As she travels with the president this week, the first lady who flags negative stories about her husband while she's in New York will be in a position to exert greater influence over his chaotic operation.
Melania Trumps spent her first few months as first lady in New York, only rarely appearing in Washington or speaking at events. Yet friends and aides say shes keeping a close watch from her gilded apartment in Trump Tower on how her husband is portrayed in the pressand that shes growing increasingly worried about the anonymous sniping from West Wing staff.
Like President Donald Trump, these people said, Melania Trump is an avid consumer of cable news, and often tracks the news of the day and will alert her husband to stories she thinks make him look bad.
She has raised concerns that some on his communications and press team arent doing enough to defend him, according aides and sources close to the president. Shes been especially troubled by background quotes in which West Wing aides criticize the president, and shes called the president to discuss it.
Her quiet role as private watchdog is at odds with her public persona. Melania Trump has been seen as generally aloof and removed from her husband's political operation since he announced his campaign in 2015, but as his administration has been consumed by infighting and outside investigations, she's grown increasingly vocal about the perceived shortcomings of staff surrounding the president.
Melania loves the president unconditionally, definitely, she really cares about the president, she feels a kind of protection, said her long-time friend and former modeling agent Paolo Zampolli, who introduced the couple in 1998. The main concern to the president and the first lady is that these leaks are unacceptable.
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