I'm finding this game to be really frustrating and kind of fruitless. I feel like I never accomplish anything and the missions are really aimless and unexplained... Plus it has weird performance issues on PS4.
I mean, why are the Rookie missions so punitive? Why can't I get at least one trophy? Why is nothing really explained? Why must I pool lives with my co-op partner and lose money if they're dicking around?
This game looks so fun, why can't it just BE fun?
I'm playing solo and I don't find it frustrating (I lost some time on some stupid missions but then I just started skipping the ones I hate).
But yeah, it just feels like.. all these missions are just a juicy bonus to a full game. I know it's stupid since playing the game from left to right would make it.. 1 hour long? But still, I don't really dig this structure. I started skipping dialogues since it's clear I'm far from the ending and they didn't develop anything. I didn't feel the need to change my gun until I got slaughtered by a boss, but by then I had enough cash to get lots of armor power-ups and a badass rifle.
Still, I find it hard to go back to it.