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Media Create Sales: 02/09 - 02/15

Link said:
I think Nintendo should start packing in Wii Sports with the Wii in Japan. It works from all angles. It could help jumpstart hardware sales; Resort is coming out soon, which will further hurt Sports' sales anyway; it could build an even larger userbase for Resort, which in turn will help sell M+; and Nintendo can avoid an actual pricedrop.

Seems like an almost no-brainer, really.
I'd see it differently. If the situation remains as-is and Wii Sports Resort comes out, many people will choose it instead of Wii Sports. But if they get Wii Sports automatically, they probably won't feel compelled to also immediately get Resort, which could slow down MotionPlus adoption among new system owners. However important Nintendo deems that.


Great to see the 360 gaining some traction with release like this...
The HD market is off to a good start in 2009 :)
Sirolf said:
The HD market is off to a good start in 2009 :)
Well, it's off to a start not unlike the last two years--which is a lot more than most hardware (or combinations of hardware) can say.

Eteric Rice said:
I wonder if Star Ocean is going to drop off next week, or if it'll have legs?
Well, either this first week accounts for most of its total sales, or it becomes the best-selling X360 game by more than 60% over Blue Dragon.


I have something to say, from a Japanese standpoint. Well I guess it's nothing new to you guys but let me try.

You guys should really forget about console gaming in Japan already. We are just happy with DS and PSP. Even back when PS2 was up we were skeptical if we needed such horsepower for games, but it turned out to be a success because in my opinion it was satisfyingly impressive and GBA was too weak to be a main system. We didn't give DC&GC a chance because just one console was enough.

Now we have DS and PSP. DS is just DS. PSP is maybe still not powerful enough to satisfy PS2 audience but ok, at least for Japamese style games. And I'm pretty confident one big factor of Japan's love for handhelds is, besides being cute and portable, the all-in-one package. Like notebook PCs to desktops. And it doesn't hurt to have 2 handheld systems (but there's no space for 3rd so no chance for MS or even Apple after all).

We definitely don't need HD games. They are too much, too nerdy and too grotesque. Wii is something special. There are some unique experiences that only Wii can offer and we might give them a try, but that's it.

I doubt Monster Hunter Tri Wii would be a success. It would do ok, compared to other 3rd party softwares on Wii, but not nearly as successful as MHP. Meanwhile, MHP3 would be HUGE, especially if being a launch title for PSP2. For Dragon Quest X, I'm not sure. I for myself bought a PS2 just for DQ8 but... well it's too soon to tell anyway.

Last of all, why Japanese gaming market overall is not as impressive any more? I guess we had more than enough with PS2 and need some break.


About Wii sales.. They are very disappointing in Japan. It's a shame because it's breaking records (even the ones DS made) in most major markets in the world. On the plus side, it's done what it has so far without a price drop, one colour, and without much decent support from third parties. Either of those factors can change.

I think that it will have some level of upswing this year, though it wouldn't surprise me if the following doesn't initiate a prolonged significant impact on Wii's hardware (and software) sales.

- Monster Hunter G
- Wii Sports Resort
- Wii Motion+ and its games (many of which I imagine are unannounced and coming this year)
- New colours. Given that Nintendo seem to be meeting demand on an international level now, they can begin to pump out new colours, and I expect Japan to be the first to get them/it.
- Monster Hunter 3

And down the line further, there's Dragon Quest X, the potential for its first price drop, stronger third party support.

Are there any other notable games for Wii coming this year for Japan?
Nyampoo said:
Last of all, why Japanese gaming market overall is not as impressive any more? I guess we had more than enough with PS2 and need some break.
Things are still much bigger than most PS2 years; just not as much as we've gotten used to since 2006.


And a closeup on the first quarter.


Looks like 2002 is the only older year besting this year's total by a little through the first few months.

Parl said:
Are there any other notable games for Wii coming this year for Japan?
Samurai Warriors 3 comes to mind.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Parl said:
Are there any other notable games for Wii coming this year for Japan?

Tales of 10, Samurai Warriors 3, Crystal Bearers ( maybe), Kirby ( ? )....


JoshuaJSlone said:
Things are still much bigger than most PS2 years; just not as much as we've gotten used to since 2006.

Looks like 2002 is the only older year besting this year's total by a little through the first few months.

What about the software side? It seems to me the bulk of bread and butter titles that were on consoles last gen have switched to the portable side. The big hitters and established franchises still sell on consoles but every week here I see positions 20 to 50 dominated by the DS and you can't help but think that trend continues down the line.

Also I think what Nyampoo said about unique experiences is where the future lies for all consoles and not just in Japan.


Flying_Phoenix said:
Pretty much. Washed up is washed up and a bomb is a bomb. Regardless of the Wii and PSP difference between the two it's pretty clear that the sales of both were so low that making any arguement about serious games not existing for the Wii market becomes irrelvant. The series is proven to be washed up now. Tenchu IV could be used as a poster child of "Wii third party games in Japan sell bad because of bad marketing and the lack of erosion and not because of the lack of core gamers" if the Wii defense force plays their cards right. :lol
Ye, the Tenchu serie seems to be washed up by now as you say. I think i found out how much Tenchu 1 sold in Japan, at least in the first year when the game come out. If i am not mistaken, Geimin.net has the Famitsu top 100 number for 1998, and Tench is at the 48th place with 244,769 copies sold.


EDIT: By the way, thanks to bttb for mentioning that Geimin.net are listing the Famitsu numbers. I probably wouldnt have known about Geimin.net if bttb hadnt mentioned it some weeks ago :)


If Star Ocean IV got a restock (and it seems like it did), I don't see the game doing much more than 220k


First day - 131k
First week - 166k (first day + 35k)
LTD - ?

Tales of Vesperia

First day - 71k
First week - 101k (first day + 30k)
LTD - 161k (first week + 60k)

White Knight Chronicles (PS3)
First day - 132k
First week - 203k (first day + 69k)
LTD - 311k (first week + 108k)

It's a great number for a 360 game but pretty bad for a new Star Ocean.


DarkMehm said:
I read that it is sold out everywhere, so we have to wait for next weeks numbers to see where this is heading.

Ah, good to know.

I was following the leaked shipment data :
[360] Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope (Square Enix) - 131,000 (80%)

100% would be 163k and the game sold 166k first week.

Next week should be interesting then.


JoshuaJSlone said:
Things are still much bigger than most PS2 years; just not as much as we've gotten used to since 2006.

Well I was talking quality wise, as I'm not very happy with the current gaming trend in Japan since the DS domination. But this is a sales thread and quality is subjective.

As for SO4, I think we already know there are around 200K hardcore JRPG fans in Japan who would buy anything they want on whatever the platform, so nothing surprising. Also MS put heavy TV AD for it. And I saw a lot times people promoting the game on 2ch with the best looking screenshots available, which might've had some impact too. Man, SOME of the SS's look good.


909er said:
Also says 24,584 consoles sold for the week, for the 4th largest hardware week for the 360.

The week. Million coming around the corner now. Some said that day would never come. The brand still will struggle in the territory, but it has made leaps and bounds on what it did last gen.


Nyampoo said:
We definitely don't need HD games. They are too much, too nerdy and too grotesque. Wii is something special. There are some unique experiences that only Wii can offer and we might give them a try, but that's it.

I don't know why, but this paragraph really made me sigh in depression.

Maybe Japan really is a lost cause for HD games, which makes me sad.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
manzo said:
I don't know why, but this paragraph really made me sigh in depression.

Maybe Japan really is a lost cause for HD games, which makes me sad.

I think the appeal of HD games is overstated globally not just in the Japan.

The importance of visuals has been overstated in gaming for a long time. Creating and maintaining a sustainable environment is nothing to be sad about I don't think. Something new and good can still arise, but it will not be the Hollywood type industry many were envisioning some years ago IMO.
It's not even so much that they're HD games it's just that they're games I'm interested in that just happen to be on HD systems.

As much as I appreciate the Wii's uniqueness most third parties(the reason I buy game-systems in the first place) aren't doing crap on it.

To add to that I still don't own an HDTV and probably won't until the next generation of consoles(especially since apparently a number of games aren't even getting the HD part right).


Azelover said:
I think the appeal of HD games is overstated globally not just in the Japan. It's nothing to be sad about I don't think.

The HD generation is just a more of the same of the last generation, only with enhanced graphics. The awesome :)O?) revolution of this gen is about the online: XBL, PSN, online downloadable games and DLC, online multiplayer and coop. It's like stale bread with chocolate: tasty maybe, but you still know it's stale bread.

If Wii had had the hardware people imagine for the Wii HD, then maybe devs wouldn't have underestimated it and we would have had a real revolution.


Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Paracelsus said:
The HD generation is just a more of the same of the last generation, only with enhanced graphics. The awesome :)O?) revolution of this gen is about the online: XBL, PSN, online downloadable games and DLC, online multiplayer and coop. It's like stale bread with chocolate: tasty maybe, but you still know it's stale bread.

Exactly. Everybody is doing something right but HD gets a lot of attention. HD is good, but in the end the gameplay experience is the most important thing by far.

For certain markets some innovations work and others don't. Some markets like the online experience, other markets like more local multiplayer. But you're not gonna be able to prop up your system simply by being HD, because that feature itself is just not as important as has been stated.


Spiegel said:
If Star Ocean IV got a restock (and it seems like it did), I don't see the game doing much more than 220k


First day - 131k
First week - 166k (first day + 35k)
LTD - ?

Tales of Vesperia

First day - 71k
First week - 101k (first day + 30k)
LTD - 161k (first week + 60k)

White Knight Chronicles (PS3)
First day - 132k
First week - 203k (first day + 69k)
LTD - 311k (first week + 108k)

It's a great number for a 360 game but pretty bad for a new Star Ocean.

The article gives LTD sales per famitsu for Blue Dragon and ToV as well.

Blue Dragon - 203,740
ToV - 170,024


Jtyettis said:
The week. Million coming around the corner now. Some said that day would never come. The brand still will struggle in the territory, but it has made leaps and bounds on what it did last gen.
yep but MS is losing a lot of money there I wonder what they're going to do for their next gen


The Autumn Wind
Parl said:
About Wii sales.. They are very disappointing in Japan. It's a shame because it's breaking records (even the ones DS made) in most major markets in the world. On the plus side, it's done what it has so far without a price drop, one colour, and without much decent support from third parties. Either of those factors can change.
Poor third paery support --> poor hardware sales --> poor third party support.

It's a vicious cycle that I doubt third parties are upset over.

And down the line further, there's Dragon Quest X, the potential for its first price drop, stronger third party support.
DQX will be arriving far too late in the Wii's life to make any kind of significant impact.


Joe211 said:
yep but MS is losing a lot of money there I wonder what they're going to do for their next gen

I doubt that's the case, and if so, I doubt it's all that much. The Arcade and Pro SKUs are $16-$23 cheaper then their American counterparts.


Nyampoo said:
I have something to say, from a Japanese standpoint. Well I guess it's nothing new to you guys but let me try.

You guys should really forget about console gaming in Japan already. We are just happy with DS and PSP. Even back when PS2 was up we were skeptical if we needed such horsepower for games, but it turned out to be a success because in my opinion it was satisfyingly impressive and GBA was too weak to be a main system. We didn't give DC&GC a chance because just one console was enough.

Now we have DS and PSP. DS is just DS. PSP is maybe still not powerful enough to satisfy PS2 audience but ok, at least for Japamese style games. And I'm pretty confident one big factor of Japan's love for handhelds is, besides being cute and portable, the all-in-one package. Like notebook PCs to desktops. And it doesn't hurt to have 2 handheld systems (but there's no space for 3rd so no chance for MS or even Apple after all).

We definitely don't need HD games. They are too much, too nerdy and too grotesque. Wii is something special. There are some unique experiences that only Wii can offer and we might give them a try, but that's it.

I doubt Monster Hunter Tri Wii would be a success. It would do ok, compared to other 3rd party softwares on Wii, but not nearly as successful as MHP. Meanwhile, MHP3 would be HUGE, especially if being a launch title for PSP2. For Dragon Quest X, I'm not sure. I for myself bought a PS2 just for DQ8 but... well it's too soon to tell anyway.

Last of all, why Japanese gaming market overall is not as impressive any more? I guess we had more than enough with PS2 and need some break.

You should post here more often.


Link said:
It's a vicious cycle that I doubt third parties are upset over.

Of course not. Japan is the one region that their master plan of "ignore Wii until it goes away" is working. [/tinfoilhat]
Nyampoo said:
I have something to say, from a Japanese standpoint. Well I guess it's nothing new to you guys but let me try.

You guys should really forget about console gaming in Japan already. We are just happy with DS and PSP. Even back when PS2 was up we were skeptical if we needed such horsepower for games, but it turned out to be a success because in my opinion it was satisfyingly impressive and GBA was too weak to be a main system. We didn't give DC&GC a chance because just one console was enough.

Now we have DS and PSP. DS is just DS. PSP is maybe still not powerful enough to satisfy PS2 audience but ok, at least for Japamese style games. And I'm pretty confident one big factor of Japan's love for handhelds is, besides being cute and portable, the all-in-one package. Like notebook PCs to desktops. And it doesn't hurt to have 2 handheld systems (but there's no space for 3rd so no chance for MS or even Apple after all).

We definitely don't need HD games. They are too much, too nerdy and too grotesque. Wii is something special. There are some unique experiences that only Wii can offer and we might give them a try, but that's it.

I doubt Monster Hunter Tri Wii would be a success. It would do ok, compared to other 3rd party softwares on Wii, but not nearly as successful as MHP. Meanwhile, MHP3 would be HUGE, especially if being a launch title for PSP2. For Dragon Quest X, I'm not sure. I for myself bought a PS2 just for DQ8 but... well it's too soon to tell anyway.

Last of all, why Japanese gaming market overall is not as impressive any more? I guess we had more than enough with PS2 and need some break.

Good post, but I say part of the problem for consoles not selling is because the games are scattered all over the place, GT5, FFXIII and FFvXIII are PS3 exclusive (in Japan), DQX and MH3 are Wii exclusive, all other major RPGs are 360 exclusive, yeah that ain't gonna cut it there. They got away with that to some extent with the PSP and DS, but as you said, they are portable and cute and cheap as well.

Add that to the fact that the PS3 is (still) prohibitively expensive and humongous in size (two things that are not desirable), the 360 is made by a Western company and the Wii still has to overcome the past 2 Nintendo consoles failures from a third party support perspective and no major 3rd party Japanese game has been released for it yet. The Wii however has sold well all things considered, that's mainly because it's something new that people haven't experienced before. IMO if Sony hadn't botched up the PS3 with its price and size and had secured all the major RPGs, it too would have enjoyed healthy sales in Japan.

Eteric Rice

One thing I could see bumping the Wii up is a redesign right before the release of MH3 or DQX. If I remember correctly, that's what did it for the DS.

I think Nintendo also needs to get working on getting the M+ intergrated into the controller, and sell it cheap enough to make it a standard. Watching videos of that device work really shows that it has a LOT of potential.

Especially for first person shooters and RPGs.
Eteric Rice said:
One thing I could see bumping the Wii up is a redesign right before the release of MH3 or DQX. If I remember correctly, that's what did it for the DS.
DS had such a crazy (record breaking) holiday season that led to shortages with the very first model so when the Lite was announced a lot of us thought it wasn't necessary. So while the Lite did take things even further, I don't think the situation is quite the same.


Eteric Rice said:
One thing I could see bumping the Wii up is a redesign right before the release of MH3 or DQX. If I remember correctly, that's what did it for the DS.
Redesign the Wii? The design is more or less perfect. Wonder how can they improve on it. Interesting.


Junior Member
Tenbatsu said:
Redesign the Wii? The design is more or less perfect. Wonder how can they improve on it. Interesting.

I can think of a few improvements:

More internal memory.

New colors.

While still keeping the wireless capabilities they could add an ethernet port.

Okay maybe that's not a redesign, but Nintendo really should make those improvements. A big part of what makes the PSP so popular is the fact that Sony releases new colors seemingly every month.



I have to admit I can't resist wondering what if there wasn't for 360 or PS3 was a little bit more... reasonable (in various ways). But still I'm sure things wouldn't be much different, if any better. The fragmentation in Japan's console market is not the reason but the result, of that we are losing faith in traditional console games. We've found a better alternative: haldhelds.

I guess Sony wasn't keen on securing those JRPG titles because they knew those titles didn't have much influence any more. Sony and Nintendo foresaw the demise of traditional console games in Japan so Sony went for extensible HD media player with Blu-ray plus games while for Nintendo it was the motion sensor. Only MS is in rush. The 3rd parties have absolutely no clue what to do with their precious RPG titles. Not confident in PS3 at all. Wii is no promised land for 3rd parties and even Zelda & Mario are buried among those motion sensored casual games. Their only hope is MS moneyhat. Sony still secures FF13 because that's the only one title that actually has some impact, and losing FF13 is such a huge damage not only to PS3 but also Sony brand entirely.


Can someone explain to me the Japanese mindset? e.g. why they love their handhelds so much, and dont like HD graphics?

For me the ultimate gaming Nirvana is playing on a biiiig HD screen, with a good souround set.

Handhelds are fun on the way to work, or on travels.

I live in Norway btw. :D


Raggy said:
Can someone explain to me the Japanese mindset? e.g. why they love their handhelds so much, and dont like HD graphics?

For me the ultimate gaming Nirvana is playing on a biiiig HD screen, with a good souround set.

Handhelds are fun on the way to work, or on travels.

I live in Norway btw. :D
There aren't many games that the Japanese like that make use of the HD graphics. They're not fond of FPS games, so that rules out 80% or so of the library.
Link said:
Poor third paery support --> poor hardware sales --> poor third party support.

It's a vicious cycle that I doubt third parties are upset over.

DQX will be arriving far too late in the Wii's life to make any kind of significant impact.
DQX is already making an impact, it's selling systems right now.

JoshuaJSlone said:
Well, it's off to a start not unlike the last two years--which is a lot more than most hardware (or combinations of hardware) can say.

Well, either this first week accounts for most of its total sales, or it becomes the best-selling X360 game by more than 60% over Blue Dragon.
Looks like 360 is gaining sales at the expense of the PS3. Not surprising.

Raggy said:
Can someone explain to me the Japanese mindset? e.g. why they love their handhelds so much, and dont like HD graphics?

For me the ultimate gaming Nirvana is playing on a biiiig HD screen, with a good souround set.

Handhelds are fun on the way to work, or on travels.

I live in Norway btw. :D
Japanese lifestyle is always on the go, always having to rely on trains for pubic transport. That's why they're so into handhelds. If it wasn't for the Wii and it's new style of gaming, the Japanese console market would be very small compared to what it is right now.
Stormbringer said:
Weekly sales :

SO4 - 160k
Idol Master SP (PSP)- 121k

X360 - 24k
Wii - 19k
PS3 - 16k

Looks like SE didn't restock fast enough.

AranhaHunter said:
Good post, but I say part of the problem for consoles not selling is because the games are scattered all over the place, GT5, FFXIII and FFvXIII are PS3 exclusive (in Japan), DQX and MH3 are Wii exclusive, all other major RPGs are 360 exclusive, yeah that ain't gonna cut it there. They got away with that to some extent with the PSP and DS, but as you said, they are portable and cute and cheap as well.

Add that to the fact that the PS3 is (still) prohibitively expensive and humongous in size (two things that are not desirable), the 360 is made by a Western company and the Wii still has to overcome the past 2 Nintendo consoles failures from a third party support perspective and no major 3rd party Japanese game has been released for it yet. The Wii however has sold well all things considered, that's mainly because it's something new that people haven't experienced before. IMO if Sony hadn't botched up the PS3 with its price and size and had secured all the major RPGs, it too would have enjoyed healthy sales in Japan.
Geez not this 360 is Western made thing again. You're on point with everything but you're so wrong on that part.
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