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Mercenary Kings |OT| It's Megaman/Metal Slug meets Borderlands (lol)


I'm finding this game to be really frustrating and kind of fruitless. I feel like I never accomplish anything and the missions are really aimless and unexplained... Plus it has weird performance issues on PS4.

I mean, why are the Rookie missions so punitive? Why can't I get at least one trophy? Why is nothing really explained? Why must I pool lives with my co-op partner and lose money if they're dicking around?

This game looks so fun, why can't it just BE fun?

I'm playing solo and I don't find it frustrating (I lost some time on some stupid missions but then I just started skipping the ones I hate).
But yeah, it just feels like.. all these missions are just a juicy bonus to a full game. I know it's stupid since playing the game from left to right would make it.. 1 hour long? But still, I don't really dig this structure. I started skipping dialogues since it's clear I'm far from the ending and they didn't develop anything. I didn't feel the need to change my gun until I got slaughtered by a boss, but by then I had enough cash to get lots of armor power-ups and a badass rifle.

Still, I find it hard to go back to it.


Fuck this design to artificially inflate playtime. I'm playing this level(over and over again) where there are multiple doors that need C4. But you can only carry 1 at a time and so you keep having to traverse back and forth through the same electrical bullshit and reappearing enemies.
I've done this same exact route dozens of times.

Other ways which increase game length via bullshit:
-useless, filler missions(which is like 90% of all missions)
-finding and gathering rare materials by doing the same missions repeatedly
-load times
-spread out objectives
-going into an infirmary and having to wait as your health very slowly regenerates
-not being able to shoot diagonally
-bosses escaping to another part of the level
-the home base hub
-having to fiddle and fuck around with inventory, enhancements, equipment and managing your character so they're not overloaded.


At a certain point, playing solo becomes a chore. Around the major rank, I believe. I had to platform upwards to traverse somewhere but on each ledge there was a woman with a spear that can pierce through the wall of the ledge you are on (she can hit you, you can hit her with a knife but you'd lose the battle...maybe you win with pierce bullets). Since you get knocked down when you are hit and drop, it made it impossible to climb the ledges.

There are certain problems with the game. Some elements of the game do make it artificially longer or add difficulty poorly but its an okay game. Finally, after about 3 or 4 ranks I have found a new gun that is actually useful. Many of the levels could be constructed better as well as the map. However, I think the worst thing is the enemy set. Many bad ideas used for enemies.
Ok I finally am gettin burned out on the game. It was fun while it lasted but now I see y I don't play monster hunter. Not into replaying levels for drops or waiting for rares.
Fuck this design to artificially inflate playtime. I'm playing this level(over and over again) where there are multiple doors that need C4. But you can only carry 1 at a time and so you keep having to traverse back and forth through the same electrical bullshit and reappearing enemies.
I've done this same exact route dozens of times.

Other ways which increase game length via bullshit:
-useless, filler missions(which is like 90% of all missions)
-finding and gathering rare materials by doing the same missions repeatedly
-load times
-spread out objectives
-going into an infirmary and having to wait as your health very slowly regenerates
-not being able to shoot diagonally
-bosses escaping to another part of the level
-the home base hub
-having to fiddle and fuck around with inventory, enhancements, equipment and managing your character so they're not overloaded.

I could tolerate everything else if the missions weren't so dull and had more variety.
Had my first crash last night when I was in the middle of a mission. Annoyed the hell out of me, this game is now becoming more annoying than fun.


So since the Speedrunner trophy is glitched, apparently when you get the meter to 112/112 it doesn't pop, I've been working to get it to 111/112 in preparation for the patch.

So I upload my save to the cloud, and go about finding the last mission I haven't sped through yet so I know which one it is after the patch goes live.

Thing is, I can't find it!

I've been through every last level in the game 3 god-damn times now and my speedrunner meter still reads 111/112. So either I've managed to somehow miss the same mission 3 times in a row, or, the trophy is so bugged that it doesn't even bother to register all 112 missions on the meter.

Release the patch in EU already Sony.


A Sheep
This and Fez have the same stupid warp zones that go all over the place. Just give me a hard side scrolling shooter!!


Hard Corps. Uprising remains unchallenged, just gimme an PS4 version of that, ready to give up on this game,

I've shot the Steel Soldier down in 4 or 5 locations and he hasnt even started blinking red to indicate weakness to capture. I'm like 6 or 7 hours in at this point, what a waste. Scott Pilgrim destroys this game.


I meant that, if it hadn't been submitted, it's not Sonys fault.

According to the Tribute Games twitter account though, a patch is now out in the EU.

I getcha, I'm pretty sure Tribute Games said they don't get to decide when it goes out, Sony does, so I assume they gave Sony the patch already.

Good to hear it's out though, gonna check it out when I get the chance.


I was interested in this game and then I saw Super time force and Broforce and I think those are more my style. I don't like slow grindy games. This has performance issues too? Not a good luck...
Fuck this design to artificially inflate playtime. I'm playing this level(over and over again) where there are multiple doors that need C4. But you can only carry 1 at a time and so you keep having to traverse back and forth through the same electrical bullshit and reappearing enemies.
I've done this same exact route dozens of times.

Other ways which increase game length via bullshit:
-useless, filler missions(which is like 90% of all missions)
-finding and gathering rare materials by doing the same missions repeatedly
-load times
-spread out objectives
-going into an infirmary and having to wait as your health very slowly regenerates
-not being able to shoot diagonally
-bosses escaping to another part of the level
-the home base hub
-having to fiddle and fuck around with inventory, enhancements, equipment and managing your character so they're not overloaded.

yea, your right about that. I'm pretty much done with the game.

I didn't like it at first, and then it grew on me and got really fun. But after playing for a while, those issues started becoming more visible. And after a while I started becoming bored of it. After the last crash, I was like, yea, im done.

Now that Final Fantasy is out. I probably won't play this game again.


The game is too much Borderlands and not enough Metal Slug, I got burnt out quickly on the PC version.

I'm enjoying Broforce much more.


would have got this on ps+ if it was on ps3.
still it looks good, will play on steam when it's on sale or something.


Tried this the other day for the first time, not sure whether it's for me :/

I dunno, maybe I'll return to it in a few days with a fresh perspective. I guess I was expecting something more fast paced.

The game is too much Borderlands and not enough Metal Slug, I got burnt out quickly on the PC version.

I'm enjoying Broforce much more.
I've actually been watching quite a few videos of Broforce on Youtube recently and it looks like a helluva lot of fun. Does anyone know if there's any chance it's coming to consoles?
The game is too much Borderlands and not enough Metal Slug, I got burnt out quickly on the PC version.

I'm enjoying Broforce much more.

having played both of these games for the first time last night, I concur that Broforce is imminently more enjoyable and fun.

Mercenary Kings seems tedious and bloated.


Game gets patched but the same hiccup still rears its ugly head, maybe not as often though? Surprisingly am still managing to enjoy this game, further I get along more fun it seems.


Well the patch adds stars next to the mission we've got the fastest times on, which is a huge improvement over what it was before.

Only issue now is that going online sometimes leaves me in limbo staring at a blank screen, which never happened before the patch.


Been playing this game even though it's an exercise in frustration and heartache most of the time. The mJor mission with the spear ladies is incredibly dumb.
I have to admit, I really suck at this game. May be not used to playing games Contra style anymore, I pretty much run into everything.
Been playing this game even though it's an exercise in frustration and heartache most of the time. The mJor mission with the spear ladies is incredibly dumb.
Not sure which mission you're referring to, but if it's your first time inside the temple area then ball ammo works a treat on them due to drop.


It had so much potential, but it's barely fun. And what little fun there is to be had runs out as soon as you get stuck on a mission.

It's a good idea with poor execution. None of the mechanics feel good and the platforming is really bad. A sequel could maybe fix a lot of my issues with it, but I doubt I'll ever touch this version of the game again. At least it's not Contrast I guess?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Fuck this design to artificially inflate playtime. I'm playing this level(over and over again) where there are multiple doors that need C4. But you can only carry 1 at a time and so you keep having to traverse back and forth through the same electrical bullshit and reappearing enemies.
I've done this same exact route dozens of times.

You can equip C4 at the camp to start with one.

Mid mission you can use the radio to get a C4 drop.


Not sure which mission you're referring to, but if it's your first time inside the temple area then ball ammo works a treat on them due to drop.

Learn patterns and run around them?

I've already speed run the level. I just think that was particularly bad. Also the level where you gotta jump to a platform where two knife rush guys spawn or fall down and have to enter the building to climb up. That is probably the worst.


So the timer on this game says 30hrs... and i just beat the Final Boss last night.

But by accident half way through the Colonel missions i apparently did the invincibility glitch and ever since then i couldn't stop myself from using it. Thank god too cuz metal woof is one of the most annoying bosses of all time.

All i wanted was my AP missles and last night i finally got them,,, Now im not sure i will play this game anymore.

One thing i will say.. is the music on SOME missions was an absolute delight. on others it was pure garbage.
Notable examples:
- during the story intro.
- Neil's lab facility
- Tropical Alternate


I got the Platinum trophy a few days ago. It's a good game once you get past the first few hours and get enough supplies for a good weapon and armor upgrades.


I got the Platinum trophy a few days ago. It's a good game once you get past the first few hours and get enough supplies for a good weapon and armor upgrades.

Not sure how anyone deals with the grinding necessary to craft these items for trophies towards the end. Basically 10+ hours of just doing the same levels over and over again. I took to the time to get through this game but it's starting to sour with the realization of how boring finishing these trophies will be.
Really glad I'm playing with my girlfriend through the game. As much as I love grindy games, I can obviously see doing it solo as a huge chore.


New patch is live: https://twitter.com/TributeGames/status/487720846971383809


The loading time improvement is indeed slight.
Patch was a day too late, I just finished speed running the rest of the missions so all I have left is the grind for materials /: The loading decrease might ease that though.

Sushi Nao

So I've been playing this a fair bit. I'm still on recruit missions because I don't have a ton of time to git gud, but I'm being held back by some issues and have some questions.

First time being in this thread, and first time hearing about jump being tied to equip load. Do you jump higher, or just faster? Is there a double jump later?

Where is Ironside? It's hard enough to make it through that whole confusing level, but getting stuck with 7/8 hostages is really discouraging. Is it a jump I need to make?

Can I only invite friends to my game? I've been randomly matched into other people's games (and didn't even see them) but I haven't had anyone join me.

Thanks guys :)
So I've been playing this a fair bit. I'm still on recruit missions because I don't have a ton of time to git gud, but I'm being held back by some issues and have some questions.

First time being in this thread, and first time hearing about jump being tied to equip load. Do you jump higher, or just faster? Is there a double jump later?

Where is Ironside? It's hard enough to make it through that whole confusing level, but getting stuck with 7/8 hostages is really discouraging. Is it a jump I need to make?

Can I only invite friends to my game? I've been randomly matched into other people's games (and didn't even see them) but I haven't had anyone join me.

Thanks guys :)

Yeah you jump higher only with less weight. Not really any faster and no double jump down the line. There are hard to reach areas, but the trick to those is to radio in a first aid kit and use the carebox to boost yourself higher.

Ironside? Can't really remember what that is, but if thats a boss you can radio one of your allies to show you where the bosses are on the map. Very useful.

Not sure if the online is kinda dead now.
I really wanted to like this game but these missions are not fun at all. Came in hoping it would be a level to level run in gun like Contra and Metal Slug left disappointed. Total waste of assets on what could have been a great game
My friends and I finally beat the game last night; been playing it about once a week since its PS4 launch. And on the last night, 33 hours in, we first discovered that:

- Un-equipping your gun lets you run faster.
- You can drop items by pressing square + up.

Overall I enjoyed it, largely I think because I'm a 2D guy and I've always been stuck playing 3D games online with my friends (why oh why did no one ever want to play Hard Corps Uprising with me???). Finally I was able to be the best player in the group.

Good things: The general gameplay, the guns, the customizability (which seems to open up a lot at the end, with mods that can completely change play style - I'm definitely gonna play a bit more), the art, the music, the bosses (except the final boss).

Bad things: Online probs/crashes at least once a night, too many same-y missions, artificially-extended gameplay (bosses moving around over vast areas and C4 doors), story didn't really do anything for me.

I don't know if anyone is interested in doing a sequel, but I think this is a solid foundation that could be bolstered is a lot of ways through just more money and time, and could be spiced up with different missions/environments and even crazier guns. A lot of people seemed to be turned off immediately, so a more directed beginning that gets people more familiar with the loot-based character/weapon-building could attract a wider crowd? Also playing single player definitely feels barren and wrong, but you'd almost have to create two games (one single, one multi) in order to make both modes feel right.

So yeah, if anyone who made this game is reading this, thanks! I definitely enjoyed my time, and look forward to your next venture.
Just came to say that I finally decided to start playing this game a few days ago and after getting used to the reloading mechanic and familiar with map layouts, I'm really enjoying it.

- Going for the "Favorite" trophy (use the same gun w/ no added parts consecutively in every mission in a given rank) right off the bat during the Recruit rank missions quickly acclimated me to the game and was a great tutorial of sorts.

- The amount of customization is pretty crazy and I dig the crafting in this game.

- I think this is a great game to listen to podcasts to-- though I really like the music. I've been playing this and Rouge Legacy while listening to the news or Bombcasts, etc..

- For whatever reason it just didn't pull me in when it first came out, but it was likely a timing thing as I was up to my ears in other games at the time and the amount of crafting and customization felt like a huge time sink that I just didn't have room for. Glad I got around to firing it up.

If you don't project some sort of expectation of it being like a poor-man's Metal Slug then I think the game stands well enough on its own.
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