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Media Create Sales 2/18 - 2/24


Public Health Threat
rpgfan16k said:
The funny thing is, this is probably one of the best day one sales of a 360 game ever, but the hardware bump is probably almost nonexistent...
Blue dragon probably begs to differ.

L4U seems to be on track to beating its predecessor's sales.

Saitou said:
I like how they shipped more Limited Editions of the new Idolm@ster game than the regular one.
Limited Editions of games usually sell better than the normal editions for niche games because they're actually... limited and worthwhile.
What's going on here ? Don't say me that only because of PSP "comeback" (hardware yes, software not really) DS is now d00med or something similar.

Guys: DS sold 22 millions in Japan. 66-68 millions Worldwide. PSP Worldwide stand at 32-34 millions. And about software...well DS >> PSP.

Personally I would say that PSP is now in Japan a valuable opportunity for Third Parties in alternative to PS3. And this is true since PSP Slim launched. Recently, at least one PSP game is into the top 10 almost every week (even if they haven't legs, outside MHP2) and they sell quite well (50-200k range). So, increasing software support for this handheld is definitely a comprehensive move.

But we have to know one parameter in order to classify PSP as valuable alternative for developers.

What is software LTD for Gamecube only in Japan ? (hardware sold = 4 millions).
What is software LTD in Japan for PSP ? (hardware sold = 8 millions).

What is the average quantity of software sold on PSP every week before and after PSP Slim launched ?

This comparison can at least say us something about the health of PSP software in Japan, even if not exhaustive, because one is an handheld and one home system and the two situations are very different. But anyway, it could be an interesting comparison.


icecream said:
Limited Editions of games usually sell better than the normal editions for niche games because they're actually... limited and worthwhile.

True, but in this case the limited edition is more common than the normal edition. Going by first day numbers they shipped 40k limited edition copies and only 10k normal edition. Altho it might not be wrong to call it limited edition (if its even called that, maybe its called special edition or something), since they might only make 40k copies of it, but with the normal edition they might make as many copies as they want if the demand is there, it still looks alittle funny in my opinion that the limited edition is more common :) When i think of limited editions i think of them as harder to get than the normal edition. I dont think there is a big chance that they actually end up making more than 40k copies of the normal edition due to high demand of the game, but who knows, i dont know how popular this game will be over the next few years :)


Public Health Threat
test_account said:
When i think of limited editions i think of them as harder to get than the normal edition.
It will be harder to obtain after a time period. Usually the channels are initially flooded with LE sales from pre-orders and first day sales. Which is why sales for LEs are typically higher on the first day than the normal editions. After 2 weeks or so, I doubt you'd be able to find many LEs around.

Though it is the 360, so it probably has no problem accumulating unused software sales on shelves weeks after release.


icecream said:
It will be harder to obtain after a time period. Usually the channels are initially flooded with LE sales from pre-orders and first day sales. Which is why sales for LEs are typically higher on the first day than the normal editions. After 2 weeks or so, I doubt you'd be able to find many LEs around.

Though it is the 360, so it probably has no problem accumulating unused software sales on shelves weeks after release.

Thats true, you're probly right about harding to find LE in the shops after some time, but what i ment with harder to find is that it so far excist less copies of the normal edition than the limited edition. Due to this, the normal edition should be harder to find, atleast in theory, but if i.e collectors buys all the LE fast and wont sell them it might be easier to find the normal edition anyway :) But as said, LE of this game will probly never be made again while more copies of the normal edition will be made if there are a demand for it so i guess its not wrong to call it a limited edition.

Maybe the LE of the game contains a normal edition game inside. I.e i bought a LE DS NES bundle and it included a normal black DS light, a retail copy of New Super Mario Bros and Super Mario Bros 1 for GBA. All the stuff were the same that you could buy separately in the stores.
Mithos Yggdrasill said:
What is software LTD for Gamecube only in Japan ? (hardware sold = 4 millions).
What is software LTD in Japan for PSP ? (hardware sold = 8 millions).

What is the average quantity of software sold on PSP every week before and after PSP Slim launched ?
Of course the collection of Famitsu data I've got doesn't paint a complete picture, but as of now I've got GCN with 19.7 million and PSP with 15.4 million. Using further data sources, Dalthien's got PSP at 17.0 million.

As for pre/post PSP slim, with my data we can look back to the week before Crisis Core launched and see that through week 144 the software total at 12.8 million. So at least as far as my incomplete data is concerned, it visibly gained 2.6 million software sales in the next 23 weeks.


The PSP still is a viable software platform for many third parties who want to continue with there traditional gameplay series or mechanics. Even though a high percentage of people don't buy the PSP for software initially they are certainly potential customers for compelling titles. It would be pretty stupid for any Japanese publisher to abandon such a huge market. Especially when you consider the PS3 and how big a failure it is. I think a lot of the Japanese traditional IP's can be moved to the PSP with more succes while creating new compelling IP and gameplay concepts for the Nintendo platforms.

Mr. Smith

i find it kinda funny how the psp became sonys very own gba. just think about how bad sony position in japan would be if there werew no psp hardware sales. psps is sonys savior.


BishopLamont said:
Nintendomination was fun at first now it just makes MC threads plain boring. Sony do something please.
I think at this point you might have to wait for the Playstation 4 for that, sales-wise. But I find the threads entertaining anyway for other reasons.
JoshuaJSlone said:
Of course the collection of Famitsu data I've got doesn't paint a complete picture, but as of now I've got GCN with 19.7 million and PSP with 15.4 million. Using further data sources, Dalthien's got PSP at 17.0 million.

As for pre/post PSP slim, with my data we can look back to the week before Crisis Core launched and see that through week 144 the software total at 12.8 million. So at least as far as my incomplete data is concerned, it visibly gained 2.6 million software sales in the next 23 weeks.

So, PSP software situation has ameliorated, but it remains bad. I think we can conclude this safely. At least as long as its LTD is inferior to the Gamecube (that is considered generally as a failure. Particulary in Japan).

It is difficult to say if PSP is, at the end, a failure or not. I would say it isn't. And not only because it is the first handheld that has estabilished ittself as valuable alternative to Nintendo's portables, but also because its hardware will shortly surpass worldwide what the N64 sold in 5 years.
The only bad, I would say catastrophic point is the software. And I don't mean the software quality, that is not bad at all, but, as you know, the quantities of copied sold.

Sony simply has made a big mistake doing a machine that can be pirated to easily. The only good point about piratage is that the console, after all, is popular, even if the consumer kill dramatically its profitability.
This could be interesting for the successor of PSP: simply Sony should make an handheld at least as difficult to pirate as the DS (not so difficult, but still not that easy). The popularity of the first PSP will help its launch and then the software, finally, should follow the portable with less problems.

So, in my opinion, Sony should shortly (2009?) bring to the market the successor of the PSP with minor specs improvement (Gamecube level performances?), but with a different approach that target more the gaming market and less the multimedia-iPod space. And this include in particular the change of the data support. Sorry Sony, but please change UMDs so that piratage becomes more difficult. Not necessarily a change of the format (disc is ok, even if battery life is bah), but instead a change in protocols of security (after all, the Gamecube's games weren't so easy to copy).

This is an important step because software is the major source of profits in the videogames industry. Not hardware. You can increase the revenues of your handheld lowering costs of its components, but it will remains only a fraction of the potential that software can generate. A console with great amout of hardware sold, but bad software performances cannot be considered as a failure, but not as a success either.


Mithos Yggdrasill said:
Personally I would say that PSP is now in Japan a valuable opportunity for Third Parties in alternative to PS3. And this is true since PSP Slim launched. Recently, at least one PSP game is into the top 10 almost every week (even if they haven't legs, outside MHP2) and they sell quite well (50-200k range). So, increasing software support for this handheld is definitely a comprehensive move.

Consider for a moment the fact that PSP hardware is continuing on at chart-topping levels without a corresponding presence on the software charts. In short, what's to make all the current buyers who have little to no interest in purchasing UMD software suddenly start buying just because some new games came out? They didn't need the games to purchase the system at the beginning, so a publisher would have to convince a seemingly game-buying apathetic audience to start buying games somehow. If they can do that, they could have a real hit on their hands, but they first have to do that.


donny2112 said:
Consider for a moment the fact that PSP hardware is continuing on at chart-topping levels without a corresponding presence on the software charts. In short, what's to make all the current buyers who have little to no interest in purchasing UMD software suddenly start buying just because some new games came out? They didn't need the games to purchase the system at the beginning, so a publisher would have to convince a seemingly game-buying apathetic audience to start buying games somehow. If they can do that, they could have a real hit on their hands, but they first have to do that.

Hentai / Ecchi (spelling) game (with lots of Xenosage like movie) to the rescue ?
donny2112 said:
Consider for a moment the fact that PSP hardware is continuing on at chart-topping levels without a corresponding presence on the software charts. In short, what's to make all the current buyers who have little to no interest in purchasing UMD software suddenly start buying just because some new games came out? They didn't need the games to purchase the system at the beginning, so a publisher would have to convince a seemingly game-buying apathetic audience to start buying games somehow. If they can do that, they could have a real hit on their hands, but they first have to do that.
Plus, it's still the Playstation and the name still has alot of clout. Publishers are alot more eager to give the Playstation family alot of benefit of a doubt and second chances compared to Nintendo consoles, especially since you don't have to directly compete with Nintendo, however wrong that viewpoint is.

Eteric Rice

titiklabingapat said:
Plus, it's still the Playstation and the name still has alot of clout. Publishers are alot more eager to give the Playstation family alot of benefit of a doubt and second chances compared to Nintendo consoles, especially since you don't have to directly compete with Nintendo, however wrong that viewpoint is.

Well, they'll have to give in eventually. I mean jeeze.


Eteric Rice said:
Well, they'll have to give in eventually. I mean jeeze.
I think the turning point would be if the wii begins to outsell both systems combined LTD. then the potential userbase becomes larger than the 2 portable HD consoles.
Innotech said:
I think the turning point would be if the wii begins to outsell both systems combined LTD. then the potential userbase becomes larger than the 2 portable HD consoles.
Well, it's already begun to outsell the other two combined; it's just a matter of time before it overtakes the total. Of course in the specific case of the Japanese market Wii's LTD is double-triple the PS360 total.


charlequin said:
It doesn't matter. Pokemon is the single biggest title on the DS; the third iteration of this version of Pokemon still even has yet to come out. Nintendo will not release a new iteration of the DS that breaks a key feature of Pokemon (as well as a relatively wide range of import features and hardware devices used by other games.)
Actually, Nintendogs is the top DS seller, then Pokemon DP, then NSMB. The DP revision will undoubtedly push Pokemon on top though.


charlequin said:
It doesn't matter. Pokemon is the single biggest title on the DS; the third iteration of this version of Pokemon still even has yet to come out. Nintendo will not release a new iteration of the DS that breaks a key feature of Pokemon (as well as a relatively wide range of import features and hardware devices used by other games.)
Watch out or some of the things will pull the 'optional gba slot via optional link port' card or something as retarded.

Neo C.

ethelred said:
The plural of anecdote is not data.
Fair enough. But even if there were potential of growth in this market group, would it be really bad to exclude the GBA slot? The Lite will stay on the market, therefore the kids still have a choice.

I think it will be really difficult to decrease the volume of the DS without excluding the GBA slot.


icecream said:
Limited Editions of games usually sell better than the normal editions for niche games because they're actually... limited and worthwhile.

Limited Edition is one of my favourite phenomenon in entertainment media - it is the solution to the age old question "how do I get hardcore fans to pay more for this game, but still sell cheap copies to people who just want to try this game out?"

1. Not only are people saying to the games company "actually I think your game is worth $60 not $40 so I'll pay that instead" meaning for very little outlay the game makes a lot more cash (in this example $20 either buys you 50% of the games development or a tin and some postcards - take a guess at which actually cost the dev more).

2. The limited part of the limited edition means that the people who value your product most highly have to buy on day one, and often pre-order creating retailer buzz and high chart positions for the title.

3. The trade in rate for limited edition games is traditionally much lower. You may see a sudden glut of pre owned limited edition tins for Halo 3 and Bioshock initially though, usually the week the next big title comes out. They sell fast though.

No wonder the Limited Editions are fast becoming the norm - if you only release 20,000 standard editions of a game and 80,000 of the Ltd. Editions in week one then chances are most people will be buying the more expensive version or having to wait till week 2 when you ship out the next batch of non-limited games.

If you sell less standard ed. than Ltd. ed. then this is good as your fans want to pay more for the game, but bad as it means that non fans didn't pick up the cheaper version of the title later.

I'm still waiting for the Dev/Pub with the balls to release the limited edition version of the game a week early with double the standard edition price tag to see what happens.
I just had a look at current lineups...and I thought I could bring up some to discuss here.

Unsurprisingly, Nintendo counterattacked RGG Kenzan a little with Metroid Prime 3 and Minna no Joushiki Ryoku TV (which I'm not sure what it is but its still Nintendo). Also Family Jockey from Namdai. I wonder how will Japan react to Guitar Hero 3 too, could be interesting to see.

So I had a look at RGG Kenzan sales predictions from YSO guys...mostly 150-180k (for the week), on par with previous big titles on PS3. At this rate who is going to break this 150-200k first week and 300-400k LTD tradition? I thought MGS4 but then this franchise has about the same strength as those franchises that established this tradition.

Thinking about other titles than FFXIII I just noticed that there isn't a single 1st-2nd party title scheduled for PS3. Really, what the fuck Sony. They just have 2 budget re-releases, echochrome for PSN and a set of Eye of Judgement scheduled. What the fuck Sony.

I know Sony titles in development like GT5, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, White Knight....but no one of those is going to make it before Fall.

Then I noticed that its up to SEGA, Konami and Namdai to drive the platform in the coming months. Which made me think about Namdai's Trusty Bell. Where did it go? Hasn't it been like months without news? Thinking about other titles in the same situation brought me to Dragon Quest V and Inazuma Eleven, I thought I would see the three of them before Golden Week, right now I'm doubtful any of them will arrive in time.


Kurosaki Ichigo said:
I just had a look at current lineups...and I thought I could bring up some to discuss here.

Unsurprisingly, Nintendo counterattacked RGG Kenzan a little with Metroid Prime 3 and Minna no Joushiki Ryoku TV (which I'm not sure what it is but its still Nintendo). Also Family Jockey from Namdai. I wonder how will Japan react to Guitar Hero 3 too, could be interesting to see.

So I had a look at RGG Kenzan sales predictions from YSO guys...mostly 150-180k (for the week), on par with previous big titles on PS3. At this rate who is going to break this 150-200k first week and 300-400k LTD tradition? I thought MGS4 but then this franchise has about the same strength as those franchises that established this tradition.

Thinking about other titles than FFXIII I just noticed that there isn't a single 1st-2nd party title scheduled for PS3. Really, what the fuck Sony. They just have 2 budget re-releases, echochrome for PSN and a set of Eye of Judgement scheduled. What the fuck Sony.

I know Sony titles in development like GT5, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, White Knight....but no one of those is going to make it before Fall.

Then I noticed that its up to SEGA, Konami and Namdai to drive the platform in the coming months. Which made me think about Namdai's Trusty Bell. Where did it go? Hasn't it been like months without news? Thinking about other titles in the same situation brought me to Dragon Quest V and Inazuma Eleven, I thought I would see the three of them before Golden Week, right now I'm doubtful any of them will arrive in time.
Yeah, I made the issue in another thread that Sony software is nearly non existant in Japan. I really don't know what they are doing but they are leaving it totally to SEGA and Konami. Looking at the first 6mth lineup for the PS3 in Japan and all I see is MGS4, Yakuza 3 and Valkyrie the Battlefield. I see nothing else.

I am starting to worry about my favorite franchises FF sales now. Fuck Sony.... Expensive system and Sony support sucks. No wonder no one is freakin buying...


Public Health Threat
nli10 said:
No wonder the Limited Editions are fast becoming the norm - if you only release 20,000 standard editions of a game and 80,000 of the Ltd. Editions in week one then chances are most people will be buying the more expensive version or having to wait till week 2 when you ship out the next batch of non-limited games.
Considering the Normal Edition didn't sell close to completely though in this case, most people were probably just seeking the LE edition for the goods.

Neo C.

Kurosaki Ichigo said:
Thinking about other titles than FFXIII I just noticed that there isn't a single 1st-2nd party title scheduled for PS3. Really, what the fuck Sony. They just have 2 budget re-releases, echochrome for PSN and a set of Eye of Judgement scheduled. What the fuck Sony.

I know Sony titles in development like GT5, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, White Knight....but no one of those is going to make it before Fall.
Their big games take massiv ressources. I guess it's time for Sony to buy or build up new studios.


Neo C. said:
Their big games take massiv ressources. I guess it's time for Sony to buy or build up new studios.

Aren't they already spending more money on software development than anyone else but EA? I'm not entirely sure that that's true (I'm positive I read it somewhere), but if so, I'd state that the bigger issue is poor resource management. Buying more studios may give them a quick fix, but wouldn't solve the larger problem.
Neo C. said:
I think it will be really difficult to decrease the volume of the DS without excluding the GBA slot.

Why do you think it would be valuable to decrease the volume of the DS? The Lite is already small enough to be easily carried (and already small enough that it's a little difficult for a lot of people to hold in their hands); any smaller would impinge on the size of the screens (a huge issue when one of the screens is touch.)
Kurosaki Ichigo said:
I just had a look at current lineups...and I thought I could bring up some to discuss here.

Unsurprisingly, Nintendo counterattacked RGG Kenzan a little with Metroid Prime 3 and Minna no Joushiki Ryoku TV (which I'm not sure what it is but its still Nintendo). Also Family Jockey from Namdai. I wonder how will Japan react to Guitar Hero 3 too, could be interesting to see.

So I had a look at RGG Kenzan sales predictions from YSO guys...mostly 150-180k (for the week), on par with previous big titles on PS3. At this rate who is going to break this 150-200k first week and 300-400k LTD tradition? I thought MGS4 but then this franchise has about the same strength as those franchises that established this tradition.

Thinking about other titles than FFXIII I just noticed that there isn't a single 1st-2nd party title scheduled for PS3. Really, what the fuck Sony. They just have 2 budget re-releases, echochrome for PSN and a set of Eye of Judgement scheduled. What the fuck Sony.

I know Sony titles in development like GT5, Resistance 2, Killzone 2, White Knight....but no one of those is going to make it before Fall.

Then I noticed that its up to SEGA, Konami and Namdai to drive the platform in the coming months. Which made me think about Namdai's Trusty Bell. Where did it go? Hasn't it been like months without news? Thinking about other titles in the same situation brought me to Dragon Quest V and Inazuma Eleven, I thought I would see the three of them before Golden Week, right now I'm doubtful any of them will arrive in time.
Counterattacking RGG with MP? That would be a moronic plan. Minna no Joushiki Ryoku is the general knowledge training/quiz. Afaik it also has downloadable questions. I don't think RGG and this share too many customers though.

GH seems to be an american thing more or less (with the exception of Sweden) - I don't think it'll be different in Japan.

As for Sony's offerings, most of the new IPs are aimed at the western market and they didn't have a whole lot of huge franchises on PS2 either. Plus there were also a good deal of PSP titles released throughout the last years.

But this is good, because everyone is always so worried about third parties. Sony, unlike Nintendo gives third parties a whole lot of more room to breath and more chances of selling their titles.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'd say that even now the PSP is a success.

It will probably go down as the most successful system ever with the fewest million sellers. If that makes any sense.

Lots of hardware sold
very little software sold.

Heck the top ten, maybe the top five DS titles sold are more than the PSP total software sales.


charlequin said:
Why do you think it would be valuable to decrease the volume of the DS? The Lite is already small enough to be easily carried (and already small enough that it's a little difficult for a lot of people to hold in their hands); any smaller would impinge on the size of the screens (a huge issue when one of the screens is touch.)
I think thickness is one of main improvement they can make to its size without causing inconvenience. Maybe removing the GBA slot will enable this, but it might not be necessary.

I personally imagine the new DS to (if they release one)...

- Be thinner.
- Be a smaller height and length, by a bit.
- Be rounder at the shoulder buttons, mainly for ergonomics, but also as a differentiator from the DS Lite.
- Have the same sized screens.
- Have a metal casing on the back, like on Apple's latest products. Be black on the front for the default colour.
- Have a virtual console like feature for GameBoy/GameBoy Colour games. Maybe GBA too.
- Take a leaf out of Wii's book. Will include software installed onto the system, like Wii Channels, and will probably include stuff like Weather Channel, etc. It will take advantage of the fact that it has Wi-Fi and that it is portable and will bring about some useful utilities because of it.
- Push for greater connectivity with Wii, particularly with software that isn't games (and I don't mean Brain Training and the like).
- Be successful.
- Dunno about the GBA slot. I think most likely. It'll save money, make it easier to make smaller/thinner, will look better because of it, and GBA software isn't as important as it was 2 years ago.

It's clear Nintendo doesn't want to drop the price. Mostly because they haven't needed to, but sales are slower in Japan now. But even price drops can only do so much with saturation.

Man God said:
I'd say that even now the PSP is a success.

It will probably go down as the most successful system ever with the fewest million sellers. If that makes any sense.
Indeed. I agree. What you basically mean is that out of all profitable systems, PSP will have the lowest tie-ratio. Which, in this case, means great hardware sales, and in comparison, low software sales, which on GAF, shouldn't really be considered a good thing. iPod sold even better than PSP with even lower software sales, and in many ways, PSP is in iPod's category more than it is in DS's, so remarking on PSP hardware success on GAF should be in the Off Topic section strickly speaking. As a gaming platform, it isn't exactly successful. Ironically, it's a very non-gaming system.


icecream said:
Considering the Normal Edition didn't sell close to completely though in this case, most people were probably just seeking the LE edition for the goods.

I agree - in this case it's ALL fans buying Limited versions and the Std. edition just sitting there unloved...


DKnight said:
I for one would buy a thinner GBAless DS at a high price.

Me too. Announcement at E3? It'll probably be in Japan first, so probably not.


charlequin said:
Why do you think it would be valuable to decrease the volume of the DS? The Lite is already small enough to be easily carried (and already small enough that it's a little difficult for a lot of people to hold in their hands); any smaller would impinge on the size of the screens (a huge issue when one of the screens is touch.)

Small things "look cool" and "cool looking things" sell well.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
You forget. The GBA slot will not be dropped. Why?

Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon you silly people


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
Parl said:

Me too. Announcement at E3? It'll probably be in Japan first, so probably not.
NDS Lite announcement came out of the blue, not at E3 or anything like that IIRC.

HK-47 said:
You forget. The GBA slot will not be dropped. Why?

Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon you silly people
Noo I don't want to listen ><


HK-47 said:
You forget. The GBA slot will not be dropped. Why?

Pokemon Pokemon Pokemon you silly people
Indeed, there's still loads of gamers in Japan who have no DS/GBA to play their Ruby/Sapphire on.

DKnight said:
NDS Lite announcement came out of the blue, not at E3 or anything like that IIRC.
Yeah, maybe this was because they wanted Wii to be the focus of their big shows, maximising exposure before launch.

Might be another Wii fit E3 this year though.
Phife Dawg said:
Counterattacking RGG with MP? That would be a moronic plan. Minna no Joushiki Ryoku is the general knowledge training/quiz. Afaik it also has downloadable questions. I don't think RGG and this share too many customers though.

GH seems to be an american thing more or less (with the exception of Sweden) - I don't think it'll be different in Japan.

As for Sony's offerings, most of the new IPs are aimed at the western market and they didn't have a whole lot of huge franchises on PS2 either. Plus there were also a good deal of PSP titles released throughout the last years.

But this is good, because everyone is always so worried about third parties. Sony, unlike Nintendo gives third parties a whole lot of more room to breath and more chances of selling their titles.
Eh, way to miss my points?
Nintendo counterattacked RGG Kenzan a little with Metroid Prime 3 and Minna no Joushiki Ryoku TV
When was the last time Nintendo released two Wii games on the same day? They would be stupid to give them the entire week for themselves, so having some presence, even if small, is a far better choice. About GH, I doubt any version will crack top30 sure, yet I'm interested in seeing how it does, look at COD4, certainly not (as) big (as in NA) but its performance was certainly interesting to my eyes.

Sony had a really good showing on PS1, they lost a lot in PS2 (like the extremely poor showing in the early days) and their PS3 commitment certainly isn't Japan-centric but they still released 13 titles in 13 months (from Nov 06 to Dec 07). Now we are off to a 6 months without a single title (from Jan 08 to Jun 08). Sony PS3 showing on the first semester of 2008 in Japan could very well be zero.


ethelred said:
The plural of anecdote is not data.

Very true. My anecdote is only of the students in my town, at the 10 schools I teach at (a sample of about 2000 students). It is surprising that more than 80% of them have a DS. And when 80% of a core demographic (elementary school kids) has a product, I find myself wondering, "who is left to buy the system?" But it keeps selling so the expanded market thing must be working. Still it's of my opinion that the old core market (kids) is close to saturation point. But of course my town could be an exception rather than the rule. Also I have no idea how many of those kids might have the old DS systems and are looking to upgrade. There is not enough information to come to any conclusion yet.


DKnight said:
I for one would buy a thinner GBAless DS at a high price.
you cant play the Daigasso Expansion.. no buy for me
Vinnk said:
Very true. My anecdote is only of the students in my town, at the 10 schools I teach at (a sample of about 2000 students). It is surprising that more than 80% of them have a DS. And when 80% of a core demographic (elementary school kids) has a product, I find myself wondering, "who is left to buy the system?" But it keeps selling so the expanded market thing must be working. Still it's of my opinion that the old core market (kids) is close to saturation point. But of course my town could be an exception rather than the rule. Also I have no idea how many of those kids might have the old DS systems and are looking to upgrade. There is not enough information to come to any conclusion yet.
Holy Shit... How do you even manage that...
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