20 years ago today, Billy Corgan bestowed upon us a great gift and was never heard from again.
I didn't discover the greatness of the pumpkins until right before Billy reassembled the band in 2006 and eventually got Zeitgeist made, but I loved everything I heard.
For what its worth I for a long time considered Mellon Collie to be a sampler of sorts, an album that contains almost every sound the pumpkins have made, but that's really not true. What Mellon Collie simply is, is a selection of the best pieces written by a high motivated musician that was churning out dozens and dozens of songs. Enough material to create a double album, five iconic music videos, a tour that claimed the life of a touring member, and 6 singles worth of b-sides ,
Take some time out of your day today and listen to some of the great songs on this album. Maybe wait til sunset and listen to "Tonight, Tonight". If its bright where you are and you feel listless you might want to listen to "1979", hear the last times Billy really screams on a recording with "Bodies", and if you want to hear the best song Billy ever wrote, "33" is on there.
Happy birthday, you great album you.
XYU me if already posted.