They didn't want to make NSMB either. NSMB could have been a big-budget game but it wasn't - they put a lot of work into it but not as much attention as they did with Galaxy. why not?
Yeah, I like the idea of a AAA 2d Mario game. Better graphics, new worlds, and live instrument musc would be nice. And online play, if possible. I hope it happens some day.
I know where your coming from, bro. Nintendo is trying so hard to convert 2d Mario fans to play 3d Mario. It should be the other way around right? Most 3d Mario fans complained of NSMB's staleness, but some of them love Donkey Kong Country Returns. So why not spice up their biggest series a bit and treat it like it's a...big series?
Iwata: said:
It is a mysterious game. Until now, we’ve talked about 2D Super Mario and 3D Super Mario as if they are separate, but Super Mario 3D Land may put an end to that. Both 2D and 3D Super Mario came about as the result of making games while thinking, “I wonder if we could make something cool by doing something athletic in that kind of world.” I hope this game removes the borders in our brains between 2D and 3D Super Mario. It would be funny if in the future archeologists say, “You know, they used to talk about the two as if they were separate.”
Comments like this infuriate hardcore 2d Mario fans. They don't want to play 3d Mario. They're not the same games. Keep making 2d Super Mario Bros. games --games Nintendo stopped making for how many years? The myth that 2d Mario can't sell in this day and age is over. My 2d Mario friends on the internet are unhappy there game is being treated like a 2nd or 3rd tier game, where as that 3d Mario, despite its much inferior sale numbers, is being pushed hard on them. For a long time 3d Mario acted as though it was proper sequel or a replacement to the old games.
So I believe this is where some of the hostility from you is coming from.
Oh, and there is that tech demo of New Super Mario Bros. Mii. I don't care about having Mii's playable, but I have to concur with your faction that a starring role for Mii's do not belong in the Mushroom Kingdom lore. If they made a game called Super Mario Galaxy Mii with Mii's as your tag along buddy, everyone will understand the idea is bad and should be scrapped. Super Mario Bros. 3 is an example of 2d Mario expanding the Mushroom kingdom with Kings of each land and a Princess that I guess ruled over all of them and an evil Koopa king causing havoc. These content elements shouldn't be exclusive to Mario RPGs today. Mii's should be unlockable bonus characters at best.
Ridley said:
Zelda is an Action/RPG - that is how it started. In another post I actually quoted NOA about this (but since the search has been disabled I can't find it). It appealed to hardcore gamers and new/"casual" gamers. Zelda never had anything to do with puzzles. There are ZERO puzzles in the first two games.
Everytime you hear the Zelda chime, you know Nintendo considers that a puzzle (though all you did was really discover a secret). True, the old Zelda games are really just far different than say Skyward Sword. Alltp was that middle ground, with lite puzzle solving elements and intense combat situations and challenging boss fights and took some good reflexes. But yeah, Alltp wasn't as dangerous as the first was. I would most welcome a revisit to the concept that made the original Zelda: lite story, get your sword in 15 seconds, open hostile world, hard hostile dungeons. In fact, wasn't the original Zelda beatable without the bommerang and all those other items? Kinda like the raccoon suit and stars from Super Mario Bros., they're there to make your adventure easier, but not totally required. I'm sure the original Zelda could be modernized for today's audience with pretty graphics, better controls, optional super guides, maps, and all that jazz. It'd be interesting to see how that would sell in Japan today. Maybe they'd have to make Link a real nice lookin pretty boy like Cloud from FF7 or something though. I'm just kidding.
And I am so glad because maybe Aonuma will finally get fired, Miyamoto has already been forced into "retirement" and we will finally get what we deserve out of Zelda, Mario(3D Mario also bombed), and Metroid (Also bombed). but its disappointing because I expect a lot from these games, but it isn't there.
lol. Anouma won't get fired. 3d Mario didn't bomb. Gust would love to sell what 3d Mario sells. I know the hostility comes from 2d Mario's stale treament and I'm with you there. In comparison sure, 2d Mario>>>>3d Mario sales, all over the world. Metroid...well I think Other M did better than some of the Primes in Japan, but yeah with all that VAing and FMV's and the lame story, I think that will sting the franchise for some time.
Look at this crap... seriously? who are you marketing this too? what are they thinking? What is going through there minds? "what should the enemies look like?" "Holly-shit, f-yeah, that!" This is the epitome of the entire Zelda franchise at this point. The game is like an animated drag-queen contest for toddlers.
B-but isn't he adorable. Rook at dat belly belly. *poke poke poke*
I did totally love last dungeon in Skyward Sword though. And the second last boss fight.
Anyway, Monhun, FFXIII-2, Vita all coming up. This will be interesting.