Got this game on steam this past weekend. It really is great. The quicklook did NOT do it justice.
I wish there were more bosses though. Im only at rank 3 so I hope there are alot more towards the end.
Depends on your weight/equipment load. At low encumbrance, you have air control.Heard the jumping in this is in a fixed arc, pressure sensitive... sounds like it could be awful and a game breaker for me. How is it?
Music and graphics are good. But initially I had to recreate my character as a male after seeing the female character was 75% bouncing tits.
For the modifications which allow different ammo, are they expensive and do they weigh your character down? Do you have to buy more after each mission? I have no idea how any of it works.
Anyone beaten the 3 Prime Soldiers solo and have some tips? I'm getting wrecked at this point, and the only video posted of this fight is of a co op run.
Well its a shotgun with the fire bird shot ammo, accuracy is totally irrelevant with that ammo.
If you dont know what I mean, watch this short 20 seconds clip of me firing the weapon.
The link works even if you dont have a facebook account.
Doesn't seem like it.Is there any way to remove the map/stats on the bottom half of the screen during 2 player co op? It's really annoying. Plz GAF
ThanksYou can just equip that ammo, no penalties or additional cost once you have it crafted (like any other part). Well, besides some types doing less damage than standard bullets. Getting parts with 100% compatibility together is enough of a cost already.
Was this posted yet?
Developer teasing their new game:
I'm guessing Ghost 'n Goblins/Ghouls 'n Ghosts inspired.
im pretty much addicted to this game now. At first, I didn't like it at all, gave it more time. Now I play it everyday. Even the frequent crashes isnt stopping me. Man, if the next borderlands had weapon customization like this.
But man.the rifles and submachine guns is great and all, but, those magnums and shotguns are BEAST MODE. Finding the right combination of parts and I be clearing house with most enemies going down with a single shot.
Awesome, another game where flaws can be hidden behind "difficulty"
Did anyone else face any trouble killing the steel soldier with the knife?
I can damage it just fine when the steel soldier is facing left, the canopy opens and I can just hit it with enough distance and do damage but when the steel soldier is facing right, then I cannot damage it, tried close stabs, edge stabs etc but only a *null damage* sign would pop up everytime.
Still managed to beat it.
My PS4 doesn't detect there's a patch (1.01) for this game at all.
I boot up the console - nothing
Boot up the game - nothing
Deleted, redownload and install the game - nothing
Works for every other game. As far as my PS4 is concerned, there is no patch for this game.
I think someone mentioned earlier you have to talk to the robot and connect online for it to activate (lol)
Whoa, you can jump farther if you equip a first aid kit or something instead of your weapon
Man the orange mew cat gun is ridiculous. Making meow sounds with every shot. And the gun is literally a cat shooting a gun of its own. Silly.
But the stats though, got dayum.
100% accuracy
very light
reload under two seconds and it has a VERY wide bonus reload field that adds 10% damage
it has like 5 rounds
and its around 1000 damage
geezus ..and the gun is a SHOTGUN at that .
That because this game has a weight system similar to dark souls. The heavier the items you have equipped, the slower you run and jump and stuff.
By switching from your gun to another item, the weight of the gun is subtracted from your over all weight, so your weight limit itsnt as high, so you will run faster and jump higher.
Your weight becomes a very big issue in the late game where it requires you to do a lot of jumping and manuvering and a heavy gun is only going to make those boss battles much harder since your character aint jumping far or high enough.
Also, everything has a weight, the supplies, the character mods, the knife and the gunparts.
So its very good to keep an eye on the weight of your items.
By hitting the track pad and going to status, you can see what you current weight is and see the weight of all the items you have on your character. At the bottom, it will tell you your movement speed and total weight your carrying.
very fast
very slow(you do not want to be in this area, you cant even roll and you move very very slow and your jumps suck)
5.1-8kg is normal to give you a sense of the scale.
and anything over 11kg puts you at very slow.
Anything under 5.0kg puts you at fast or very fast.
and average weight of a gun with a part in each slot is like 4.0kg
There are some gun parts that increases a bunch of my guns stats but it makes the over all gun very heavy, so I dont even use the part.
be careful with those character mods too. They are very heavy. Like just putting on one adds like 2.4kg to your weight. adding two, your pretty much going to be slow unless you got a very light gun.
Try to stay under 8.0kg as anything over that will put you into slow or very slow.
the whole weight limit system changed the game for me because no I have to be super causious about what supplies and mods to take into battle. And the fact that even if you dont use a knife at all, its still taking up weight that you would rather use else where like carrying two more rations instead.
Finally played a bit of this. I've hard crashed 3 times on a boss. That's extremely frustrating when you go through the same boring level 8 times and the damn boss spawn is random every time.
What missions/rank has the guy that I need to rescue in order to repair the jungle bridge? I need that medium meat, man
What weapon customization do you recommend? I'm on major and getting bored of my shotgun cat
What weapon customization do you recommend? I'm on major and getting bored of my shotgun cat
Not sure if it's the gun type or the ammo type but when I jump and shoot downward with my magnum round firing machine gun my descent is slowed allowing me to jump much farther. Made Rush N Retrieve much easier.
Actually, im on the same rank as you and Im using the orange shotgun cat myself. So far, its the best damn shotgun to me, and thats all I pretty much use.
I've tried using the submachine guns, assault rifles, and machine guns, but those usually take a couple shots to kill an enemy where as the shotgun usually kills them in one or two blast.
The snipers would be great, but everyone ive tried had a crazy long reload time, like 3 damn seconds or more........wut!?
The handguns just straight up suck.
But the magnums though, those are a fucking beast. The clint fucking damn that thing is a monster.
I use mostly shotguns and I sometimes use the magnums when I need precision.
On my cat shotgun, I use the birdshot type ammos since they got a wide spread and can hit multiple enemies and even hit enemies diagonally. Which is damn useful. So I dont have to be super precise in my aiming. Just point in their general direction and somethings gonna hit em.
I want to see what the buckshot ammo is about but I dont got the materials needed to make em though.
I mostly use weapon customizations that make me use a particular ammot type. SO my cat shotgun, any part that takes my shotgun rating past 100%, I dont use. Any part that makes my gun too heavy, I dont use. SO that limits a lot of the parts I can use. My cat shotgun doesnt even have a magazine, a scope, nor a stock. Just a long barrel and the ammo. The reciever by itself wrecks face.
Since your tired of it, I'd say try the other cat weapon or just a differen ammo type and see if that changes up your gameplay some.