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Member of FB Hate group "Alt Reich Nation" fatally stabs Black student/service member

Hate groups pass the Facebook moderation test. Shocking.

I reported someone for calling me a pedophile cuck and the next day Facebook said they couldn't find anything wrong with it.

Also reported a group called "The great oceanic whites purge" or something similar which posted anti-white people propaganda stuff and Facebook initially said it was fine before deleting it 2 months later and notifying me of the deletion.

Facebook moderation is trash.
Yes. thank you. White supremacy is a hate movement, not a political opinion.

No. White Supremacy is not a hate movement.

It's a fucking Terrorist Movement.

I mean literally the very first time the US government had laws on terrorists was in response to the KKK back when the KKK was wearing gas masks.
He was an officer in the military. I doubt even FOX News wants to die on that hill.

They just won't mention it and they'll find the picture that makes him look adequately scary for their old, white, hate-filled audience.

Segment header: "Thug Antagonizes Student, Is Stabbed"


This is heartbreaking. A young man, right at the beginning period of his promising life as an adult, struck down by senseless, ugly, racist hatred. For having self-respect and not "stepping aside" before a screaming bigot.

It's important this is investigated as a hate crime, and indeed, as the terrorism it is. That entire Facebook group needs to be thoroughly gone through: Did they ever talk about violence? Did they ever discuss action? This murderer did not come to this point in isolation. I want to see these other people held to account too.
I just remembered that the man who stabbed an elderly Black man in the back in NYC was from Maryland, just like the White supremacist in this incident. Neonazis from that area seem especially fired up and ready for war, keep your eyes open MD family.
That entire Facebook group needs to be thoroughly gone through: Did they ever talk about violence? Did they ever discuss action? This murderer did not come to this point in isolation. I want to see these other people held to account too.

Thing is, FB makes it more complicated on itself by not recognizing that white supremacist groups like these are inherently violent from their inception. FB would say, "As long as they don't say 'We're gonna kill, Collins', everything is allowed" because they only see it as "politics or a political opinion". If they took a step back, they'd recognize that the foundation of such a group is destruction, killing and subjugation but they can get away with meeting and spreading their shit because they focus on posting/laughing about pics of Obama as a chimpanzee or reviewing Mein Kampf for the 43rd time. When they actually want to discuss going out and harming people, they are smart enough to not discuss it on FB while FB is too dumb to recognize they're are essentially still giving them a platform to set up actionable shit like this.


Officials say Collins was with two friends near a bus stop on campus around 3 a.m. when they heard Urbanski screaming and watched him approach them.

Urbanski said "Step left, step left if you know what's best for you," according to the charging documents. Collins said "no" before Urbanski stabbed him once in the chest, the documents say.

Fuck this piece of shit.

Fuck Facebook too.


How is this NOT a hate crime? Expecting this to be pretty open and shut, which means I'll probably be disappointed in the result.
Hate or not, he committed 1st degree murder.

He should be executed, if not shackled to a cot in a jail cell for the rest of his worthless life. He is a threat to society and a waste of taxpayer money to keep fed and housed for the rest of his life.
How is this NOT a hate crime? Expecting this to be pretty open and shut, which means I'll probably be disappointed in the result.

I'm guessing those in the "not a hate crime" camp will paint the idea that:

  • He didn't use a slur while he attacked Collins
  • If Collins were replaced by a white person, they might still have been killed because they were walking up to him/not getting out of his way
  • Possibly might include something about how his "online persona" isn't the same as his real self
All dumb, manipulative bullshit but just might work on a judge and/or jury who buy wholesale into the "racism is over" lie.
The perp, Urbanski

Ever since I watched Do The Right Thing, I've always been fascinated about how white racists rationalize cheering for the black players on their favorite sports team. He's a Baltimore Ravens (NFL) fan, per the t-shirt. By default, he should have an irrational love for players like Ray Lewis, Rod Woodson, Terrell Suggs, and Ed Reed. And yet his dislike of the same skin that those same people they cheer for on Sundays was enough to drive him to stab a random man in the chest.


Thing is, FB makes it more complicated on itself by not recognizing that white supremacist groups like these are inherently violent from their inception. FB would say, "As long as they don't say 'We're gonna kill, Collins', everything is allowed" because they only see it as "politics or a political opinion". If they took a step back, they'd recognize that the foundation of such a group is destruction, killing and subjugation but they can get away with meeting and spreading their shit because they focus on posting/laughing about pics of Obama as a chimpanzee or reviewing Mein Kampf for the 43rd time. When they actually want to discuss going out and harming people, they are smart enough to not discuss it on FB while FB is too dumb to recognize they're are essentially still giving them a platform to set up actionable shit like this.

Yes, I agree. It is intrinsically violent. I was thinking of how this group could be held to account under current laws, but it is clear Facebook itself needs to do dramatically more to curb groups such as this one. They have no obligation to host or tolerate outright hate speech, yet they do and are aware of it, so they bear responsibility too.


I hope the fact that this guy was in the military helps when it comes to prosecuting this guy. Hope he rots in jail for life.

Rip Collins
I was already in a foul mood, now this makes it worse.

How do we reconcile anything when there are so many people like this piece of shit.

Christ this shit makes me so fucking angry.

All I can thing about is how senseless this all is, christ he was about to graduate.

Rest in Peace, Collins. You didn't deserve this. No one does except maybe the asshole who stabbed you.
Ever since I watched Do The Right Thing, I've always been fascinated about how white racists rationalize cheering for the black players on their favorite sports team. He's a Baltimore Ravens (NFL) fan, per the t-shirt. By default, he should have an irrational love for players like Ray Lewis, Rod Woodson, Terrell Suggs, and Ed Reed. And yet his dislike of the same skin that those same people they cheer for on Sundays was enough to drive him to stab a random man in the chest.
I have thought about this as well, and I think I can explain why: black basketball players are the equivalent of Roman gladiators. In ancient Rome, the nobility would purchase slaves and train them to fight in the arena. These slaves were valued above other slaves because they could bring prestige to the family. They were like a prized farm animal.

I think black athletes are largely in the same position for white sports team owners today. You look at the best, bid on it against other owners that want the athlete, and then you get to show the possession off to your friends at competitive events. This social position allows the team owner to simultaneously feel superior to the person he "owns" while also having a kind of elated respect for his possession.


It's time to classify the white supremacist alt-right movement as terrorism. White supremacy is the biggest terrorist threat facing this country.
RIP Collins. Every day we get more evidence that the Alt Right isnt a group that will listen to arguments or even try to improve. They are deplorable, horrible human beings, and the world would be a better place without them.

And that sucks, because I wanted to believe in a world where talking could actually fix things. But not with these groups, Ive had to accept that they dont deserve a single word wasted on them.
It's time to classify the white supremacist alt-right movement as terrorism. White supremacy is the biggest terrorist threat facing this country.

Trump has actually been working to defund all anti-white supremacy functions of the government and declassify them as terrorist organizations.


It's time to classify the white supremacist alt-right movement as terrorism. White supremacy is the biggest terrorist threat facing this country.

Problem is that a large number of white people, voting and non voting. Believe it's just an opinion to debate or agree to disagree.


Trucker Sexologist
He's completely fucked, and I hope they bury his shitty group too on conspiracy charges. The fact that he had a racist hate boner makes it easier to get him on the first degree murder charges, regardless of the hate crime enhancement.


Walks like a Terrorist, talks like a terrorist...

Oh wait, he's White?

So can I expect him to get a position in the Trump Administration?

Seriously fuck this administration for the kiddy gloves they use on white supremacists. Fuck FB for allowing a group like this to exist.

R.I.P. to the victim and condolences to his family. I hope they get the justice they're seeking.
RIP to the victim.

Fuck this cowardly piece of shit.

How do cunts like this even reconcile being football fans and racist at the same time? What, they cheer for the dudes on the field, then switch to hating their black asses the second the game is called?

Fuck 'em, put him in jail for life.
Can't argue with nazis.

Can't talk to nazis.

Can't live with nazis.

Can't give them free speech. It's like letting a lab grown super virus free, this disease infects and eats free speech and humanity.

Only a dead nazi is a good nazi.
Yes, I agree. It is intrinsically violent. I was thinking of how this group could be held to account under current laws, but it is clear Facebook itself needs to do dramatically more to curb groups such as this one. They have no obligation to host or tolerate outright hate speech, yet they do and are aware of it, so they bear responsibility too.

There should be a legal response to the group beyond what FB might implement but it says a lot that I'm not even
sure if FB will excise this group let alone if the authorities would do anything. Of course, I'm also not well versed on how modern cybercrime is really treated these days so I'm ignorant. They could be on top of it or they could let it continue to roll without interference.

RIP to the victim.

Fuck this cowardly piece of shit.

How do cunts like this even reconcile being football fans and racist at the same time? What, they cheer for the dudes on the field, then switch to hating their black asses the second the game is called?

Fuck 'em, put him in jail for life.

Ever seen Django Unchained? In that movie, black people are cheered for while they're being used as fighting animals rather than pack animals. It's no different in the mind of a modern racist. They hate black people, believe they deserve no rights & get off on using/watching them participate in sports for their personal entertainment the same way horses are raced or dogs are pit in fights.


Queen of Denmark
Facebook is complicit in this tragedy. What a fucking disgusting organization. I keep meaning to delete my account, and this will ensure that I finally do it.
Can't argue with nazis.

Can't talk to nazis.

Can't live with nazis.

Can't give them free speech. It's like letting a lab grown super virus free, this disease infects and eats free speech and humanity.

Only a dead nazi is a good nazi.

While I would agree, that would get the hippie-dippies spoutin about, "... but all humans deserve to live (even the most evil of humans)" stuff. While I subscribe to a more gray philosophy, I always think back to the Westley's "Dear God! What is that thing" speech as being a good punishment for nazis.


Ever since I watched Do The Right Thing, I've always been fascinated about how white racists rationalize cheering for the black players on their favorite sports team. He's a Baltimore Ravens (NFL) fan, per the t-shirt. By default, he should have an irrational love for players like Ray Lewis, Rod Woodson, Terrell Suggs, and Ed Reed. And yet his dislike of the same skin that those same people they cheer for on Sundays was enough to drive him to stab a random man in the chest.

People cheer for the horses they bet on, too.


I bet the odds are pretty good that he joined that Facebook group around the same time that Trump's election campaign started picking up steam.

Edit: Actually, now that I think of it, that must be true. The term alt-right wasn't a thing until Trump. Good old racism normalizer Trump.


I bet the odds are pretty good that he joined that Facebook group around the same time that Trump's election campaign started picking up steam.

Edit: Actually, now that I think of it, that must be true. The term alt-right wasn't a thing until Trump. Good old racism normalizer Trump.
Ppl forget that the alt right even denounced Fox as being too "cucked". They're that extreme.

It's a very narrow demographic of younger white males, who are very internet literate. Hence, their online savvy in organizing and spreading their toxicity.
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