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Media Create Hardware Sales: 1 - 7 Nov - OH MY F***ING LORD


captmcblack said:
Wait wait wait...people are going apeshit because ~4K Xboxes sold?
Isn't 4K a shitty number? Like, anywhere? :\

No, people are going apeshit because the xbox sold more than the gamecube. If there's one thing this forum loves, it's not Nintendo.


etiolate said:
No, people are going apeshit because the xbox sold more than the gamecube. If there's one thing this forum loves, it's not Nintendo.

Well, to its credit, the forum reacted similarly when Tales of Symphonia caused GC to outsell PS2 by 300 units last year.


While this will probably NEVER happen again, I think the fact that it occurred at all ought to be a wake-up sign to Nintendo. I mean, really.

I don't think Nintendo even really cares about Gamecube in Japan right now :p their release schedule is practically non-existent, and they're probably concentrating on making sure they don't fuck up with Revolution.


Sales of the new model PS2 are fabulous, unless the older model managed to make a dent too. I don't think GBASP even reached those levels.

Nope, GBASP strangely enough, also sold 114,000 units in it's launch week.

This is not the first time that Xbox has beat Gamecube in Japan. Aside from the Xbox's launch window, there were 2-3 other instances where Xbox came out on top. This is no big deal, but I'm still expecting an MS press release touting a 3000% sales increase, putting them solidly in second place in Japan. :)

If only they could release a DOA game every week, while Nintendo released nothing. Then they might have something.


Jumpman said:
Nope, GBASP strangely enough, also sold 114,000 units in it's launch week.

This is not the first time that Xbox has beat Gamecube in Japan. Aside from the Xbox's launch window, there were 2-3 other instances where Xbox came out on top. This is no big deal, but I'm still expecting an MS press release touting a 3000% sales increase, putting them solidly in second place in Japan. :)

If only they could release a DOA game every week, while Nintendo released nothing. Then they might have something.


It happened the second and third week of Xbox availability in Japan, and again when the Xbox price dropped in Japan in 2002 while the GameCube's was slated for a week after. I don't think it happened in 2003, although it's possible.


So still more GBAs sold in 2004 than PS2s, but I don't expect that to last until the end of the year now they've blown their Pokemon load so soon, especially with DQ8 and GT4 to come. :eek:


Jonnyram said:
So still more GBAs sold in 2004 than PS2s, but I don't expect that to last until the end of the year now they've blown their Pokemon load so soon, especially with DQ8 and GT4 to come. :eek:

I honestly don't think MGS3, ToR or GT4 will do much to PS2 sales. Barring what happens on the Xbox, the popular systems seem to blow their loads during the first installments. For GT4 especially, people either blew their load with GT3 or did last year with Prologue. Now, assuming DQ fans didn't already buy the system for the V remake, the FF games or whatever else they may be interested in, then DQ8 will make an impact.
They probably can. There Dec/Jan period in Japan is really equivalent to about six months or more worth of sales in just a few weeks.

Plus Dragon Quest VIII is bound to sell a few systems.

Is that PSTwo model out in Japan now too? Wouldn't surprise me if some people just bought the system for the redesign.


If people in Japan will buy whole new systems just for new COLORS... they'll surely come out in droves to buy a smaller (and we all know the Japanese like smaller electronic devices) and better (IMO) designed PStwo.


TheGreenGiant said:
is that right? I thought it was in the 1st day sales figure. Zelda hasn't been big in JPN for a long time now. The girls though CHibilink wasn't swass. It'll be huge in the west.

This was the weekend. I don't know why portable Zelda sells like crap in JPN. The last two releases, Oracles/Season only sold around 600k combined.
Here's the GT4 PS2 pack:



go eat paint
Someone asked "why did Minish Cap sell so low?" Well, ignoring the fact that it topped a weekly chart, Minish was released right smack in the middle of the chart period.... almost 100,000 isn't pretty good for a non-Pokemon GBA game, in the US or Japan, but especially in Japan.


Let's take another spin at this.

Xbox total installed base: 31,766
Gamecube total installed base: 511,633

OMG WTF! :lol :lol :lol


Jonnyram said:
So still more GBAs sold in 2004 than PS2s, but I don't expect that to last until the end of the year now they've blown their Pokemon load so soon, especially with DQ8 and GT4 to come. :eek:

The PS2 has an outside chance of overtaking GBA for the year, but it isn't going to be easy. History has shown that the holiday season is especially strong for GBA, much moreso than for PS2. This trend has held, Pokemon or no Pokemon, and with recent price reductions, isn't likely to change. The real wild cards here are the new handhelds, the DS and PSP. They could concievably put a dent in GBA sales, but how big of a dent remains to be seen. My guess is that despite the "new hotness" status of these new portables, hardware shortages (along with the heftier price tags) will keep them from dramaticly affecting Gameboy sales in the short term.
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