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Men's Hair |OT|



Sometimes I wonder if this will become so widespread that it lasts as a trend for a super long time. It's really confusing to me because at least a year ago, it felt like something that only a few types of people were doing.

I think it will stay for awhile because it fills the void of having short sides but something "different" on top. Like lets be honest mens short hair styles are shite so atleast with this you can do loads of variations.

God knows how people get it to stick back so well though, my hair is a real bastard sometimes and just refuses.
I began parting my hair on the left side rather than my natural right starting in October when I got my last haircut. Now that it's beginning to grow out, I have this little cowlick that hasn't yet gotten used to lying in the opposite direction, so as a result I have a stray bang lying on my forehead all the time.

Also, I feel like the thickness of my hair is negating any products I use for it. I have an appointment with a stylist in a couple hours and I'm gonna ask about thinning my hair out, maybe that'll help me style it effectively. I'm hoping at least.


Thinning your hair out? I don't know what the process for that is but be careful. Also, I'm not even sure that would do what you want. I have baby-fine hair, its extremely thin and silky. I can't style it AT ALL. I can either get it cut really short with some natural volume after a blow-dry, or it grows really flat (just think of what Justin Bieber used to have as a kid, just with less volume).
My hair is generally very bulky, so the stylist used thinning shears to remove some of the mass. I wish I had thought to do this when my hair was longer, otherwise I would've never cut it all off.


Guys, I've a question/issue that bothers me. Is it normal for your hair to look better 10 hours into a day compared to when you first do it?

When I get ready in the mornings my hair looks abit flat and lifeless, yet 10 hours later it's exactly how I want it to look.

It's this because my hair is naturally abit flat and thin? Too much/wrong products? Or am I going to have to start doing my hair before bed.

Here's what I mean (sorry for the instagram)



Why does he wear the mask!?
I wake up after having done my hair and not yet washing it because im lazy, to it being styled brilliantly for me by my bed.

Bed hair, yo.
Got another haircut the other day. Top is growing nicely. I have a part shaved in each time now.

I highly recommend this if anyone is looking for a distinct part in their hair. It looks amazeballs.


Neo Member
My very original hairstyle lol, I wish I could rock the combover but if it looks stupid on someone like Cristiano Ronaldo than it's gonna look stupid on me. Feel like it only works on people with lighter features.


This is what happens if I don't cut it.



What Ronaldo has isn't even a normal comb-over, it just looks...dumb. @Tom_Cody - you have great hair, man. Wish mine was as thick.


Lately I've just been going with the Caesar for simplicity but the manperm/curls that Rocket Raccoon err Bradley Cooper had in American Hustle make me want to try it again. I haven't entertained the idea since the SNL skit with Derek Jeter having a manperm.

Looks like fun and would be different.
I was discussing with a friend the differences between photos and what we see in the mirror. When I part my hair in the mirror I usually comb it to the left side, but when photos are taken of me, which is a more accurate view of how the outside world sees me, my hair looks parted to the right. So what side do those with side parts choose?

When Clooney looks in the mirror his hair is parted in the opposite direction to the right.


And this dude parts his hair to the left in the mirror and it looks right to others.


I'm just wondering if you guys take this into account. I think most people want to look how they see themselves in the mirror, do they not? For me I've always parted my hair to the left side in the mirror, which makes me come out like the latter model picture, which is the opposite of what I see in the mirror and what I like. I think the Clooney picture shows a more natural side for most men.

Rambling post but I don't think many people think of this. Maybe it doesn't matter but for those that hate how their hair looks in photos you may want to try parting to the opposite side and may get a more accurate image of the confident side of you that you see in the mirror.
Got my hair cut yesterday, came out well considering I went somewhere new and said "well I usually get a 1.5-2 on the sides, not really sure what to do with the top this time"

Always hard finding new barbers but a friend recommended Teds Grooming Room, Its a Ted Baker place, they have 4 or 5 places around london and its a Turkish style one, so you can get shaves with massages aswell as cuts.

£25 and you get your hair washed, then its cut,then fire on your ears haha, then washed again and then styled is pretty damn good for central London.
Guy used thinning scissors on the top which was a first and its helped loads with controlling it.
Pretty tempted to pick up some American crew stuff to give that a try but fuck its expensive in the Uk.
I was discussing with a friend the differences between photos and what we see in the mirror. When I part my hair in the mirror I usually comb it to the left side, but when photos are taken of me, which is a more accurate view of how the outside world sees me, my hair looks parted to the right. So what side do those with side parts choose?

When Clooney looks in the mirror his hair is parted in the opposite direction to the right.


And this dude parts his hair to the left in the mirror and it looks right to others.


I'm just wondering if you guys take this into account. I think most people want to look how they see themselves in the mirror, do they not? For me I've always parted my hair to the left side in the mirror, which makes me come out like the latter model picture, which is the opposite of what I see in the mirror and what I like. I think the Clooney picture shows a more natural side for most men.

Rambling post but I don't think many people think of this. Maybe it doesn't matter but for those that hate how their hair looks in photos you may want to try parting to the opposite side and may get a more accurate image of the confident side of you that you see in the mirror.[/QUOTE]

My hair naturally parts on the right side like the model's, but after I got it cut in October I started experimenting with a Clooney-like left side part. It definitely has a more masculine look to it and I think it suits my facial features more, so I'm going to keep with it.
I originally posted this in Men's Fashion because I didn't know about this thread:

GAF, I currently have mid to long-ish length hair. It's a total pain to deal with and takes forever to dry and look good. I'm looking to go back to shorter hair. Does anyone have any suggestions for some shorter hair styles that look good and are easy to maintain? I went really short about a year ago, but didn't like it.
My thick hair is a curse sometimes. I couldn't dreaming of controlling my hair that well.

Yeah for all the lack of recceding hairlines and waffer thin hair, My hair just grows out not down and I cant do half the stuff I want too
I got my hair cut 11 days ago and allready I feel like the top of the sides has gotten too long and "puffy" need to cut that shit down to 1 and keep it no longer than 2 it seems.


Yeah for all the lack of recceding hairlines and waffer thin hair, My hair just grows out not down and I cant do half the stuff I want too
I got my hair cut 11 days ago and allready I feel like the top of the sides has gotten too long and "puffy" need to cut that shit down to 1 and keep it no longer than 2 it seems.

It's a pain.

If I leave mine for too long I become a brown dude with a jewfro.

Biggest problem is there isn't anywhere great to get my haircut in my Uni town.


Hi guys, I've posted this in 2 (!) threads and all of them kicked me out here, so I hope you can help me (judging by earlier responses, sure you do!)

Hi guys I need your help! I need a new haircut and I'm in a hurry, I like the classy style, this is me normally

This is me just now just awaken about to go to the gym (so you can see my hairtrype and lenght)


I look like dennis lol

I'd like your opinion too :3 I'm going to the saloon in an hour.

I wouldn't mind a "longer" style but I'm sure I have to cut it so it grows well as my nape is mesys and I hate it.
Hi guys, I've posted this in 2 (!) threads and all of them kicked me out here, so I hope you can help me (judging by earlier responses, sure you do!)

I wouldn't mind a "longer" style but I'm sure I have to cut it so it grows well as my nape is mesys and I hate it.

you don't smile much.



Do any of you trim your own sides/back. I'm happy enough to let the top of my hair grow, but the sides get wild and heavy far too quickly. Also, nowhere around my university is particularly great either, so I don't like getting cuts here.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Took you awhile to get on the Baxter train, man. Glad you tried their stuff though, definitely some of my favorite. Their pomades aren't the best but the clay is godlike.

I was just weary about ordering something like that off the bat without trying it. There is this awesome barber shop in Brooklyn that carried it.

Dance Inferno

Unconfirmed Member
I want to go to a hair stylist in NYC and have them recommend a new hairstyle for me. My roommate went to Vidal Sassoon a few weeks ago, but I feel like they may be a little overpriced. Are there any other good ones in NYC that you guys recommend?
I want to go to a hair stylist in NYC and have them recommend a new hairstyle for me. My roommate went to Vidal Sassoon a few weeks ago, but I feel like they may be a little overpriced. Are there any other good ones in NYC that you guys recommend?

Blind barber, corner barber, freemans sporting club, martial vivot salon.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
I want to go to a hair stylist in NYC and have them recommend a new hairstyle for me. My roommate went to Vidal Sassoon a few weeks ago, but I feel like they may be a little overpriced. Are there any other good ones in NYC that you guys recommend?
Person of interest barbershop
Anyone have a good tool or know of one to touch up a part line? I get it shaved a bit but don't want to make a trip to my barber every 2 weeks. I can do it myself if I have the right took but curious if anyone has a good idea/recommendations.


I want to go to a hair stylist in NYC and have them recommend a new hairstyle for me. My roommate went to Vidal Sassoon a few weeks ago, but I feel like they may be a little overpriced. Are there any other good ones in NYC that you guys recommend?
I go to Maintamed in Williamsburg. It doesn't have the profile of the places that others have mentioned but I swear by the place.

I get my hair cut by the owner and she is very good (and willing) with style advice.
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