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MechWarrior Online - News and Information Thread


So, is it even worth it to actually play with a trial mech? I get 60k just for playing a game, if I actually try to use the mech and hit stuff, I get maybe 20-30k bonus.

This game is a bit disappointing for anyone starting. You feel under-gunned, you have no flexibility, most starting mechs are not very good.

Then, purely on a mechanic side of things, I have no idea what I'm doing. Do I have hitpoints? Can I repair myself? How can I see how much damage I did? How do you deal with some mechs that just lob 80 missiles at you from 1km away? Do I hit them anywhere specific? Can I disable specific parts?

Yeah, the introduction to much of the game is pretty borked. I don't know what Piranha expected. It's not like everyone are familiar with the Battletech game or the Mechwarrior games in general.

That being said, I'm still running around in my Founder's Catapult with some extra heatsinks and ammo. So it's not like there's a substantial difference between anyone starting up this game (except for the C-bills bonus).

Also, try to read this:


Mistake #1: Thinking you’re going to “lone wolf” your way to greatness and carry your team to victory…
Mistake #2: Not understanding that MechWarrior Online is about proper management of your BattleMech
Mistake #3: Not being aware of the entire battle vs. just the skirmish you’re involved in
Where should you use your first upgrades?
Which BattleMech is best for you?


Zone Alarm? Sounds like some McAfee shit.

MSE doesn't cause any issues for me. At all.

Doesn't say anything, no false positives or anything like that.
re-checking things, i may have remove the game and everything related and re-download it, remake exceptions for it...

EDIT well well. Zone Alarm hadn't saved my changes. Re-did them. Adding MWO to exception list caused the patcher to crash. Removing the rule allows it to run BUT i still cannot connect to servers. My ISP nor router do not block the game for sure, it worked earlier, no changes in either thing.
So... WTF is going on?

EDIT deleted everything, starting from scratch.

EDIT nope, still can't connect servers. I do not understand, i didn't have this problem a couple of weeks back. Same firewall back then, no changes to system etc...
Well, decided to give this a shot. I am not pleased.

First of all, the grind wouldn't be an issue if trial mechs didn't have some of the most arse-insane loadouts I've ever seen (WTF would you have short, medium, AND long-range weapons on the same mech!?), but since they're so terrible it's just not much fun to deal with them. Fortunately, $15 got me enough to buy two decent mechs (and sell one for c-bills, which isn't going to convince anyone that this game isn't pay-to-win, heh), but the trial mechs alone are going to cause serious issues with player retention.

Oh, and of course there's no in-game tutorial, just an incredibly dense 9-minute long video that is very unlikely to be watched in its entirety by the people who really need to watch it.

But then there's also the complete lack of any sort of matchmaking outside of weight class. I've seen waaaay too many games where one team is chock-full of completely green players against a team that is 6/8 founders and getting stomped in short order. Not cool, man!

I really, really want to like this game. First Mechwarrior game in years. But Piranha honestly doesn't seem to really know what they're doing, or what really deserves top priority (re: newbie retention), which is making it tough to recommend this game to anybody. I can only hope they fix these issues well before the actual launch...
I don't really get the complaints about matchmaking at this point honestly.
I mean maybe I am just not that knowledgeable about betas, but are there ever beta versions of games that have actual worthwhile matchmaking options? I mean as far as I understand that is something that is not going to be settled until after lots of testing and probably one of the last things to get tweaked.

They probably shouldn't have went open beta until they had some sort of worthwhile matchmaking in place thought. That is sort of obvious.


I agree that the main issues right now are UI, economy/grind, and matchmaking. The game itself is in a serviceable state, but all three of those things feel very "middle of alpha" rather than "open beta."


Well, decided to give this a shot. I am not pleased.

First of all, the grind wouldn't be an issue if trial mechs didn't have some of the most arse-insane loadouts I've ever seen (WTF would you have short, medium, AND long-range weapons on the same mech!?), but since they're so terrible it's just not much fun to deal with them. Fortunately, $15 got me enough to buy two decent mechs (and sell one for c-bills, which isn't going to convince anyone that this game isn't pay-to-win, heh), but the trial mechs alone are going to cause serious issues with player retention.

Oh, and of course there's no in-game tutorial, just an incredibly dense 9-minute long video that is very unlikely to be watched in its entirety by the people who really need to watch it.

But then there's also the complete lack of any sort of matchmaking outside of weight class. I've seen waaaay too many games where one team is chock-full of completely green players against a team that is 6/8 founders and getting stomped in short order. Not cool, man!

I really, really want to like this game. First Mechwarrior game in years. But Piranha honestly doesn't seem to really know what they're doing, or what really deserves top priority (re: newbie retention), which is making it tough to recommend this game to anybody. I can only hope they fix these issues well before the actual launch...

you're pretty much highlighting what I believe are going to be issues. I'm going to start up the game this weekend and give it a shot but the glory of free to play games is getting the players hooked with a taste of the real game. If the trial mechs are as bad as everyone says they are (plus no ability to earn xp.......) then they are missing a great opportunity to get people hooked. I'm not willing to start spending real money right away if I don't enjoy the game.
I really had no trouble with the trial mechs. I think real issue if anything is for those used to mechwarrior games who are going to be given a trial mech and be pissed that they can't configure or play it the way they want and are used to from past mechwarrior games.

The initial grind is highly overstated though as it really doesn't take that long to go from trial to your first mech.

I think not having a major tutorial system in place is going to be the biggest issue as lot of players are not going to want to watch a 10 min video. There should be in game simple tutorial program for the newbies.


I don't know about you guys, but not having a single server on my continent is kinda putting me off buying into the game.

Are you European or Asian or Australian? As a European, I'm gettting around 110-140 ping on these US servers.

Can anyone recommend a good, not-too-expensive joystik?

Unfortunately KB/M is the preferred method of control at the moment, as joystick isn't as precise. Piranha might be working on supporting the joystick in the future.

If you have to go with a joystick anyway, I think Saitek has the cheapest HOTAS, while not many contemporary joysticks beat old Microsoft's Sidewinder 2 (you can find some on Ebay for ~30 dollars)


Joysticks are pretty bad for aiming right now, but a throttle is still pretty nice to get fast, analog control over movement. Once analog turning is in, I'm looking forward to using my Saitek X52's throttle to control speed, with its POV nub for turning.


I don't know about you guys, but not having a single server on my continent is kinda putting me off buying into the game.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, I live in Northern Ontario and it feels so damn good to finally see a game where I get under 20 ping to the servers. They must be in Quebec somewhere?
"Seriously though, the only games that really benefit from a joystick any more are flight sims. Even space combat sims benefit better from the mouse because it's easier to be pin-point accurate with a mouse."

Space combat games generally have acceleration on all movement so the speed/accuracy of a mouse is hindered, almost to the point of not being usable. A few have aiming similar to Mechwarrior's arm aiming, but that's not that majority.


(WTF would you have short, medium, AND long-range weapons on the same mech!?)

Raven huh. The trials are all faithful tabletop builds which thanks to the change in the heat model don't work anywhere near as well as they should.

I love the game, but I've been saying for a while that the trial mech for noobies system is stupid. Either have very easy and reliable trial mechs or else give new players a 'free' mech.

I think they might have been unrealistic about open beta not being a 'realease' of that game, and that noobie features and matchmaking REALLY should be in before that point.


Raven huh. The trials are all faithful tabletop builds which thanks to the change in the heat model don't work anywhere near as well as they should.

I love the game, but I've been saying for a while that the trial mech for noobies system is stupid. Either have very easy and reliable trial mechs or else give new players a 'free' mech.

I think they might have been unrealistic about open beta not being a 'realease' of that game, and that noobie features and matchmaking REALLY should be in before that point.

The fact that there is no matchmaking is kind of baffling.


So much patching to play. I turned on the patcher yesterday and went trick or treating with my kid. Today over lunch I took a look and the client had closed. I opened it again and am patching again. sigh. We'll see if it finished by the time I get home.


So much patching to play. I turned on the patcher yesterday and went trick or treating with my kid. Today over lunch I took a look and the client had closed. I opened it again and am patching again. sigh. We'll see if it finished by the time I get home.

Hey, at least you can connect to servers. I cannot, so i cannot download the client (the patcher/downloader works) proper, as i complained on top of this page.
I really had no trouble with the trial mechs. I think real issue if anything is for those used to mechwarrior games who are going to be given a trial mech and be pissed that they can't configure or play it the way they want and are used to from past mechwarrior games.

The initial grind is highly overstated though as it really doesn't take that long to go from trial to your first mech.
I disagree. Most players are going to spend no more than an hour with the game for their first impression. If they can't buy a mech AND customize it within that amount of time there is no way they're gonna get hooked. As it is, you're looking at a minimum of 5 hours of play just to afford a mech of your own... and that's far too long for most prospective, non-hardcore-Battletech-fan players.

This is just compounded by the tutorial and matchmaking issues which make that first hour an exercise in confusion and utter frustration for most newbies. I come from a background of having played all the previous PC mech games and even I had trouble with it at first; a true newbie has no chance.


if you want to be successful in the trial mechs then there's only one thing you can do.
Get on teamspeak. Its much easier in the trial mechs when you have a team you can communicate with

If any of you guys need help with anything PM me. I'll be more than happy to get some groups together for a team drop.
if you want to be successful in the trial mechs then there's only one thing you can do.
Get on teamspeak. Its much easier in the trial mechs when you have a team you can communicate with

If any of you guys need help with anything PM me. I'll be more than happy to get some groups together for a team drop.

Gaf usually uses mumble though.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
You guys must be unfamiliar with World of Tanks.

In that game you start with something the community has lovingly dubbed the LOLTractor as it's the most useless vehicle they could possibly start you with. Despite this WOT is making money hand over fist.

The trial mechs are fine.
You guys must be unfamiliar with World of Tanks.

In that game you start with something the community has lovingly dubbed the LOLTractor as it's the most useless vehicle they could possibly start you with. Despite this WOT is making money hand over fist.

The trial mechs are fine.

Yea those starting tanks suck and I had no issue with the trial mechs originally before I went founder in this. I swapped around the trial mechs trying them out between matches and also those first few hours learning the game. Soon enough I had my own mech and it's all gravy from there.

Those who can't handle the little grind early on I doubt would stick with the game long term anyways


What's the deal with streaks right about now? They are ridiculous.

Lots of people are running lights, so people realised that they were effectively boatable on Cats and Awesomes. They've always been powerful, just that not many people used them when the game was Atlas heavy (which is when we were seeing the highest number of anti assault Guassapualts).

They only target CT at the moment, but an incoming nerf is going to have them target random sections instead. I always use them on my Jenner for hunting other lights so bah, but at least I won't get oneshotted by streakapults any more.
They only target CT at the moment, but an incoming nerf is going to have them target random sections instead.

That explains SO MUCH.

I am absolutely sick of getting one shotted by them too, and sometimes just from single volleys from other lights. Good to know. Thank you.
I finally sat down this weekend and played a good amount with the Ryuken group I joined a while back. They are based in Australia/SE Asia so the closest thing to me.

I gotta say that PUG STOMPIN' is my new favorite past-time. I swear over the weekend we must be around 75W - 10L

Most of that time we were running around 6-8 man groups.

There were a few premades that we went against and most of those we won as well. The losses could usually be chalked up to losing 2-3 people to D/Cs and such.
I finally sat down this weekend and played a good amount with the Ryuken group I joined a while back. They are based in Australia/SE Asia so the closest thing to me.

I gotta say that PUG STOMPIN' is my new favorite past-time. I swear over the weekend we must be around 75W - 10L

Most of that time we were running around 6-8 man groups.

There were a few premades that we went against and most of those we won as well. The losses could usually be chalked up to losing 2-3 people to D/Cs and such.

Enjoy it while it lasts - patch on 6th November will be phase 1 of MM changes so PUG stomping will be harder.
Haha yeah even if I say that it was mostly a joke. It was pretty much no. Challenge and felt like we were fighting some of the worst a.i. bots ever most of the time. The game really doesn't shine when there is no teamwork.

Looking forward to better matchmaking and some semblance of a challenge.


This is why I said they should have fixed this before open beta and the inevitable noob influx.

Rolling with a pug, even one with inexperienced players, is still a huge advantage just for their tendency to stick togeather and ability to focus fire. As soon as you throw in active scouting and loadout calling then pug v pug is the only way you ever really lose.
Yeah I honestly can't believe they started Open Beta with no real matchmaking, only one mode, and not a single inkling of community warfare.

The warfare part is big to me because that is going to be the backbone of the game that keeps people coming if it is done right. Right now I guarantee there are thousands of players that don't even realize what is planned in that respect. You would have to dig through old forum posts or articles to even figure that out.

I have had a few friends join in and comment "So it's just gonna be a normal online deathmatch game? Seems like they should add a campaign or something..."


there is something seriously wrong with LRMs right now. I don't use them, but I was in the minority that thought they were perfect last patch - high damage, but not hard to avoid. Whereas in earlier beta they did piddly damage but you couldn't escape them ever. Now it's like the worst of both worlds and you can't even stick your head out. I saw multiple full groups running with nothing but LRM boats and easily demolishing the opposing side. The last game I played was my own 4 man group along with one of those, and as an example the other side had a single AFK catapult left at the end. I ran over there in my Jenner and within 5 seconds of me targeting it, it had already been obliterated by LRM fire. I run at ~140kph and I didn't even get within 300m.

also I forgot how much I hate pugs. Three matches in a row I nearly died just to them shooting me like idiots. Like, I see my rear armor's stripped then look behind me and 4 people on my team shooting LLs at me trying to finish off the Cicada I was fighting. I would LOVE to fight 8 man teams all day if I didn't have to deal with goddamn morons on my own.

I will say that I had the most hilarious match ever today. After a long bloody battle the only people left were an enemy Jenner + Awesome, with our only teammates left alive being an AFK guy running into a wall and the worst Atlas-K pilot I've ever spectated in my life. The Atlas gets jumped by the Jenner and loses 3/4 of his rear armor before he even notices what's happening, and is completely incapable of turning around to see it in order to fire the single shot he'd need to finish him off. After giving up on this he starts going full tilt towards the mission boundaries to suicide himself, and does so. The fun starts when I realize both the Jenner and the Awesome followed him out and suicided. Only person left was the AFK guy, who ended up being the most useful member of the team.


The devs just had a live chat on Kotaku that confirms the LRM insanity I mentioned is a bug that will be hotfixed.

Pretty sure I'm not even going to bother logging in until the next patch, just from what I've read off the forums.

The forums are awful. Every time a new patch comes out they get flooded with 'X feature will kill this game' whether it's clearly a bug or not. Also, they are full of people who still think demotivators are funny.

In other news, they announced the Blackjack, which might be cool but unfortunately for my sadistic side there's no feasible way you can fit 2 gauss rifles on a 45 ton mech. I do like jumpjets, ballistics and moving fast though.
The forums are awful. Every time a new patch comes out they get flooded with 'X feature will kill this game' whether it's clearly a bug or not. Also, they are full of people who still think demotivators are funny.

That may be true, but LRMs coming in over cover and doing buggy crit damage through armor aren't things I need to experience first hand to know I won't want to play, heh

Edit: OK I lied, couldn't resist. At least the heat from 2x large pulse lasers isn't as bad as the notes made it seem it would be =P

Edit 2: Played with LRMs. LOLOLOL. That is all.
Haha yeah my group was talking about it on Mumble last night and it does seem kind of ridiculous.

As others have said I would ignore most of the forum complaints though. You get a lot of people getting cored and then come on complaining about some imagined bug because they thought they were cheated.

There was a long thread after this patch about how internal damage was bugged and you would always lose a part to even a single machine gun bullet.

I honestly didn't even lose my armor in a single match last night but everyone else said that definitely wasn't happening to them.


Well, after finally getting a video card that lets me play this, I've spent several days grinding in trial mechs I didn't like to finally buy a Cicada that's almost completely worthless in practice. :(

Btw, how does spotting work? Do I have to stay locked on to a mech for the rest of my team to be able to target it, do I need to stay in visual range, or just find the enemies and run?

fake edit: I just realized they don't even have Houses to choose... what's going on here?
Yeah I honestly can't believe they started Open Beta with no real matchmaking, only one mode, and not a single inkling of community warfare.

The warfare part is big to me because that is going to be the backbone of the game that keeps people coming if it is done right. Right now I guarantee there are thousands of players that don't even realize what is planned in that respect. You would have to dig through old forum posts or articles to even figure that out.

I have had a few friends join in and comment "So it's just gonna be a normal online deathmatch game? Seems like they should add a campaign or something..."
So... they do have stuff planned? I seem to recall hearing something about it, but all I'm seeing is them playing with team deathmatch balance.
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