You are the one who looked down on dlc. Not me.
I never looked down on dlc, quote me on that, I challenge you lol.
Gamers play games, not read books.
That tells me everything I need to know about you.
Not every game does that.
And not every game has a digital complete edition, again what's you point? You can't nitpick examples that fit your argument and ignore all the counters to it.
Games that dont have full edition disc.
And digital games that don't have complete editions either?
I get all complete package on sale for cheap. Instead of buying them separately. That saves me alot of money, which can be used to buy other games.
You buy bundles, this is different than "complete editions". And yes it's cheaper, no one said Physical is cheaper? Argument was, when you get banned, Physical Owners can still play their games, you cannot.
Again, not every game allows that. Only big publishers who can print out 2nd game disc.
And not every publisher does complete editions either so you have to separately buy the dlcs too.
Then why are you keep writing PC master race then? Because 700 games on steam, makes you a pc master race too. So you are attacking yourself.
Because "PC master race" is such a shit take, I don't even want to be part of a "pc master race". Looking at the development towards GaaS, gaming in whole is going down the shit. PC and Console alike.
Are you even a pc gamer to begin with? People were pissed about 70$ ff7r and Forespoken on steam and epic.
You know, there is this thing called "choice". You seem to not understand it's concept since the whole point of this conversation is "There are Pros and Cons when going Digital vs Physical" yet you somehow felt attacked when I pointed out that there are benefits for going physical on console lol. What are you getting so defensive about? Where did a physical game release hurt you that you feel the need to try and fight it so much?
Because they have long term library, compared to consoles. You cant play ps1-ps3 games on ps4 and ps5. same with xbox consoles. They had to use BC program on xbox to play those games. Steam users still have their 1st purchased games, and can play those games. Consoles dont have that option again.
No they don't? There are many games that don't work because of old requirements that modern PCs are just "to modern" for. Or games weren't made with future proofing and simply either refuse to outright launch or run like crap etc.
Also, with VR rising, you already have segregated hardware tied libraries. Got a Valve Index and want to play Resident Evil 4 VR? Guess you can ask Zuckerberg, but you'll have to buy a META VR Headset to play that game. Whoops!
We are going to ignore all that adds on the consoles had? You know those unlock characters, maps? Or that dlc golden armor horse on oblivion?
"The first microtransaction sold by a major publisher was in 2006 when Bethesda sold horse armor in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for $2.50. It was made as an experiment to test the market's reaction to DLC. Most players reacted negatively, claiming that $2.50 for an in-game cosmetic item was too much."
You are the one who started conversation, which you had no clue about it. You didnt even know the 1st game which started mtx movement. Your points are pretty much worthless.
Which is wrong. A quick google search would have told you that the first Microtransactions date back to Double Dragon 3 in 1990, a arcade game where you could buy upgrades in a shop in exchange for coins you'd toss into the machine. On Windows it most likely was MapleStory which came out in 2003. Must hurt to not even get that right huh?
Point is.
Physical has the benefit of permanence. You can pop in 99,9% of the games you own into your console now, or in a 100 years. Your console can be hardware banned or you can live in a cottage with no internet. You can play that game.
You can even resell it if you don't feel like playing it anymore. You can lend it. You can't do that on digital, only if you create a new account for every game you own, then you could sell or lend it obviously. Steam sharing could be seen as lending, but you cannot both be online so it's just a semi workaround either.
Digital has the benefit of being cheaper and widely available.
No one claims otherwise. But you also have to include the drawbacks, which are:
Physical, if you break your disc, well you're out of luck and need to get a new one. And it's more expensive.
Digital on the other hand, if your account gets banned, everything is gone. You cannot resell games, only if as said above you got a account for every game. You can only resell your whole account and that's even against TOS of all Storefronts. You need a internet connection to download those games in most cases. On console, you had the incident of the internal battery dying and MS/Sony having to issue patches so that once the service goes offline those games can be played without authentication. Also, once your service goes dark, you cannot even claim your games anymore. If Steam or any other Storefront were to go out of business, so does your games library.
There is no "perfect" way to buy games. There are only tradeoffs and claiming one is better than the other is a blatant lie. It all comes down what each person values more.