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Media Create Sales: Week 47, 2011 (Nov 21 - Nov 27)

you may like to note that all that announces is a new Monster Hunter - PS3 has also been the temporary home of a Monster Hunter game. Like i say, that user base doesn't get up to X level and if MH3 doesn't hit good sales and you can kiss goodbye to MH4 on 3DS.

Mmm, ok. If you say so, chief.
I mean, I'm sure that Nintendo intervention had nothing to do with MH3 being moved to the Wii.
And I'm sure Nintendo intervention has nothing to do with MH3G and MH4 being on the 3DS.


thehypocrite said:
Please provide 1 example in which a game or a franchise has made the difference in competing platforms.
Final Fantasy
Resident Evil
Grand Theft Auto
...jumped platforms and even generations and found success. In some cases full exclusivity (Final Fantasy PSone years), in others with limited exlcusivite (Resident Evil Gamecube years, or RE on Xbox 360) or just looking to gain more profits (GTA).

Even as mentioned Monster Hunter jumped from PS2 to PSP and it was on the PSP that it became a success and recieved the push it needed.

Though since this is a japanese-sales centric thread, I guess Final Fantasy is the better example. And the jump from Nintendo to PlayStation was even more drastic and betrayal-like to many back then.

Can't imagine something similar happening in a generation like this one.
Heck, the MHTriG announcement in here was overshadowed by the "omg slidepad add-on!!!!!! fuck you nintendo!!".


the games that define the 3DS and the Vita we probably know little about, it's unlikely either will roll a perfect hit again though Mario 3D is an incredible game and has , so far, been the stand out on the platform. Vita needs an original unique experience to define it - not just porty stuff. But that's getting away from how right i am about Monster Hunter... so.... ;)

I don't know what I'd do if Vita's "voice" is Dragon's Dogma Portable... Maybe cry in a corner?


Death Prophet
you may like to note that all that announces is a new Monster Hunter - PS3 has also been the temporary home of a Monster Hunter game. Like i say, that user base doesn't get up to X level and if MH3 doesn't hit good sales and you can kiss goodbye to MH4 on 3DS.

Okay crazy. ;) I mean, they put out a trailer for this game, they didn't do that for Monster Hunter PS3. Also, they moved that game to a system that would have cost them less to develop for, which in this case would be the 3DS. And if you don't think Nintendo will fight for that...

Someone besides BurntPork is making some bold claims though, I like it.
I don't know what I'd do if Vita's "voice" is Dragon's Dogma Portable... Maybe cry in a corner?

and if it ends up selling 5 million+ and propel Vita to new heights :) ? I'd love to have a Dragon's Dogma game(ok I haven't played the PS3 version but hey I hope its good) on Vita.

Okay crazy. ;) I mean, they put out a trailer for this game, they didn't do that for Monster Hunter PS3. Also, they moved that game to a system that would have cost them less to develop for, which in this case would be the 3DS. And if you don't think Nintendo will fight for that...

Someone besides BurntPork is making some bold claims though, I like it.

The game is in development on 3DS since I'm pretty sure I read somewhere today that the trailer was from in game footage.


you may like to note that all that announces is a new Monster Hunter - PS3 has also been the temporary home of a Monster Hunter game. Like i say, that user base doesn't get up to X level and if MH3 doesn't hit good sales and you can kiss goodbye to MH4 on 3DS (or, i guess, plan B is to have MH4 on Nintendo hardware and keep MH4Portable on Sony hardware. Which would make the most sense - clearly define both as different incompatible games and just sell to a broad audience)

Monster Hunter 3 was announced for PS3 in the same sense that Devil May Cry and Resident Evil were announced for the PSP.
Final Fantasy
Resident Evil
Grand Theft Auto
...jumped platforms and even generations and found success. In some cases full exclusivity (Final Fantasy PSone years), in others with limited exlcusivite (Resident Evil Gamecube years, or RE on Xbox 360) or just looking to gain more profits (GTA).

Even as mentioned Monster Hunter jumped from PS2 to PSP and it was on the PSP that it became a success and recieved the push it needed.

Though since this is a japanese-sales centric thread, I guess Final Fantasy is the better example. And the jump from Nintendo to PlayStation was even more drastic and betrayal-like to many back then.

Can't imagine something similar happening in a generation like this one.
Heck, the MHTriG announcement in here was overshadowed by the "omg slidepad add-on!!!!!! fuck you nintendo!!".

That's because we'd heard about it before hand and we like to focus on the negative.


and if it ends up selling 5 million+ and propel Vita to new heights :) ? I'd love to have a Dragon's Dogma game(ok I haven't played the PS3 version but hey I hope its good)

I would just have to swallow my pride and be thankful that the Crapcon gods have made it so games I actually enjoy can be made.


but why would that be a good approach even for Capcom when they could hitch onto a PSP based Monster Hunter that would be playable on the PSP -and- on the new Sony platform (possibly as an HD release+PS3) and then you can try to get the PSP owners to upgrade that way whilst still enjoying that 4m+ userbase no matter which way you slice it? Even if you fail to convert anyone you still bag the sales.

Because maybe Capcom would rather bet on the winning horse this time? While I think you're being overly pessimistic, there is logic to the whole "PSP/Vita would have made them more money" idea, but I think that might be a bit short sighted.

Why wasn't MH on DS? It wasn't because of some misplaced loyalty to sony or in an attempt to cater to the PSP installed base. It was because the DS couldn't run it. Now they have an opportunity to sell to a market that will likely end up larger than the PSP or DS ever was by themselves. But in order to make that a reality, the 3DS needs to pick up steam and Capcom needs to create a fanbase on that handheld. Putting MH on the 3DS before announcing vita versions helps accomplish both.

Because this is capcom we're talking about, I fully expect vita to eventually get some version of MH. Even if nintendo has some sort of iron clad moneyhatted exclusivity agreement, capcom will find a way, as they always do. However, the 3DS market is most likely going to eclipse the Vita's. At the end of the day, whether or not MH eventually goes multi-plat, Capcom is probably making the smart decision by supporting the 3DS.

Oh, and I think you're dead wrong about 800k max sales. That sounds ludicrous. When it does break a mil, please be a decent person and own up to your misjudgment. In turn, we'll all take turns kissing the ring on your finger in humble concession if you end up being right (though you wont be).


or something like MHP3G announced for Vita next week to be released in February lol
Well, Portable 3 was demoed with Vita controls and Portable 3 was also re-released on PS3 in Capcom-HD. Doubt the 'G' additions would be "big" news.

Now, Monster Hunter Portable 4, would be "interesting"; since many assume the Portable series is "dead" because of the 3DS game(s); but ...well, is Capcom. They'll probably re-release Resident Evil 4 first. :p
Well, Portable 3 was demoed with Vita controls and Portable 3 was also re-released on PS3 in Capcom-HD. Doubt the 'G' additions would be "big" news.

Now, Monster Hunter Portable 4, would be "interesting"; since many assume the Portable series is "dead" because of the 3DS game(s); but ...well, is Capcom. They'll probably re-release Resident Evil 4 first. :p

This is exactly what intrigues me, I mean Portable series is the best selling MH series they have and the games that were part of it were fairly cheap to make so they probably made a lot of profit on that, so are they just going to scrap it all ? There's no need for it since really the main series is now portable.


Well, Portable 3 was demoed with Vita controls and Portable 3 was also re-released on PS3 in Capcom-HD. Doubt the 'G' additions would be "big" news.

Now, Monster Hunter Portable 4, would be "interesting"; since many assume the Portable series is "dead" because of the 3DS game(s); but ...well, is Capcom. They'll probably re-release Resident Evil 4 first. :p

I don't know what the full development breakdown is so far as Monster Hunter goes, in terms of how many teams there are, but from the Iwata Asks that was just posted today it sounds like they've been working on MH3G and MH4 simultaneously.

So I wonder how many staff they'd have left to work on a potential PSP/Vita MH at this point.
Wii Sports

Regardless, Capcom does do exclusives, and again. Even if MH4 IS ported to the Vita, it doesn't really matter. The fanbase is being driven by both Capcom and Nintendo to the 3DS.

No one is saying that the Vita can't compete, just that it won't compete on the back of MH like the PSP did.

That I can agree, the potential success of the PSVita won't be carried by MH, but I also think that the success in japan of the PSP isn't solely based on the MH franchise.

I think motion controls were the driving factor behind the early success of the Wii, Wii Sports being the medium to communicate that makes you right.
That I can agree, the potential success of the PSVita won't be carried by MH, but I also think that the success in japan of the PSP isn't solely based on the MH franchise.

I think motion controls were the driving factor behind the early success of the Wii, Wii Sports being the medium to communicate that makes you right.

Until MH, the PSP was basically dead in the water.
Monster Hunter revitalized the PSP in a way that is pretty much never seen, which lead to other games being announced for it to help continue that success.


And even i am moderately surprised
Because this is capcom we're talking about, I fully expect vita to eventually get some version of MH. Even if nintendo has some sort of iron clad moneyhatted exclusivity agreement, capcom will find a way, as they always do. However, the 3DS market is most likely going to eclipse the Vita's. At the end of the day, whether or not MH eventually goes multi-plat, Capcom is probably making the smart decision by supporting the 3DS.

I still think the smart decission was to release a next Monster Hunter on the PSP - that may well still happen in the new year, then of course supporting 3DS and PSP makes perfect sense. Again - this may well be the road to splitting the franchise as MHTri/3 - 3rdP and MH4/MH4th

Oh, and I think you're dead wrong about 800k max sales. That sounds ludicrous. When it does break a mil, please be a decent person and own up to your misjudgment. In turn, we'll all take turns kissing the ring on your finger in humble concession if you end up being right (though you wont be).

300k first day sales, 140k second week, 40k third week, 20k for a few weeks, then bomba bucket to 800k. I should be sitting on my throne of winnage around Feb i think. Probably just around the time of the MH4th Announcement for PSP (HD for PS3/PSV).
You can start queuing for ringkissing late jan! ;)

I can then apologise in Dec 2012 when it limps towards the back nine of 990k ;)

Doubt the 'G' additions would be "big" news.

the only thing announcing 3rdG for PSP/PSV -HD would be to further harm those people buying 3DS for 3G. In the end Capcom doesn't owe anyone anything - if you buy 3g and a 3DS then *capcomshrug*. As i say , Old Capcom would usually scupper their exclusives themselves - at least this time they're keeping quiet (if it exists of course). 3rdG would be of note for existing PSP players as long as they can switch over progress. Again, the thought of having to sink XXX hours back into MH would be lightened if i can switch over with my armour, weapons, cats etc where they are right now.

Restarting for MH4 is completely fine - hence why -personally- i'm more interested in restarting with MH4 rather than MH3G.


lol, if Capcom had dropped MH4 right off the bat, THEN they'd be driving people to the 3DS.

Again - it's the MH3G - as you point out, the G variant of 1 MILLION SELLER ON THE WII MH3.

MH3rdP fans (i.e. the close to 5m user base that also drives what is a fairly sizable secondary market on soft toys, plushes, figures, and other MH goods) aren't being driven anywhere just yet. People jumping the gun all up in nyaa!

This is also such a ridiculous idea.

So let me get this straight - there's a new game in a mega-popular franchise that's coming out on a newer piece of hardware that up to 4 million people, most likely more, haven't played at all, with no other hint or sign of a port or title within that franchise in sight on any other platform, and you think little to none of those millions of fans are going to be interested enough to buy it?

The main reasons the original MHTri didn't "drive people to the wii" was because 1. people preferred it on handhelds and 2. there were portable installments of MH clearly in the pipeline. You can't point to MHTri and pretend it's going to be the exact same scenario all over again. While I do think a vita version is coming eventually, there's nothing, at all, to suggest it's in the works right now other than wild speculation. There are millions of diehard MH fans in japan. They're not going to twiddle their thumbs "just cuz" for absolutely no conceivable reason. Most of those MH players haven't ever touched any of Tri. I'm not saying Tri3g is going to rake in 5+ million, but I do think you're severely underestimating its sales potential.
Final Fantasy
Resident Evil
Grand Theft Auto
...jumped platforms and even generations and found success. In some cases full exclusivity (Final Fantasy PSone years), in others with limited exlcusivite (Resident Evil Gamecube years, or RE on Xbox 360) or just looking to gain more profits (GTA).

Even as mentioned Monster Hunter jumped from PS2 to PSP and it was on the PSP that it became a success and recieved the push it needed.

Though since this is a japanese-sales centric thread, I guess Final Fantasy is the better example. And the jump from Nintendo to PlayStation was even more drastic and betrayal-like to many back then.

Can't imagine something similar happening in a generation like this one.
Heck, the MHTriG announcement in here was overshadowed by the "omg slidepad add-on!!!!!! fuck you nintendo!!".

Sure all of them are successful franchises, however none of them provided success to a console individually.


That's what I think. Please provide 1 example in which a game or a franchise has made the difference in competing platforms. Is all about the games, sure the 3DS has great support right now, but that isn't an indication that the PSVita won't have enough games to compete properly in the long run.

Capcom doesn't do "exclusives" anymore, we already know this. I don't understand the shock, when posters are inclined to believe that the MH3G/MH4 combo will make its way to competing devices at some point, one way or another.

This time it´s quite a bit more of an uphill battle since 3DS is basically getting franchises strongly associated with "Playstation" from the get-go on top of their own offering, while "Vita" has to take the backseat atleast for quite some time for the franchises in question. The only exception right now is Final Fantasy, it will be interesting to see what SQEX plans to do with it in future.
I still think the smart decission was to release a next Monster Hunter on the PSP - that may well still happen in the new year, then of course supporting 3DS and PSP makes perfect sense. Again - this may well be the road to splitting the franchise as MHTri/3 - 3rdP and MH4/MH4th

300k first day sales, 140k second week, 40k third week, 20k for a few weeks, then bomba bucket to 800k. I should be sitting on my throne of winnage around Feb i think. Probably just around the time of the MH4th Announcement for PSP (HD for PS3/PSV).
You can start queuing for ringkissing late jan! ;)

I can then apologise in Dec 2012 when it limps towards the back nine of 990k ;)

the only thing announcing 3rdG for PSP/PSV -HD would be to further harm those people buying 3DS for 3G. In the end Capcom doesn't owe anyone anything - if you buy 3g and a 3DS then *capcomshrug*. As i say , Old Capcom would usually scupper their exclusives themselves - at least this time they're keeping quiet (if it exists of course). 3rdG would be of note for existing PSP players as long as they can switch over progress. Again, the thought of having to sink XXX hours back into MH would be lightened if i can switch over with my armour, weapons, cats etc where they are right now.

Restarting for MH4 is completely fine - hence why -personally- i'm more interested in restarting with MH4 rather than MH3G.

I'm actually laughing out loud in real life right now. Continue

DCCharlie would've given a more realistic prediction if Monster Hunter TriG wasn't in a black case.

But Vita and PSP has a similar colour as well so...
Sure all of them are successful franchises, however none of them provided success to a console individually.

I'd say exclusive GTA propelled PS2 to new heights and I believe if 360 hadn't had that early lead and Sony wasn't completely demented with that $600 price tag that an exclusive GTA would have propelled PS3 up to the top(not counting WII which probably would still be #1) of the 360 in america.

This time it´s quite a bit more of an uphill battle since 3DS is basically getting franchises strongly associated with "Playstation" from the get-go on top of their own offering, while "Vita" has to take the backseat atleast for quite some time for the franchises in question. The only exception right now is Final Fantasy, it will be interesting to see what SQEX plans to do with it in future.

they already announced FFX on Vita, i can see a Type-1 coming out in the future for it.
This time it´s quite a bit more of an uphill battle since 3DS is basically getting franchises strongly associated with "Playstation" from the get-go on top of their own offering, while "Vita" has to take the backseat atleast for quite some time for the franchises in question. The only exception right now is Final Fantasy, it will be interesting to see what SQEX plans to do with it in future.

Hey I just said "potential and potentially" in regards to the chances of the PSVita to properly compete with the 3DS.

Is going to be difficult, but it can happen. if the PSVita is able to compete with 3DS, all gamers will benefit from the competition for our money.


And even i am moderately surprised
DCCharlie would've given a more realistic prediction if Monster Hunter TriG wasn't in a black case.

i'm perfectly clear about this - i'd prefer either MH4 at this point (3DS or PSP/PSV) but for MH3(rd)G , yes, i would have prefered it stayed on PSP so i could upgrade and continue the XXX hours i've put into 3rd already and see the new subspecies and monsters.

I don't think there's anything particularly fanboyish about that. Although this is the second time in a week it's been hinted i'm a Sony fanboy so that's nice! :)

So let me get this straight - there's a new game in a mega-popular franchise that's coming out on a newer piece of hardware that up to 4 million people, most likely more, haven't played at all, with no other hint or sign of a port or title within that franchise in sight on any other platform, and you think little to none of those millions of fans are going to be interested enough to buy it?

i never said i thought none would buy it, but i don't believe we'll see the "flocking" people are expecting. How many hours do you suggest it takes to be done with Monster Hunter? And how much overlap is there with the 3G -coupled- with an effective reset of your game clock? Again - for MH4 - i see it. Totally. And i agree. But for Mh3G i -don't- see it.

The Wii comments were dredging up other peoples previous reasoning - that part was supposed to be rediculous ;)

Again - i don't expect a MH Vita game - i expect a MH PSP game, with a possible "HD" or "Vita controls supported!" first. I expect Capcom to avoid spending on an upgrade at all possible costs! ;)
i'm perfectly clear about this - i'd prefer either MH4 at this point (3DS or PSP/PSV) but for MH3(rd)G , yes, i would have prefered it stayed on PSP so i could upgrade and continue the XXX hours i've put into 3rd already and see the new subspecies and monsters.

I don't think there's anything particularly fanboyish about that.

i never said i thought none would buy it, but i don't believe we'll see the "flocking" people are expecting. How many hours do you suggest it takes to be done with Monster Hunter? And how much overlap is there with the 3G -coupled- with an effective reset of your game clock? Again - for MH4 - i see it. Totally. And i agree. But for Mh3G i -don't- see it.

The Wii comments were dredging up other peoples previous reasoning - that part was supposed to be rediculous ;)

Again - i don't expect a MH Vita game - i expect a MH PSP game, with a possible "HD" or "Vita controls supported!" first. I expect Capcom to avoid spending on an upgrade at all possible costs! ;)

I'd actually rather a P3rd for the west, I'll be happy with just that :(
I'd say exclusive GTA propelled PS2 to new heights and I believe if 360 hadn't had that early lead and Sony wasn't completely demented with that $600 price tag that an exclusive GTA would have propelled PS3 up to the top(not counting WII which probably would still be #1) of the 360 in america.

they already announced FFX on Vita, i can see a Type-1 coming out in the future for it.

But GTA was also released on XBOX and PC, they were just timed exclusives.


But Vita and PSP has a similar colour as well so...

Jokes aren't funny when you have to explain them. :( I guess dude from the other thread was right. :(

DCCharlie's tag is "Always bet on white", regular 3DS games come in white cases. The only exception? Monster Hunter TriG, which comes in a black case.


Sure all of them are successful franchises, however none of them provided success to a console individually.
Final Fantasy VII helped a ton the PSone and to establish Sony into the game market; even more considering that the previous 6+ games were exclusive to the other company (Nintendo). It also was used as "ammo" into the "well CD + movies vs carts fights" by fans and developers.

GTAIII propelled the sales of the PS2 (though mostly in the US and Europe) and it started the wave of similar "open world games".


And even i am moderately surprised
DCCharlie's tag is "Always bet on white", regular 3DS games come in white cases. The only exception? Monster Hunter TriG, which comes in a black case.

and Dead Or Alive (JPN), Splinter Cell and a few others ;)

OH and Mario 3D (Blue) and Mario Kart (Red)

My OCD outbursts on how this RUINS ARGGH the collection of 3DS games was somewhat shameful :/

Also - Cero C rated games warrants a black case?! For reals?!?! Good lord.

Send it a wreath. Send it two.
Jokes aren't funny when you have to explain them. :( I guess dude from the other thread was right. :(

DCCharlie's tag is "Always bet on white", regular 3DS games come in white cases. The only exception? Monster Hunter TriG, which comes in a black case.

I don't know why, but i find this comment funny. Especially reading it with a somewhat loss-of-all-hope-takao-voice. Btw what is the reasoning behind P3rd not releasing in the west again?
Jokes aren't funny when you have to explain them. :( I guess dude from the other thread was right. :(

DCCharlie's tag is "Always bet on white", regular 3DS games come in white cases. The only exception? Monster Hunter TriG, which comes in a black case.

If your explaining it to me i already knew that and my response was basically that the PSP and Vita come in black as well so he should be against them also.

Oh well joke failure on my part.


and Dead Or Alive (JPN), Splinter Cell and a few others ;)

OH and Mario 3D (Blue) and Mario Kart (Red)

My OCD outbursts on how this RUINS ARGGH the collection of 3DS games was somewhat shameful :/

Darn NOA, my Mario 3D Land, and Mario Kart boxes are white.


I'd say exclusive GTA propelled PS2 to new heights and I believe if 360 hadn't had that early lead and Sony wasn't completely demented with that $600 price tag that an exclusive GTA would have propelled PS3 up to the top(not counting WII which probably would still be #1) of the 360 in america.

they already announced FFX on Vita, i can see a Type-1 coming out in the future for it.

That´s the reason I called Final Fantasy an exception, because it is the only major franchise not announced for 3DS but Vita, atleast it already got a FFX multi-plat port announced but it has to share it with PS3 diminishing a bit of its pull. But seeing how SQEX is pushing the 3DS with some major support (KH3DS,DQM etc.) and already even has some FF-spinoffs in the pipeline it´s probably only a matter of time before a more "serious" FF title will be announced for Nintendos handheld, especially if they consider that FF3 for 3DS is still their most successful FF game on handhelds in Japan and 3DS is doing some big numbers at the moment.


That´s the reason I called Final Fantasy an exception, because it is the only major franchise not announced for 3DS but Vita, atleast it already got a FFX multi-plat port announced but it has to share it with PS3 diminishing a bit of its pull. But seeing how SQEX is pushing the 3DS with some major support (KH3DS,DQM etc.) and already even has some FF-spinoffs in the pipeline it´s probably only a matter of time before a more "serious" FF title will be announced for Nintendos handheld, especially if they consider that FF3 for 3DS is still their most successful FF game on handhelds in Japan and 3DS is doing some big numbers at the moment.

I actually think the serious effort FF games will remain on Vita. There were a tonne of good selling DS FF titles, but the most memorable ones were on PSP.

I think SE having 2 Vita games ready for launch (even if they aren't internal) is a decent sign of support given they were MIA for ages on PSP.


I actually think the serious effort FF games will remain on Vita. There were a tonne of good selling DS FF titles, but the most memorable ones were on PSP.

I think SE having 2 Vita games ready for launch (even if they aren't internal) is a decent sign of support given they were MIA for ages on PSP.

They're also outsourced, and one is essentially a PSP game.

I also think the performance of the Vita in Western markets is going to have a large bearing on where FF games go. I doubt anyone at SE wants the headaches of dealing with another PSP situation.


Of support, yes. Of support comparable to what they gave PSP, not yet.

Well, at this point in time for PSP they only had a vague "Final Fantasy VII Action RPG" announced, hah. That said, Crisis Core is a bigger game than anything they've announced for Vita thus far.


And even i am moderately surprised
Darn NOA, my Mario 3D Land, and Mario Kart boxes are white.

i may or may not have sold my DOA Jpn and Resident Evil black box versions so i could switch it out for white western versions....

*shhhhh!* ;)
Well, at this point in time for PSP they only had a vague "Final Fantasy VII Action RPG" announced, hah. That said, Crisis Core is a bigger game than anything they've announced for Vita thus far.

As is KH3D. I suppose we'll see what they do or don't announce over the next year or so.
PSP Remasters have to include at least two games for a US release, due to SCEA regulations.
Capcom USA implied they'd also have to add trophies and rework the networking (since it uses the newest version of ad-hoc party, which SCEA/SCEE don't support) to get product approval.

Well, at this point in time for PSP they only had a vague "Final Fantasy VII Action RPG" announced, hah. That said, Crisis Core is a bigger game than anything they've announced for Vita thus far.
They also had Advent Children on UMD announced iirc.
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