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Media Create Sales 11/26 - 12/2 2007

AniHawk said:
It's not just people asking on the phone either. I've had people ask me that while they were in the store.

Whats even weirder is I was at an EB games and one of the employees was talking to me just randomly about how someone tried to trade in a flash card for DS and since EB doesn't sell those he just decided to buy it off the dude for $40 and he was telling me of all the DS games he had on it and I was like "........"


AniHawk said:
It's not just people asking on the phone either. I've had people ask me that while they were in the store.

Isn´t R4 for the DS?
And is not totally forbidden this things under the DMCA as "devices to circunvent the protection"?


itxaka said:
Isn´t R4 for the DS?
And is not totally forbidden this things under the DMCA as "devices to circunvent the protection"?

I guess it is just for the DS. For some reason I thought it would apply to the PSP somehow too.

We had one kid ask for a similar device for the Xbox though, since his friend had one and it would "save a LOT of money."
itxaka said:
Isn´t R4 for the DS?
And is not totally forbidden this things under the DMCA as "devices to circunvent the protection"?

Well the R4 can be used for home brewing which is perfectly legal, although I'd imagine the piracy scene dwarfs the home brewing scene in size.


perfectchaos007 said:
Whats even weirder is I was at an EB games and one of the employees was talking to me just randomly about how someone tried to trade in a flash card for DS and since EB doesn't sell those he just decided to buy it off the dude for $40 and he was telling me of all the DS games he had on it and I was like "........"

Why were you like "........"?
cvxfreak said:
Shin Sangoku Musou 5 bomba? Amazon JP's already cut the price of the PS3 versions (both regular and treasure box) by 40% to around 4500 Yen. Standalone 360 version has been cut to the same price as well.

Amazon.jp big drop price means there are too many copies on the market and people is not buying them. Considering you are there, you can go to Sofmap and look for their big basket in which you can find discounted, highly discounted games. If DW6 is there, this is the confirmation.
Maybe Koei had big expectation from DW6, considering it's around 300k on PS3 i can't say it's a bomba, it's still one of the best result for a PS3 game in Japan.

I also noticed SMG is climbing on Amazon.jp, probably we'll see a great peak in sales in the incoming weeks.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Vinnk said:
Report coming in about an hour. Just like last week it is both really late and really long.
I hope you rememberd to look for Pikmin games, like I asked.



"Vinnk's Village" Anecdotal Report

This week’s report is once again long and once again late. It was delayed for the following 2 reasons:

1. My wedding planning
2. No More Heroes

I will leave it up to debate which one took the most time.

I was asked to look for Wii, PS3, No More Heroes, and WiiFit. I visited the stores on Thursday, December 6th, 2007.

Wii: 2
PS3: 8
No More Heroes: Sold out or not ordered
Wii Fit: 3

Youme Town
Wii: 2
PS3: 14
No More Heroes: Sold out or not ordered
Wii Fit: 6

Mr. Max
Wii: Sold out
PS3: Sold out
No More Heroes: Sold out or never ordered
Wii Fit: Sold out

Wii: 3
PS3: 8
No More Heroes: 1
Wii Fit: Sold Out

Wii: 1
PS3: 3
No More Heroes: Sold out or never ordered
Wii Fit: Sold out

Best Denki
Wii: 6
PS3: 17
No More Heroes: 1
Wii Fit: 5

Wii: 3
PS3: 6
No More Heroes: Sold out
Wii Fit: 3

Famicom Dojo
Wii: Sold out
PS3: 3
No More Heroes: Sold out (2 copies were pre-ordered)
Wii Fit: 1

Yamada Denki
Wii: 4
PS3: 19
No More Heroes: Sold out or never ordered
Wii Fit: 8

Wii: 21 (last week 20)
PS3: 78 (last week 71)
No More Heroes: 2
Wii Fit: 26


1. Wii supply is stable, most stores have them, but based in sales numbers, the Wii systems don’t have a very long shelf life. No stock really builds up.

2. The PS3 on the other hand is starting to retain a lot of stock. It seems retailers are still getting big orders of the system coming in but aren’t fully selling off their previous orders. However with the holidays around the corner a big stock might pay off. If there is not another sales drop that is.

3. DS and PSP are everywhere. Both used and new in every color of the rainbow. Santa will have no problem finding either of these systems. The stores are making sure of this. These systems are the first things you see when you enter the store. In a few stores they have moved the PSP into the “best spot” where the PS3 was last week and Wii was a few months ago. It amazes me how often game stores move their displays around. I think it would confuse a customer much more than help sales, but maybe that’s just me.

4. A lot of the used systems I talked about last week are no longer there. Looks like some people re-bought to play Lost Odyssey or simply wanted one for over the holidays.

5. WiiFit is still not being pushed as much as I thought it would be but a few stores have small kiosks and one store is running a video. It seems in my town that the TV ads and word of mouth are what is being used to sell the game.

6. Dragon Quest supplies look a bit lower this week, but it is still available in most stores. A few used copies are also appearing which is often a bad sigh for front-loaded games. But the same thing happened with DQM:Joker so I’ll wait to see how it plays out.

7. There are used copies of Ace Combat 6, Winning Eleven PS3 and Musou 5 available. I didn’t see any used copies of Super Mario Galaxy but I know people who are trading it in. It just seems that the used copies don’t stay on the shelf long. A good thing for getting lots of people to play Mario, a bad thing for sales numbers.

8. Super Mario Galaxy and Ratchet & Clank have both had “price collapses”. At several stores R&C has dropped to 4000yen (new). Mario so far has only dropped at Best Denki (to 4000 yen) but if it dropped at one store, others will soon follow. Thus, Mario and R6C might see sales spikes, but they are not necessarily a good sign. It might be retailers unloading the games.

9. Biohazard: Unbrella Cronicals is back in stock, but there are very few copies available. This means the re-stock was limited or the game is still selling very well and those copies are all that was left. Hard to tell.

10. There are ample supplies of Sengoku Basara Wii still on the shelves. It is clear that retailers and Capcom expected this game to sell a lot better than it did. I asked a few game sellers why they though the Wii version sold so bad and the common answer was “too expensive”.

11. The 2nd Layton game is not sold out but it seems to be selling well. It has more kiosks devoted to it than any other game this week. The first game is usually in stock right next to it. Used copies of the first game sell for only about 1000 yen less than new copies which usually indicates that shops know they can sell them easily.

12. No More Heroes is hard to gauge. Several store didn’t have any copies but I am not sure if they are sold out or never bought it in the first place. I have friends working at the game stores but at the department stores I have no one to ask if they ever had any to begin with. Both Wanpaku and Famicom Dojo both ordered it and sold out, but Famicom Dojo only ordered 2 copies and Wanpaku only 4 so significantly less copies than even small titles like Super Swing Golf 2.

13. On Monday WiiFit was sold out all over my town, by Thursday it had been restocked. This leads me to believe the Nintendo, possibly still shell-shocked from SMG, release a “test batch” to see how it would do. When that sold well, they had tons more waiting in the wings. They were able to restock quickly and didn’t suffer lost sales like DQ:Swords and Biohazard.

14. This week I didn’t see many of the local otaku (the cold weather keeps a lot of them indoors). I asked the few I saw what they thought of GT5:p. One guy that is really into building models is very hyped for it. The others, not so much. This is, in general more of a mainstream game and not of high otaku interest. This is kind of a mean remark, but the fact is, most of these guys and gals don’t drive in real life and have little interest in cars. I didn’t run into the guys that were hyped for No More Heroes so I am not sure what they think of it. I will try to ask next week.

15. There are plenty of copies of Tales of Innocence. They can be found new to the brand new, 980 yen copies of Tales of Tempest that stores have been trying to get rid of since last year. None of the Otaku gamers that I talk to had bought it (but as I said, I didn't talk to very many this week). I think the taste of ToT is still lingering. As for me, I skipped ToT and I am thinking of picking up ToI, it looks really good. I'll try to get some impressions from the 2 Tales fanboys in my town, but I haven't seen them for a while.

16. Pikmin is not supply constrained.

Previous Reports:

November 29th,2007
November 22nd, 2007
November 15th, 2007
October 15th, 2007
September 6th, 2007
August 30th, 2007
August 11th,2007
July 26th, 2007
July 19th, 2007
July 12th, 2007
July 5th, 2007
June 28th, 2007
June 21st, 2007
June 14th, 2007
June 7th, 2007
May 30th, 2007
May 24th, 2007
May 17th, 2007
May 10th, 2007


Thanks for the report Vinnk!

I'd think most of the the NMH shipments would probably be around the bigger shopping districts though, but still a shame to see that not much was around in your area (but if it sold out, that's great!).

Hmm too bad for SMG and R&C. Any reason why retailers waited until now to lower them though?

Also, by any chance, did you happen to catch the Tales Of Innocence situation?


Busaiku said:
I'd think most of the the NMH shipments would probably be around the bigger shopping districts though, but still a shame to see that not much was around in your area (but if it sold out, that's great!).

Im leaning towards that it wasn't ordered actaully instead of small shipments selling out :(


HK-47 said:
Any word on ToI?

:: smacks forehead ::

Sorry, I forgot to copy that to my word file when I was putting this together. Anyway, here it is:

There are plenty of copies of Tales of Innocence. They can be found new to the brand new, 980 yen copies of Tales of Tempest that stores have been trying to get rid of since last year. None of the Otaku gamers that I talk to had bought it (but as I said, I didn't talk to very many this week). I think the taste of ToT is still lingering. As for me, I skipped ToT and I am thinking of picking up ToI, it looks really good. I'll try to get some impressions from the 2 Tales fanboys in my town, but I haven't seen them for a while.


listen to the mad man
Vinnk said:
There are ample supplies of Sengoku Basara Wii still on the shelves. It is clear that retailers and Capcom expected this game to sell a lot better than it did. I asked a few game sellers why they though the Wii version sold so bad and the common answer was “too expensive”.

Kurosaki Ichigo was going on on page 5 & 6 about how it's a great deal because it's less than the full price versions of Sengoku Basara 2 and Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes put together on the PS2, and there's no way that a lower price would have significantly impacted sales. :lol
Stumpokapow said:
Kurosaki Ichigo was going on on page 5 & 6 about how it's a great deal because it's less than the full price versions of Sengoku Basara 2 and Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes put together on the PS2, and there's no way that a lower price would have significantly impacted sales. :lol
So you still don't know what you are talking about, thats nice!


listen to the mad man
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
So you still don't know what you are talking about, thats nice!

The Wii version would have sold a whole lot more more if it were cheaper. Period. Whether it was cheaper because it only had Basara 2 Heroes (which you proposed) or cheaper because it had both for the same price as the PS2 Basara 2 Heroes (which I proposed) or any other reason. It is 15USD above normal price, and that is a killer for sales.

I'm not saying Vinnk's anecdotal evidence is proof positive or anything, but I do think it's a pretty compelling anecdote. The retailers in his town believe that the game is not selling because it is too expensive. They believe it would have sold (substantially) more if it was less expensive.
Stumpokapow said:
The Wii version would have sold a whole lot more more if it were cheaper. Period. Whether it was cheaper because it only had Basara 2 Heroes (which you proposed) or cheaper because it had both for the same price as the PS2 Basara 2 Heroes (which I proposed) or any other reason. It is 15USD above normal price, and that is a killer for sales.

I'm not saying Vinnk's anecdotal evidence is proof positive or anything, but I do think it's a pretty compelling anecdote. The retailers in his town believe that the game is not selling because it is too expensive. They believe it would have sold (substantially) more if it was less expensive.
And I told you already that yes I agree that it would have sold better but still shitty, and that your idea of putting it at the same price of PS2 Heroes was just impossible to see happening.

Now you tell me that 'it's less than the full price versions of Sengoku Basara 2 and Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes put together on the PS2' when I took the time to check them and put them here and I was putting the budget SB2 release, since what you say is over 12k yen (since launch SB2 was as much as SB2+Heroes Wii).

I think it was jarrod who said that if they wanted to move the SB fanbase to Wii they should make SB3 on it, and I probably agree. Capcom probably wanted to ride on Wii momentum though.

Then again, I think Vinnk report is very interesting and telling but 'too expensive' is also the usual answer to PS3, and its not because the thing is overpriced but because it includes many other things in it that people may not want to get and thus pay for them. Getting SB2 on the Wii Heroes is that in my opinion.


Stumpokapow said:
Kurosaki Ichigo was going on on page 5 & 6 about how it's a great deal because it's less than the full price versions of Sengoku Basara 2 and Sengoku Basara 2 Heroes put together on the PS2, and there's no way that a lower price would have significantly impacted sales. :lol

It is cheaper and a great deal if you are brand new to the Sengoku Basara series. Its the version to buy for sure for those who never had a PS2 or missed it the first time around. Since I have never played the games before, this is the one I would buy.

However, if you were a fan of the series and bought SB2 on PS2 already, there is zero reason to pay so much more for the Wii version unless you were a huge Wii fanboy who needs to justify his console of choice.

I just don't believe the target audience for an expansion to Sengoku Basara 2 is first time buyers.


Has problems recognising girls
As always thanks for the report Vinnk. Your little side of the world brings a bit of first-hand reality into these threads. Glad to see Layton 2 getting the big push and, dare I say it, handheld gaming itself.


Thanks for the report, Vinnk.

Sad to hear price collapse on SMG, and many used copies of SMG changing hand and depressing SMG sales.

WiiFit restock is good news (for WiiFit's legs, and my prediction possibility of winning). Did you bought one for your future-wife or future-mother-in-law ?


apujanata said:
Thanks for the report, Vinnk.

Sad to hear price collapse on SMG, and many used copies of SMG changing hand and depressing SMG sales.

WiiFit restock is good news (for WiiFit's legs, and my prediction possibility of winning). Did you bought one for your future-wife or future-mother-in-law ?

I haven't bought copy yet. I am going back to the states for Christmas and I won't be bringing something that big with me. I'll buy it when I get back to Japan and we can start using it.
So just a few updates on my pages and database to mention.

1) On the page where I listed the software data for the week, I decided to make it more of a one-stop shop for that week's data. It now also includes the hardware data from both trackers, and the Famitsu Software Pie numbers. I'm sure there's some other stuff I can add in there yet; hardware lifetime totals, something saying how many weeks a system has been on sale (PS2 recently passed 400), whatever.
2) On the pages for individual games, you can now click on the publisher, release date, or even the price to see other games that match these things. Basically on all these pages I'm trying to link between things as much as is useful, without having links aaaaall the damn place. If you think something's too far or not enough, say so.
3) Since the early leaked Famitsu hardware data has been pretty consistent and reliable, I decided to add it into the database. It's good enough for most line graph purposes, and will be easy enough to update when we get the exact version 8 days later. That done, here's the near-final images of Wii's November along with PS2's early Novembers that's been brought up in incomplete form much over the last few weeks: weekly and cumulative.


Stormbringer said:
A few days ago, sinobi blogger posted his analysis of this week's releases :


Among other things, he is apparently reporting that NiGHTS Wii will have a first shipment of around 90k copies...
For those more japanese-fluent... Any other interesting bits ?

Shinobi is also blocked at my work.. grr.

NiGHTS will only ship 90k? Wow.. maybe I should pre-order.. This game might turn out to be rare.

Seems no one has faith in Wii titles anymore..


Stormbringer said:
A few days ago, sinobi blogger posted his analysis of this week's releases :


Among other things, he is apparently reporting that NiGHTS Wii will have a first shipment of around 90k copies...
For those more japanese-fluent... Any other interesting bits ?

It says there were about 9000 downloads of Warhawk? Has that information ever been released?


Stormbringer said:
A few days ago, sinobi blogger posted his analysis of this week's releases :


Among other things, he is apparently reporting that NiGHTS Wii will have a first shipment of around 90k copies...
For those more japanese-fluent... Any other interesting bits ?

Sony is aiming for 250k and 50k retail and PSN respectively for GT5:p initially (4980 yen to 4500 yen). Warhawk did 9k downloads when it was released. There will now be actual PSN cards instead of the receipt like things you get from convenience stores to coincide with GT5:p.

New (?) PSP color, deep red.


Vinnk said:
Shinobi is also blocked at my work.. grr.

NiGHTS will only ship 90k? Wow.. maybe I should pre-order.. This game might turn out to be rare.

Seems no one has faith in Wii titles anymore..

Its weird theory, but maybe SEGA is testing it before they ship.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
BishopLamont said:
Well the R4 can be used for home brewing which is perfectly legal, although I'd imagine the piracy scene dwarfs the home brewing scene in size.

Yeah, something along the lines of 99 to 1 or even more....


BishopLamont said:
Or that's all they expect to sell?

Possibly..SEGA does rely on other regions for their games..since they do pretty well in US and PAL.

SEGAs Wii games have been doing pretty well on Wii in NTSC and PAL. Sonic Wii outsold Sonic 360/Ps3 (it even charted somewhere near the top 10!), Mario and Sonic is doing VERY great in PAL (we still don't know bout NTSC) and Monkey Ball sold thanks to launch of course.


Professional Schmuck
Sharp said:
God damn it, Nintendo, why didn't you push SMG harder? You make me want to cry, you really do.

It IS possible that they didn't want to waste money marketing a game that the Japanese public doesn't want, you know...


PantherLotus said:
It IS possible that they didn't want to waste money marketing a game that the Japanese public doesn't want, you know...
It sounds more like they didn't tell the right people to want it. Using those Wii template ads made the gamers think it looked to easy, and the non gamers think it looked too hard.


Yoboman said:
I don't think piracy on DS is done through pirated carts. More like R4

I know that there are lots of pirated DS carts. The problem is that they are not as cheap as GBA pirated chart. The pirated ones price is around USD 15 - 20, which is not much different from original, brand new DS carts. And a lot of the online functionality in the pirated carts are not working properly, or working at all.
apujanata said:
I know that there are lots of pirated DS carts. The problem is that they are not as cheap as GBA pirated chart. The pirated ones price is around USD 15 - 20, which is not much different from original, brand new DS carts. And a lot of the online functionality in the pirated carts are not working properly, or working at all.
How is that? It's not like the games have to include a shoddy modem or anything?


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Hcoregamer00 said:
Yeah, piracy on the DS only recently exploded.

It is going to get worse from here.

Nah its been big for a while now...since that massive run of games last year at least. Maybe not in Japan though.
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