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MechWarrior Online - News and Information Thread


By the way it's Double XP weekend for the next 30 hours and Piranha has just released the Spider mech. I wonder how it plays.

I also wonder how the game is doing financially. As far as I've interpreted Russ' comments, it looks like they are at least funded until Summer/Fall 2013, but that's my interpretation and not fact.


I couldn't help myself since I am a sucker for this type of camouflage and I simply had to use some of my Founder's MC on something, seeing how I hadn't touched them yet.


Inspired by the promo screenshots of MW2:


Now I just that an external camera was available or a photo mode in the actual game.


I couldn't help myself since I am a sucker for this type of camouflage and I simply had to use some of my Founder's MC on something, seeing how I hadn't touched them yet.


Inspired by the promo screenshots of MW2:


Now I just that an external camera was available or a photo mode in the actual game.

Oh man... I remember those screenshots. The game looked boss in those shots. How did we end up with flat shaded stuff that they actually had? :/


So for my first mech, I randomly unlocked the Catapult K2 which looked really cool with those dual PPC's in the store. The thing is though, this mech had so little armor that it didn't last long in the combat. I could barely scratch the paint off the other mechs, it didn't feel "heavy" at all. I raged, raged and got mad at myself why I didn't get the Atlas and be that "badass" guy that ran into the fights guns blazing, not ran away like I had to with K2.

Anyways after the initial anger period I looked up some info about K2, found builds, got familiar with the mechlab and started experimenting. Apparently K2 is a glasscannon, meant to support the heavies with heavy guns from behind the lines. So started my "experiments". At first I replaced the PPC's with ER PPC's and supplementing it with two medium pulse lazers. Needless to say after firing an alpha my mech barely stayed in a solid form. Other crazy things included 4 large lazers, 2 AC5's with medium lazers and so on.

Nothing worked. K2 still sucked, I was getting manhandled by every mech class, until I got enough points for an XL engine and found place for two gauss cannons. Wow. Even though it's hard to aim these with all the 100+ ping and warping around, they rocked. But I read that "gausspult" was kind of hated online, and I didn't like my two awesome shoulder launchers sitting unused. The solution? Use more guns! I slapped in two PPC's on the shoulders and kept a gauss gun in torso. To make it all lulzy I even fitted a medium lazer in right torso.

Combining it with the "gut feeling" that you develop after a few games(long range shots, taking pot shots, compensating for latency, taking cover behind assaults and looking like a "lesser threat" in combat) this build is the absolute sweet spot for me. I have a burst damage of 40 total which is enough to kill off heavies in a few alphas, I don't overheat at all and I didn't have to sacrifice much armor. I consistently do 500-600 damage in balanced games and even got a 1050 damage in one match, scoring 5 kills.

The only downside is, I'm very bad while being harassed by lights(which is more of a general problem in game right now).

TL;DR: The customization in this game is awesome. With some understanding of what your mech is supposed to do and lots of trial/error, you can create very fun builds. Now I don't want an Atlas at all!


Oh man... I remember those screenshots. The game looked boss in those shots. How did we end up with flat shaded stuff that they actually had? :/

Tell me about it. I still remember looking at the screens in the magazine I bought and compared it to the game - I didn't understand game development back then, so I imagined I simply hadn't experienced that camouflage design yet.

The development troubles the game had probably was the reason why there was such a difference between what we saw and what we got.

Neat little detail I'd never noticed before, the Gauss (I think it's Gauss) round comes out in a sabot.

Big gif: http://i.minus.com/ibd8OsBeCppmvm.gif

I think it's a capsule, actually. The same type of capsule bullet we saw in Mechwarrior 2.

So for my first mech, I randomly unlocked the Catapult K2 which looked really cool with those dual PPC's in the store. The thing is though, this mech had so little armor that it didn't last long in the combat. I could barely scratch the paint off the other mechs, it didn't feel "heavy" at all. I raged, raged and got mad at myself why I didn't get the Atlas and be that "badass" guy that ran into the fights guns blazing, not ran away like I had to with K2.

Anyways after the initial anger period I looked up some info about K2, found builds, got familiar with the mechlab and started experimenting. Apparently K2 is a glasscannon, meant to support the heavies with heavy guns from behind the lines. So started my "experiments". At first I replaced the PPC's with ER PPC's and supplementing it with two medium pulse lazers. Needless to say after firing an alpha my mech barely stayed in a solid form. Other crazy things included 4 large lazers, 2 AC5's with medium lazers and so on.

Nothing worked. K2 still sucked, I was getting manhandled by every mech class, until I got enough points for an XL engine and found place for two gauss cannons. Wow. Even though it's hard to aim these with all the 100+ ping and warping around, they rocked. But I read that "gausspult" was kind of hated online, and I didn't like my two awesome shoulder launchers sitting unused. The solution? Use more guns! I slapped in two PPC's on the shoulders and kept a gauss gun in torso. To make it all lulzy I even fitted a medium lazer in right torso.

Combining it with the "gut feeling" that you develop after a few games(long range shots, taking pot shots, compensating for latency, taking cover behind assaults and looking like a "lesser threat" in combat) this build is the absolute sweet spot for me. I have a burst damage of 40 total which is enough to kill off heavies in a few alphas, I don't overheat at all and I didn't have to sacrifice much armor. I consistently do 500-600 damage in balanced games and even got a 1050 damage in one match, scoring 5 kills.

The only downside is, I'm very bad while being harassed by lights(which is more of a general problem in game right now).

TL;DR: The customization in this game is awesome. With some understanding of what your mech is supposed to do and lots of trial/error, you can create very fun builds. Now I don't want an Atlas at all!

Great story. Interesting to see your experimentation with the K2 - I've only settled on a dual gauss K2 and I am afraid to fiddle too much with the design, because of the cost of C-bills.


Finally got back to the game. Last time i tried, my firewall went nuts and broke everything... or maybe i should say, it broke and went nuts. Anyway, now this thing works. And runs much, much better than earlier. And looks prettier too, even though i run it with low settings, frame rate and responsiveness is more important here.

Anyway, the actual question, what ports i should open for this game? My Google-fu is failing me.

Also, i need to figure out how everything works now, namely ECM and other new stuff. Haven't kept myself up to date.


Been playing with Centurion CN9-AL. Neat machine, though its jack-of-all-trades nature makes it kinda average. Still, it is what i have so i'm playing with until i get enough C-Bills for something else. Or until i have all basic effiencies bought.
Nor do i have much choice, current trial mechs are so horrible. Never been a fan of Awesome and that variant is horrible, don't like anything about Spider, I guess that Hunchback is ok but i have a medium already, and Cataphract runs out of ammo way too fast.

Upped my Centurion's engine to 250, have DHS, Endo-Steel internals and Ferro-Fibrous armor.
In retrospect, i shouldn't have upped both internals and armor... Have some issues with internal space. However, the true problem i have is that i don't know how the Centurion should be fitted effectively. Been running with LPL, 2xMPL and 2xLRM5/1xLRM10, mostly but pulse lasers' lack of range isn't good, mediums lack armor and/or damage for brawling.
Alternatively i've tried a sniper fit, PPC or Large laser with LRMs or SRMs for short range defense, along with medium (pulse) lasers. However, i usually get sniped first... I think i'm more useful at medium-short range combat.

I could buy a new mech with MCs but i'd rather not, i'll save them for now (along with that Premium time, still haven't activated it). This game needs something more before i commit more fully. Or if i can convince my friend to play with me.

Somehow I doubt we'll see Clans in March in-game, even though their IS invasion should begin then. Fits canon, of course, ClanTech is rare.

EDIT figured out a fun fit: 2xLL, 1xML, 2xSRM4. Good punch from short to medium range. A lot of armor, runs pretty cool too.


That Hunchie is one of the only 'base' builds in MWO that actually works well.

In theory. It needs double heat sinks and get rid of that pointless small laser (for more armor, or remove half a ton armor and add a heatsink or ammo).
My current mech is far more effective though: Twin large lasers and twin SRM4s deal a lot of damage, with one medium laser as a backup weapon. Coupled with all basic effiencies, good speed and a lot of armor, my Centurion "Gladius"* is very effective at short-to-mid range. Not a city fighter though, Centurions are too wide for that, the lasers on right arm hit buildings too easily.

*Why can't we rename mechs afterwards? Glad i chose a good name...

However, i need a new mech soon. All that mechXP going to waste unless i buy more Centurions (i assume Hero mechs count as variants for effiency unlocks?)... but i'd rather try something else for now. Raven looks nice but not sure if i should buy 4X or wait till i have cash for 3L. Of course if i want more than basic effiences i need all 3...

The game is a tad grindy, especially with lack of maps and modes (Conquest is practically DM, it ends always in one team dying, unlike Assault). Activating that Premium time is tempting but i doubt i'd play this game 30days straight at the moment, haven't managed to focus on anything for that long for a long time...

EDIT oh and Centurion CN9-A and -D are far too similar, hardpoint-wise. IMO.

EDIT and i decide not to buy a Raven but i'll get the Centurions. Specialization you know? Like the design really, it is versatile, looks cool.


Man, all this customization talk makes me think how incredible a singleplayer campaign would have been. To experiment with builds against inconsequential AI.

When all is properly balanced and implemented, I really hope Piranha either shift some of its development personnel to creating a singleplayer campaign, or start a minor Kickstarter for a singleplayer campaign. I know I would definitely back it, especially if it has tiers that includes a FlyingDebris artbook :)


How much heat effiency you want in your loadouts? To me, it seems anything under 1.3 (with DHS) is unusable.
Or am i just too aggressive?


CN9-D is nice, btw. Its default speed is 97kph. Which means you can bump it up to 100-120 depending on your build.

I think there's a proper optimal heat efficiency. Of course, higher is better, but it really depends on the build. Depends if you're a hit-and-run alpha striker, or a mech that'll stand and fire and need to maintain continuous fire.

And yes, any build will overheat if you're too aggressive. Find out your own style and heat management should depend on that.


Bought CN9-A. Running it slightly modifed from the stock: DHS, Endo-Steel, LRM10 swapped for 3xLRM5*. Pretty good overall. The slow speed of its stock engine makes it a bad brawler though, can't disengage from combat. Works well as a mid-range sniper/support.
I planned to make it a sniper: 3xLRM5 and a Gauss Rifle... but can't fit all those without sacrifing a lot of armor. And of course it wouldn't need DHS with that loadout (heat effiency almost 2). Would need XL engine, especially since a mobile medium sniper needs more speed than 65KPH.
All the Centurions are too similar. Too bad i need 3 of 'em to Master at least one. And i do like the design enough to want to Master it, just not sure which one i should master...
Might get Yen-Lo-Wang too. Any idea if Hero mechs are on sale ever? Dragon's on sale for this weekend (MC only).

I wouldn't mind the low C-Bill match rewards if selling stuff back would give much more money back...

*LRM5 is damn good weapon: cheap, small, light, fast re-fire. If possible, always swap LRM10 to 2xLRM5, LRM15 to 3xLRM5... Of course, this assume you need to save weight.


Holy shit. That newly implemented start-up sequence.

That's it. I don't need Piranha to do anything more with the game. It's complete now.

Except for doing a singleplayer campaign

and implementing the Clans

and getting Jeehun Hwang on board to do the soundtrack


Enjoy having your arm blown off at the start of every fight!

I'm very aware of that, which is why i said "might", not "may" or "will".
I wouldn't be too worried about that though, most mechs have their primary armament on their arms... and i'm exclusively piloting Centurions at the moment, both of which have their main armament in the arm (AC10/2xLL). Yet i do fine. And two medium lasers in center torso can do a surprising amount of damage: finished quite many enemies with just those.

I like Centurion a lot, it feels like it needs skill to use effectively, so it is very, very rewarding.

But regardless, i won't be getting a hero mech quite yet, i'll wait for more to come first.

EDIT just realized, the paint job on YLW isn't a good thing. Too distinctive. A mech should be non-descript, something that makes peopel assume it is no true danger. Of course nothing says i have to stick with the AC20 (should i get the mech), putting something else in its place might surprise people...


The difference is that the Yen lo mostly has its arm targeted on principle since there's normally an AC20 in there. For other centurians they're generally just considered a low priority and don't get the same treatment.

EDIT: Yeah, exactly. It really stands out compared to other Cents so the arm gets focused. This is why I like the 4SP Hunch over the others since there's isn't a 'hunch' for people to instinctively target.


The difference is that the Yen lo mostly has its arm targeted on principle since there's normally an AC20 in there. For other centurians they're generally just considered a low priority and don't get the same treatment.

EDIT: Yeah, exactly. It really stands out compared to other Cents so the arm gets focused. This is why I like the 4SP Hunch over the others since there's isn't a 'hunch' for people to instinctively target.

Guess who dies first whenever i'm playing.
Next time i'll ask: "why the fuck are you shooting a Centurion? I don't have ECM or any electronics, and somewhat lackluster weaponry, i'm not worth it".
Probably wouldn't do any good though.


Guess who dies first whenever i'm playing.
Next time i'll ask: "why the fuck are you shooting a Centurion? I don't have ECM or any electronics, and somewhat lackluster weaponry, i'm not worth it".
Probably wouldn't do any good though.

While I know you said your guass/LRM cent had to sacrifice too much to work there's no way it should be dying first either, particually with a decent sized XL which is where I think the Cent will do well in its weight class.

I mean, dying first in a medium generally won't be because you get specifically focused, it'll be because you overextended and became a target of opportunity.

The problem I have with the chassis in theory is that there doesn't seem to be much it can do that can't be done better by either the Dragon but I've been tempted to get one recently. Cool looking mech at the very least.


For the centurion, I think it's a hard trade-off (standard vs XL engine). Given the general weapon loadout (arm ballistic, missiles left torso, laser CT), it benefits a lot from being able to zombie about (surviving and still dealing damage despite having parts blown off). So it's a trade-off of that kind of survivability, for which the Cent might be particularly suited for, versus an XL = more firepower or more speed. Depends on your build, I guess.

The problem with not bringing an XL is that you can have heavies going the same speed but with more firepower. So hmmmm.


While I know you said your guass/LRM cent had to sacrifice too much to work there's no way it should be dying first either, particually with a decent sized XL which is where I think the Cent will do well in its weight class.

I mean, dying first in a medium generally won't be because you get specifically focused, it'll be because you overextended and became a target of opportunity.

The problem I have with the chassis in theory is that there doesn't seem to be much it can do that can't be done better by either the Dragon but I've been tempted to get one recently. Cool looking mech at the very least.

It just feels like people are focusing on me... that said i tend to be on the frontline when contact happens. Need to see what's going on to decide where to go, what to do. Having scouts and some communication would be nice... the problem of being a solo player :/

For the centurion, I think it's a hard trade-off (standard vs XL engine). Given the general weapon loadout (arm ballistic, missiles left torso, laser CT), it benefits a lot from being able to zombie about (surviving and still dealing damage despite having parts blown off). So it's a trade-off of that kind of survivability, for which the Cent might be particularly suited for, versus an XL = more firepower or more speed. Depends on your build, I guess.

The problem with not bringing an XL is that you can have heavies going the same speed but with more firepower. So hmmmm.
Mediums are cheap... of course since the repair system was removed, mediums lost appealingness a bit, i think. A bad decision, that one, IMO.

I try too much to have all three, speed, firepower, and armor. But in general, i tend to sacrifice firepower for speed and endurance, precision fire, firing at weak points compensates that well.

Looking through some more Battletech art, I stumbled upon Shimmering Sword's re-seen Marauder designs.

I wouldn't mind to have the re-seen Marauder in MW:O.

First non-original Marauder i like. All the other art make reseen Marauder look horrible.
I would say XLs on a Centurion are always worth it. If you look at the Hunchback, an XL engine 1)takes up needed critical slots in the hunch and 2)becomes a huge liability when everyone targets the hunch. A Centurion really is far more likely to lose an arm or just get cored outright, the LT and RT are much harder to target directly.


I would say XLs on a Centurion are always worth it. If you look at the Hunchback, an XL engine 1)takes up needed critical slots in the hunch and 2)becomes a huge liability when everyone targets the hunch. A Centurion really is far more likely to lose an arm or just get cored outright, the LT and RT are much harder to target directly.

I don't know about that... i rarely get cored directly (EDIT i do have 10 tons of armor after all) unless shot from back (keeping my back armor very weak usually). Usually it goes something like: Left arm/Torso (i turn my left towards incoming fire, the arm works well as a shield), then right arm/torso... At this point, i might get cored right away but if not, then i'll be up and running even for quite long time, doing damage with my twin CT medium lasers.


Yeah, I often see Cents get side-torso'ed (sometimes both sides) before dying. XL could be a liability. I think it really depends on your build. Do you want a fast hit-and-run mech with more firepower, that avoids the frontline and only attacks opportunistically and tries to keep a low profile? Or do you want to be a brawler that can stand and fight (while staying on the move, of course) longer, while delivering constant damage throughout the encounter?


Given that he feels like he gets targeted and admitted that he's normally right on the front I think he's probably a brawler, yeah.


Given that he feels like he gets targeted and admitted that he's normally right on the front I think he's probably a brawler, yeah.

Indeed i am, i think, at least that's what i tend to do and considering how i play other games.... I don't have patience for sniping really. That said, i'll get CN9-D and make it a gauss sniper with LRMs and XL engine, try it out.

I just got 4 kills (and didn't die) in a single match with CN9-A, fitted for brawling... Too bad the enemies were really bad, takes out some enjoyment.

EDIT while i'm a brawler, i really don't like using heavier mechs. Odd, eh?


You can be a brawler without always being out of the open. That's the job of heavies and assaults (tanking). Use your speed to your advantage. I don't have a Cent presently, but I brawl with my AC20-hunch going about 81kph (89 with speedtweak). I support the tanks and flank enemy lines. I break in and out of cover, aim for vulnerable spots, circle behind the enemy, draw their fire away from the tanks when need be. I move around a lot, and I'm constantly in battle. I am NOT constantly out in the open, and thus and not a priority target most of the time. If I hit a vulnerable spot in the enemy line and am thus targeted back, I pull out of their LOS and move back to another position where I can be helpful.

I always make sure someone else on the team is a high priority target than me. I'm not made to eat lasers. I'm made to dish them out.

The 'Phract 2X is an amazing brawler. You can fit an AC20 and 2 SRM6 and a few lasers on there and still go 64kph (yep, that's default Cent or Hunch speeds).


If you ever feel like playing a 'real' brawler, try a Cataphract 2X with a 280 engine.

Ugly. Also, don't really like heavies, at least not the ones present in the game. Give me unseen Warhammer, Marauder, or some Clan mech, like Timber Wolf (or even better, a Summoner Prime) and i'll pilot heavies gladly. As it is, the first Heavy that will interest me is JagerMech. Not sure if'd like to pilot it though... It interests me as it is symmetrical and the idea of a rapid-fire AC sniper appeals to me. Can't make one of the Centurion, not enough space nor mass.

Still no idea why i find mediums so appealing even though they're strictly speaking a bit pointless, heavies can be made as fast with same level of firepower and armor, lights are considerably better scouts in general...

EDIT oh for the love of... i've made my CN9-AL too light. Can't put enough weapons on it to fill its weight without running out of space, or alternatively it won't be cool enough.That Ferro-Fibrous armor was a mistake... why i can't get money back by going back to standard armor...
Well, the Cata 4X has two ballistic hardpoints in each arm. You can run a 4x AC2 build on it, but that runs kinda hot. Or dual Gauss, or a couple U/AC 5.

Or, if yo want to make a joke build, 4x Machine Guns. It sounds cool and looks cool when you're you're shooting but don't expect to do any damage.


Ferrofibrous is almost never a good idea. Most builds won't have enough critical space if you already have Endosteel (always go Endosteel first, you always save more tonnage).

I had an existential crisis with mediums before as well. Too slow compared to lights, and even heavies can match their speed but with substantially more firepower. However, I've come up with proper uses for them since then. I've bumped my Hunch speed way up (into the 80's), which makes him a pretty effective flanker (with an AC20!). And I don't feel like my Cicada functions as 'just a light'. I can fit an UltraAC5 or an LBX10 (hahahaha) into it and still maintain very good speed (110-120), while any light trying to fit those in would be a (slow) joke build. It definitely feels like a fast medium. If I ever get a Cent, I'd focus on the D, and bump up his engine into the 100's. It'll go fast, much faster than a heavy, while still packing significantly more firepower than a light could wish for.

Also, use this instead of wasting money on upgrades and then regretting it because you screwed up: http://mwo.smurfy-net.de/mechlab


I have now amassed 10 million C-bills, but I don't know which mech I want to go for. I usually want to upgrade them, so it should probably be something that is long term.

Any recommendations for a fun variant? I am mostly thinking about either a light mech or the Stalker, Cataphract.


Again, 2X Phract is amazing for brawling. Probably my favourite chassis in the game. 280 engine, 2SRM6, AC20, 3MLs.

Thanks, Nickiepoo. It sounds like a lot of firepower in one chassis. How much armor do you allocate to it? How much AC20 ammo? And do you use any upgrades for it?


I don't remember the details, but he should have min 3 tons ammo, preferably 4. It's a fairly armored build; max torsos, L arm should be max, R arm is not as important. Legs should be minimum 27-30 or something, preferably more. Likely has Endo and DHS too.


Thanks, Nickiepoo. It sounds like a lot of firepower in one chassis. How much armor do you allocate to it? How much AC20 ammo? And do you use any upgrades for it?

Max armour everywhere except legs (26 points each so it IS sort of leggable if people decide to go down that route, but generally I've found they don't). 2 tons of SRM ammo, 4AC20, Endosteel, 14 double heatsinks.


Got bored using Centurion, so i bought a Cicada (CDA-2A).
Interesting machine, very difficult to use. And fit.
Put 250 engine to it, and 4 medium lasers, no other upgrades. Pretty good harasser, though extra speed would be nice. Will have to get DHS and Endo-Steel before i can make upgrade the engine back to original spec.
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