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Media Create Sales 11/5 - 11/11 2007

Leondexter said:
But what I don't understand are exclusive Japan-only 360 games. What's the point of that?
That's not so much a strategy of the developer, but of MS trying to gather to the Japanese market. With the 360 MS got new hope to penetrate the Japanese market and moneyhatted some developers for 360-only games, but as it turns out, they did nothing for the situation MS is in. As a result, I sincerely doubt a lot of japan-only 360 games will come out in the future.


Lightning said:
The PS3 still has a chance to get a decent userbase in the US. The same cannot be said for the 360 in Japan.
For now, though, we have a decent userbase that doesn't buy games or a less than decent userbase that buys all it can but doesn't amount to much. Decisions, decisions.


donny2112 said:
For now, though, we have a decent userbase that doesn't buy games or a less than decent userbase that buys all it can but doesn't amount to much. Decisions, decisions.

Same could be said about Wii versus 360 worldwide.


ccbfan said:
Same could be said about Wii versus 360 worldwide.
But seeing how we're discussing the merits of Japan-only 360 games versus U.S.-only PS3 games, that would be a less than useful path to take for the conversation.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
ccbfan said:
Same could be said about Wii versus 360 worldwide.

I'll bet you that worldwide Wii software is very comparable to 360 software.


schuelma said:
I'll bet you that worldwide Wii software is very comparable to 360 software.

The Christmas season will be very telling. The big question is: "Will all of the people who bought a Wii LAST Christmas, be buying new software for it THIS Christmas? Or is it just a Wii Sports box?"

Anyone have recent tie ratios?
So I got up the software info for GCN/GBA/PS2 in 2001. One difference from the past is that I stopped caring about bad Google translations of names. Looking each one up would slow things to a crawl, and they're easy enough to fix later if I or anyone else cares to, so if I didn't recognize the game or series I allowed silly names like shot BEIBUREDO Kingdom! The strongest BUREDA. Which, now that I look at it again, is probably some Beyblade game.

PS2 software through the end of 2001
GCN software through the end of 2001 Looks a bit skimpy. Probably some stuff that didn't make any top 30s or the yearly top 100.
GBA software through the end of 2001

PS2 software through its 52nd listed week, so at a similar age to what PS3 and Wii are now.

Vinnk said:
The Christmas season will be very telling. The big question is: "Will all of the people who bought a Wii LAST Christmas, be buying new software for it THIS Christmas? Or is it just a Wii Sports box?"

Anyone have recent tie ratios?
From Dalthien's thread, Wii's is ~2.54, or ~1.51 without Wii Sports or Wii Play.
RE:UC is still available on amazon.jp, and i noticed today bundle version became available again.

case 1- Capcom put another shipment on the market, both bundle and normal version (cause it's not sold-out)

case 2- Capcom put only another bundle shipment on the market, normal sales are going down so there was not any sold-out

Vinnk said he didn't find any RE:UC in many shops, so i suppose case 1 is the right one.

in any case: GO RE:UC, GO !!!!


Helps to have Amazon JP in English, Moor. :)

Amazon JP Biohazard UC Page

Availability: Temporarily out of stock. Order now and we'll deliver when available. We'll e-mail you with an estimated delivery date as soon as we have more information. Your credit card will not be charged until we ship the item. Ships from and sold by Amazon.co.jp. Gift-wrap available.

i think there was a small new shipment available and it went out of stock very soon. That'ts the only reason the game was again in top100.
It's a similar situation i saw last year with Wii and now with Wii Fit.

Hey, you are in Japan, so you can tell us how is going RE:UC in Tokyo ;)

I'm still waiting for my RE:UC, damn EMS and damn italian mail post GRRRRRRR


Vinnk said:
Even Japanese produced ones bombed there.

Are there any "big" FPS games (as in you're playing a person or monster and pick up weapons) that are japan produced?

donny2112 said:
The same point as U.S.-only PS3 games?

Have there been any 3. party PS3 only games thats US-only?


test_account said:
Are there any "big" FPS games (as in you're playing a person or monster and pick up weapons) that are japan produced?

Konami tried with "Coded Arms", but yeah, not too many big ones.

As for the B:UC. It is not sold out everywhere in my town, but yeah, there are zero bundles to be found and not many copies of the game alone.

However today I saw my first used copy, so Capcom not putting out enough bundles might bite them in the ass.


Vinnk said:
Konami tried with "Coded Arms", but yeah, not too many big ones.

Ok, thanks :) Pity that there arent more FPS from Japan. I like FPS games and i would like to see how the japanese developers would make them.


Moor-Angol said:

i think there was a small new shipment available and it went out of stock very soon. That'ts the only reason the game was again in top100.
It's a similar situation i saw last year with Wii and now with Wii Fit.

Hey, you are in Japan, so you can tell us how is going RE:UC in Tokyo ;)

I'm still waiting for my RE:UC, damn EMS and damn italian mail post GRRRRRRR

Please be right. I want the game to sell well. :D


titiklabingapat said:
First day sales are in

WII Biohazard Umbrella Chronicles - 70k (50k software only, 20k bundled)
NDS Game Center CX: Arino no Chousenjou - 35k (60% sell through, no new shipment until December)
NDS Famista DS - 20k
PS3 Heavenly Sword - 7k (30% sell through)
PS2 Votoms - 6k
PS2 Hayarigami 2 - 4-5k
PSP Dungeon Explorer - 4-5k
PSP Anata o Yurusanai - 4k (30% sell through)
NDS Dungeon Explorer - 2-2'5k
NDS Cooking Mama 2 - 2k (30k shipment)

Thanks Kurosaki Ichigo!
70K is still good for REUC, some nice legs over this up coming buying season and it could end up with a very healthy ltd.

Moor-Angol said:
uh, oh... Amazon.jp top 100

01. Wii Fit
02. Smash Bros Brawl
03. Kimi Kiss (PS2)
04. DQ4

things are going to back normal
Amazon really isn't a good judge of what's going on in Japan, but it seems to be a decent gauge of what the hardcore wants, to an extent, still, it is surprising to see Wii Fit no.1. I think far more existing gamers are enjoying the casual experiences from Nintendo than is realised. Wii Fit does look great, it'll be interesting to see what kind of sales it ends up having.

I wonder what other games Nintendo has in store for the peripheral, it will no doubt depend on the success of Wii Fit. A Wave Race with Miis by EAD would be amazing! :D
So I added another game database access feature last night, but didn't have time to explain it fully. It's simultaneously the easiest one for me to make, the most freeform, and the most user-unfriendly. I'm allowing you to write your own SQL queries to pull out information. I've limited what it allows, so I don't think any of you tricksters can use this to modify or delete information.

If you know much about SQL, you'll probably be able to figure out enough to start testing things out by doing some simple "SELECT * FROM" statements using the tables
(Hey Josh, you say. Wouldn't it have been better to have all the weekly hardware in one table, with a field identifying which tracker it's from? Yeah, but out-of-practice me early last year without such large intentions for this thing didn't think so, so there it is. Maybe I'll fix that sometime, but it will have to come beside a change for all the various files made to read from it the current way.)

Here are some things one could use SQL to do, though.
All the weeks where Famitsu has PS2 going over 100K? SELECT Week, Units FROM Fam_HardwareWeekly WHERE System='PS2' AND Units>100000
All the weeks where Media Create has DSL under 100K? SELECT Week, Units FROM MC_HardwareWeekly WHERE System='DSL' AND Units<100000
All the Wii software launched before April 4, 2007? SELECT * FROM SoftwareInfo where Platform='Wii' and ReleaseDate<'2007-04-04' ORDER BY ReleaseDate ASC
See what colors graphs use for Microsoft consoles? SELECT * FROM HardwareInfo WHERE Manufacturer='Microsoft' and SystemType='console'
See which games have the biggest first weeks, among what's currently in the database? SELECT ReleaseDate as 'Release Date',Week,Tracker,Rank as 'Weekly Rank',SoftwareWeekly.GameID as 'Game ID',TitleEnglish,TitleJapanese,Publisher,Platform,SalesWeekly as 'Sales Weekly' FROM SoftwareWeekly, SoftwareInfo WHERE SalesWeekly=SalesLTD AND SoftwareWeekly.GameID = SoftwareInfo.GameID GROUP BY SoftwareWeekly.GameID ORDER BY SalesWeekly DESC

Unfortunately, unlike the other tools on my site, this one doesn't allow you to share an URL to share a result. SQL queries can get pretty long, and doing things the URL way would limit length.


listen to the mad man
Fake Hardware Weekly? :lol Also, to share data (because it's much more useful this way), you'll want to add this code.

SQL to create the table:

After you execute the query:
$_POST["query"] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST["query"]);
$insertShareableQuery = mysql_query("INSERT INTO shareable_ids (query_string) VALUES ('{$_POST["query"]}');");
$shareable_id = mysql_insert_id();

In the output section;

print "<a href=\"http://joshuajamesslone.name/gamecharting/sqldirect.php?shareable_id={$shareable_id}\">Permanent Link to this Query</a>";

Right at the beginning before your if($_POST["query"]) line:
$_GET["shareable_id"] = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET["shareable_id"]);
$getQueryQuery = mysql_query("SELECT query_string FROM shareable_ids WHERE shareid='{$_GET["shareable_id"]}';");
$getQueryRow = mysql_fetch_array($getQueryQuery);
$_POST["query"] = $getQueryRow["query_string"];

If you're smart, you could also check for the presence of a pre-existing shareable copy of the user's query and prevent duplicates from being added... but realistically that's not a huge concern.

All of this code assumes that you're not using a database wrapper class, that you're not using Object Oriented database stuff, that you are smart enough to have your PHP installation configured securely, etc.

I don't have access to PHP/MySQL right now so some of my syntax is probably off.

Fun Query-- Best ten software weeks ever (for the data that Joshua has):
SELECT SoftwareWeekly.SalesWeekly, SoftwareInfo.TitleEnglish, SoftwareWeekly.Week FROM SoftwareWeekly,SoftwareInfo WHERE SoftwareInfo.GameID=SoftwareWeekly.GameID ORDER BY SalesWeekly DESC LIMIT 0,10;


ziran said:
I wonder what other games Nintendo has in store for the peripheral, it will no doubt depend on the success of Wii Fit. A Wave Race with Miis by EAD would be amazing! :D

Family Ski from Bandai Namco will be the first game to support Wii balance board besides WiiFit.
enishi said:
Family Ski from Bandai Namco will be the first game to support Wii balance board besides WiiFit.
I thought their "Family" line all used their own mat? Or perhaps they've added Balance Board support since I last read?
Stumpokapow said:
Fake Hardware Weekly? :lol
:) Long ago I made some odd comparisons offline and wanted to put the data online so I could graph it with the regular tools rather than doing it all manually. THGCN is "Top Heavy GCN", but Front Loaded GCN would've been a better name. Basically it was showing things like Wii's first 10 weeks being better than GCN's best 10 weeks ever. The other was GCNSum, comparing Wii weeks to what GCN had done on all of its equivalent weeks combined. Since Wii isn't going to pass GCN by the end of year 1, it's going to fall behind that one very soon.

As for the rest, not a bad idea. Some of the syntax is off, but I see what you're doing. The table will probably end up with a lot of single-use queries, but I suppose it would even be possible to keep track of how often each was used and/or when it was last used.


enishi said:
Family Ski from Bandai Namco will be the first game to support Wii balance board besides WiiFit.
Thanks, I didn't know. I'll look out for it.

On another note, can any Japan GAF'ers confirm the amount of advertising Wii Fit is getting. From what I keep seeing at various sites it seems to be getting a good campaign, similar to the Wii one, where the remote was shown, only this time it's the balance board.


JoshuaJSlone said:
I thought their "Family" line all used their own mat? Or perhaps they've added Balance Board support since I last read?

That's another game called Active Life: Athletic World

They announced the support of balance board a few days ago


ziran said:
Thanks, I didn't know. I'll look out for it.

On another note, can any Japan GAF'ers confirm the amount of advertising Wii Fit is getting. From what I keep seeing at various sites it seems to be getting a good campaign, similar to the Wii one, where the remote was shown, only this time it's the balance board.

Though I'm not in Japan, there will be a huge section introducing WiiFit in this week's Famitsu. I don't think they did it for SMG :(


enishi said:
Though I'm not in Japan, there will be a huge section introducing WiiFit in this week's Famitsu. I don't think they did it for SMG :(
Cheer up! SMG's sales are going to pick up, they have to! Busiest time of the year, amazing game, popularity of Wii, it's going to sell a bazillion copies :D

...hopefully, it's going to sell better than it has, but yeah, a good amount of ignoring is currently happening in Japan :(
ziran said:
Cheer up! SMG's sales are going to pick up, they have to! Busiest time of the year, amazing game, popularity of Wii, it's going to sell a bazillion copies :D

...hopefully, it's going to sell better than it has, but yeah, a good amount of ignoring is currently happening in Japan :(

I hope that you're right, because it is easily the best game of the year. What I don't understand is why Umbrella Chronicles (a mediocre game) is selling relativity well and why Super Mario Galaxy isn't. And Mario is a lot more popular that Resident Evil in Japan. A lot more.


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
I hope that you're right, because it is easily the best game of the year. What I don't understand is why Umbrella Chronicles (a mediocre game) is selling relativity well and why Super Mario Galaxy isn't. And Mario is a lot more popular that Resident Evil in Japan. A lot more.

I don't see the problem. Both Mario Galaxy and Umbrella Chronicles are selling very well for spinoffs. The main series games, though, like Resident Evil 5 and Mario Party 8, will continue to exceed them.


ethelred said:
I don't see the problem. Both Mario Galaxy and Umbrella Chronicles are selling very well for spinoffs. The main series games, though, like Resident Evil 5 and Mario Party 8, will continue to exceed them.


Sad but true.
Some Mario games are more successful than some Resident Evil games, but there are a lot of branches to each series, and appearances at all levels of sales. And judging by what little we do know so far, SMG is doing much better than REUC, but with less stock is also harder to come by.
ethelred said:
I don't see the problem. Both Mario Galaxy and Umbrella Chronicles are selling very well for spinoffs. The main series games, though, like Resident Evil 5 and Mario Party 8, will continue to exceed them.

:lol Japanese are weirds.
ethelred said:
I don't see the problem. Both Mario Galaxy and Umbrella Chronicles are selling very well for spinoffs. The main series games, though, like Resident Evil 5 and Mario Party 8, will continue to exceed them.
Nice one. :lol

If SMG has some legs it should outsell MP8 in the end when MP9 is released.
Phew. So I implemented Stumpokapow's suggestion, and I think I've got most of the bugs ironed out. You can make it error if you're trying to, but... well, then you're getting what you're asking for. Tell me if anything freaks out when it shouldn't.

My same examples from earlier, now in link form:
All the weeks where Famitsu has PS2 going over 100K?
All the weeks where Media Create has DSL under 100K?
All the Wii software launched before April 4, 2007?
See what colors graphs use for Microsoft consoles?
See which games have the biggest first weeks, among what's currently in the database?
And Stumpokapow's Fun Query-- Best ten software weeks ever (for the data that Joshua has).

I did make it so duplicate queries don't create duplicate entries... but they have to be exactly the same to match, so it can still collect a lot of identical-in-action queries. C'est la vie.


JoshuaJSlone said:
Best ten software weeks ever (for the data that Joshua has)

Wow, those numbers seem otherwordly in the context of recent weeks' sales. I wonder whether any of this fall's software (WiiFit or DQIV perhaps) have a chance at 500k+ weeks.
JoshuaJSlone said:
Phew. So I implemented Stumpokapow's suggestion, and I think I've got most of the bugs ironed out. You can make it error if you're trying to, but... well, then you're getting what you're asking for. Tell me if anything freaks out when it shouldn't.

My same examples from earlier, now in link form:
All the weeks where Famitsu has PS2 going over 100K?
All the weeks where Media Create has DSL under 100K?
All the Wii software launched before April 4, 2007?
See what colors graphs use for Microsoft consoles?
See which games have the biggest first weeks, among what's currently in the database?
And Stumpokapow's Fun Query-- Best ten software weeks ever (for the data that Joshua has).

I did make it so duplicate queries don't create duplicate entries... but they have to be exactly the same to match, so it can still collect a lot of identical-in-action queries. C'est la vie.

congrats and good job on this stuff

how often is the database updated?



DSL 81000
PSP 66000
PS2 8800
PS3 53000
Wii 36000
360 5700

1.Mario Party DS&#12288;115000&#65288;357000&#65289;
4.Game Center CX&#12288;46000
5.Famista DS&#12288;45000
7.Heavenly Sword&#12288;16000
8.Wii Sports&#12288;15000&#65288;2106000&#65289;
9.Wii Play&#12288;15000&#65288;1662000&#65289;
Top Bottom