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Media Create Sales 6/18 - 6/24


Terrell said:
Is anyone else startled that Wii is highly likely to hit 3 million before PS3 hits 1 million?

It was mentioned a month or two ago that the wii and ps3 were on track to reach 3 and 1 million respectively at about the same time. I know I've been keeping my eye on that ever since. I'm sure others have been watching that closely too.

Seems like only yesterday that there were only 3 datapoints on that panther chart.


kkg1701 said:
Thanks for the numbers! Wonder how long the streak will last this time :) Do you also have absolute lowest?


Absolute lowest : 68,438 . March Week 1 (27-05), 06 (First week of launch). However, it is not absolute lowest of DSL + DS, since DS has 49,118. Total for this week : 117,556

Lowest total DSL + DS : 75,207 on Aug Week 3 (14-20), 06. DSL : 74,495, DS : 712 .


At around 65K-70K a week the Wii should reach gamecube sales in around 19 weeks.

So in less then a year the Wii will achieve in japan what the entire Gamecube's lifespan managed.


laserbeam said:
At around 65K-70K a week the Wii should reach gamecube sales in around 19 weeks.

So in less then a year the Wii will achieve in japan what the entire Gamecube's lifespan managed.
Makes ya think, huh.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Hey Cheese, they have the real software top 10 numbers on the m-create site, so you can drop the icky rounded numbers on the first post.


Fuzzy said:
Famitsu has RE4 at 73,535 through June 17th with it selling 8,924 that week so it'll easily pass 100K in Japan.

Sounds good. What were Capcom's expected numbers worldwide?

Somebody must have the numbers or at least the picture.


For a Finer World
Vinnk said:
So fear not, I am in very little danger of being arrested for shopping. And if I ever were kicked out of a store, it would make a great post.
Thanks Vinnk, I read your reports regularly and really appreciate them. It was nice to hear some background on the Village Report.

All in all, I have to say: I like your style - and I love your work!
GreenGlowingGoo said:
Hey Cheese, they have the real software top 10 numbers on the m-create site, so you can drop the icky rounded numbers on the first post.

Ah, you're right. I simply disregarded all numbers from MC's site before, as we got precise weekly and LTD numbers for the top 10. So now we get rounded weekly and LTD on Wednesday nights, then precise weekly numbers on Thursdays. New feature time. =P


PantherLotus said:

Good catch. (that's an error from inserting more rows btw). It should read:

PS3 - Established Trend: 7-9k. Next Gen Avg = 31,286. Post Holiday Avg = 17,128.

(will edit in)


And thanks guys for actually reading it and observing it. I get thanked every week but nobody ever really offers different or challenging views of the data, so I never know if people are really reading it. Thanks.

i ALWAYS read it.
Fuzzy said:
I don't, a port outselling another port doesn't mean anything to me.
It could convince Team Ninja to dabble into waggle and port a Ninja Gaiden to the Wii...

Linkup said:
Sounds good. What were Capcom's expected numbers worldwide?

Somebody must have the numbers or at least the picture.

It was 450-500k, iirc(or was it a million?). It should do that pretty handily. It could do 150k in the States and another 150k in Others, and 100k in Japan.

edit: found it in the other thread:

Wii comparisons: At 30 weeks, Wii is where GCN was at 118.7 weeks (December 18, 2003), where GBA was at 21.5 weeks (August 18, 2001), where DS was at 36.3 weeks (August 8, 2005), where PS2 was at 31.5 weeks, and where PSP was at 56.9 weeks.

PS3 comparisons: At 33 weeks, PS3 is where PS2 was at 3.7 weeks, where PSP was at 12.3 weeks, where GCN was at 16.1 weeks (December 30, 2001), and where Wii was at 5.1 weeks (December 31, 2007).

PS3 vs Wii: Weekly shares of 12.7 / 87.3, bringing the total to 25.1 / 74.9. Barring something crazy, Wii will triple PS3's LTD next week. If Wii stopped selling and PS3 continued at this week's rate, it would catch up in 194.3 weeks (March 15, 2011).

PS2 vs DS: At this week's rates, PS2 and DS meet in 18.0 weeks (October 28, 2007) at ~20.77 million units apiece.

kkg1701 said:
To anyone who's got better access to DS lite's numbers (too lazy to check all the MC-threads): What's the lowest number of DS lites sold in a week? I can't even remember when the last time it was below 100k...
Lites specifically... hell, might as well list each sub-100K week, there are few enough.
Week of
2006-02-27: 68,438 Launch week, lowest ever for Lite
2006-03-06: 89,790 Week #2
2006-05-08: 91,895 Pre-NSMB holdback
2006-08-14: 74,495 Pre-FFIII holdback
2007-01-08: 89,287
2007-03-26: 79,897


titiklabingapat said:
It was 450-500k, iirc(or was it a million?). It should do that pretty handily. It could do 150k in the States and another 150k in Others, and 100k in Japan.

edit: found it in the other thread:

capcom planned sales

Thanks. So they have a pretty good chance of hitting their expected numbers.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
Cheesemeister said:
Ah, you're right. I simply disregarded all numbers from MC's site before, as we got precise weekly and LTD numbers for the top 10. So now we get rounded weekly and LTD on Wednesday nights, then precise weekly numbers on Thursdays. New feature time. =P

Oh no, this means we're going to lose acurate LTD numbers from the the big multimillion DS sellers that keep popping back on the top 10 during slow weeks (like nsmb). Seems the wednesday source rounds off LTD too. Does M-create give ltd for its top 10 anywhere?


laserbeam said:
At around 65K-70K a week the Wii should reach gamecube sales in around 19 weeks.

So in less then a year the Wii will achieve in japan what the entire Gamecube's lifespan managed.

Wii obviously a fad, confirmed.

legend166 said:
Can someone tell me why the PSP sold 32k with NO software in the top 30? That's so strange. I mean, if it was because of the Lumines thing or something, that would be on the charts.

Price cut maybe ? I don't know..

What about the DS, thanks to Vinnk, now it is clear why the increase in sales was not that high: simply because it seems people bought widely the new colors, but almost not at all the old colors. The shipment of new colors was 150k, so it is quite a good approximation.
And the new colors came out only saturday, right ? So, maybe next week could be even bigger then this one.
MasterMFauli said:
3-4 weeks for the Wii.
In 4 weeks, PS3 will probably still be 20k away from 1 mio.
So, yeah, near to confirmed.

Also, i wonder what could change that picture. Wii is constantly sold-out. When the big games are being released, there´re probably riots to get a Wii.
On the other hand, PS3 is very little games that can be considered top sellers. That golf game should be one, and then there´s FF13.
2 games to change the tide?
It will be interesting to see how Eye of Judgement will fair in Japan. It has very interesting features and card games are pretty popular in Japan as well.

The only problem I see is that it makes PS3 even more expensive. But if they advertise it right and bundle it with the hardware I can see that shifting a good amount of consoles.

legend166 said:
Can someone tell me why the PSP sold 32k with NO software in the top 30? That's so strange. I mean, if it was because of the Lumines thing or something, that would be on the charts.
Maybe people buy it to watch movies on it? PSP is building a pretty good and attractive line-up as well. It doesn't have that one killer title, maybe that's why a lot of people buy the thing but the software doesn't climb higher since sales spread out over a lot of titles.


I don't see the PSP's situation as that positive. I see it as the exact same as the PS2's early months in people buyin it for the DVD player feature even though it had the absolute worst software lineup. It's happening with the PS3, too, I think. Though the PSP doesn't have extraneous features with as wide appeals as DVD and BluRay players, you can bet there are plenty of people buying it for non-gaming purposes.

It's ironic non games are associated with Nintendo when it's really Sony's systems that have sold in many instances on their non-gaming features.
laserbeam said:
At around 65K-70K a week the Wii should reach gamecube sales in around 19 weeks.

So in less then a year the Wii will achieve in japan what the entire Gamecube's lifespan managed.

Holy shit, I was drinking my coffee as I was reading that. You was so close to owing me a new keyboard :lol


Rock_Man said:
Famitsu software sales in %:


Week of NGS and Trusty Bell:
Wii ~ PS3 + X360
X360 ~ PS3

Can someone explain this graph to me? I've seen it many time, but never really understood it. Like in the end, does it mean that Xbox 360 software sales was 20% of all software sales that day?


A spike for the DS. And a spike for Nintendo in general, but not compared to week 18 (3rd week of SPM at #2, wii sports, yoshi island ds, wii play, mario vs dk 2, big brain wii, NSMB, brain age 2)



Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
JoshuaJSlone said:
In this case, I think a picture is worth a thousand words, or four million consoles.

Indeed, the Wii is rising to heaven, selling like mad no matter what the week, nice to see Ninty consistantly shipping consoles to, avg 260k per 4 wks, not bad, especially with a large bump to be had when DQ:S comes out in 3 weeks.

DS is no longer in shortage like it was for over a year (I Still say wtf when I think that), but is "supply constrained" to quote Sony, they have stock, but what is there doesn't last long, and you wont see the same (New) DS on a shelf week to week, I expect 130k ish pw til holiday, when it goes off like a firework again, passing PS2 in a blaze of DQ9 fuelled glory.

PSP is selling "ok" it's not great, but if it weren't for the DS, Sony would be pretty happy with it, a PSPLite style re-design will give it an extra 10/15k p/w for a few months also, and I think Sony will produce one this year.

PS2 is on its last legs, still got a few games left in it, but will be/is being superceeded by Wii (Sorry Sony), as the mainstream console of choice in Japan, I think sales will taper down to 10k > by end of year.

PS3 sales are laughable, if any Sony exec even tries to justify such abysmal sales figures in Japan it is because they have a gun to their heads, I honestly thought GAF would implode if sales of PS3 would dip below 10k, 7 weeks on, I think the community has stopped caring, 10k avg until...well, the holidays, a golf game, no matter how good, will not push it above 30k for that week, and will quickly sail to 10k > within a fortnight, Sony have a dead system in Japan until at least MGS4/FF13, and even then they will be too late.

360, hah, dead, gone, TB aside the 360 has been a niche (Read, very niche) system since day 1, that wont change, the ironic thing of course is that if MS just spent a modest amount on Japan, they would have probably shifted the same amount of units, and wouldn't be bleeding millions, instead they tried the moneyhat route and have failed, miserably, wake me when it hits 500k, which, at this rate wont be until next year.

Edit: Just what was that vid about? I can't check it due to work, it wasn't trying to say the PS3 is selling well, was it? seriously? :lol
test_account said:
Can someone explain this graph to me? I've seen it many time, but never really understood it. Like in the end, does it mean that Xbox 360 software sales was 20% of all software sales that day?
Close. ~25% that week, among those three consoles only.

For June 11-17 Famitsu's software pie gives these percents

DS: 57.1
Wii: 13.4
PS2: 9.5
PS3: 6.6
PSP: 6.4
X360: 6.3
Other: 0.6

From that he just takes the Wii/PS3/X360 values, and thus for this week it works out to

Wii: 51.0
PS3: 25.1
X360: 24.0


Thanks Vinnk. o/

Zelda's # next week will be very interesting.

What about core gamers buying it on first day and then casuals buying the stock's remainder during the week ? Judging by the ads, Nintendo wanted to do a "casual friendly" Zelda so I wouldn't be surprised that some felt for the cute design and the promise of a great adventure.


Stop It said:
PS3 sales are laughable, if any Sony exec even tries to justify such abysmal sales figures in Japan it is because they have a gun to their heads, I honestly thought GAF would implode if sales of PS3 would dip below 10k, 7 weeks on, I think the community has stopped caring, 10k avg until...well, the holidays, a golf game, no matter how good, will not push it above 30k for that week, and will quickly sail to 10k > within a fortnight, Sony have a dead system in Japan until at least MGS4/FF13, and even then they will be too late.

You obviously didn't read todays memo before the meeting.

Oblivion said:

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Mar_ said:
You obviously didn't read todays memo before the meeting.


Seriously, youtube is blocked at work, I'm guessing this is what I'm hoping it's not, someone saying that PS3 is selling well, if so.

:lol :lol :lol :lol
titiklabingapat said:
It's mostly against the 360, but they sneaked in a Wii jab when they got to the sales part.

What's even better is that his wondrous graphs didn't actually have anything to do with the Wii, and then he just comes out with 'PS3 is doing better than Wii'.

So they didn't want people to be seen moving while playing?

Maby it's the beter way of doing things.


Okay, how about this for speculation then? After careful consideration, and with shortages ending, I'm beginning to suspect Nintendo is planning a price drop on the DS in time for the release of DQIX. Probably 2-3 weeks before.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
justchris said:
Okay, how about this for speculation then? After careful consideration, and with shortages ending, I'm beginning to suspect Nintendo is planning a price drop on the DS in time for the release of DQIX. Probably 2-3 weeks before.

Price drops are only necessary for systems that have competition.


I've seen that PS vs PS2 vs PS3 graph before. Why is it used? Doesn't it show that the PS2 was selling better in Japan than the PS3 has done worldwide? That makes it look really bad not good. They could've at least done revenue.


justchris said:
Okay, how about this for speculation then? After careful consideration, and with shortages ending, I'm beginning to suspect Nintendo is planning a price drop on the DS in time for the release of DQIX. Probably 2-3 weeks before.

I think a price increase would be more likely.
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