc) and didn't die once.

Running around in a massive firefight fucks with EVERYONE. Half your team will be shielded, half their team won't be able to co-ordinate. It's mayhem.

Thankfully it's only equipable on 4 specific variants, one each from 4 different chassis, and three of which are 40 tonnes or less; it's easy to note the 2D Commandos and 3L Ravens thanks to their insanely distinctive profiles, but I still can't ID a 3M Cicada at a glance compared to other Cicadas without detailed data.

Prioritizing those targets allowed my team to win a few brawls last night but it's a hell of a game changer right now.

Needs a nerf BAD, based on early impressions.

- Target distance maybe 50% instead of 25%?
- Don't nullify BAPs, but reduce their effectiveness so that when someone had a BAP equipped they (and only they) can still share target data/their target range might be 66% or something. That way BAPs don't become useless.
- Don't nullify NARCs at all. NARCs are already weaker than TAG due to the line of sight thing, so let them broadcast over the ECM. It'll bring them in line with the TAG if TAG can still be ECM'd out, and NARC can't. Would balance the two systems, especially since NARC has pricey ammo and only six shots/tonne.

It IS powerful but it also counters itself. Sure, you can claim that whoever brings the most ECM has the advantage, but thats a large amount of weight used and huge limitations on the mechs you can bring to a fight.

I know the DC is meant to be a command mech, but balancing the ECM might involve nerfing that variant (so that taking more ECM means taking a weaker mech) or else removing it from that variant completely.

Otherwise, honestly, it's doing its job and I love the electronic warfare element to the game.

As an aside though, it might be worth buffing the damage on LRMs again to make the effort of countering ECM or the cost of not bringing ECM harsher.
It IS powerful but it also counters itself. Sure, you can claim that whoever brings the most ECM has the advantage, but thats a large amount of weight used and huge limitations on the mechs you can bring to a fight.

I know the DC is meant to be a command mech, but balancing the ECM might involve nerfing that variant (so that taking more ECM means taking a weaker mech) or else removing it from that variant completely.

Otherwise, honestly, it's doing its job and I love the electronic warfare element to the game.

As an aside though, it might be worth buffing the damage on LRMs again to make the effort of countering ECM or the cost of not bringing ECM harsher.

Running Counter ECM is not worth giving up your own defensive buff. The shield aspect is too damn good, and running an ECM powered squad and keeping the shield up and not bringing any LRM boats is worth while if it shuts down even one of their support units. It's lopsided. And yes, bringing two is absolutely monstrous. Fielding a couple of scouts is hardly a disadvantage too, considering you generally want at least two on a team anyway. This just gives certain variants of the Raven and Commando such a massive, massive bonus over other ones.

I agree with regards to the DC. And the idea of the LRM buff.

It IS doing it's job, but the detriment of other electronic warfare packages (like the Beagle), sensor boosting modules (that are not trivial unlocks), and the like.

I adore the concept but I think some of the values it uses need to be scaled back to bring it in line with the offensive buff electronics packages instead of making it the defensive be-all and end-all.


Using counter mode to let your allies use their own streaks or LRMs against a blob of hostiles can be very worthwhile or it can light up a wayward scout that thinks its safe, gets murdered and suddenly they're one ECM mech down.

While you're right about having multiple scouts too, the ECM equiped mechs arn't actually ideal scouts in the way that a streak equiped Jenner D is. Raven is slow, Commando is unarmoured and Cicada lacks missle slots. They're not bad at all, but without ECM I'd put a Jenner D as a hands-down better scout than any of them with its ability to murder other lights and do good damage to anything heavier while moving at max speed with jumpjets, so it's nice that Commando and Raven are now 'back in the picture'.

I'm not saying you're wrong though, it probably does need a nerf of some description to stop it being dominating, be it to the system or the variants that carry it. I'm just loving the electronic warfare element and really enjoying my streakboat revenge :(
Using counter mode to let your allies use their own streaks or LRMs against a blob of hostiles can be very worthwhile or it can light up a wayward scout that thinks its safe, gets murdered and suddenly they're one ECM mech down.

While you're right about having multiple scouts too, the ECM equiped mechs arn't actually ideal scouts in the way that a streak equiped Jenner D is. Raven is slow, Commando is unarmoured and Cicada lacks missle slots. They're not bad at all, but without ECM I'd put a Jenner D as a hands-down better scout than any of them with its ability to murder other lights and do good damage to anything heavier while moving at max speed with jumpjets, so it's nice that Commando and Raven are now 'back in the picture'.

I'm not saying you're wrong though, it probably does need a nerf of some description to stop it being dominating, be it to the system or the variants that carry it. I'm just loving the electronic warfare element and really enjoying my streakboat revenge :(

I can't disagree with this, but I posit that, pound for pound, disrupting the enemy's ability to target you using ECM disrupt mode will be better at reducing damage and increasing longevity than the bonus you'd get for the ability to get missile support fire, if only because the shield assists with confusing folks using direct fire too. This of course assumes that you're communicating with the team at least to some degree to try to overcome the information drought.

At least in my experience last night, that's what I came across. Anecdotal, but still.

And, speced out, the Raven is hardly a slouch. With an XL 295, it's max speed is 136 compared to an XL300 Jenner's 139. You can mount 3 MLs and an SRM 6 if you do the other upgrades, with maxed armour (same armour count as a maxed Jenner, actually). Lose some armour and lose a laser and you MIGHT be able to fit a pair of streaks in there instead of the SRM6. (I'd have to crunch the numbers). I was running just fine in it.

As someone who doesn't own a Commando or the Cicada in question I can't comment on those as offensive harassers.

I love it's idea and shutting down streak spam, being able to run without an AMS, and generally fucking with people is awesome. I just think it needs to be toned down slightly. It'll be worth the weight still, but maybe not to the exclusion of other viable builds or strategies.


I'm probably underesstimating the Raven then. Never piloted one myself, just had a much easier time killing them than Jenners. Maybe because people tended to try and cram more firepower on them than was a good idea.

And yeah, you're right, counter mode really is situational. An ECM mech that's mauling an SSRM boat thinking its safe gets countered and will either have to retreat or die, for example, but otherwise it's going to be in disrupt mode all the time.

I do wonder what sort of nerf it should be getting to itself though. A reduction in radius could help, but won't actually make the system 'less powerful' as long as people bunch up a little closer so reducing the penalty to spotting distance might be the best bet but I kind of like it where it is.

Again though, I need to fight more teams that are actually using it well.
I'm probably underesstimating the Raven then. Never piloted one myself, just had a much easier time killing them than Jenners. Maybe because people tended to try and cram more firepower on them than was a good idea.

And yeah, you're right, counter mode really is situational. An ECM mech that's mauling an SSRM boat thinking its safe gets countered and will either have to retreat or die, for example, but otherwise it's going to be in disrupt mode all the time.

I do wonder what sort of nerf it should be getting to itself though. A reduction in radius could help, but won't actually make the system 'less powerful' as long as people bunch up a little closer so reducing the penalty to spotting distance might be the best bet but I kind of like it where it is.

Again though, I need to fight more teams that are actually using it well.

I think part of the Raven confusion is because they were Trial mechs for so long, and by default, unlike a Jenner, they come WOEFULLY underpowered in terms of engine size. I think it's a 210 as default in the 3L? Something ridiculously useless, at the very least. It's sub 100 km/h. Pointless for a scout. Also some of 'em come with an eclectic mix of hardpoints, some people might not be balancing that properly.

Between the iffy default loadouts, the trial mechs and the fact that you have to sink an addition 4 and a half million CBills into them to even get something worth a shit, yeah, they tend to get their shit wrecked pretty quick. They have a tonne of hidden potential though.

If I see you online and can get an 8 player team going again like I was playing in last night, I'll shoot you an invite. (I think we're on each other's lists) we should try to run some team battles and see what we think of ECM at that point.

Maybe both my team and my opponents are still learning to counter it properly. *shrug*
Although I haven't had a chance to get on since the patch, I do think that the small maps we are currently forced into probably give ECM mechs a huge advantage.

If the new modes actually add larger maps I also think that will reduce the effectiveness quite a bit. One of the things with these small maps is that a fast light can be basically anywhere instantly. I think this would be alleviated if the maps were large enough that even scouts need to dedicate themselves to a specific area or direction.
Although I haven't had a chance to get on since the patch, I do think that the small maps we are currently forced into probably give ECM mechs a huge advantage.

If the new modes actually add larger maps I also think that will reduce the effectiveness quite a bit. One of the things with these small maps is that a fast light can be basically anywhere instantly. I think this would be alleviated if the maps were large enough that even scouts need to dedicate themselves to a specific area or direction.

Larger maps would also give further advantage to light mechs as well being. Being able to be more flexible with reaching areas quicker and being able to be even stealthier. Heaviers will suffer more being how inflexible they become the larger the map.


Well that IS the downside to taking all that extra tonnage in firepower and armour, as it should be.

8 Atlas' will roll anything they come across, they just have to make it there first.
Larger maps would also give further advantage to light mechs as well being. Being able to be more flexible with reaching areas quicker and being able to be even stealthier. Heaviers will suffer more being how inflexible they become the larger the map.

Oh yeah that is of course true and how it hould be but with the size of most maps now there also arent many places for heavies to hide.

And if you are playing proper team leading ECM mechs away from your ambush area will at least be worth doing. Right now with the small map size light mechs can make up for any mistake like that a little too easily.


There's a big change to the economics tomorrow, namely the first 25 matches anyone plays will see a massive increases in C-bills to push people towards quickly being able to afford to buy their first mech. For people who have already played 25 matches, they will get a one-time grant of 8 million C-bills.

There's also a change to the way that payouts work and a complete removal of repair and reloading costs (a mistake, IMO, but the masses seem happy about it).

You can read about the tweaks in full here: http://mwomercs.com/forums/topic/84412-economy-update-december-18th-2012/


There's a big change to the economics tomorrow, namely the first 25 matches anyone plays will see a massive increases in C-bills to push people towards quickly being able to afford to buy their first mech. For people who have already played 25 matches, they will get a one-time grant of 8 million C-bills.

There's also a change to the way that payouts work and a complete removal of repair and reloading costs (a mistake, IMO, but the masses seem happy about it).

You can read about the tweaks in full here: http://mwomercs.com/forums/topic/84412-economy-update-december-18th-2012/

The first and last time i'll ever take part in "founder's program". This ain't what i signed up for.
Removal of those things.. dammit, costs are a part of warfare. This is a simulation game, but simulation is not, should not be limited to actual piloting.


Those changes sound great! I'm almost shocked that they're taking player concerns seriously enough to make improvements of this magnitude.
The first and last time i'll ever take part in "founder's program". This ain't what i signed up for.
Removal of those things.. dammit, costs are a part of warfare. This is a simulation game, but simulation is not, should not be limited to actual piloting."

Normally I'd agree but in a multiplayer only game the costs and repairs are just an arbitrary expense that doesn't actually add any "simulation."


Yeah. Previous MechWarrior games' multiplayer components were do-as-thou-wilt when it came to 'Mechs and loadouts anyway.
Super happy about the first 25 matches thing. Will help with getting friends in the door. One of the best decisions they've made.

Super UNHAPPY about the rearm/repair costs going out the window.

I don't feel like it's betraying my Founder's package or anything, but it's certainly a kick in the junk to people who like to play intelligently. Continuing to make the metagame dumber is not the way forward.

The "masses" are stupid. They are also the reason contact and tripping is completely gone instead of revamped into a usable system.


Those changes sound great! I'm almost shocked that they're taking player concerns seriously enough to make improvements of this magnitude.

It is a good opportunity to lower the overall c-bills made per match. ;)

I'm glad to see re-arm/repair go away. The only use they had was for exploiters.
Super happy about the first 25 matches thing. Will help with getting friends in the door. One of the best decisions they've made.

Super UNHAPPY about the rearm/repair costs going out the window.

I don't feel like it's betraying my Founder's package or anything, but it's certainly a kick in the junk to people who like to play intelligently. Continuing to make the metagame dumber is not the way forward.

The "masses" are stupid. They are also the reason contact and tripping is completely gone instead of revamped into a usable system.

Well, tripping is actually gone due to the lagging that was occurring when the BattleMech's were getting back up. Remember how they used to teleport around? Guess they didn't want that in for Open Beta, but they're bringing it back as soon as it gets solved.
Well, tripping is actually gone due to the lagging that was occurring when the BattleMech's were getting back up. Remember how they used to teleport around? Guess they didn't want that in for Open Beta, but they're bringing it back as soon as it gets solved.

Maybe I read wrong, but I thought it went from "will be fixed" to "shelved indefinitely" because of the whiners. The lag was certainly an issue with them falling and then shifting 100 feet to the left, but the system was preferable to bumper cars.

I'd like to see a stagger instead of a trip and fall, personally. Get jostled, aim gets fucked, get knocked back, but retain footing and don't get tossed around like a paper doll.
"I don't feel like it's betraying my Founder's package or anything, but it's certainly a kick in the junk to people who like to play intelligently. Continuing to make the metagame dumber is not the way forward."

The repair/rearm shit isn't making the metagame any dumber, it's completely insignificant. The real metagame will be merc/faction community warfare.
The repair/rearm shit isn't making the metagame any dumber, it's completely insignificant. The real metagame will be merc/faction community warfare.

My primary concern for this will be when the Clan Invasion starts. I was hoping, HOPING, that clan tech would be rare, and also expensive to field. If you lost it, it would actually HURT to repair or replace it. Maybe getting your Clan ER PPCs destroyed would legit mean something. Thus when you saw it, you knew shit was real and there would be a significant advantage if you managed to fuck the dude's arm up. Comes with fielding rare parts.

If they start nixing repair and rearm now. Any chance of that sort of intelligent decision making in the future goes kaput.

Everyone will be in Mad Cats and Dashis. Who gives a fuck.

Legit talk though; you're right in that removing it in it's current iteration is basically neither here nor there, because repair wasn't enough to make stuff like XL engines uncommon (there was a point in beta where repair costs were high enough to make fielding advanced tech a bit of a gamble), but I'm hoping that it doesn't negatively effect the idea of resource management. Which is a part of BT, so.
Maybe I read wrong, but I thought it went from "will be fixed" to "shelved indefinitely" because of the whiners. The lag was certainly an issue with them falling and then shifting 100 feet to the left, but the system was preferable to bumper cars.

I'd like to see a stagger instead of a trip and fall, personally. Get jostled, aim gets fucked, get knocked back, but retain footing and don't get tossed around like a paper doll.

The last post I've seen regarding it was Matthew Craig's Net-Code Roadmap post on November 27th. He said:

"We know the decision to disable Mech collisions wasn’t the most popular; however, as was stated at the time we wanted to disable the feature until we could do it justice and it also helps to simplify the situations we deal with in the netcode while we take a back to basics approach starting from the ground up.


Finally we will re-introduce Mech collisions in a hopefully much improved state (for those who saw it in closed beta that means no teleporting snapping or knocked down Mechs and proper damages being dealt for all Mech types). We are aiming to release all this work in phases to the community as it progresses."

So it seems like it's still coming back. And yes, hopefully we do see alternate effects when hit, like the ones you mentioned in addition to falling at some point.
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