So I made this prediction:
Let's see how it turned out. First, PS3 and Wii:
Of the seven relevant weeks, five said I was wrong. Therein I failed by 52759 units on average. Averaging over all seven weeks (not just the failed ones), reality scoffed at me with an average weekly magnitude of 30960.
What else do we have? Ah yes, PSPgo vs Xbox 360:
And again, I failed five times, this time by 2921 units on average. Across all seven weeks, a weekly error of 2834 units weighs upon my prediction, and by extension my conscience.
Also, there's this:
So, uh, dear schuelma. I'm deeply sorry for all the trouble I've caused you, the grief, the loss of sleep. I promise to better myself and hope to find my way soon. Please forgive me.