So can we start discussion on why the Wii U stormed out of the gate, then lost so much momentum so quickly? Was it the benefit of being the new hardware in time for Christmas? Because every console has seen a drought after launch, but the numbers never swung so low for other consoles.
The only reason people are holding on to the idea that the Wii U is salvageable is because of its launch month. Outside of that, sales have flatlined to the point where you can safely call it a bad experiment.
The benefit of being new and just the enthusiast Nintendo fans who would have bought it no matter what. Its why PS4 and Xbone will do just fine this year, the super hardcore crowd will buy their new PlayStation and/or Xbox toy.
When i say "Nintendo fans" i am not talking about people who at some point in their lives enjoyed a few Nintendo titles and might pick up a Wii U when Zelda/SSB/Mario Kart launch, we are talking people who make hype train pictures for every Nintendo Direct, read Zelda timelines etc. Ie. the super hardcore fan, they have already bought their Wii U.
One thing that is sure and 100% certain: The Wii brand has no sway any longer, from being hottest piece of electronics in 2006-2008, its completely irrelevant today. They could have called their console Banana, Shipwreck or Zimbabwe and it would have done just as "well" as the Wii U has. They will surely drop the brand next next gen.