Bebpo said:
What. Have you played DoC? If they spent over 8 months developing that game (CG aside) I would be very surprised.
And yeah, I estimated REVENUE is likely around 70 million, so I was guessing profit was 40. Which seems about right.
you need to learn more about profit and revenue.
read this :
As you can see, Retail $ 39 = (Gross) Profit $25. So, if DoC has retail of 50 - 70 $, most probably, the (gross) profit is probably around $ 40 - 45.
However, the most important thing is not Gross Profit. It is net profit. (If you need to learn more, please see income statement of any public company, and find the income statement).
Net Profit = Gross Profit - Development Cost - marketing Cost - Overhead Cost.
Development Cost : how much do you think it cost SE to develop DoC ?
Marketing Cost : how much do you think SE spent to advertise DoC ?
Overhead Cost : How much do you think SE overhead cost are (overhead usually refer to the salary they paid their other non-developer worker, like the CEO, CIO, CTO, PR, secretary, or electricity, phone)
Edit : Remark about Overhead Cost : Overhead cost are usually divided by all software created in a certain period. The Overhead Cost allocation can be based on several things :
-Head Count
-Man-month of development (if developed internally)
-Division (or development team)
-Flat (just divided by # of game)