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Media Create Sales 7/16 - 7/22

Darji said:
i never discount wii sales of tradtional games.

Darji said:
Zelda = Name oh and even shiggy was dissapointed with the sales in Japan
Paper Mario = dont know the numbers so i dont comment on that
DQS = DQ game no need to say anything more
RE4 = great game but just a port . so do you want all good PS2 or cube games porting to wii?


Darji said:
It just feels like new "real" game IPs doesnt stand a chance on the wii.

Yeah, you feel that way, and make these dire predictions for the Wii's lineup based on that, and all I'm saying is that when you apply the same standard to the competition in Japan, you get similar if not far worse results.

Compared to what though? What new "real' games are selling on the 360 or PS3 in Japan?


Darji said:
Watch the E3 PK
Actually, E3 WAS disappointed for self-called "core gamers", but I don't really care. E3 was geared mostly towards investors, so Wii Fit made sense. As long as I find good games on Wii, I'm happy.

I fully agree with Rancid Mildew, there's plently of good game on Wii for 2007, hints for many others in 2008, and I'm sure announcements will follow.
Darji said:
yeah thats the ulitmate combination of these products^^

You've yet to respond to my previous post. I'd like to hear your take please. Post 1175 on page 24.

Further, what is the problem if Nintendo continues to churn out games like Metroid, Mario, Zelda, Smash, Battalion Wars, and Fire Emblem especially when they are all coming out in the next four months? Games like this were received over the entire lifetime of the GCN. If anything, Nintendo has a renewed and strengthened focus on the core gamer and a newer focus on the new gamer.


jimbo said:
Ahem....look back at the conference. Time spent on Wii Fit vs time spent on any other core game.

In a PRESS Conference, why would you show off the games EVERYBODY already knows are coming? Why would you continue to put main emphasis on something like SSBB (which already gets daily updates) or Mario Galaxy, when those will sell themselves regardless?

It just so happens that PRESS Conferences are for *gasp* the PRESS and that companies are supposed to try to prove their worth with explanations of new games and what they're all about.

Nobody on GAF would have cared if Mario Galaxy was the main emphasis of Nintendo's conference or if it wasn't there at all. When it releases Nov. 12th they're going to get it no matter what. Wii Fit needed proving and to be in the limelight. And now it's ingrained in everybody's minds.


ethelred said:
It wasn't Wii Fit that made the conference suck, it was the barrage of news montages and Youtube clips.

I think the purpose of those was to let the mainstream press know that the Wii is a social phenomenon as opposed to their purpose being something useful for the normal video game press. This was similar to how they showed Brawl and Snake the day after E3 2006's media briefing. They are supposed to have a video game press-centric event sometime in the next month or so, though. :/


Darji said:
Huh Wii fit got almost 20 minutes^^

Yeah... and again, quite a bit of time was spent discussing, and then playing, Phantom Hourglass as well.

Darji said:
Huh i thought we were talking about new Ips and not about ports or a minigame.

No, we weren't discussing that, but like any good game of Calvinball, you seem adept at changing the rules every five seconds.

Also: Dragon Quest Swords is not a minigame.
Pureauthor said:
Again: Focus on a press event =/= the focus of internal development

Wait you mean to tell me that their conference was not aimed at pleasing my gaming needs? I am shocked at this recent turn of events!
donny2112 said:
I think the purpose of those was to let the mainstream press know that the Wii is a social phenomenon as opposed to their purpose being something useful for the normal video game press. This was similar to how they showed Brawl and Snake the day after E3 2006's media briefing. They are supposed to have a video game press-centric event sometime in the next month or so, though. :/

They could have made their point a whole lot more succinctly.


Darji said:
Which PS3 game will beat Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros Brawl in sales?hmm hard to say but i would say GT5 definetly.
I doubt it. Super Mario 64 sold more on a 32 million userbase than GT4 did on a 100 million userbase. (Sunshine and SSBB sold almost as much on a 22 million userbase.) Like with every other series so far, Mario Galaxy and SSBB will be boosted by the Wii's larger installed base while GT5 will lessen due to the PS3's smaller installed base.
Darji said:
It just feels like new "real" game IPs doesnt stand a chance on the wii.
Red Steel. And really, by this reasoning no games whatsoever stand a chance on the PS3.


So this is the biggest game for the PS3 this year and it only moves 38k, and is still being outsold by the Wii to a pretty high extent.

That's not good at all.


SovanJedi said:
You kind of have to expect that a group of fans supporting a company that's been doing the best sales it's done in a decade to have some gloating over that matter, but you suggested that that's ALL they were talking about which simply isn't true.

The Smash Bros. Brawl topic has broken 10,000 posts today, and there must be about 5 of those posts that actually discuss the sales of the game.

I'm talking about games outside the obvious. It's either the old Nintendo treatment or the new Nintendo treatment, both of which are perfect examples of how to go AROUND the core gamer.

You know how I know they're not catering to the core gamer....because it's been forever since I even entered a Wii game thread, last one being the Mario Galaxy one. I know exactly what to expect. Now I don't own a Wii, a PS3 or a PC capable of running anything decent...but damn if I won't drool as some of the stuff coming out on those platforms. But Wii? Nada. Zip. Zilch.

Every time there's an interesting Wii thread arund, it's about sales. But games that actually attract me? Little to none.

And I am a CORE gamer. Heck I used to be jealous of games coming out on consoles I didn't own. But the only thing to really be jealous of with the Wii, is sales.


Darji said:
Huh i thought we were talking about new Ips and not about ports or a minigame.

Ah, so you haven't spent much time with Wii Sports. That explains that.

So you want a new IP to have big sales numbers on a system that was the successor to last generation's third best console within the first year of its life. Got it. Makes perfect sense.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
jimbo said:
I'm talking about games outside the obvious. It's either the old Nintendo treatment or the new Nintendo treatment, both of which are perfect examples of how to go AROUND the core gamer.

You know how I know they're not catering to the core gamer....because it's been forever since I even entered a Wii game thread, last one being the Mario Galaxy one. I know exactly what to expect. Now I don't own a Wii, a PS3 or a PC capable of running anything decent...but damn if I won't drool as some of the stuff coming out on those platforms. But Wii? Nada. Zip. Zilch.

Every time there's an interesting Wii thread arund, it's about sales. But games that actually attract me? Little to none.

And I am a CORE gamer.

So wait, are now projecting your own personal interest onto GAF as a whole? Is that what let's you gloss over the MASSIVE Brawl thread?
when are the people on ps3 forum going to admit defeat and just ****ing let go of some hope of some magicly amazing game that will take ps3 all the way to the top?

this is way worse than the megaton crap nintendo fans had during the gamecube days.

What now? after their mega-omg-ps3-comebackton hit lol MNG5 getting owned by outsourced-spinoff-of-a-spinoff third string nintendo mini-game fest on its 9th yearly update, what possible hope can they conjur up to believe that in Japan, ps3 stands any form of chance of outselling the wii?

Honestly, tell me this, what has PS3 in Japan got this year that can go against mario galaxy and smash bro? dragon quest XI? wii fit? Can someone answer me this?
jimbo said:
I'm talking about games outside the obvious. It's either the old Nintendo treatment or the new Nintendo treatment, both of which are perfect examples of how to go AROUND the core gamer.

You know how I know they're not catering to the core gamer....because it's been forever since I even entered a Wii game thread, last one being the Mario Galaxy one. I know exactly what to expect. Now I don't own a Wii, a PS3 or a PC capable of running anything decent...but damn if I won't drool as some of the stuff coming out on those platforms. But Wii? Nada. Zip. Zilch.

Every time there's an interesting Wii thread arund, it's about sales. But games that actually attract me? Little to none.

And I am a CORE gamer. Heck I used to be jealous of games coming out on consoles I didn't own. But the only thing to really be jealous of with the Wii, is sales.

You can't use personal taste to dictate the quality of Nintendo's line up which is what you're doing. I'm a core gamer as well and I find two games to be drool worthy on the PS3 in both its current and upcoming line up combined. For the 360, I'm interested in the 4 RPGs coming out this year and that's it. The situation with Nintendo is vastly different for me.


Jammy said:
In a PRESS Conference, why would you show off the games EVERYBODY already knows are coming? Why would you continue to put main emphasis on something like SSBB (which already gets daily updates) or Mario Galaxy, when those will sell themselves regardless?

It just so happens that PRESS Conferences are for *gasp* the PRESS and that companies are supposed to try to prove their worth with explanations of new games and what they're all about.

Nobody on GAF would have cared if Mario Galaxy was the main emphasis of Nintendo's conference or if it wasn't there at all. When it releases Nov. 12th they're going to get it no matter what. Wii Fit needed proving and to be in the limelight. And now it's ingrained in everybody's minds.

Exactly. Which is basically my point. Nintendo wanted the press to run with the new image of Nintendo and what the NEW Nintendo is all about: Wii Fit.

So why are we arguing?


jimbo said:
You know how I know they're not catering to the core gamer....because it's been forever since I even entered a Wii game thread, last one being the Mario Galaxy one. I know exactly what to expect. Now I don't own a Wii, a PS3 or a PC capable of running anything decent...but damn if I won't drool as some of the stuff coming out on those platforms. But Wii? Nada. Zip. Zilch.
Are you honestly saying that just because YOU aren't interested in any of the games Nintendo make for Wii, none of those games appeal to core gamers? If so, that's one of the dumbest comments I've ever seen you make.


schuelma said:
So wait, are now projecting your own personal interest onto GAF as a whole? Is that what let's you gloss over the MASSIVE Brawl thread?

No that was just one example. I'm sure there are other people that feel the same way, for different reasons.


Exactly. Which is basically my point. Nintendo wanted the press to run with the new image of Nintendo and what the NEW Nintendo is all about: Wii Fit.

So why are we arguing?

They wanted to get as much buzz as possible, and that is only possible with mass market games.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
jimbo said:
No that was just one example. I'm sure there are other people that feel the same way, for different reasons.

Yes, just like there are people more interested in Brawl or Galaxy than Halo 3. WTF is your point?
jimbo said:
Exactly. Which is basically my point. Nintendo wanted the press to run with the new image of Nintendo and what the NEW Nintendo is all about: Wii Fit.

So why are we arguing?

Because Nintendo's new image does not exclude core games which are coming out at a higher volume, and hopefully higher quality than ever before.


Rancid Mildew said:
I saw it live and I'm sure no one said that casuals will get a heavier focus than core gamers.

Why isn't it about the handheld market as well? Your statement is a blanket one that judges Nintendo's entire market philosophy. I'm challenging the notion that Nintendo is no longer a company that can be relied on for a core experience which is what you are saying. Besides, even if I was a Wii only owner, I'd be spending more money on the system than the 360/PS3 combined and I'd be able to play the Wii well into 2008 just on the holiday line up alone.

Really? From Nintendo (which is what we're discussing), I can pin WiiFit, BBA, and MP8 as Nintendo non-games. Maybe some have escaped me but I don't think I missed more than one. On the core side, we have Super Paper Mario, Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, Smash Brothers Brawl, Super Mario Galaxy, Fire Emblem, and Battalion Wars 2 all out by Christmas in America. This isn't counting third party partners which augment the list noticeably.

Beacsue the handheldmarket =! the home console market. Sure at the moment its almost the same but only because of the high prices of 360and Ps3. And yes this year is totaly extrem for all consoles but Nintendos has in fact the least best lineup for gamers. And at the moment i dont evnen know what Nintendo will release 2008. I can only think of animal crossing which is according to nintendo a nongame and maybe Pikman oh and Wii Fit.

And its not about nongames its aboout casual and minigames too. here is a small example from what i was talking.

- Zelda
- Wii Sports (minigames)
- Wii Play (minigames)
- Wario (minigames)
- Excite Truck
- Pokemon (Pokemon^^)
- Fire Emblem
- Donkey Kong Jet Race
- Forever Blue (nongame)
- Mario Party 8 (minigame)
- Super Paper Mario (Mario)
- Eyehield 21 (casual)
- Big Brain Academy (mingame)


schuelma said:
Yes, just like there are people more interested in Brawl or Galaxy than Halo 3. WTF is your point?
That there are people like him. He doesn't know how many, but he knows they're there.


donny2112 said:
Ah, so you haven't spent much time with Wii Sports. That explains that.

So you want a new IP to have big sales numbers on a system that was the successor to last generation's third best console within the first year of its life. Got it. Makes perfect sense.
i played it a bit at a friends house but wasnt much impressed. Its ok and a great partygame but nothing more.


Darji said:
- Zelda
- Excite Truck
- Pokemon (Pokemon^^)
- Fire Emblem
- Donkey Kong Jet Race
- Forever Blue (nongame)
- Super Paper Mario (Mario)
- Eyehield 21 (casual)
Alright, you're a goddamn retard going on my ignore list. Jesus ****ing Christ.


Best game ever, shame about the sequels
I can't wait to come back to this thread when:

Mario Wii outsells Double Dash.
Super Mario galaxy outsells Sunshine.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl outsells Melee.
Animal Crossing Wii outsells Animal Crossing.


Darji said:
And yes this year is totaly extrem for all consoles but Nintendos has in fact the least best lineup for gamers.
No, this is not a fact. This is your opinion, and I guarantee the market will prove it to be in the minority as well.


sebthelobster said:
he is the one who spew the BS rumor about edge giving lair a 9.

The machine has just started.
Coming next: Mario Kart Wii becomes a minigame; Zelda becomes a nongame
Source: Darji


Jokeropia said:
Are you honestly saying that just because YOU aren't interested in any of the games Nintendo make for Wii, none of those games appeal to core gamers? If so, that's one of the dumbest comments I've ever seen you make.

I'm sorry, but none of us can represent all the opinions of the masses right? What I am saying is there aren't that many core games that would appeal to core gamers, like myself, outside what we have been getting for the past 3 decades. And those games won't attract any core gamers that they haven't succesfully attracted by now by those games.

Now I don't particularly care for Metroid and SSB. Zelda and Mario are more my style, but I am not saying Metroid and SSB are NOT core games. They are. I am saying.....looking forward.....what's there? Outside of those what's there?

Where's Nintendo's next big new IP for the core? Where are the next big third party core games?

Nintendo's strategy is simple, but effective. For the core gamers, you have the same old same old. The Nintendo fan favorites. But looking forward, they are more interested in creating IP's that are mass-market ready, like Wii Fit.
Jokeropia said:
No, this is not a fact. This is your opinion, and I guarantee the market will prove it to be in the minority as well.

exactly, i sometimes feel i am letting statements like those go too easily.

should make it my personal mission of dishing out those crows come judgement day, some bitterness running around here is dame insane. At least nintendo fans back in the days had a cynical sense of humor.... these guys take it way too seriously


Best game ever, shame about the sequels
- Zelda
- Wii Sports (minigames)
- Wii Play (minigames)
- Wario (minigames)
- Excite Truck
- Pokemon (Pokemon^^)
- Fire Emblem
- Donkey Kong Jet Race
- Forever Blue (nongame)
- Mario Party 8 (minigame)
- Super Paper Mario (Mario)
- Eyehield 21 (casual)
- Big Brain Academy (mingame)

Mario Party 8 has been coming out since before the year 2000 back ont he N64. is it NOW that people are calling it a "non-game".

What the hell do you mean when you put the name Mario and Pokemon in brackets? It's like me saying Metal Gear Solid 4 (Metal Gear Solid), Grand Theft Auto 4 (Grand Theft Auto), I don't get what you mean.

WarioWare was released on GameCube and GBA, no one said anything about it then. Also "minigames" is a genre just like everything else. For me, when I look at the PS3 games, allt he games look the same as they have the same serious tone, with realistic driving games and the such. I'm not complaining though, and so shouldn't you.
Shiggy said:
The machine has just started.
Coming next: Mario Kart Wii becomes a minigame; Zelda becomes a nongame
Source: Darji

lol... i can see it.

"zelda has become a non-game, phantom hourglass uses puzzles from brain age"


Haunted One said:
Alright, you're a goddamn retard going on my ignore list. Jesus ****ing Christ.
huh? Sorry but this should indicates that it will sell noneorless what it will be. Pokemon and Mario is are great games. It was no insulting for these games. Jesus.....


Best game ever, shame about the sequels
jimbo said:
I'm sorry, but none of us can represent all the opinions of the masses right? What I am saying is there aren't that many core games that would appeal to core gamers, like myself, outside what we have been getting for the past 3 decades. And those games won't attract any core gamers that they haven't succesfully attracted by now by those games.

Now I don't particularly care for Metroid and SSB. Zelda and Mario are more my style, but I am not saying Metroid and SSB are NOT core games. They are. I am saying.....looking forward.....what's there? Outside of those what's there?

Where's Nintendo's next big new IP for the core? Where are the next big third party core games?

Nintendo's strategy is simple, but effective. For the core gamers, you have the same old same old. The Nintendo fan favorites. But looking forward, they are more interested in creating IP's that are mass-market ready, like Wii Fit.

Nintendo is same old same old? What are we getting on PS3? GTA 4, Final Fantasy god knows what, MGS 4, Tekken 6, Soul Calibur 4. Oh. Oh. Oh.

Nintendo isn't the first console out there to have sequals you know, jeez.

And don't forget, it's Nintendo who came up with a totally new controller. So even if they are sequals, they have the chance to be played differently. Whata bout the Playstation sequals. Oh even better graphics, lawl.
WildArms said:
What the hell do you mean when you put the name Mario and Pokemon in brackets? It's like me saying Metal Gear Solid 4 (Metal Gear Solid), Grand Theft Auto 4 (Grand Theft Auto), I don't get what you mean.
Mario doesn't count. Pokémon doesn't count.

Nintendo doesn't count

Ports don't count

Minigames don't count

Dragon Quest doesn't count

Sequels don't count

Established franchises don't count

Non-games don't count.

You see, it's not that difficult really.


WildArms said:
Mario Party 8 has been coming out since before the year 2000 back ont he N64. is it NOW that people are calling it a "non-game".

What the hell do you mean when you put the name Mario and Pokemon in brackets? It's like me saying Metal Gear Solid 4 (Metal Gear Solid), Grand Theft Auto 4 (Grand Theft Auto), I don't get what you mean.

WarioWare was released on GameCube and GBA, no one said anything about it then. Also "minigames" is a genre just like everything else. For me, when I look at the PS3 games, allt he games look the same as they have the same serious tone, with realistic driving games and the such. I'm not complaining though, and so shouldn't you.
sure its not the first mario party but you must see it in realation with the other titles i just niamed.
Souldriver said:
Mario doesn't count. Pokémon doesn't count.

Nintendo doesn't count

Ports don't count

Minigames don't count

Dragon Quest doesn't count

Sequels don't count

Established franchises don't count

Non-games don't count.

You see, it's not that difficult really.

You see, taking out all the nintendo games on the chart, ps3 domination is really apparent. You just need to be able to read the smaller prints thats all.


WildArms said:
Nintendo is same old same old? What are we getting on PS3? GTA 4, Final Fantasy god knows what, MGS 4, Tekken 6, Soul Calibur 4. Oh. Oh. Oh.

Nintendo isn't the first console out there to have sequals you know, jeez.

And don't forget, it's Nintendo who came up with a totally new controller. So even if they are sequals, they have the chance to be played differently. Whata bout the Playstation sequals. Oh even better graphics, lawl.
yeah but Sony is publishing and getting many new games. Its not only about sequels you know?
time to go to gamesfaq to see all the tears about their precious golf game getting owned by "nintendo rehash" (a golf game no one cared about before nonetheless)

by the time i get back i expect even more tears around the new thread that opens up
Darji said:
Beacsue the handheldmarket =! the home console market. Sure at the moment its almost the same but only because of the high prices of 360and Ps3. And yes this year is totaly extrem for all consoles but Nintendos has in fact the least best lineup for gamers. And at the moment i dont evnen know what Nintendo will release 2008. I can only think of animal crossing which is according to nintendo a nongame and maybe Pikman oh and Wii Fit.

Why is the handheld market excluded from this? You said that Nintendo, as a company is now powerless in having systems that provide core experiences. Their handheld divisions prove otherwise and I think the Wii has a superb core line up for the coming months.

For me, Nintendo's holiday line up is the best of the three systems. Like I said earlier, this is all a matter of personal choices and preference. You can't just prance around and say a line up is better or worse.

And its not about nongames its aboout casual and minigames too. here is a small example from what i was talking.

- Zelda
- Wii Sports (minigames)
- Wii Play (minigames) controller
- Wario (minigames)
- Excite Truck
- Pokemon (Pokemon^^) So what if it's Pokemon?
- Fire Emblem
- Battalion Wars 2
- Metroid Prime 3
- Smash Brothers
- WiiFit obvious non-game
- Donkey Kong Jet Race
- Forever Blue (nongame) How do you know this is a non-game?
- Mario Party 8 (minigame)
- Super Paper Mario (Mario) So what if it's Mario?
- Eyehield 21 (casual)
- Big Brain Academy (mingame)

1. I'd argue mini-games are not necessarily bad. I like the occasional mini-game and so do many core gamers.
2. What is wrong with casual games?

Once you include upcoming games, everything changes. Nintendo has more core games lined up even when using your unfair and limited parameters.


sebthelobster said:
they didnt review it. phantom hourglass only got a 9 tho, 1 less than twilight princess....
i mustve missed the Edge review thread, Zelda PH got a 9, which i think its pretty good :)

when is it ocming out in US again?
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