duckroll said:
Yakuza 3 and MGS4 both failed to sell as much as the previous installment of their respective series on the PS2. Meanwhile MH3 has surpassed the previous installment of the series on the PS2. Let's talk about that instead.
The Monster Hunter serie did see quite the rise in popularity since the last console Monster Hunter game though, how does this compare to the Yakuza and the Metal Gear Solid series?
I am under the impression that the Yakuza and MGS series didnt see a big increase in interest during the last 2-3 years compared to how the interest in the Monster Hunter serie did increase in interest over the last 2-3 years, and therefor it wasnt necessarily expected that Yakuza 3 and MGS4 would sell more (or maybe equally as well?) than the previous games in the Yakuza and MGS series. And maybe seening that the relatively low PS3 hardware sales might have resulted in lower expectations as well?
But with the Monster Hunter serie, seeing the increase interest/popularity in this serie, i would guess that it was expected that MH3 would sell more than the previous console MH games. When i say "expected", i dont just think about people at NeoGAF etc., but also about what Capcom expected. I would at least assume that Capcom expected MH3 to sell more than the previous console MH games, as Capcom also saw the increased interest in the Monster Hunter serie.
Granted, this increased interest in the Monster Hunter serie happend on a portable system (PSP), so there might have been no guarantee that this increased interest would happend on a standalone console as well though, but i think that Capcom expected that some of this increased interest would also affect a console Monster Hunter game as well at least
EDIT: I am a bit late with this reply, sorry, but i didnt see your post before now and i wanted to reply to it
EDIT 2: I added some text.