Present new IP: "reskin, not original, meh"
Present old IP, new direction: " want new IPs"
What you really want is a game that simply put appeals to you, not some arbitrarily defined concept of "originality"
Specify exactly what you are looking for instead. I'm personally sad we likely won't get something new on the level of Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Castlevania SotN, Devil May Cry, Vanquish again. Idk how you'd define this category, perhaps 3rd party Japanese home console AAA. The Wonderful 101 is up there too, but the shit sales didn't do much to help the situation. Indies will never be able to replicate the distinct Japanese style, even though the games can indirectly match them in terms of quality in their own way.
Nintendo is still Nintendo for me though, a nice mix of perfection and originality. Looking forward to Captain Toad and Splatoon mainly in terms of brand new experiences. Mario Kart 8, Smash Bros. and Tropical Freeze perfected their respective genres imo. I really enjoyed Kid Icarus Uprising, Pushmo and Nintendo Land (already released new IPs).