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Media Create Sales 9/3 - 9/9 2007


An interesting question: If sales continue to flag (comparative to the monster numbers Wii was doing) would Nintendo drop the price before the holidays? What does a Wii currently go for in Japan?


One year down the road, will people look at this week (and last week) topic, and find funny, confused posts ? Or will they find loads of pre-cognition posts ?

If PS3 ever have a crossed stream (in weekly sales) with Wii in Japan, I will buy PS3 immediately, even is its price is still USD 300+.

Edit : inserted the bolded part for clarification.
apujanata said:
If PS3 ever have a crossed stream with Wii in Japan

In before graphs showing just how many years of the Wii not selling at all and the PS3 selling consistently at its current rate that will take to happen.

I'm kind of surprised Bladestorm appears to have some kind of legs though, most other PS3 titles that charted one week were out of the top ten (if not the charts completely) second week. Although sales in general are low.


provides useful feedback
Talamius said:
An interesting question: If sales continue to flag (comparative to the monster numbers Wii was doing) would Nintendo drop the price before the holidays? What does a Wii currently go for in Japan?

I seriously doubt they would drop the price, even though they are perfectly capable of doing so without taking a loss on it. A few weeks of lower-than-average sales for the machine itself wouldn't be enough to cause a panic at Nintendo HQ. If it's still selling like this after stuff like Mario Galaxy, Smash Bros. Brawl and a bunch of the higher profile third party titles come out though, then they'd have to look towards a pricecut.

Crystal Chronicles is doing very well, I would've expected it to plummet by now. And WHAT THE HELL IS MARIO KART DS snaking it way up into the top 15 again for?!


Good to see some PS2 back in there. Makes me feels like things are slowly getting back to normal, although I suppose it will return to DSomination in a few weeks.


pswii60 said:
Good to see some PS2 back in there. Makes me feels like things are slowly getting back to normal, although I suppose it will return to DSomination in a few weeks.

DS domination if normal. If anything, what is happening now is not normal.

Rolf NB

MrNyarlathotep said:
I'm kind of surprised Bladestorm appears to have some kind of legs though, most other PS3 titles that charted one week were out of the top ten (if not the charts completely) second week. Although sales in general are low.
Yeah, kinda. Gundam Mahjongg doesn't seem so formidable as an opponent. Few heavy-hitting new releases, it seems.
Arde5643 said:
It's soccer though and Japanese people love their soccer.
It isn't football in the classical sense though. It's predecessor did pretty good for being on the GC, so I expect this to scratch at least 400 - 500.000 LTD. Will it go beyond that and raise interest in the hardware? That's the interesting question.

Talamius said:
An interesting question: If sales continue to flag (comparative to the monster numbers Wii was doing) would Nintendo drop the price before the holidays? What does a Wii currently go for in Japan?
If sales stay at this level after Nintendo releases WiiFit, SMG and SSBB they don't need to think about a price drop, it would pretty much confirm Sony fan's pipedream of Wii being a short lived fad (i.e. not happening).

Eteric Rice

Well, it took long enough for the Wii to slow down.

Incoming Super Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros Brawl, though. They will be the destroyer of worlds.


Talamius said:
An interesting question: If sales continue to flag (comparative to the monster numbers Wii was doing) would Nintendo drop the price before the holidays? What does a Wii currently go for in Japan?


It needs Software. Simple as that. And it's coming. Strikers Charged next week and of course the three big ones which starts with Galaxy on the 1st of November, then Wii-Fit and Smash Brawl. Sales will sky rocket. Trust me ;)

Loudninja said:
Where in the hell have you two been?Ps3 games been up there many times

I'm surprised you're not a junior.
Actually, a Wii price drop might actually prove beneficial in the short term. But then again, Wii Fit is just around the corner so there's really no need.

They are still outselling the Ps3, at least 2 to 1 with an almost insurmountable 3 million lead. Anyone seriously entertaining some sort of a Sony comeback is deluded when Sony's the one tittering closer on the 10k edge and the PSP's software can't even be considered a joke because it doesn't exist.


Phoenix Down said:
I cant wait until next week.. i wonder how much FF: CC sold on psp.. any guesses?

My guess is somewhere between 80k and 100k. Didn't the PSP sell 90k when Monster Hunter Port. 2 released?


Frillen said:

It needs Software. Simple as that. And it's coming. Strikers Charged next week and of course the three big ones which starts with Galaxy on the 1st of November, then Wii-Fit and Smash Brawl. Sales will sky rocket. Trust me ;)

I don't think Strikers Charged can increase Wii weekly sales significantly. I agree with Galaxy and Smash Brawl. The next few M-create topics will most certainly be more interesting than ones in the last few months.


listen to the mad man
Frillen said:
My guess is somewhere between 80k and 100k. Didn't the PSP sell 90k when Monster Hunter Port. 2 released?

There are 77k FF7CC bundles all of which were reserved. If the PSP only sells 90k, it will mean that the bundles ate in to the normal sales of the console. Let's hope it does at least 100k.


apujanata said:
I don't think Strikers Charged can increase Wii weekly sales significantly. I agree with Galaxy and Smash Brawl. The next few M-create topics will most certainly be more interesting than ones in the last few months.

I don't think Strikers will do much either, but it was just an example of a game that should have an impact on Wii sales. I think Wi Hardware will at least do over 50k when Strikers comes out.

Secondly, Wi-Fit will most likely have a bigger impact than both Galaxy and Brawl when it comes to moving Wiis. It will be HUGE.

stumpokapow said:
There are 77k FF7CC bundles all of which were reserved. If the PSP only sells 90k, it will mean that the bundles ate in to the normal sales of the console. Let's hope it does at least 100k.

Ahh, yeah, I forgot. It should do over 100k then. It could this week beat the DS for the first time since the beginning of 06, but Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon 2 might stop that from happening.
Frillen said:
Secondly, Wi-Fit will most likely have a bigger impact than both Galaxy and Brawl when it comes to moving Wiis. It will be HUGE.

Who knows though, the SMG/Wii Fit double punch could be the Wii's Nintendogs/NSMB finishing cockpunch.


Stumpokapow said:
DS Remake of GBA game with no added content and released after a sequel. Still tracking above PW1, and PW2 remakes.

Ah of course. I expect/hope it to do better here anyway.
Nintendo probably wants a bit of a slow period so they can restock the shelves and prepare for the holiday season, so they aren't caught off-guard like in 2005 with the DS. Shortages would/will be devastating to Nintendo this holiday season, probably globally.
I speculated on this before, but I wonder if Nintendo anticipated this lull, which would be part of the reason for diverting units from Japan. Seems very coincidental.


Stumpokapow said:
There are 77k FF7CC bundles all of which were reserved. If the PSP only sells 90k, it will mean that the bundles ate in to the normal sales of the console. Let's hope it does at least 100k.
There will be meltdowns either way. :lol
Useless numbers:
The first week of the Pokemon Dungeon DS game amounted to 124,000, and if we add the GBA version (can we?) with its 113,000 units we come up to roughly 250k. DS went up to 65,341 from 48,342 the week before, while GBA sales seemed pretty much the same.

DS sales usually have insane legs while PSP games and especially SQEnix games are pretty often frontloaded. I'd think PSP hardware sales are going to get a nice boost on top of the guaranteed 77k of the bundles.
The Pokedungeon will sell quite a bit of hardware, but I somehow doubt it will be enough to separate the DS from the PSP. Yes, I think PSP will beat the DS that week.

That's my uneducated guess, anyway. Let's see how this goes.


ethelred said:
Good. I'm glad. I hope these systes plummet even further. Maybe then Nintendo will get the message that if they want their machines to sell, they need to put out quality games and they need to give on-the-fence potential buyers a reason to be optimistic enough to invest in the hardware.

Mrbob said:
All joking aside, it does seem like the Wii momentum is severely slowing down in Japan.

Arde5643 said:
Wii demand has indeed dropped for the past couple of weeks - right now we're just trying to find the factors.

Hate to be Master Of The Obvious here, but casual sales are down due to the seasonality of luxury spending money. If you have lots of expenses with back to school and less free time to play then you will buy less non essential products. This has hit the Wii (and 2 a certain extent the DS) hardest as their 'blue ocean' market is the non-gamers with spare cash.

While the 'core gamer' demographic has contracted too - demonstrated by reduced sales across the board - there is still demand there. Wii play is selling better than Wii Sports as a result of this as more traditional players would buy that for the 2nd controller (still maintain the only real launch mistake Nintendo made was not bundling WiiPlay2 with the Nunchuck).

Also as pointed out there are few recent core gamer titles that have launched to boost that market, Strikers will solve that.

When the casual market begins to boom for the holidays Nintendo will continue to reap the rewards of their strategy, but as pointed out by others Nintendo needed 1 or 2 more strong 'gamer focused' titles to help in this slow, transitional sales period.


Slow week indeed. Oh well, Wii's in for one hell of a ride this coming holiday with Galaxy, Brawl, Wii Fit and not too long after that Mario Kart Wii. It's like Nintendo is set out to kill if they can deliver the hardware.


nli10 said:
Hate to be Master Of The Obvious here, but casual sales are down due to the seasonality of luxury spending money. If you have lots of expenses with back to school and less free time to play then you will buy less non essential products. This has hit the Wii (and 2 a certain extent the DS) hardest as their 'blue ocean' market is the non-gamers with spare cash.

While the 'core gamer' demographic has contracted too - demonstrated by reduced sales across the board - there is still demand there. Wii play is selling better than Wii Sports as a result of this as more traditional players would buy that for the 2nd controller (still maintain the only real launch mistake Nintendo made was not bundling WiiPlay2 with the Nunchuck).

Also as pointed out there are few recent core gamer titles that have launched to boost that market, Strikers will solve that.

When the casual market begins to boom for the holidays Nintendo will continue to reap the rewards of their strategy, but as pointed out by others Nintendo needed 1 or 2 more strong 'gamer focused' titles to help in this slow, transitional sales period.
I would venture that Nintendo was hoping that the 3rd party developers would be stepping in at this point. I've been disappointed with their efforts on the console although it isn't as bleak as some would paint the picture.

(Holy crap! I just posted in MediaCreate. I've studiously avoided posting in these although I love reading the threads because I've no expertise whatsoever in statistical analysis.)
MasterMFauli said:
Didnt take too long, sdf :lol

All systems have a weak week, dot.

If Wii demand is going down, PS3 was dead from the start, i guess, eh? ^^

SDF? It's very apparent the demand for Wii, along with every other system at the moment that doesn't have Crisis Core coming out, is falling.

Bringing up the PS3 is irrelevant and makes you sound like a defensive Nintendolt.


Forgotten Ancient said:
SDF? It's very apparent the demand for Wii, along with every other system at the moment that doesn't have Crisis Core coming out, is falling.

Bringing up the PS3 is irrelevant and makes you sound like a defensive Nintendolt.

If it quacks like a duck...

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
Forgotten Ancient said:
SDF? It's very apparent the demand for Wii, along with every other system at the moment that doesn't have Crisis Core coming out, is falling.

Bringing up the PS3 is irrelevant and makes you sound like a defensive Nintendolt.

Indeed, I am as Ninty biased as they come but I can't deny Wii demand has fell in Japan in recent weeks, however, we all know once the big 3 hit in Japan (SMG and SSBB in particular) then demand for Wii will be back to silly levels, with the added bonus that Ninty will have some stock in reserve to meet demand a bit better.

Just a little bit of perspective for the pro-Sony trolls however (You know who you are), if a year ago people would be saying that Wii selling 40k a week at the end of summer as a bad thing, you would have been laughed out of the forum, now look, how times change.


Forgotten Ancient said:
SDF? It's very apparent the demand for Wii, along with every other system at the moment that doesn't have Crisis Core coming out, is falling.

Bringing up the PS3 is irrelevant and makes you sound like a defensive Nintendolt.
PSP fell just as much as the others. If you're saying it's going to go up NEXT week I'd say you're probably right AND that it's a discussion we should be having next week.


ethelred said:
If it quacks like a duck...
...then shoot it. Although I'm afraid I know how this is going to end.


DeaconKnowledge said:
I speculated on this before, but I wonder if Nintendo anticipated this lull, which would be part of the reason for diverting units from Japan. Seems very coincidental.

If they did it's very smart business. They're strategically in a great position with wiggle room on price and a commanding lead in Japan.


now that nintendo is on the cusp of absolute failure in japan, they're going use tgs to announce a bunch of brilliant new ips for the hardore on-the-fence-about-wii folk, right?

also: i'd like an flying electric motorcycle.

truthfully: if there isn't a pile of interesting third party wii announcements that go beyond copycatting nintendo's stuff at tgs - i will shake my head in sad disbelief.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
A few things amaze me.
First that the number 10 game only sold 13000.

Second that there are people who actually believe the Wii is low because they're being sent to the US.

Third is that the DS only has 3 games in the top 10.

Fourth is that the DS is actually feeling the summer slump. It's like when a kid finds out her parents are ordinary people. (Though this is somewhat different cause the DS's big drop is probably going to be to 80k...)

Fifth is that Zelda has most likely dropped below 8k last week. Unless it gets a big boost during xmas, it might not make a million. (It's at about 800k now right?)

Sixth, and I think the most amazing, is that unless something amazing happens, the PSP will probably outsell the DS this week. If it does, it'll be the first time in over two years that the PSP outsold the DS by merit and not by supply constraints.


Second that there are people who actually believe the Wii is low because they're being sent to the US.

The increased number of Wiis sold last month (and probably this month) had to come out of somewhere.
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