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Media Create Sales 11/5 - 11/11 2007


Congrats to the PS3. Nintendo needs something to keep them on their toes.

I haven't been keeping track of HD-DVD or BD-DVD. Is the PS3 at its lower price point still one of the cheapest BD-DVD players on the market?


user friendly said:
Sad part is, there are a lot more people playing than 18.5K.

Just for psp, MC or GAF should include the number of downloads on torrent sites for each game. :lol

Once again... there were only 20k shipped. And it did better than the previous 2d Castlevanias. It did well actually :D


when is my burrito
Mudhoney said:
Congrats to the PS3. Nintendo needs something to keep them on their toes.

I haven't been keeping track of HD-DVD or BD-DVD. Is the PS3 at its lower price point still one of the cheapest BD-DVD players on the market?

Well in Japan, the PS3 is now at the PS2 launch price. Probably pretty close to being the lowest price player.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
I'll tell ya why SMG bombed...

It's waaaaaaaay too dizzying, heh.
Don't Japenese gamers usually not like FPS because they can't stand the orientation?

SMG is almost neauseating, heh.
John Harker said:
I'll tell ya why SMG bombed...

It's waaaaaaaay too dizzying, heh.
Don't Japenese gamers usually not like FPS because they can't stand the orientation?

SMG is almost neauseating, heh.
Never thought it was nauseating, but I can see how it could be.

That may be it to be honest lol.


John Harker said:
I'll tell ya why SMG bombed...

It's waaaaaaaay too dizzying, heh.
Don't Japenese gamers usually not like FPS because they can't stand the orientation?

SMG is almost neauseating, heh.
I did feel a little wobbly after playing it for the first time.
John Harker said:
I'll tell ya why SMG bombed...

It's waaaaaaaay too dizzying, heh.
Don't Japenese gamers usually not like FPS because they can't stand the orientation?

SMG is almost neauseating, heh.
Funny. In the "Iwata Asks" thing they were talking about how part of the reason they went with the sphere world thing was to work against this.
Miyamoto: ...I packed these ideas into the Mario 128 experiment to exhibit them, and it worked really well. It was even on a spherical field, so the camera would follow Mario wherever he went. As the players didn’t have to change the camera angle, we felt that this could be used as a method to reduce the possibility of motion sickness. After all, when the camera angle is fixed by the game designer and moves in a way that’s not expected by the player…

Iwata: Because the camera angle moves in unexpected ways, it makes it easier to get motion sickness.
I'm really glad to see the PS3 putting up a fight. Hopefully next month's NPD will show a similar increase in interest in the system.

As much as I sometimes want to buy the thing, I really don't feel like spending $500 with such an uncertain future.

Mario Galaxy is super disappointing. I'm pretty nervous at the state of next-gen gaming when the dominating system's "flagship" title (IMO, since I don't care about the "Wii" games) falters so badly.

Competition is good, but I prefer generations to have a clear-cut winner with a distant, but strong 2nd/3rd place contenders. Last generation was pretty much perfect, despite my Nintendo bias.

Hopefully Brawl can turn things around. If not...well, thank god I have a 360, even if it won't get the Japanese support that I so badly desire.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
JoshuaJSlone said:
Funny. In the "Iwata Asks" thing they were talking about how part of the reason they went with the sphere world thing was to work against this.


woa, well that backfired :lol

Half the game your upside down!
How is that not disorienting? Haha

You jump one direction, get pulled in another, upside down, while you spin around the world, on a glowly sphere with vast nothingness all around you. So there isnt anything else for your eyes to foucs on other than the zigging flying man.

Haha, it's cool, but yea, I bet that puts a lot of people off. whoopsies


As I predicted. Japanese gamers haven't turned their back on next-gen, but they were not ready to hop in right away. They were (and still are until late 2008) in a transitional phase, which is why NDS, PSP, PS2, and of course Wii have been selling so much. When their favorite series finally arrive, such as GT5, MGS, FF, RE5, etc., next-gen gaming in Japan will be much more strongly implemented, and before that time Japanese support will start to rise again, especially from the bigger companies like Square/Konami/Namco/Capcom.

They will continue to support the 360 as well because of the market outside Japan, where the console will remain in the lead. This new console generation is taking more time to implement itself probably because it will last longer than the previous one (at least as long as the PS2).

The PS3 will eventually be the top selling home console in Japan, as Wii sales lower considerably (Wii does not = NDS), with Nintendo releasing some new hardware in late 2009.

Same will happen outside Japan, except the 360 will be the top selling home console.
Added new DS/PSP/Wii/PS3 software data from the new Famitsu data for the week of October 29. Going to have to automate that a bit more, as typing up a few dozen numbers and entering information about four new games is a bit more of a pain than the hardware. Anyway, here's the latest Wii vs DS week. Changes from week 47 to 48: On the DS side, Brain Age takes over 3rd place from SM64DS. On the Wii side, Super Mario Galaxy takes over 9th place from BBA Wii Degree.

apujanata said:
Don't forget that one of the key team member is a living "motion sickness detector", and a lot of the game design was changed to minimize motion sickness.
Ahh, I seemed to recall a bit where they were testing for that, but couldn't find it.
Ether_Snake said:
As I predicted. Japanese gamers haven't turned their back on next-gen, but they were not ready to hop in right away. They were (and still are until late 2008) in a transitional phase, which is why NDS, PSP, PS2, and of course Wii have been selling so much. When their favorite series finally arrive, such as GT5, MGS, FF, RE5, etc., next-gen gaming in Japan will be much more strongly implemented, and before that time Japanese support will start to rise again, especially from the bigger companies like Square/Konami/Namco/Capcom.

They will continue to support the 360 as well because of the market outside Japan, where the console will remain in the lead. This new console generation is taking more time to implement itself probably because it will last longer than the previous one (at least as long as the PS2).

The PS3 will eventually be the top selling home console in Japan, as Wii sales lower considerably (Wii does not = NDS), with Nintendo releasing some new hardware in late 2009.

Same will happen outside Japan, except the 360 will be the top selling home console.

OK, just a check here. 55K with a substantial price drop combined with a new colour is "welcoming HD gaming back"?

Just checking. kthxbye


Ether_Snake said:
The PS3 will eventually be the top selling home console in Japan, as Wii sales lower considerably (Wii does not = NDS), with Nintendo releasing some new hardware in late 2009.
:lol Can someone please quote the latest stats on how many years it would take for this to happen assuming reasonable PS3 sales if Nintendo never sold another Wii in Japan?


Dragona Akehi said:
OK, just a check here. 55K with a substantial price drop combined with a new colour is "welcoming HD gaming back"?

Just checking. kthxbye

It's the beginning of a trend that will take another full year, as stated in the post.

gkrykewy said:
:lol Can someone please quote the latest stats on how many years it would take for this to happen assuming reasonable PS3 sales if Nintendo never sold another Wii in Japan?

You're confusing it with the 360.
Ether Snake said:
The PS3 will eventually be the top selling home console in Japan, as Wii sales lower considerably (Wii does not = NDS), with Nintendo releasing some new hardware in late 2009.

i think we found tabris alternate account.


Ether_Snake said:
As I predicted. Japanese gamers haven't turned their back on next-gen, but they were not ready to hop in right away. They were (and still are until late 2008) in a transitional phase, which is why NDS, PSP, PS2, and of course Wii have been selling so much. When their favorite series finally arrive, such as GT5, MGS, FF, RE5, etc., next-gen gaming in Japan will be much more strongly implemented, and before that time Japanese support will start to rise again, especially from the bigger companies like Square/Konami/Namco/Capcom.

They will continue to support the 360 as well because of the market outside Japan, where the console will remain in the lead. This new console generation is taking more time to implement itself probably because it will last longer than the previous one (at least as long as the PS2).

The PS3 will eventually be the top selling home console in Japan, as Wii sales lower considerably (Wii does not = NDS), with Nintendo releasing some new hardware in late 2009.

Same will happen outside Japan, except the 360 will be the top selling home console.

is this sarcasm? Im honestly not sure anymore.


Ether_Snake said:
You're confusing it with the 360.

No. You must be drunk. Stick to picking stock winners. Wii has sold ~3.5M units in Japan, whereas PS3 has sold ~1.25M PS3s. For your magic one year takeover to happen, Sony would have to sell (2.25M/52) 43k PS3s per week for the next 52 weeks just to catch Wii's current base in Japan, and assuming Nintendo didn't sell a single unit over the same timeframe.


SMG isn't doing well for the same reasons Zelda didn't.

Wii is not the NDS.


when is my burrito
Dragona Akehi said:
OK, just a check here. 55K with a substantial price drop combined with a new colour is "welcoming HD gaming back"?

Just checking. kthxbye

It's a bump based largely on the last day of the sales week. We're going to see at least one other strong week for PS3 before it starts coming down again.
tanod said:
It's a bump based largely on the last day of the sales week. We're going to see at least one other strong week for PS3 before it starts coming down again.

I'm only saying it's too early to celebrate at all. If it sells, that's fab. But consider me slightly skeptical.
tanod said:
It's a bump based largely on the last day of the sales week. We're going to see at least one other strong week for PS3 before it starts coming down again.
At 55K/day, PS3 would catch up to Wii in mere months.


John Harker said:
I'll tell ya why SMG bombed...

It's waaaaaaaay too dizzying, heh.
Don't Japenese gamers usually not like FPS because they can't stand the orientation?

SMG is almost neauseating, heh.
I haven't seen this comment on GAF yet, but this is actually true for my sister. She likes the game a lot but she actually gets nauseated while playing it, haven't heard anyone else really comment on that.

It's kind of funny because she can't really watch other people play games, but usually if she plays them herself she's fine.

Eteric Rice

joesmokey said:
I haven't seen this comment on GAF yet, but this is actually true for my sister. She likes the game a lot but she actually gets nauseated while playing it, haven't heard anyone else really comment on that.

It's kind of funny because she can't really watch other people play games, but usually if she plays them herself she's fine.

The human brain is a weird thing. I suppose what makes some people naucious won't make others naucious.

And vis versa.


xabre said:
Whenever I see 360 sales in Japan I just shake my head.


Don't be so hard on Microsoft. Maybe next time they'll have a marketing strategy in place beyond "Do Do Do" and "Dance with an Angel, Mom!"

Oh, you're banned.
Ether_Snake said:
As I predicted. Japanese gamers haven't turned their back on next-gen, but they were not ready to hop in right away. They were (and still are until late 2008) in a transitional phase, which is why NDS, PSP, PS2, and of course Wii have been selling so much. When their favorite series finally arrive, such as GT5, MGS, FF, RE5, etc., next-gen gaming in Japan will be much more strongly implemented, and before that time Japanese support will start to rise again, especially from the bigger companies like Square/Konami/Namco/Capcom.

They will continue to support the 360 as well because of the market outside Japan, where the console will remain in the lead. This new console generation is taking more time to implement itself probably because it will last longer than the previous one (at least as long as the PS2).

The PS3 will eventually be the top selling home console in Japan, as Wii sales lower considerably (Wii does not = NDS), with Nintendo releasing some new hardware in late 2009.

Same will happen outside Japan, except the 360 will be the top selling home console.

I call jokepost on this one. 360 will be the top selling home console? PS3 will be tops in Japan? Jesus Christ, one sales spike and lunacy results.


Incredibly Naive
gkrykewy said:
No. You must be drunk. Stick to picking stock winners. Wii has sold ~3.5M units in Japan, whereas PS3 has sold ~1.25M PS3s. For your magic one year takeover to happen, Sony would have to sell (2.25M/52) 43k PS3s per week for the next 52 weeks just to catch Wii's current base in Japan, and assuming Nintendo didn't sell a single unit over the same timeframe.

he said eventually not now. I'm not so sure wii will stay down like it is, but I mean even SMG didn't make the numbers take a huge jump, a game like dynasty warriors, or gundam makes ps3 shoot up for a week or two. The price is down now, and none of the really big titles have dropped in JP yet. Next year you will see a considerable increase in sales in JP maybe even bringing it within reaching distance of the wii, PLUS the holidays are comin up. I think once FFXIII and FFXIII vs comes out that'll just about level the playing field. This will come after GT5, DMC4, RE5, WKC, and MGS4, it will surely have made a dent by then.


Nightstick11 said:
I call jokepost on this one. 360 will be the top selling home console? PS3 will be tops in Japan? Jesus Christ, one sales spike and lunacy results.
the Wii hit spikes over 100k units a week. this Ps3 "spike" isnt much of one.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
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