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Media Create Sales 12/17 - 12/23 2007

Xisiqomelir said:
-> %age 3rd-party sales of Famitsu software top 30s YTD by platform

DS: 43.7%
Wii: 16.7%
PS2: 99.2%
PSP: 92.8%
PS3: 66.1%
XB360: 71.2%

Thanks, which means that 1st party sales account for the following:

DS = 56.3%
Wii = 83.3%
PS2 = 0.8%
PSP = 7.2%
PS3 = 33.9%
360 = 28.8%


The Autumn Wind
TheBranca18 said:
Sorry you don't like to read. Maybe you shouldn't respond?
Well, you sure showed him.

EDIT - On another note, I'm of the camp that third parties are going to treat the Wii like a redheaded stepchild no matter how well it does. They just don't seem interested.


The Autumn Wind
I'm just trying to figure out why you're in this thread. All you seem to be doing is crying about how we're comparing sales figures. Is it because it's not what you want to hear?
There was never going to be a "Massive shift" to Wii. The market has changed completely from the PS1 to PS2 and development isn't as easy as flipping PS1 development to PS2 was. If the Wii was going to do anything, it would have seen a slow trickle of steady titles that would add up over time, which is what is happening.

Second, why are people still looking at the PS2 as a viable market? Slowly but surely PS2 sales are dropping YoY. Developers have clearly noticed this, and are largely releasing annual franchises on the console, hedging their bets that a simultaneous port or release on the PS3 or Wii will take off. Do you really expect the PS2 market to hold for another 4 years? These games have to move somewhere, and a hard shift is definitely on the way.

Does Sales Age truly think that the Wii and PS3 are going to be left in the cold for this development in favor of the DS and PSP? I've seen this issue largely glossed over in these threads.


Link said:
I'm just trying to figure out why you're in this thread. All you seem to be doing is crying about how we're comparing sales figures. Is it because it's not what you want to hear?

Well originally I was interested in the numbers. So I read them. And then responded to a post with a question and the rest is history.

I don't really have any personal stake in any of the companies. Therefore "crying" over the numbers would be silly.
DeaconKnowledge said:
Does Sales Age truly think that the Wii and PS3 are going to be left in the cold for this development in favor of the DS and PSP? I've seen this issue largely glossed over in these threads.

Given data right now, I'd say that it's a reasonable supposition. The PS3 has been absolutely terrible for 3rd parties, and the Wii hasn't been much better.

The PSP is much like the Wii in terms of moving software, actually. Lots of bombs, and the occassional relative hit. The DS is the most successful system on the market, but even then it runs into its snags (like Tales).


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Pureauthor said:
Given data right now, I'd say that it's a reasonable supposition. The PS3 has been absolutely terrible for 3rd parties, and the Wii hasn't been much better.

The PSP is much like the Wii in terms of moving software, actually. Lots of bombs, and the occassional relative hit. The DS is the most successful system on the market, but even then it runs into its snags (like Tales).

Namco created their own mess with Tales though, I'm sure there has to be a better example


The Autumn Wind
DeaconKnowledge said:
Does Sales Age truly think that the Wii and PS3 are going to be left in the cold for this development in favor of the DS and PSP? I've seen this issue largely glossed over in these threads.
Well, I meant that I see developers moving onto the PS3 over the Wii, regardless of performance. I think they'll do everything in their power to have the PS3 succeed so they don't have to develop for the Wii.


DeaconKnowledge said:
Does Sales Age truly think that the Wii and PS3 are going to be left in the cold for this development in favor of the DS and PSP? I've seen this issue largely glossed over in these threads.

True Believers might think this, but eventually sheer hardware volume is going to trump any derived secondary statistic like attach ratios and such.


the piano man
schuelma said:
Ok, you're only talking 3rd party though righth?

Of course. How can someone forget the Wii money-printing trifecta: Sports, play, party?

I would really, really appreciate it if someone ( Joshua?? donny?? ) could compare the historical performance of the japanese playstation ONE to the Wii and the way it took the market away from nintendo's hand. That's what nintendo is doing: taking the market away sony and such a bold feat can't happen in a year, can it?.

Everyone here keeps saying how Wii, as the best next-gen. system seller should behave just exactly like the PS2 but I think it is more related to the PS1. That the country changes from one company to another so decidedly has happend only once before this generation, that was from SNES to PS1 and I think we are not factoring this at all in our opinions. I know, no console has its future secured but the PS1 prepared the way for the PS2 very nicely, it was almost guaranteed it was going to do well, as it did. The same can not be said from the gamecube to the Wii.

My memories are blurry but I remember the PS1 supremacy not being deided right out of the gate. It took some months ( years perhaps? ) to make it clear Japan wasn't nintendo land anymore.

in the same way, I can't think that 3rd parties instantly supported such a new comer like the PS1 at the beginning of its lifetime, I am sure sony had to prove they meant business and that must have taken a year or two.

so, in short, I think we have to look at the SNES -> PS1 transition to have historical evidence of how such transitions take place in Japan and maybe then we'll have a clue about how the transition from PS2 -> Wii will happen ( if it does ).
sphinx said:
Of course. How can someone forget the Wii money-printing trifecta: Sports, play, party?

I would really, really appreciate it if someone ( Joshua?? donny?? ) could compare the historical performance of the japanese playstation ONE to the Wii and the way it took the market away from nintendo's hand. That's what nintendo is doing: taking the market away sony and such a bold feat can't happen in a year, can it?.

The thing here is this - the Wii has taken the market away from Sony. It simply hasn't taken any other game company with it, and that's the problem.
Pureauthor said:
Given data right now, I'd say that it's a reasonable supposition. The PS3 has been absolutely terrible for 3rd parties, and the Wii hasn't been much better.

The PSP is much like the Wii in terms of moving software, actually. Lots of bombs, and the occassional relative hit. The DS is the most successful system on the market, but even then it runs into its snags (like Tales).

That I understand, but I have a hard time believing that people will abandon the underperforming PS3 and Wii for the largely unprofitable PSP and blockbuster but not without its share of bombs DS entirely. To be quite honest I see a hard line drawn in the sand as far as PS2 developed franchises go; some to Wii, and some to PS3. Basically, I don't see the current woes being a continuous trend.

Link said:
Well, I meant that I see developers moving onto the PS3 over the Wii, regardless of performance. I think they'll do everything in their power to have the PS3 succeed so they don't have to develop for the Wii.


Sorry, but I don't buy this "Japanese developers have a grudge against Nintendo" thing anymore. It's business first and foremost. If all 3rd party title were destined to bomb on a Nintendo console, I could see devs avoid it like the plague, but that hasn't happened. Why they would default to the underperforming PS3 with the anemic install base AND inflated development cost just for the sake of it makes no sense to me.


The Autumn Wind
sphinx said:
in the same way, I can't think that 3rd parties instantly supported such a new comer like the PS1 at the beginning of its lifetime, I am sure sony had to prove they meant business and that must have taken a year or two.
You'd be wrong there. Sony made a lot of inroads before the console was released. Nintendo sticking with carts only made the decision easier for third parties.


perfectchaos007 said:
No kidding. Nintendo needs to stop making such great games OR third parties need to step up and make better games. Or else this will never change.
Actually, I think Nintendo needs to stop making middling to poor games. When half-assed garbage like MP8 and Wii Play or middling games like Warioware and Wii Sports (don't get me wrong, it's a great intro to the Wii, but it's still pretty half-assed for $50) obliterate the competition (and Nintendo's two AAA games) regardless of quality, all it tells 3rd parties is to keep throwing half-assed products at the system because at some point they may get a hit just like Nintendo did.


JoshuaJSlone said:
Note that Famitsu's double weeks have 0 listed for the weekly sales in both weeks, so those are missing.

So it's not exact, but it should still give a good idea of how things are going. Thanks for the heads up on that. :)
I think both the PS3 and Wii sales are destined to get worse before they get better, for different reasons. The PS3's are obvious. The Wii's are a bit different; the Wii in Japan being largely a casual console so far coupled with the franchises that are largely unchanged from their PS2 counterparts giving zero incentive for people to switch over.


The Autumn Wind
No6 said:
Actually, I think Nintendo needs to stop making middling to poor games. When half-assed garbage like MP8 and Wii Play or middling games like Warioware and Wii Sports (don't get me wrong, it's a great intro to the Wii, but it's still pretty half-assed for $50) obliterate the competition (and Nintendo's two AAA games) regardless of quality, all it tells 3rd parties is to keep throwing half-assed products at the system because at some point they may get a hit just like Nintendo did.
That's the worst logic I've ever heard and it's been proven to not work a million times before.

Eteric Rice

Link said:
Well, I meant that I see developers moving onto the PS3 over the Wii, regardless of performance. I think they'll do everything in their power to have the PS3 succeed so they don't have to develop for the Wii.

I haven't seen that. When was this again?
No6 said:
Actually, I think Nintendo needs to stop making middling to poor games. When half-assed garbage like MP8 and Wii Play or middling games like Warioware and Wii Sports (don't get me wrong, it's a great intro to the Wii, but it's still pretty half-assed for $50) obliterate the competition (and Nintendo's two AAA games) regardless of quality, all it tells 3rd parties is to keep throwing half-assed products at the system because at some point they may get a hit just like Nintendo did.

This is idiotic bullshit.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
No6 said:
or middling games like Warioware and Wii Sports (don't get me wrong, it's a great intro to the Wii, but it's still pretty half-assed for $50) .

Yo chico, show me a region that sells Wii Sports for fifty bones.

Wii Sports is a revolutionary title, your lack of understanding this doesn't change the situation. Even still, it does not cost anywhere near full price. It is, in fact, free in most countries, and priced to move in Japan, and move it does.

What about the other games you mentioned?

Wii Play is basically a ten dollar game with a forty dollar controller. A few of those games are quite fun.

MP 8 and Warioware are party games. Decently made too. You can whip them out whenever you're having a party with some friends and have a good time. Sure, I'd think they were middling as well if I was playing them friendless and alone in my mother's basement, but luckily I have plenty of friends. :lol


the piano man
Pureauthor said:
The thing here is this - the Wii has taken the market away from Sony. It simply hasn't taken any other game company with it, and that's the problem.

I would need a list of the 3rd party games released on the PS1's first year in Japan to be able to compare.

Link said:
You'd be wrong there. Sony made a lot of inroads before the console was released. Nintendo sticking with carts only made the decision easier for third parties.

Nintendo was been improving A LOT their 3d party relationships and " PS3 sticking to the expensive bluray " could make the decision for 3rd parties to support wii, wouldn't it?

I mean, to name some PS1 big games: Castlevania, SOTN (03/97) Final Fantasy VII (01/97), or metal gear solid (09/98) were released around 3 FREAKING YEARS after the PS1 japanese release: December 03, 1994.
No6 said:
Actually, I think Nintendo needs to stop making middling to poor games. When half-assed garbage like MP8 and Wii Play or middling games like Warioware and Wii Sports (don't get me wrong, it's a great intro to the Wii, but it's still pretty half-assed for $50) obliterate the competition (and Nintendo's two AAA games) regardless of quality, all it tells 3rd parties is to keep throwing half-assed products at the system because at some point they may get a hit just like Nintendo did.

Wii Sports is a value game in Japan. I believe its like 1000 yen cheaper than most Wii games so its not $50.


Once And Future Member
Eteric Rice said:

I can't say I agree, doesn't make sense.
I see where he's coming from. There's a few reason's why Link's theory could be true:

1. Third parties would rather be on a platform where the platform holder isn't such immense competition.
2. License fees. We don't exactly know what goes down in this territory, but historical evidence would prove Nintendo do be the tightest.
4. Financial backing. While Sony say they don't do this anymore, it's clear there must be some kind of subsidizing going on behind the scenes for the likes of MGS and FF. Nintendo are not in the business of buying out anyone, they don't need to.
3. Developers are artists. I'm sure if Kitase or Nomura want badly to make a high budget next gen title they will get what they want.


I'm with Sphinx. I'd like to know more about the transition from snes to ps1. I only have a vague memory of Saturn and PS1 being neck-and-neck for a long while before PS1 hit its stride

Eteric Rice

Sage00 said:
I see where he's coming from. There's a few reason's why Link's theory could be true:

1. Third parties would rather be on a platform where the platform holder isn't such immense competition.
2. License fees. We don't exactly know what goes down in this territory, but historical evidence would prove Nintendo do be the tightest.
4. Financial backing. While Sony say they don't do this anymore, it's clear there must be some kind of subsidizing going on behind the scenes for the likes of MGS and FF. Nintendo are not in the business of buying out anyone, they don't need to.
3. Developers are artists. I'm sure if Kitase or Nomura want badly to make a high budget next gen title they will get what they want.

I don't think that will effect much, considering Nintendo doesn't dabble in a lot of genres. License fees would probably be offset by lower dev kit costs and development cost in general.

Third point is a good one (though you mis-numbered it), but they can only buy titles for so long before their share holders get pissed. Number three probably isn't that big of an issue, since Nomura seems content making DS games as well as console games.

Dunno about Kitase, everyone says he hates Nintendo but I've seen no evidence of it, tbh.


perfectchaos007 said:
Wii Sports is a value game in Japan. I believe its like 1000 yen cheaper than most Wii games so its not $50.
Ok, so it's $40 or even $30, why not. It's still crushing the competition over a year after it released and when better (or equal, there isn't a good boxing game yet) sports games are on the market.
MP 8 and Warioware are party games. Decently made too. You can whip them out whenever you're having a party with some friends and have a good time. Sure, I'd think they were middling as well if I was playing them friendless and alone in my mother's basement, but luckily I have plenty of friends.
Ah, the classic "go back to your lonely basement" argument, haven't seen that one in a while. What next, the "Wii Game X is a blast when you're drunk!" disclaimer? I mean, it's true, don't get me wrong; the boxing game, which was despised early on at the christmas party, got a lot of playtime once everyone got stoned off their ass. Or will I get the "3rd Party Wii Game Y is selling better than the publisher's predictions", even though those games are also mostly the ones averaging about a C +/B- critically, and were also "lazy developer" games (looking at you M&S/REUC)?


Link said:
Well, I meant that I see developers moving onto the PS3 over the Wii, regardless of performance. I think they'll do everything in their power to have the PS3 succeed so they don't have to develop for the Wii.

Whatever you're smoking, I hope you brought enough to share.


The analysis of Wii vs PS3 is fundamentally flawed on so many levels. Neither exist in a vacuum and they're not the only two forces in the Japanese market. You can't honestly say a new DragonQuest not being on a single Sony platform in the past year while two titles are on the DS and Wii with more to come as 'business as usual'. The Crisis Cored Final Fantasy XIII certainly can't be business as usual either. Those big titles aside, plenty of smaller titles are either not getting made or have already switched over to the DS and Wii.

And that's the key.

The key differential here from say 1995 when N64 deflected developers away to cheaper PSone is that in 2007 Sony has deflected developers away to Nintendo and to a lesser extent the 360 and multiplatform games. The industry is larger, more fragmented and there are more 'superstars' to spread around. That may have lessened the absolute impression of any kind of a shift, but to say it isn;t happening is naive.

Discussions about consoles that ignore portables in the context of Japan where portable gaming simply dominates would be like discussion about PC gaming in North America in isolation from the much larger console and portable gaming side.


mj1108 said:
Whatever you're smoking, I hope you brought enough to share.

3rd parties support the PS3 and help grow the userbase, they create a platform where they'll get better sales, you don't to smoke anything, its just common sense

Eteric Rice

Link316 said:
3rd parties support the PS3 and help grow the userbase, they create a platform where they'll get better sales, you don't to smoke anything, its just common sense

I'm not going to even go there.


Sage00 said:
I see where he's coming from. There's a few reason's why Link's theory could be true:

1. Third parties would rather be on a platform where the platform holder isn't such immense competition.
2. License fees. We don't exactly know what goes down in this territory, but historical evidence would prove Nintendo do be the tightest.
4. Financial backing. While Sony say they don't do this anymore, it's clear there must be some kind of subsidizing going on behind the scenes for the likes of MGS and FF. Nintendo are not in the business of buying out anyone, they don't need to.
3. Developers are artists. I'm sure if Kitase or Nomura want badly to make a high budget next gen title they will get what they want.

Such cry babies.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Link316 said:
3rd parties support the PS3 and help grow the userbase, they create a platform where they'll get better sales, you don't to smoke anything, its just common sense

Really doing wonders so far
Deku said:
The analysis of Wii vs PS3 is fundamentally flawed on so many levels. Neither exist in a vacuum and they're not the only two forces in the Japanese market. You can't honestly say a new DragonQuest not being on a single Sony platform in the past year while two titles are on the DS and Wii with more to come as 'business as usual'. The Crisis Cored Final Fantasy XIII certainly can't be business as usual either. Those big titles aside, plenty of smaller titles are either not getting made or have already switched over to the DS and Wii.

And that's the key.

The key differential here from say 1995 when N64 deflected developers away to cheaper PSone is that in 2007 Sony has deflected developers away to Nintendo and to a lesser extent the 360 and multiplatform games. The industry is larger, more fragmented and there are more 'superstars' to spread around. That may have lessened the absolute impression of any kind of a shift, but to say it isn;t happening is naive.

Discussions about consoles that ignore portables in the context of Japan where portable gaming simply dominates would be like discussion about PC gaming in North America in isolation from the much larger console and portable gaming side.

But if we're looking at the consoles and handhelds in the same bubble we have to acknowledge certain things which would put the DS and Wii up almost entirely - marketshare.

Both the PS3 and Wii are underperforming in third party sales, so why will the majority of third parties gamble their profits with the PS3?

I dunno. Everything i'm seeing of the market show the PS3 and Wii performing like the PSP and DS did before them; PS3 will have dedicated efforts that do well, while everything else bombs, while the Wii has greater success and the odd super bomb. Both consoles will underperform in comparison to DS, but people won't abandon the consoles entirely. There's just too much money on the table for the Wii and PS3.


Unconfirmed Member
Link316 said:
3rd parties support the PS3 and help grow the userbase, they create a platform where they'll get better sales, you don't to smoke anything, its just common sense

Why spend money creating a userbase when Nintendo has already created one for you? A userbase that continues to grow more rapidly than any console before it.

Third parties could make A+ games using one third the money in one third the time, and probably make a bigger profit margin.

You don't need to smoke anything, it's just common sense. ;)

Rolf NB

DeaconKnowledge said:
There was never going to be a "Massive shift" to Wii. The market has changed completely from the PS1 to PS2 and development isn't as easy as flipping PS1 development to PS2 was. If the Wii was going to do anything, it would have seen a slow trickle of steady titles that would add up over time, which is what is happening.

Second, why are people still looking at the PS2 as a viable market? Slowly but surely PS2 sales are dropping YoY. Developers have clearly noticed this, and are largely releasing annual franchises on the console, hedging their bets that a simultaneous port or release on the PS3 or Wii will take off. Do you really expect the PS2 market to hold for another 4 years? These games have to move somewhere, and a hard shift is definitely on the way.

Does Sales Age truly think that the Wii and PS3 are going to be left in the cold for this development in favor of the DS and PSP? I've seen this issue largely glossed over in these threads.
Having a handheld and a console is a great way for a platform holder to blunt the financial impact of generational shifts, because you have two families that don't have to transition at the same time. One of the two can be in full bloom while the other is the phase involving all the growing pains. Overlapping half-generations. I think this is one of the key things Sony wanted to copy from Nintendo when they started with the PSP.

The issue right now seems to be that the handhelds are so much more successful (for many different definitions of "successful"). There's no hope for the home consoles (not even the Wii) to ever catch up with the install base of the DS, and that creates inertia among third parties. A new generation should be an attractive opportunity, but that "old" platform is not just larger in absolute terms, but is still growing faster than anything else.


No6 said:
... even though those games are also mostly the ones averaging about a C +/B- critically, and were also "lazy developer" games (looking at you M&S/REUC)?

Personally I believe that reviewers of gaming publications are reviewing for core gaming people like you and me. I've not seen a mainstream (Newspaper/Girlie Mag/Blokes Mag) review for any of the big selling Wii titles that has been anything short of glowing praise. Quite frankly the Wii makes a mockery of Meta Critic style sites that are heavily biased towards gamers games and highlight that the current review system is archaic and not suited to some software and audiences.

Also anyone giving DS Sight Training or English Training a score out of 100% on the same scale as NSMB DS should be laughed at and never trusted again. These are entertainment second, usefulness first products and are marketed as such. They should be rated on their effectiveness at achieving the goals that they are said to be designed to achieve. ST & ET succeed in my opinion, where as BT 1&2 are mostly just entertainment and of little Brain improvement value.

Link said:
Well, I meant that I see developers moving onto the PS3 over the Wii, regardless of performance. I think they'll do everything in their power to have the PS3 succeed so they don't have to develop for the Wii.

You have the chicken & egg the wrong way round here. People started PS3 development ages before Wii development and would be moving to Wii. They need the PS3 games they are working on (for longer than expected in nearly all cases - anecdotally the thing is unexpectedly difficult to work with) to succeed and make a bit of money to recoup costs. Fortunately the X360 is 'similar' enough to do twin versions of games and in 2/3 major markets this will be enough to keep the PS3 afloat.

The Wii is an odd beast. As seen - companies that abandoned the GC are having to use PSP/PS2 style games and expectations to make their first effort Wii games when people
like Ubisoft and Nintendo are already working on Cycle 3.

Same as the DS initially the Wii market will be flooded with sub-par games with short dev times to fill gaps until the LTTP companies catch up. If it's as cheap as people say to make Wii games then it's not a bad area to have a bit of time invested in, but I don't expect a sudden rush of AAA new IP titles. Developers know that families will buy more games eventually, and are more likely to choose licenses over review scores & message board recommendations any-day.

I'd say the global market share for core gamers across all three this gen carpet consoles is about even, X360 still just in front (say 40% - would be more but Japan).

I'd say that Nintendo has around 80% of the casual family console market WW for carpet consoles with Sony & Microsoft on similar peggings.

In handhelds DS has more of everyone, no contest.


Link316 said:
3rd parties support the PS3 and help grow the userbase, they create a platform where they'll get better sales, you don't to smoke anything, its just common sense


Note: I'm laughing at Link316 as he deserves it for this post, not with him.


nli10 said:
Same as the DS initially the Wii market will be flooded with sub-par games with short dev times to fill gaps until the LTTP companies catch up. If it's as cheap as people say to make Wii games then it's not a bad area to have a bit of time invested in, but I don't expect a sudden rush of AAA new IP titles.
This is a good analysis - early days of DS was pretty much filled with cheap ports of Gameboy games where the publishers didn't even do any RnD on the touchscreen capabilities of DS.

Right now we pretty much see a lot of shovelware or cheap ports from PS2 or PSP that don't even use the controls correctly.
Kuramu said:
I'm with Sphinx. I'd like to know more about the transition from snes to ps1. I only have a vague memory of Saturn and PS1 being neck-and-neck for a long while before PS1 hit its stride

I assume we're talking about Japan. Yes, they were close for a good while. I remember both companies claiming to be in the lead, in fact I think I have an interview with a Sony exec claiming Sega's numbers were "shipped" and Sony's were "sold". It was the announcement of FFVII for the Playstation that kicked it into a higher gear and left the Saturn behind.

In the US, the Playstation started strong and pulled away much faster.
ethelred said:
Josh: NG1 charted in its second week, too, in Fami's top 30. It did around 7k, offhand.
Double-checking, I don't see it. The top 30 ends at 6.6K so it could've just missed it, or maybe made it in Media Create.
sphinx said:
in the same way, I can't think that 3rd parties instantly supported such a new comer like the PS1 at the beginning of its lifetime, I am sure sony had to prove they meant business and that must have taken a year or two.
Namco was pretty big on PS1 from the get-go, with Ridge Racer being a launch title, and Ace Combat and Tekken appearing within a year. The other major third party games the system is remembered for took a while. Capcom's Resident Evil was early 1996, Square's Final Fantasy VII was early 1997, Konami's Metal Gear Solid was late 1998. Not their first games, but the ones that are most remembered and continue to be big presences today.

donny2112 said:
So it's not exact, but it should still give a good idea of how things are going. Thanks for the heads up on that. :)
It's a bit of a pain, but I wasn't considering the broad scope of things that could be done with the data. All options have their drawbacks.

As is now, certain weeks are missing weekly software data. There's no incorrect data, but it's less than full.
I could split up those weeks in half like I do with the hardware data, but that would be incorrect data, and it'd be easy to not notice it's any different from a normal week.
I could put the two weeks worth of sales into the second week, but that would also be incorrect and show weird spikes when looking at weekly performance over time.
Or I could completely change the way it's all set up to create a separate category for double weeks, but ew what an extra mess.

What might be a doable alternate method would be to do a subtraction of total lifetime software data through time X and subtract from that total lifetime software data through time Y, so you should get about the amount sold in the period from Y through X. That would have its own imperfections, but hey.


Unconfirmed Member
Leondexter said:
I assume we're talking about Japan. Yes, they were close for a good while. I remember both companies claiming to be in the lead, in fact I think I have an interview with a Sony exec claiming Sega's numbers were "shipped" and Sony's were "sold". It was the announcement of FFVII for the Playstation that kicked it into a higher gear and left the Saturn behind.

In the US, the Playstation started strong and pulled away much faster.

I remember EGM doing an indepth analysis of the sales after the first year that both the PS1 and N64 were out in the US. It said that the N64 was outselling the PS1 by 4 to 1 for almost 4 months, but then dropped off and never could catch up.

The article also went into what the costs a pub/developer had to pay Nintendo vs Sony in order to put a game on their respective system.

It was really insightful.
TheBranca18 said:
It comes down to this. The way I look at things I like to take into account as much information as I can as to WHY something is happening, it seems like most of you don't care about that at all and are just reporting that it's happening. To me that's not interesting at all.

Everyone on this site knows why PS3 is performing how it is. Must we preface every single post with "Boy, the PS3 pricing sure was retarded!"? It's taken as a given, it's been accepted since May 2006, it doesn't need to be reiterated over and over again.

What's left to do is to look at the RAMIFICATIONS of that price point, which is the present and future of PS3.



you can't put a price on sparks
its obvious that publishers aren't going to ignore the PS3. it has a different philosophy of games behind it than Wii does, obviously.


AdmiralViscen said:
Everyone on this site knows why PS3 is performing how it is. Must we preface every single post with "Boy, the PS3 pricing sure was retarded!"? It's taken as a given, it's been accepted since May 2006, it doesn't need to be reiterated over and over again.

What's left to do is to look at the RAMIFICATIONS of that price point, which is the present and future of PS3.

TheBranca won't get it until he can handle the truth.


Josh: can you double check again? It definitely charted, with numbers, in its second week. I remember.

davepoobond said:
its obvious that publishers aren't going to ignore the PS3. it has a different philosophy of games behind it than Wii does, obviously.

Honestly, I'm not sure if "going down in flames" is such a great philosophy.
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